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Sanchez Now Written Off


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Reading through this site I would have thought we were 0-16. Some of you are in such a panic mode it is laughable. We were 8-8...we need to calm down. Been through much much worse times with this damn team with much worse QB'S and Coaches.

I just want to see if everyone here has really written Sanchez off completely. I know some of you have a strong hatred towards this third year guy who has more road playoffs win than any QB who's been here, taken us to 2 AFCC games, and is in his 3rd year but are you really ready to quit on him? Are you ready to just throw in the towel with this kid in only his 3rd year? Or is everyone just upset and venting and willing to give this kid one more year with a complete training camp and hopefully a better RT. Just want to see what u guys really think.

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He has not made the progress we expect from him- regressed this year with his mechnaics and decision making. That is what a lot of Jet fans are upset about- that and not making the playoffs!

Yeah I can definitely understand that but even so, I still think he gets at least one more year. Some of the older guys here might be more impatient though.

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Pretty much here's the breakdown at this point:

-You've got one group of people who absolutely completely despise the guy and think he's the worst player in the history of the NFL, and most of them have been saying that for about 3 years now, and that's not going to change any time soon, although there have been certainly more people joining them lately.

-There's others who blindly think there's absolutely nothing wrong, none of his crappy play is his own fault and those two playoff runs make up for everything else. Again, they won't be changing their minds any time soon, regardless of what happens on the field.

-The difference is now that group who falls in the middle, which accounts for most of the posters here, are definitely leaning much more towards the negative side and away from the positive side than in the past. I think the general opinion these days is that at this point, he's playing like crap. Regardless of any of the excuses you want to make, there's clearly some issues he has and needs to work out. Nobody really has a clue if he will, but there's at least some hope that it will happen, and they can maybe even understand giving him another chance to show he can do that before completely giving up on him. However, there's also not enough confidence there to suggest that he should continue to be the completely unquestioned starter and pretty much the only real QB on the roster who they'd ever actually play.

Granted that's more just generalities and there are varying opinions throughout that, but that's pretty much the major breakdown at this point, the difference again being that the negative group is getting stronger while that middle ground group is being less positive, and for good reason. It also doesn't help when you're evaluating opinions days after the Jets season came to a disastrous close, as you're always going to get a much less pleasant view of things. The bottom line is there's a chance he'll get his sh*t together, but I sure wouldn't count on it.

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^Excellent breakdown. What's scary is that the guys who have been anti-Sanchez from the start have relied on fairly reliable scientific predictors which concluded, basically, that Sanchez would end up this way while the pro-Sanchez guys are relying on, ummm, faith(?)

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Reading through this site I would have thought we were 0-16. Some of you are in such a panic mode it is laughable. We were 8-8...we need to calm down. Been through much much worse times with this damn team with much worse QB'S and Coaches.

I just want to see if everyone here has really written Sanchez off completely. I know some of you have a strong hatred towards this third year guy who has more road playoffs win than any QB who's been here, taken us to 2 AFCC games, and is in his 3rd year but are you really ready to quit on him? Are you ready to just throw in the towel with this kid in only his 3rd year? Or is everyone just upset and venting and willing to give this kid one more year with a complete training camp and hopefully a better RT. Just want to see what u guys really think.

A lot of Jet fans are extermley upset at our team taking a step back, when a great majority of us believed we would be taking the next step forward which in my mind related to us winning the division, getting a first round bye and winning the AFCCG then going to the SB. Wasn't that what Rex said?, Wasn't that what Rex promised?

It's not all on Sanchez, Sanchez is the round hole, and Shotty is the square peg...it just doesn't work. But we knew Shotty was jeckle/hyde...Sanchez is a third year QB and simply not ready to be "Brady-like", nor do we have the TE's to be that now. Nor the offesnive game plan either.

I believe we took Rex's bravado and statements as fact and bought into his belief hook line and sinker. That's ok if we would have made the playoffs this year. But we didn't and the team was clearily in complete disarray and diconnected.

A blinds eye is given when all is right and we are winning, but when the sh*t hits the fan, and you lose to the Raiders, Ravens, Pats twice, Eagles, Giants, Dolphags and then throw in the fact we got Tebowed, I can see where a majority of the Jet fans want freakin action...Standing pat with this team is a mistake. We need change. and the first place is OC....I believe we bring in a new OC and create a game plan that helps Sanchez along and not expose his a$$ as a human pinyada.

And here is the most important part, build the O and D with some draft picks and Rex needs to just learn from his mistakes this year and correct them which inlcudes just watching some things he says.

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In my opinion, the Jets made it to the AFC Championship game twice despite Sanchez. Although he played well in his playoff victories, the Jets were led by a strong running game and dominant defense. These two elements were missing from this year's team. Tannenbaum and Ryan have to figure a way to get to previous form, both on defense and at RB (and OL). It will be difficult given the age of some players, and also salary cap situation. The Holmes incident just makes this worse.

