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Biggest Surprise in the Sack


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I would have to say it was the finger in the back door...holy ****. Took me a couple of weeks to recover.

Fortunately, I have never come acrossed a tranny or just a flat out drag queen. Anyone care to share an expereience with a tranny? You know, someond you didn't outright know was gay and you boned them anyway...

Now I have read a stat more than a few times that something like 40% of males have had a gay experience...so come clean...I know the mods of the world are out in the open air...but the rest of you; 124, Green Beans, GG, Thai Jet, Southern Jet, joebaby...come clean homos. Come clean.

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When I was in college me and some friends went to Montreal. One night I got real drunk and got seperated from my friends and don't remember how I got home. The next morning I'm on the can and I look down and there's this strange hair in my pubes. I pull it out, it was a foot long and jet black for the first half and then peroxide blonde on the bottom. I looked at it and said "dear lord, I just hope it was a woman." So if I've been with a hooker or a queer or anything like that it was then but I'm not really sure. I never told my friends about this. I didn't get any diseases either. Thank you jebus.

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I would have to say it was the finger in the back door...holy ****. Took me a couple of weeks to recover.

Fortunately, I have never come acrossed a tranny or just a flat out drag queen. Anyone care to share an expereience with a tranny? You know, someond you didn't outright know was gay and you boned them anyway...

Now I have read a stat more than a few times that something like 40% of males have had a gay experience...so come clean...I know the mods of the world are out in the open air...but the rest of you; 124, Green Beans, GG, Thai Jet, Southern Jet, joebaby...come clean homos. Come clean.

Old school here. NEVER have nor have EVER had any desire to. As Alf would have said .. " Pass" . :)

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When I was in college me and some friends went to Montreal. One night I got real drunk and got seperated from my friends and don't remember how I got home. The next morning I'm on the can and I look down and there's this strange hair in my pubes. I pull it out, it was a foot long and jet black for the first half and then peroxide blonde on the bottom. I looked at it and said "dear lord, I just hope it was a woman." So if I've been with a hooker or a queer or anything like that it was then but I'm not really sure. I never told my friends about this. I didn't get any diseases either. Thank you jebus.

For heavens sake it's French Canada want do you think ? :biggrin:

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Many, many years ago. I was on R&R in Bangkok and we had picked up these bar girls (prostitutes)...back then it was like $11.00 for the entire night and they would leave your hotel room in the morning.

Anyway, the drinks started flowing and the girl I had paid for was beginning to give me the creeps...mind you, I hadn't touched her up to that point...we are still at the bar. Go back to my hotel room and all of a sudden, I get the idea that this is really a guy. Just the way she/he was wrapped up in her clothes just seemed a little strange. So, there were twin beds in the room and I say to her/him at that point to just stay in the other bed and don't touch me.

Long story short, she/he leaves the room in the AM, goes to my taxi driver (who also is one of the local pimps) to take her/him home. He comes back to the hotel and knocks on my door and wanted to know what went wrong. I told him I wasn't touching some damn he/she and he started laughing...he said she was 100% girl and she wanted to know if I was gay. Anyway, I was out only 11 bucks, but it was an experience I will never forget.

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I would have to say it was the finger in the back door...holy ****. Took me a couple of weeks to recover.

Fortunately, I have never come acrossed a tranny or just a flat out drag queen. Anyone care to share an expereience with a tranny? You know, someond you didn't outright know was gay and you boned them anyway...

Now I have read a stat more than a few times that something like 40% of males have had a gay experience...so come clean...I know the mods of the world are out in the open air...but the rest of you; 124, Green Beans, GG, Thai Jet, Southern Jet, joebaby...come clean homos. Come clean.

Sorry homie, I've only had sex 2 times (two kids - go figure) - no stories there. ;)

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I'm completely in favor of consenting adults doing whatever/whomever agrees to do it. But, I will never, ever, understand how a guy can be attracted to another guy. We're disgusting. I don't even understand why women want to be with us, though I'm very glad they do.

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I'm completely in favor of consenting adults doing whatever/whomever agrees to do it. But, I will never, ever, understand how a guy can be attracted to another guy. We're disgusting. I don't even understand why women want to be with us, though I'm very glad they do.

vibrators dont mow the lawn.

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I would have to say it was the finger in the back door...holy ****. Took me a couple of weeks to recover.

Fortunately, I have never come acrossed a tranny or just a flat out drag queen. Anyone care to share an expereience with a tranny? You know, someond you didn't outright know was gay and you boned them anyway...

Now I have read a stat more than a few times that something like 40% of males have had a gay experience...so come clean...I know the mods of the world are out in the open air...but the rest of you; 124, Green Beans, GG, Thai Jet, Southern Jet, joebaby...come clean homos. Come clean.

never gone gay.

never had a finger in the butt.

weirdest was the chick with a weird p*ssy... maybe I was drunk... maybe I was stupid. but cant seem to remember any lips around her naughty parts.

she also gave me the worst blowjob ever. left me black and blue. kicked her out at 6am cause I was going to play golf. And I dont even like golf. My d!ck was sore for days. Of course I told everyone at work (worked for a minor league baseball team) and they decided to get cute over the walkie talkie about my sore d!ck... with her standing next to me... last time I got to see her naked. she ended up f#cking some guy who worked for me to get revenge... :)

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Many, many years ago. I was on R&R in Bangkok and we had picked up these bar girls (prostitutes)...back then it was like $11.00 for the entire night and they would leave your hotel room in the morning.

