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Just like that, Pats are the #1 seed in the AFC


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With the Steelers loss, The Pats move to #1 in the AFC

Please, please please Rex, find a way to motivate this team to run the table. This would mean a 1st round game against the beaten up Texans.

If, and that;s a BIG IF we win there, we'd go back to that sh1thole up north for our 3rd crack at the Pats this year,

Please, please please allow this to happen Rex

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Yeah, no. The Jets have been blown out both times they faced the Pats this year. They need to pray that Norv gets the Chargers to win the AFC West because that's their best chance at another fugazi run in the playoffs.

Remember that cakewalk of Peyton Manning and Tom Brady back to back last year? Rex gets by on luck!

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Yeah, no. The Jets have been blown out both times they faced the Pats this year. They need to pray that Norv gets the Chargers to win the AFC West because that's their best chance at another fugazi run in the playoffs.

There is no way in any scenario that the Jets would get to play the Chargers until the AFC championship game, I get the point, but using the Chargers was the wrong team to use to get the point across. The Jets playoff run if by some miracle they get in, will be Houston, NE, and then Balt. Pitt winner. So it ends in Foxboro more than likely this year if we make the playoffs, I can't see Rex and this team as bad as they are losing to TJ Yates.

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The last time you want to face right now is San Diego.

New England is going to be one and done. Their defense is so bad that a Baltimore, Pittsburgh, San Diego (if they get in) will chew them up.

It is amazing how bad the NFL is this year. Everyone (other than Green Bay) has some kind of glaring issue.

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The last time you want to face right now is San Diego.

New England is going to be one and done. Their defense is so bad that a Baltimore, Pittsburgh, San Diego (if they get in) will chew them up.

It is amazing how bad the NFL is this year. Everyone (other than Green Bay) has some kind of glaring issue.

Green Bay is built the same way as NE. Perfect QB play, tons of receiving options, and a horrible defense that you can beat as long as your bone-headed QB doesn't hand them the ball with multiple turnovers.

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The last time you want to face right now is San Diego.

New England is going to be one and done. Their defense is so bad that a Baltimore, Pittsburgh, San Diego (if they get in) will chew them up.

It is amazing how bad the NFL is this year. Everyone (other than Green Bay) has some kind of glaring issue.

Don't sleep on the Saints they are team 1b IMO with the Pack being 1a

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He defended playing Big Ben and made excuses to why the lost without addressing how they'd fix it.

It was a joke - I was taking a jab at all the Rex haters who come out of the wood works after every loss.

I don't hate Rex, but nobody is above criticism. You've reached DWC levels of homerism... I try to maintain some level of objectivity.

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For whatever reason this version of the Jets is wayyyyyyy off from even last year....Not sure why, multiple reasons

But you can't tell me Rex and company can't repeat last years run through that craphole up north. Beating a team 3 times in one year is awfully difficult.

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For whatever reason this version of the Jets is wayyyyyyy off from even last year....Not sure why, multiple reasons

But you can't tell me Rex and company can't repeat last years run through that craphole up north. Beating a team 3 times in one year is awfully difficult.

I honestly and truly believe we win at least two more games with Braylon Edwards on the team. And another game at least with Damien Woody.

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I honestly and truly believe we win at least two more games with Braylon Edwards on the team. And another game at least with Damien Woody.

What if one of the extra games we win with Braylon, is also one of the extra games we win with Woody... and how do you account for the games we won with Plaxico scoring TDs that were most likely the games we would have lost with Braylon here?

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I honestly and truly believe we win at least two more games with Braylon Edwards on the team. And another game at least with Damien Woody.

Can't argue with that

Braylon f-ed himself by leaving....Big Wood had a Achillies...for an older big man, that's a tough one to come back form

Hunter is so up and down it's sickening

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And they could have rode their flying pigs to their playoff games!

LOL, true.

I think Sanchez can play better, but Hunter, maybe, and Smith, no.

The thing is, RT and S are pretty important positions. If you have the worst starter in the NFL at those positions it's going to be tough.

How do you scheme against your own RT not being able to block and your S who can't cover?

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the pats have the worst defense in the league, they'll lose again in the playoffs as they do every year

Check the numbers B/O.

If the Pats have the worst defense in the league, the Jets must have the worst defense in the world.

Most here want to blame Schott for the Philly debacle but the defense took a big sh!t on the couch Sunday and has done this for a good chunk of this season.

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Check the numbers B/O.

If the Pats have the worst defense in the league, the Jets must have the worst defense in the world.

Most here want to blame Schott for the Philly debacle but the defense took a big sh!t on the couch Sunday and has done this for a good chunk of this season.

patriots are ranked 32nd in defense while the Jets are 7th

there are only 32 teams in the league so the Pats must be worst right?

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Check the numbers B/O.

If the Pats have the worst defense in the league, the Jets must have the worst defense in the world.

Most here want to blame Schott for the Philly debacle but the defense took a big sh!t on the couch Sunday and has done this for a good chunk of this season.

Sorry, Buddy, but the Patriots have the worst defense in the world...and they just lost their best defender for the season.

The Pats will be one and done again. A good QB will kill the Patriots pass d. If a team can effectively take away the Pats TE position, Brady will not be able to get the O churning. I laugh at the Pats fans that think they have a realistic shot at a Superbowl. Only way that is happening is if Big Ben Rapistburger's ankle gets worse, Revis Island sinks into the Ocean, the Ravens D over-doses on laxatives the night before, and the Chargers or Texans fly cross country into a blizzard. Shoot, I can almost guarantee that Matt Moore will throw for over 300 yards this Saturday. I'm afraid of this game, nevermind the playoff's. I'm just enjoying the ride - Brady is doing a remarkable job considering the putridness which is the Pats D.

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patriots are ranked 32nd in defense while the Jets are 7th

there are only 32 teams in the league so the Pats must be worst right?

Sorry, Buddy, but the Patriots have the worst defense in the world...and they just lost their best defender for the season.

The Pats will be one and done again. A good QB will kill the Patriots pass d. If a team can effectively take away the Pats TE position, Brady will not be able to get the O churning. I laugh at the Pats fans that think they have a realistic shot at a Superbowl. Only way that is happening is if Big Ben Rapistburger's ankle gets worse, Revis Island sinks into the Ocean, the Ravens D over-doses on laxatives the night before, and the Chargers or Texans fly cross country into a blizzard. Shoot, I can almost guarantee that Matt Moore will throw for over 300 yards this Saturday. I'm afraid of this game, nevermind the playoff's. I'm just enjoying the ride - Brady is doing a remarkable job considering the putridness which is the Pats D.

Sheeeesh....Where did I say the Pats D was the Steel Curtain? Check the points allowed column you'll see the NYJ have allowed more points than NEP......does any other stat really carry more weight?

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For whatever reason this version of the Jets is wayyyyyyy off from even last year....Not sure why, multiple reasons

But you can't tell me Rex and company can't repeat last years run through that craphole up north. Beating a team 3 times in one year is awfully difficult.

I think that things are breaking perfectly for jets to make another run, Houston is not very good without Schaub and the Pats have a terrible defense...

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