As for Sanchez, he has shown he can compete when he has a defense and running game, but he also has shown he cannot carry this team by himself. he just is not an elite QB.

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I totally agree with you but there are specific things I would to see him work on in the off season.

He has to become more a true leader next year period. He has to get in guys faces when they pull the crap Holmes did this year. The problem I see with that is that it maybe too late for him to earn back him teammates respect because he let guys sh*t all over him (i.e. Holmes telling him to go F his extra meeting he's is going home) .He cant force the issue or he will look fake doing it, but in obvious situations he need to step up. You cant be everyone friend Mark.

He has to work on his accuracy, I am no QB coach and I know nothing about QB mechanics but the kid has to find a way to put the ball on his receivers. It was painful at time to watch him throw a ball 10 feet over guys heads. Like you said it's his 3 year in the league as a starting QB in the NFL you have to be able to make those throws.

And he has to work with some one on his ball security issues.

The second 2 correctable the 1st IDK we will wait and see how 2012 unfolds..

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Haha pretty good breakdown there! I have always been on the positive side but i am not naive enough to say he hasn't been awful this year. I just can't figure it out because I look at highlights from last year and he CAN throw the ball downfield, he CAN be deadly accurate, he CAN make big plays in big moments but for some reason this year it was so different and I don't know why. He has the ability to be great...he needs to get his mind right.

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Just the nature of the beast. Football fans in general, and frustrated Jets fans in particular are a “What have you done for me lately” gang.

Lance posted an article about Richard Todd. First Jets fans loved him. He fell out of favor very quickly (he sucked) Then he went to the AFCC game, and the Jets really looked like a shoo in for the Super Bowl. As the article said it was “Todd Is God” among Jets fans. Again he sucked, (and The Don cheated) Next year he was gone.

Sanchez gets one more year. If he gets back to the AFCC game again Jets fans will love him again, if he plays the way he played this year, He’s gone

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You don't invest multiple picks and millions of dollars on a QB, then give up on him after his third year, unless he's shown you absolutely NOTHING during that time (ie: Jamarcus Russell).

Despite all the criticism, Sanchez has been fairly successful here. 4 playoff wins, and two AFC Championship Game appearances. And he played his best football in those games. People may get tired of hearing that, but it's the truth, and it's not something to overlook.

He didn't play well this year. Some of it isn't his fault (O-Line, running game, WRs, horrible playcalling), while some of it certainly is. But to discount the previous two years and give up on him would be foolish.

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What's scary is that the guys who have been anti-Sanchez from the start have relied on fairly reliable scientific predictors which concluded, basically, that Sanchez would end up this way while the pro-Sanchez guys are relying on, ummm, faith(?)

What's really scary is those guys who love numbers aren't real fans, and also they're probably living in their mom's basements having sex with their calculators, plus because their calculators are male, then they're GAY, amirite brofessional!? BOOSH

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So he played well in the playoffs.....but they won despite him.

Sound logic. :rolleyes:

Well, everyone is complaining that Sanchez has regressed and that is why the Jets did not make the playoffs, despite making it to the championship game two years in a row. So, my "sound logic" is the 2011 version of the Jets in no way resembled the teams of the two previous years. Sanchez is really not to blame. The composition of the team has changed and this falls on Tannenbaum and, to a lesser extent, Ryan.

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What's really scary is those guys who love numbers aren't real fans, and also they're probably living in their mom's basements having sex with their calculators, plus because their calculators are male, then they're GAY, amirite brofessional!? BOOSH

Wasn't trying to turn this into a pro vs. hate thread I just wanted to see if the anti Sanchez guys were just pissed off and still willing to give him another shot or if they're just done with him altogether.

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Honestly, I'm not in love with Sanchez... be he does rank very low on the list of things I'm upset with.

  1. Rex's complete lack of a clue about the offensive side of the ball.
  2. Schotty's continued support by this franchise, despite 6 years of underperforming.
  3. Tanny's inability to replenish depth and recent misevaluations of talent (Gholston, Ducasse, Wayne Hunter).
  4. The front office encouraging boastful "being yourself" behavior, and then punishing people that do it (other than Rex), like Mason and McElroy.
  5. The chemistry problem. It took years, if not decades to make the Jets a desirable landing spot for free agents and that is all up in smoke now.
  6. Sanchez is not being developed at all, and there is nobody behind him. We are ruining him like the Texans did David Carr, letting him get pummeled.
  7. The organization is blowing smoke.
  8. Rex isn't a head coach.
  9. Tanny isn't a GM.
  10. What a ******* nightmare.

Okay, so maybe its in the middle of my list.

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I want Sanchez to succeed but right now the Jets are going to have to do a major overhaul not just of his mechanics buy his psyche as well.

