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Who was super pissed about Revis holding out for QB money last year?

Out of those, how many think adding Aso in addition to Revis at QB money is a good idea?

One CB making QB money: bad. Two CB's making QB money: good.

Thanks in advance for your input.

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Who was super pissed about Revis holding out for QB money last year?

Out of those, how many think adding Aso in addition to Revis at QB money is a good idea?

One CB making QB money: bad. Two CB's making QB money: good.

Thanks in advance for your input.

i was pissed that revis was demanding 16m. i was happy when he signed for 12, which is what i thought he deserved

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Who was super pissed about Revis holding out for QB money last year?

the Jets weren't choosing between Revis and Payton manning. they were choosing between Revis and not-Revis.

people make these statements about how they'd rather have a pass rusher than Aso or they'd rather have a top 5 QB instead of Revis. Yeah me too. But those aren't the choices.

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the Jets weren't choosing between Revis and Payton manning. they were choosing between Revis and not-Revis.

people make these statements about how they'd rather have a pass rusher than Aso or they'd rather have a top 5 QB instead of Revis. Yeah me too. But those aren't the choices.

No, it's more like some people here want to have Edwards + Holmes rather than Aso + Holmes. If it was simply between the best pass rusher available or Aso than that's a no brainer.

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Not my money.

As long as we retain future cap flexabillity and competativeness, vs. planning for "win now", I could care less how much these guys make.

The Jets with Aso are better than the Jets without Aso or with Cro.

Being better increases our chance at a title.

Hence, as long as it doesn;t cap-kill us, I am for it if it can be made to happen/work.

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Who was super pissed about Revis holding out for QB money last year?

Out of those, how many think adding Aso in addition to Revis at QB money is a good idea?

One CB making QB money: bad. Two CB's making QB money: good.

Thanks in advance for your input.

Give me credit here, slats. There's no doubt my stance on these issues have been 100% consistent. :-P

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No, it's more like some people here want to have Edwards + Holmes rather than Aso + Holmes. If it was simply between the best pass rusher available or Aso than that's a no brainer.

The difference is it's Holmes + Edwards + another 5+ million dollars to spend on a #2 CB and who knows what else vs Holmes + Aso covering #2 WRs

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Its wasnt the money, it was the principle.

I fully support any decision Rex Ryan makes when it comes to our defense. I'm pretty confident he knows whats better for the NY Jets than a bunch of talking heads on a message board.


Plus, that was a somewhat loaded question Slats, is it possible for anyone to answer it right unless they agree with your point of view?

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Plus, that was a somewhat loaded question Slats, is it possible for anyone to answer it right unless they agree with your point of view?

Nope he just wanted to drag the argument out of the thread it was buried in hoping to find more people who agree with him.

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Plus, that was a somewhat loaded question Slats, is it possible for anyone to answer it right unless they agree with your point of view?

No, but then that's always the case.

People were out of their minds last year about paying Revis QB money, now people are all excited about the prospect of paying a second CB QB money. Boggles my mind.

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Nope he just wanted to drag the argument out of the thread it was buried in hoping to find more people who agree with him.

I really don't give a fvck about people agreeing with me. I thought I made at least that much clear over the years here.

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No, but then that's always the case.

People were out of their minds last year about paying Revis QB money, now people are all excited about the prospect of paying a second CB QB money. Boggles my mind.

Let me unboggle your mind for you... the "people" you are talking about are Jets fans on an internetz message board.

That should tell you everything you need to know.

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Who was super pissed about Revis holding out for QB money last year?

Out of those, how many think adding Aso in addition to Revis at QB money is a good idea?

One CB making QB money: bad. Two CB's making QB money: good.

Thanks in advance for your input.

I think that Revis is worth that money....and so is Aso. I'll pay 24million in a heartbeat to make even the most high powered of offenses a one dimensional "run" offense.

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I would have been more pissed if Revis actually got QB money.

In 2009, the 16th highest paid QB in a 32 team league, David Garrard, got $8.5 million.

Revis' contract was for 2010, so you have to raise that 10% or so, but it is clear that Revis did indeed get QB money.


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In 2009, the 16th highest paid QB in a 32 team league, David Garrard, got $8.5 million.

Revis' contract was for 2010, so you have to raise that 10% or so, but it is clear that Revis did indeed get QB money.


So did holmes... and harris is tagged for qb money... brick and mangold are making qb money...

Sure if you use the average QB... give me a top 5 salary... then talk

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