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Darrelle Revis Holdout: MERGED


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This is terrible news. I won't have anything to talk to you about anymore.


holy sh*t dude

incentive clauses ARE worthless, why would a player agree to that instead of "real" money ?


team goals ? what gives you the impression he is interested in team goals ?

tanny signed 4 first round picks with the strategy of in return for a lower cap number, the player gets more in bonuses and guanrantees, and this situation seems to fit that as well

I know Revis hurt your feelings and all, but you can bet that he wants a Super Bowl ring as much as any other player in the league.

And yes, a lot of those incentives could be worthless, but a $15M bonus and the abilty to say he got what he wanted would have some value.

I'd be very surprised -based on D'Brick's deal and what the Jets supposedly offered Leon- if they came to the table offering a large bonus. Especially for Revis, given his penchant for holding out.

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The salary cap can be altered in ways that make guaranteed contracts possible. It's a far from perfect system, and players are asked to take the brunt of it. If the Bills can't afford to compete in Buffalo, then they should move rather than ask for handouts from the other owners. If the other owners think it's so important to have a team in Buffalo, then they should create a larger pool of shared money to help keep them afloat. The salary cap is a system designed to limit players salaries in the way that impacts the owners the least.

I get what you're saying with injury guarantees. I think the onus should be on the team to insure those deals. Those insurance costs could be part of the total compensation package.

But teams should definitely be on the hook for skill guarantees. Players are asked to play for extremely undervalued deals (see: Revis, Darrelle) simply because they signed their name to a contract that proved to be a poor deal for them - but owners are supposed to be free to cut anyone they chose to sign to a contract that turned out to be more than the player's worth? It's not a fair system. Both sides should be required to honor agreements. The result should be shorter, fairer deals for both sides - not the one way contracts you see now for everyone but the highest draft picks.

It's not fair? Oh, man. Since when is life fair? They don't own the team. We are not all the Borg.

Bring one of these guys to work with you for a month then see how unfair they think it is that playing football should pay them so well. They could have been born decades ago and their incredible football skills would be worth crap.

Injuries are part of the game. Any time one of these guys think it's too unfair they can go to a job without the potential for such rewards.

And injuries have nothing to do with guaranteed megadeals. The injury risk is the same for guys who never make it. So are those guys' lives less important, or should every injured football player get tens of millions of dollars if they got injured on the job?

I've got no issue with the teams paying insurance premiums in the event of career-ending injuries. But fully guaranteed long-term contracts or the permanent abandonment of the salary cap will be bad long-term for the sport.

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I know Revis hurt your feelings and all, but you can bet that he wants a Super Bowl ring as much as any other player in the league.

And yes, a lot of those incentives could be worthless, but a $15M bonus and the abilty to say he got what he wanted would have some value.

I'd be very surprised -based on D'Brick's deal and what the Jets supposedly offered Leon- if they came to the table offering a large bonus. Especially for Revis, given his penchant for holding out.

I just got a kick out of you proposing fake money as part of the solution rather than a big chunk of up front cheese, cuz that seems to be what you have been all about for the last 3 weeks

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It's not fair? Oh, man. Since when is life fair? They don't own the team. We are not all the Borg.

Bring one of these guys to work with you for a month then see how unfair they think it is that playing football should pay them so well. They could have been born decades ago and their incredible football skills would be worth crap.

Injuries are part of the game. Any time one of these guys think it's too unfair they can go to a job without the potential for such rewards.

I recognize this as the emotional response from someone who makes a lot less than pro athletes, but as a highly successful businessman/investor who's made more money in this failed economy... whoops, wrong account!


These guys don't compare themselves to you and me, they compare themselves to other pro athletes who have longer careers and guaranteed contracts playing for franchises worth much less than the ones they play for. You may not care about what's fair to them, but it's their union's job to get them a fair deal in the open marketplace of professional sports. Right now, compared to other leagues, they have the worst deal. The salary cap rules can be adjusted to get NFL players compensation more in line with that of the MLB or NBA without destroying the integrity of the game.

