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Jets called out by Darron Lee's mother on twitter


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7 minutes ago, SenorGato said:

I believe it is most about confidence - believing both in themselves and each other.

Jets fly together

If they do that, truly do it and play as one, then they can accomplish anything their hearts desire. 

Jets fly together

Did you know that when the Blue Angel's get into that diamond formation, that they fly 18 inches from wing tip to wing tip.  

Focus, practice, confidence, determination and team work.  

Super Bowl.

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This should really ingratiate Lee with the coaching staff. I mean, I'm sure he only said flattering things about them and Mrs. Lee just pieced this together from her own observations watching TV. Whining to his mommy about the coaches that made him a day 1 starter. 


Well I suppose at least it's for the right reasons, and not whining about them because they aren't playing him enough. Still has to have the presence of mind to tell mommy to never post anything negative about her son's team or anyone associated with the team. Ever.

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This is how you beat the jets, you take away their dline with extra blockers for a few series until they get discourage and stop trying.  You go deep and you throw 3 yard passes that turn into 10 yarders.  Our schemes suck and our coaching staff is 100% failing to adjust to what other teams are doing,

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