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And just like that, Rex Ryan is officially eliminated from playoff contention.


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The Rex Effect on the Bills defense:

Yards per game: 2014 4th, 2015 21st

Pts/game: 2014 4th, 2015 17th

Pass Def: 2014 3rd, 2015 23rd

Run Def: 2014 11th, 2015 15th

Sacks: 2014 1st, 2015 30th

Turnovers: 2014 30 takeaways, 2015 20 takeaways.

Good thing Rex berated that scrub Schwartz for his under performing defense.

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Percy missed more than half the season.  There's been nothing but positive reports about Richie and you have a point about Lesean.  However,  Mario has been complaining all season in and out of the locker room.  I am not saying that he (Mario) doesn't have some valid complaints but he did cause some damage within.

feel sorry for you Jeannie, all my Jills friends have seen the light and want the Pegulas to tar and feather this carni

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 Yes,  I was warned by many here.  I just didn't think we could miss with all the talent we have.   

Rex is roughly 99 % of the problem.  Fire him and you'll be in much better shape than you were at the start of this season.  Any decision other than that this offseason and your franchise is set back another 3-4 years.

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I was in Vieques this weekend and it was glorious. No phone, no noise. Wild horses would come up to my oceanfront suite looking for a sugar cube from the coffee tray. The one sh*t moment came when I foolishly wore a Jets T-shirt to breakfast and this Romney-looking guy comes up to me at the omelette station and says, "Jets fan, eh?" I could hear the Bahstahn in his voice, and I knew what was to follow. I said "yep" anyway. And then he says, "I'm sah-ree ha ha ha." I just took my omelette, nodded, and walked away. This happened because of Rex. Rex Ryan sh*t on my omelette.

You eat Rex Ryan's pieces of sh*t for breakfast? 

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Rex is roughly 99 % of the problem.  Fire him and you'll be in much better shape than you were at the start of this season.  Any decision other than that this offseason and your franchise is set back another 3-4 years.

He is a huge problem but I know he's not going anywhere.  At least not this upcoming year.  

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But again, who cares?  He's not our problem any more.  

It seems petty to care more about someone else failing than our own success.  I'd personally like the beat Rex Ryan and the Bills. 

As would I.  That wasn't the point though.  The point was that us losing to the Bills twice doesn't change the perception of Ryan, that's now been nearly universally adopted.

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lockroom discord? no way!

just wait until rex lobbies for rob to join next season. than buffalo will get Hard Knocks and descend into true disfunction. 

ironically the offense hasn't been the problem

if i was on the bills' staff, i'd stand way off the sidewalk with rex around


He'll definitely get one more year.  Pegulas, who are on the hook for a contract that is still due over $20 Million Dollars,   are also very slow to fire anyone.

Please, PLEASE PLEEEEEAAAASE Jeaniec, let the bills hire Rob Ryan as your DC.  That would be absolutely amazing!  Unlike some here(and in Buffalo) I like Rex and would absolutely love to see this happen!

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 Yes,  I was warned by many here.  I just didn't think we could miss with all the talent we have.   

The Rex effect is cumulative once he gets his input into a few drafts in a row.  One of the biggest problems when he was here was that almost no young talent was ever developed under Rex.  Maybe he has learned his lessons and it will be different for you guys but I think not.

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The Rex effect is cumulative once he gets his input into a few drafts in a row.  One of the biggest problems when he was here was that almost no young talent was ever developed under Rex.  Maybe he has learned his lessons and it will be different for you guys but I think not.

Id say its worse than that....  he lets them run the show. No accountability.

REX lives in the ravens SB win in his head.  Where he believes HIS defense won the game.

The Ravens drafting those players was the key...  when REX is involved, you get Kyle Wilson.

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Please, PLEASE PLEEEEEAAAASE Jeaniec, let the bills hire Rob Ryan as your DC.  That would be absolutely amazing!  Unlike some here(and in Buffalo) I like Rex and would absolutely love to see this happen!

When Rex was asked about his brother coming here,  he wouldn't give a definitive answer so this might be a possibility.  Heaven help us.

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The Rex Effect on the Bills defense:

Yards per game: 2014 4th, 2015 21st

Pts/game: 2014 4th, 2015 17th

Pass Def: 2014 3rd, 2015 23rd

Run Def: 2014 11th, 2015 15th

Sacks: 2014 1st, 2015 30th

Turnovers: 2014 30 takeaways, 2015 20 takeaways.

