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Todd Haley fired


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There have been persistant rumors that Haley and Pioli hated each other and had a very contentious relationship.

This has been brewing and something must have happened after the game in order for Haley to get fired. Remember, they won just last week.

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He can't be? KC reporters are already speculating that Pioli is leaning toward replacing Haley with Josh McDaniel. Yeah, I think Pioli can be stupid enough to hire Schottenheimer.

Plus, there is an obvious connection between the Schottenheimer family and Kansas City. Schitty may turn out to be a natural fit.

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So the Jets get no credit for yesterday's win in your book?

Sorry. Spellcheck thing. Post was supposed to read: "When the championship Jets throttle you like that and strip the life from your entire franchise, you need to adopt a scorched Earth policy, starting with the now-emasculated head coach."

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Guys playing with out a QB. Wonder if it had anything to do with that personal foul ?

Todd Haley's ego got him fired. People have reported that he is difficult to work with...why did Charlie really leave? Yeah to be with his kid in school blah blah blah. Todd Haley seems to be a great offensive coordinator that can be really hard to get along with. Those combined don't have you serving as a head coach for long.

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I thought that was how it was supposed to read.

In all seriousness, this game made me give up social media entirely. The amount of homerific delusionals flying across the Internet yesterday was staggering. People were chattering about what "the line" would be for a Jets-Packers Super Bowl. The consensus was Packers -3. I deleted Twitter and Facebook instantly.

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It's all Schitty' s fault. Does anyone seriously think he will be fired? only way he leaves is via HC gig

Yeah, like the HC position he left for up in Buffalo? Dude didnt even go on the interview. Schotty wont leave for a HC position because he knows he'll be f'ing exposed. He has to and must be fired. Woody needs to come out of the box suite, tell his illuminated friends to hold off on the secret handshakes for a sec, go down stairs, fire schotty and get back to what the hell he's doing. He's killing me with this sh*t already. He's horrible man.

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