We have all seen the flashes last year and his rookie year of being a really good QB. Not the Brady, Brees, Manning, Rogers level but to a point where you could put him the class of young guys like Flacco, Ryan, Rivers, The beating he took last year, and now the whispers that you are hearing from guys like Dilfer and Adam Schein that he doesn't work hard enough and that McElroy knows the playbook better than he does and the fact the he showed zero leadership skills when the Jets ship was sinking really has me concerned that he might not be the QB of the future that we all hoped for.

Maybe a new OC helps, at this point I have no idea. I do know though that he will most likely be the starting QB for at least 2012 which is most likely going to be his make or break year.

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Wasn't trying to turn this into a pro vs. hate thread I just wanted to see if the anti Sanchez guys were just pissed off and still willing to give him another shot or if they're just done with him altogether.

I don't know why any sane person would give him another shot. He fails the eye test and the numbers test and after three years the flashes of greatness argument is really kind of meaningless.

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Bleedin' Green-you forgot one more category and one more school of thought. There are those of us who feel that yes, Sanchez did stink up the field the last month of the season and a lot of us have lost confidence in him. Where I fit in is this: No, I'm not ready to give up on the kid yet, BUT I do want to see him have to WIN the starting job next year-I don't want him anointed the starter because of what he did 2-3 years ago.

Where I WILL feel like I am ready to give up on him is if Brian Schottenheimer comes back-THEN I doubt I'll even bother with football very much this year because I already know what the 2012 Jets season is going to look like-just like this past one but without us even having the feeling of confidence and hope that "the kid will pull it out and win the game for us" he lost that ability in my mind.

God I hope that Jacksonville is stupid enough to give Schott the head coaching job-I doubt he gets it though...sh*t, he doesn't DESERVE a HCing job from what he's shown in his coaching career.

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This whole "Sanchez took a beating this year and its the OCs fault" mantra is bullsh!t.

Much better QBs than this guy get knocked down but they get up, play well and win.

You cant coach a piece of horsemeat into being a prime rib. Just ask the great Tom Moore.

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Reading through this site I would have thought we were 0-16. Some of you are in such a panic mode it is laughable. We were 8-8...we need to calm down. Been through much much worse times with this damn team with much worse QB'S and Coaches.

I just want to see if everyone here has really written Sanchez off completely. I know some of you have a strong hatred towards this third year guy who has more road playoffs win than any QB who's been here, taken us to 2 AFCC games, and is in his 3rd year but are you really ready to quit on him? Are you ready to just throw in the towel with this kid in only his 3rd year? Or is everyone just upset and venting and willing to give this kid one more year with a complete training camp and hopefully a better RT. Just want to see what u guys really think.

I agree and I havent written him off.......yet. He had a bad season, but honestly, what portion of the offense from the o-line to the WR's to the coordinator to the RB's didnt have a bad year? Its not all on this dude.

P.S. Why the F**K is shotty still here?

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What's really scary is those guys who love numbers aren't real fans, and also they're probably living in their mom's basements having sex with their calculators, plus because their calculators are male, then they're GAY, amirite brofessional!? BOOSH

First the intellectuals come to power...THEN THE MACHINES TAKE OVER.

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This whole "Sanchez took a beating this year and its the OCs fault" mantra is bullsh!t.

Much better QBs than this guy get knocked down but they get up, play well and win.

You cant coach a piece of horsemeat into being a prime rib. Just ask the great Tom Moore.

I'm not sure if this is directed at me.

I'm saying the QB got pummeled more this year than he ever has, and its the GM's fault. The GM is ultimately the guy who says, "we are under the cap, but we don't need to upgrade the O-line.... lets roll with Wayne Hunter instead".

Schotty is responsible for a lot of the bad offense, but so is the O-line and Sanchez. Only a dummy would argue that its not a collective issue.

Reality is, Schotty's time here is done. Install a new offense, patch the O-line, get a legit backup to compete with Sanchez and add some speed on the outside, WR, and get a better RB.

We have a lot of holes to fill, because the defense needs help too.

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Wasn't trying to turn this into a pro vs. hate thread I just wanted to see if the anti Sanchez guys were just pissed off and still willing to give him another shot or if they're just done with him altogether.

Of course we aren't. The problem is that it's been nothing but vitriol for that sentiment since about...ooohhhh Week 3. We aren't real fans, we come off like condescending dickheads, we think we're smarter than everyone else, 'zomg I'm not familiar with multivariate statistical analysis so whatever this guy is posting must be designed to trick me,' we don't want the Jets to succeed and have clear agendas against Sanchez...derpa derpa allacka Muhammad Jihad. So yeah, sarcasm is going to be the go-to response for a thread like this. It's a sensitive subject and we're people too damnit.

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I'm not sure if this is directed at me.