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I recognize this as the emotional response from someone who makes a lot less than pro athletes, but as a highly successful businessman/investor who's made more money in this failed economy... whoops, wrong account!


These guys don't compare themselves to you and me, they compare themselves to other pro athletes who have longer careers and guaranteed contracts playing for franchises worth much less than the ones they play for. You may not care about what's fair to them, but it's their union's job to get them a fair deal in the open marketplace of professional sports. Right now, compared to other leagues, they have the worst deal. The salary cap rules can be adjusted to get NFL players compensation more in line with that of the MLB or NBA without destroying the integrity of the game.

You miss my point, then. I don't think any of it's fair and I don't give a crap whether it's fair or not. It's not fair that some guys get drafted by better teams with better coaching. it's not fair that they were born at the right time in the right country where football is so well rewarded. Hey, awesome for them. You're born with something advantageous at a given time, go and use it. But it has nothing to do with fairness. The world is not fair. The league is not fair.

Should the NFL also do away with the draft? That isn't fair to the player coming out of school. Do away with the salary cap? It isn't fair that teams in a bigger media market will make more and therefore can pay more. Share every dollar of revenue equally among the teams? That isn't fair to the owners that paid premiums for higher-valued franchises or built money-driving venues.

The point is, none of it's fair. Big deal.

I understand Revis holding out, and am not totally unsympathetic to his reasoning. His play is worth a certain amount of money if he can make it through his rookie deal healthy. If he gets hurt badly enough it could all go up in smoke. Is that fair to the team that took the chance on drafting him, that he would hold out of camp with 3 years left on his contract? No. So what? It's not fair either.

Fairness is for classmates in elementary school. Adults should know better.

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I just got a kick out of you proposing fake money as part of the solution rather than a big chunk of up front cheese, cuz that seems to be what you have been all about for the last 3 weeks

I never thought the Jets would go for $30M up front, and I think I've been pretty clear about that. I recognize their need to protect themselves. But a contract like Brick's that gave him a $1.6M bonus wasn't going to fly, either.

I think I'm probably high at $15M, but I'm just figuring that would give him close to Aso money in year one, and should be the amount that gets him back.

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If Tim is correct his source had to be a 3rd party. I seriously doubt that the Jets or Team Revis would violate their own agreed media blackout. Both the Jets & Team Revis have to deny the rumor because of the agreed media blackout.

Beat writers contacting either side are dumb because they wouldn't be told the truth.

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THEORY: Everyone is saying this Cowshare guy doesn't do football and isn't tight with the Jets cuz he's in Texas. Maybe the deal Cowshare knows about is a deal to trade Revis to a Texas based team and Cowshare heard about it from Texas people and thats why Vrentas and the other NY based writers know nothing.

Remember, a newspaper psychic predicted Revis going to the Texans for 2 first rounders.


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That theory is a far reach. The Jets would probably rather have Revis than 2 1st round picks from both an on-field and monetary standpoint. We know what we have in Revis, and we'd have to negotiate and give big money to both of those 1st rd picks as well. We're better off keeping Revis, even if he holds out for a year.

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If Tim is correct his source had to be a 3rd party. I seriously doubt that the Jets or Team Revis would violate their own agreed media blackout. Both the Jets & Team Revis have to deny the rumor because of the agreed media blackout.

Beat writers contacting either side are dumb because they wouldn't be told the truth.

Seems like the answers they're getting arent denials either. More like "there are no plans as of this time". I have no idea how Cowlishaw would know, or the 3rd party he found out from for that matter.

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This reports flies in the face of reports I am hearing that Revis may or may not have a contract ready by Wednesday...or another day of the week. Honestly though, are you going to believe some Nascar watching, hockey playing Texas "journalist," or a trusted and valued member of these here boards?

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Not really. Reality TV is what makes the $$$MONEY$$$ these days, and everyone knows that reality TV is a bunch of manipulated and contrived situations strung together to create "story lines."