Anyway, the drinks started flowing and the girl I had paid for was beginning to give me the creeps...mind you, I hadn't touched her up to that point...we are still at the bar. Go back to my hotel room and all of a sudden, I get the idea that this is really a guy. Just the way she/he was wrapped up in her clothes just seemed a little strange. So, there were twin beds in the room and I say to her/him at that point to just stay in the other bed and don't touch me.

Long story short, she/he leaves the room in the AM, goes to my taxi driver (who also is one of the local pimps) to take her/him home. He comes back to the hotel and knocks on my door and wanted to know what went wrong. I told him I wasn't touching some damn he/she and he started laughing...he said she was 100% girl and she wanted to know if I was gay. Anyway, I was out only 11 bucks, but it was an experience I will never forget.

:rl: Good one. No boom boom for you that nite. ;)

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I'm completely in favor of consenting adults doing whatever/whomever agrees to do it. But, I will never, ever, understand how a guy can be attracted to another guy. We're disgusting. I don't even understand why women want to be with us, though I'm very glad they do.
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I'm completely in favor of consenting adults doing whatever/whomever agrees to do it. But, I will never, ever, understand how a guy can be attracted to another guy. We're disgusting. I don't even understand why women want to be with us, though I'm very glad they do.


I understand completely, I really don't understand what makes a male attractive...good thing chicks like the penis or we'd be in deep ****.

I love the he/she stories...lol, i think it would freak out to the point of not being able to talk if i were hit on by a he/she....

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I would have to say it was the finger in the back door...holy ****. Took me a couple of weeks to recover.

Fortunately, I have never come acrossed a tranny or just a flat out drag queen. Anyone care to share an expereience with a tranny? You know, someond you didn't outright know was gay and you boned them anyway...

Now I have read a stat more than a few times that something like 40% of males have had a gay experience...so come clean...I know the mods of the world are out in the open air...but the rest of you; 124, Green Beans, GG, Thai Jet, Southern Jet, joebaby...come clean homos. Come clean.

Listen about the finger, I gave you plenty of non-verbal signals. Not my fault if you can't read those signals.

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never gone gay.

never had a finger in the butt.

weirdest was the chick with a weird p*ssy... maybe I was drunk... maybe I was stupid. but cant seem to remember any lips around her naughty parts.

she also gave me the worst blowjob ever. left me black and blue. kicked her out at 6am cause I was going to play golf. And I dont even like golf. My d!ck was sore for days. Of course I told everyone at work (worked for a minor league baseball team) and they decided to get cute over the walkie talkie about my sore d!ck... with her standing next to me... last time I got to see her naked. she ended up f#cking some guy who worked for me to get revenge... :)

We had a med mal case at an office I used to work at. This attractive woman is consulting with my boss (also an attractive woman) for over two hours. She leaves and my boss comes in and tells me "She had a lip off". I shrugged and said she looked fine to me and my boss says "not those lips". Turns out the woman had a botched "lipectomy" trying to beautify her nether regions. Ugh. My boss was freaked out because she was shown the offending part(s).

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We had a med mal case at an office I used to work at. This attractive woman is consulting with my boss (also an attractive woman) for over two hours. She leaves and my boss comes in and tells me "She had a lip off". I shrugged and said she looked fine to me and my boss says "not those lips". Turns out the woman had a botched "lipectomy" trying to beautify her nether regions. Ugh. My boss was freaked out because she was shown the offending part(s).

why on earth would a woman want to cut off her p*ssy lips?

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Exactly. I don't think the actual technical term is "lipectomy". That's just what we were calling it. Moral of the story: Get a good doctor!

I'll tell my story later.

I know a girl who got it done.

Never saw them before hand but got to see the finished product. I know a guy who saw them before the surgery and said it needed to be done.


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I would have to say it was the finger in the back door...holy ****. Took me a couple of weeks to recover.

Once you are married and your wife knows what the bathroom smells like right after you have dropped a huge dump, you are pretty much guaranteed that there will never be a sneak attack on your bunghole.

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Once you are married and your wife knows what the bathroom smells like right after you have dropped a huge dump, you are pretty much guaranteed that there will never be a sneak attack on your bunghole.

I don't think Sandra Bullock would mind though...

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My girlfriend knows I am Dr. Zaius / I28 on here... therefore I have nothing to add to this thread.

My wife knows I'm #27, but I'll take my chances and she's probably heard this story.

Not very exciting and long, I may have told it here before, but it freaked me the hell out. I had just gotten out of a long term relationship and some women at my office were pushing me to date one of their daughters. I was just on the wrong side of 30 and she was a cute little thing of 21 with huge boobies so eventually I took the bait.

I knew her from around the office, but we had only hung out one time. We meet at the office and head to the City. Right away it's pretty obvious that she's a little freaky and it quickly becomes evident that I will not have to try very hard with this one.

We head back to my apartment, at her request, and get right to business. She'd probably seen too many pornos, so she is doing all kinds of things, going wild and talking filthy. Eventually I get in a rythm and I'm hammering away and I realize she sounds like she's chanting something. I start paying attention to her filthy mouth and I realize that she keeps repeating "Say you love me! Say you love me!" over and over again. I stopped. She actually says to me "Just say it, you don't have to mean it". I'm not that big of a man, so eventually I finished, but I felt like I was on Candid Camera.

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