Good thing Rex berated that scrub Schwartz for his under performing defense.

I think this angle is my favorite part of all of it.


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 Yes,  I was warned by many here.  I just didn't think we could miss with all the talent we have.   

I'm not here to say I told you so. Just to say I feel your pain.

If they retain him, it will get worse before it gets better. 

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I was in Vieques this weekend and it was glorious. No phone, no noise. Wild horses would come up to my oceanfront suite looking for a sugar cube from the coffee tray. The one sh*t moment came when I foolishly wore a Jets T-shirt to breakfast and this Romney-looking guy comes up to me at the omelette station and says, "Jets fan, eh?" I could hear the Bahstahn in his voice, and I knew what was to follow. I said "yep" anyway. And then he says, "I'm sah-ree ha ha ha." I just took my omelette, nodded, and walked away. This happened because of Rex. Rex Ryan sh*t on my omelette.

If by Vieques, you mean brooklyn and by ocean front breakfast buffet you mean the counter at waffle house, I totally believe this :)

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I was in Vieques this weekend and it was glorious. No phone, no noise. Wild horses would come up to my oceanfront suite looking for a sugar cube from the coffee tray. The one sh*t moment came when I foolishly wore a Jets T-shirt to breakfast and this Romney-looking guy comes up to me at the omelette station and says, "Jets fan, eh?" I could hear the Bahstahn in his voice, and I knew what was to follow. I said "yep" anyway. And then he says, "I'm sah-ree ha ha ha." I just took my omelette, nodded, and walked away. This happened because of Rex. Rex Ryan sh*t on my omelette.

One time I was in Florence drinking a Fernet Branca while waiting for an old friend, and this brunette sat down next to me and started waxing philosophical how one could like money and fight crime all at the same time. Weird sh*t. Then some old guy nodded at me from across the patio.

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I'm not here to say I told you so. Just to say I feel your pain.

If they retain him, it will get worse before it gets better. 

You're right Integrity,  you did try and warn me.   It is doubtful that he's going anywhere.  It will be interesting to see what this will do to ticket sales in 2016

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Guys even jeaniec, the most optimistic and benevolent fan we may have ever come across, has thrown in the towel and seems to have lost hope.  That's just tragic!  Look at what you did Rex!  LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!!!!!!

Simply stated,  I've seen far too much on the field with my own eyes.  

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Buffalo Bills Community


Twitter rumors about Bills new structure,...


YoloinOhio's PhotoYoloinOhioToday, 06:46 AM

This guy Joe Chenelly has a source somewhere at OBD. He's had some info in the past. Fwiw:

@jchenelly: Current GM Doug Whaley will need to accept a lesser role w/ the #Bills if he is to remain with the team at all. There will be a new chief.

@Nagle_23: @jchenelly where you getting this info from

@jchenelly: @Nagle_23 Personal friend who is in the know and OK with me sharing, as has been the case for about a year.

@nickellion79: @MikeSilver @RaiderBounty @Na_Na_Nesci @JeremyWGR Mike any chance you think they realize they made a mistake with Rex?

@jchenelly: @nickellion79 Yes. But the person who will decide Rex Ryan's fate is not yet working for the team. #Bills

Wow... Even I am surprised by these comments......

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Wow... Even I am surprised by these comments......

"Yes. But the person who will decide Rex Ryan's fate is not yet working for the team. #Bills"

If this is true,  the organization must plan on changing reporting procedure  because Rex currently reports directly to Terry and Kim Pegula.  

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No surprise about any of this.

Team revolts once they realize Rex is a fraud that feels his schemes are more important than really putting players in their best spot to succeed.

GM is going to get it in the neck even though half the moves of the team have Rex's prints all over them.

Some assistants will be tossed to appease the powers that be but Rex will survive.

Rex being handed a top 3 NFL defense and fing it all up kind of makes all the blame Idzik took for not giving rex any players moot.  Rex can't win with holes in his D and can't win with a ready made established top 3 D now.

Just a massively overrated defensive coach to go along with his joke of a head coach credentials.  I've said it before, he is his brother.  Give him the kind of shi* his brother has been asked to coach with for years and he'd have the same results.

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