I'm saying the QB got pummeled more this year than he ever has, and its the GM's fault. The GM is ultimately the guy who says, "we are under the cap, but we don't need to upgrade the O-line.... lets roll with Wayne Hunter instead".

Schotty is responsible for a lot of the bad offense, but so is the O-line and Sanchez. Only a dummy would argue that its not a collective issue.

Reality is, Schotty's time here is done. Install a new offense, patch the O-line, get a legit backup to compete with Sanchez and add some speed on the outside, WR, and get a better RB.

We have a lot of holes to fill, because the defense needs help too.

Not directed at you but at the general premise.

Yeah he took more hits this year but if you check around the league so did alot of other guys who get up off their azz and make a play next down. He doesnt.

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I'm not sure if this is directed at me.

I'm saying the QB got pummeled more this year than he ever has, and its the GM's fault. The GM is ultimately the guy who says, "we are under the cap, but we don't need to upgrade the O-line.... lets roll with Wayne Hunter instead".

Schotty is responsible for a lot of the bad offense, but so is the O-line and Sanchez. Only a dummy would argue that its not a collective issue.

Reality is, Schotty's time here is done. Install a new offense, patch the O-line, get a legit backup to compete with Sanchez and add some speed on the outside, WR, and get a better RB.

We have a lot of holes to fill, because the defense needs help too.

The bolded is the thing that really baffles me so much with so many people around here lately. It seems the vast majority are so obsessed with this need to blame everything all on one person, and as nice and easy as that would be, it's nowhere close to the truth. The fact that Schotty is still employed absolutely baffles me beyond belief, as I think he's in unbelievably horrible at his job, but that doesn't suddenly excuse the garbage performance of the players, just as those performances don't excuse 6 years of complete and utter ineptitude from the OC. There's everything from people who absolutely need to be unemployed as soon as humanly possible (Schotty, Hunter, Mulligan), others who you have to figure out WTF you're doing with (Sanchez, Holmes) and even some of the Jets better players who need to get their sh*t together (Brick). And that's just the offense.

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Of course we aren't. The problem is that it's been nothing but vitriol for that sentiment since about...ooohhhh Week 3. We aren't real fans, we come off like condescending dickheads, we think we're smarter than everyone else, 'zomg I'm not familiar with multivariate statistical analysis so whatever this guy is posting must be designed to trick me,' we don't want the Jets to succeed and have clear agendas against Sanchez...derpa derpa allacka Muhammad Jihad. So yeah, sarcasm is going to be the go-to response for a thread like this. It's a sensitive subject and we're people too damnit.

Even when I've disagreed with any of you, I definitely never got that perspective. Compared to Aten guys like you and dbates are a couple of sweetheart homers.

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I said it around week 11. We were in a tight game and our opponent went up by 2 scores in the 4th. I remember the announcer saying that it was now on the Sanchize to lead the comeback. That is when I had my Aha moment about the sanchize. I didnt feel like he was capable. that was the first time since he came to the jets that i felt like that. That being said, I am very much willing to give him another offseason and full support going into next year. Would I like to have a capable backup instead of what we had this year? you bet your a$$.

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The bolded is the thing that really baffles me so much with so many people around here lately. It seems the vast majority are so obsessed with this need to blame everything all on one person, and as nice and easy as that would be, it's nowhere close to the truth.

Oh come on.

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Reading through this site I would have thought we were 0-16. Some of you are in such a panic mode it is laughable. We were 8-8...we need to calm down. Been through much much worse times with this damn team with much worse QB'S and Coaches.

I just want to see if everyone here has really written Sanchez off completely. I know some of you have a strong hatred towards this third year guy who has more road playoffs win than any QB who's been here, taken us to 2 AFCC games, and is in his 3rd year but are you really ready to quit on him? Are you ready to just throw in the towel with this kid in only his 3rd year? Or is everyone just upset and venting and willing to give this kid one more year with a complete training camp and hopefully a better RT. Just want to see what u guys really think.

I have not written off Sanchez...

The problem as I see it...the kid has not faced adversity like this nor any real competition for his QB job since he got so he comes across as a self-entitled prick.

Add to that...he has not progressed quickly enough/prolly regressed is the better term and has not shown the cajones to right his own performance. Leads many to question his own manhood and is a good reason why he has not shown the courage to call out his underperforming teammates.

He's stuck with a head coach who more concerned with blowing smoke up his players a$$ rather than holding them accountable.

He's also stuck with an OC who has not shown any ability to develop an NFL QB and consistently underperforms the league in that all important category of points scored. To go one step further...the offensive unit is most predictable, unwatchable crap I've seen in watching the NFL in the past 40 years and this year was not the first time we've seen it.

To summarize...originally...thought the kid had a chance at special...now...hope the man can manage to improve enough to stop digging his own hole...yet as much as I'm saying that about Sanchez, I'm also thinking that about Rex and the entire Jets organization.

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