You don't really believe this do you?

No way this was scripted. There would have never been a media blackout had it been.

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This reports flies in the face of reports I am hearing that Revis may or may not have a contract ready by Wednesday...or another day of the week. Honestly though, are you going to believe some Nascar watching, hockey playing Texas "journalist," or a trusted and valued member of these here boards?

He's not just some small town writer, he also works for ESPN. he probably has good sources.

We'll see.

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I wholeheartedly agree the Jets are a football team that hires football players to play football.

They are not a life insurance company.

Call Prudential or Allstate for that, but don't expect to be awarded huge amounts for claims before they happen.

I hope Revis' drama backfires miserably and results in new contract rules that protect the owners.

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I have been telling many other non sophisticated Jets fans that negotiation is a PROCESS. And it once again holds true. As a highly successful business executive, I have learned through the experience of many high-profile and complex negotiations. These things take time. The chicken littles who said the sky is falling are once again proven wrong.

this is pure rumor.nobody has been proven wrong(or right,for that matter)

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Vrentas and Mehta are young pups about to learn the fateful lesson that a GM will lie to your face and damage your credibility if they think it could save him a nickel.\\


Funny though isn't it? Less than 24 hours after Sanchez looked like mierda, new deals are on the horizon for Revis and Mangold. Like Tanny just said, 'yeah, I'm definitely going to need them' as soon as the game was over.

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And the Jets do have some young beat reporters these days. Probably related to the scaling back on the newspaper end. But I agree they are going to be shocked to find out that they have been lied to. It will happen eventually, as it should. The GM has to do what is best for the team.

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I hope Revis' drama backfires miserably and results in new contract rules that protect the owners.


The owners make the rules. If they need new protections, they'll take them. Don't worry. They've got the best labor deal in professional sports and they're going to lock the players out to make it even better.

**** the players, get yourself a Woody Johnson hat and glasses for gameday!

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The owners make the rules. If they need new protections, they'll take them. Don't worry. They've got the best labor deal in professional sports and they're going to lock the players out to make it even better.

**** the players, get yourself a Woody Johnson hat and glasses for gameday!

Revis is already doing it. They'll have him to blame.

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Can one of the 'this was staged for hardknocks' people please explain how that thought process would help the Jets or Darrelle Revis in anyway shape or form? Hell, I don't even see how it helps HBO that much. It's not like they're selling ad space. You really think a soon to be over paid cornerbacks contract situation is drawing new subscribers? Maybe, had they not ha a media blackout, and kept the national interest what it was that first week.

None of that adds up.

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And the Jets do have some young beat reporters these days. Probably related to the scaling back on the newspaper end. But I agree they are going to be shocked to find out that they have been lied to. It will happen eventually, as it should. The GM has to do what is best for the team.

I dont know how much stock id put into Tim Cowlishaw over a bunch of NFL and JETS reporters who are all much more connected in Jets and league-wide sources than Cowlishaw is. This definitely is free advertising for Cowlishaw though... He claims the announcement will take place Weds or Thurs...Thats 3 or 4 days away. And due to the media blackout, neither the Jets or Revis can deny it outright. Even if this thing is completely made up, I guarantee a lot of people around this nation with an interest in the Revis negotiations will be hearing/reading a lot about Tim Cowlishaw these next few days.

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I dont know how much stock id put into Tim Cowlishaw over a bunch of NFL and JETS reporters who are all much more connected in Jets and league-wide sources than Cowlishaw is. This definitely is free advertising for Cowlishaw though... He claims the announcement will take place Weds or Thurs...Thats 3 or 4 days away. And due to the media blackout, neither the Jets or Revis can deny it outright. Even if this thing is completely made up, I guarantee a lot of people around this nation with an interest in the Revis negotiations will be hearing/reading a lot about Tim Cowlishaw these next few days.

Hard to tell either way. The "this source has never been wrong" card is a funny one. What's next, "this wrong has only been wrong once".

He could be BSing. Seems like a risk on his part though.

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