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Florio AGAIN?

Which former Jet slept with his wife that he feels this constant vendetta against the franchise?

You have numerous Patriots fans in the comments saying stuff like, "That's going way too far," so what can you make of a guy like this?

Trying to hit people hard is part of football, and it's nothing like giving extra unrelated monies as "bonuses" for injuries. His comparison is ridiculous.

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Florio AGAIN?

Which former Jet slept with his wife that he feels this constant vendetta against the franchise?

You have numerous Patriots fans in the comments saying stuff like, "That's going way too far," so what can you make of a guy like this?

Trying to hit people hard is part of football, and it's nothing like giving extra unrelated monies as "bonuses" for injuries. His comparison is ridiculous.


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"The Saints didn’t want to injure players, notwithstanding the cartoonishly graphic urgings of former defensive coordinator Gregg Williams. They simply wanted to knock players out of games. Just like Rex Ryan." - from the posted article

so basically I made a mental decision to keep reading past this, even though I knew after finishing this line the article was full of crap.....so yeah I finished the article, it was only like one or two more sentences...

but the point is this guy who wrote is a stupid piece of sh*t and wasted my time with this crap....thanks for posting

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Florio AGAIN?

Which former Jet slept with his wife that he feels this constant vendetta against the franchise?

You have numerous Patriots fans in the comments saying stuff like, "That's going way too far," so what can you make of a guy like this?

Trying to hit people hard is part of football, and it's nothing like giving extra unrelated monies as "bonuses" for injuries. His comparison is ridiculous.

couldnt agree more ...

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There's a huge difference between wanting to playing tough football and getting a monetary bonus for knocking someone out of the game. This guy is a jerkoff for even trying to draw the comparison.

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It's not what you do but how you do it. Put a dot on a guy you want someone to knock the hell out is one thing. Vilma whipping out 10 grand to hurt a guy is another.

You would really be surprised to learn this kind of thing happens on the Jets? Or any other team?

Didn't Cro say something about Brady's knee once?

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You would really be surprised to learn this kind of thing happens on the Jets? Or any other team?

Didn't Cro say something about Brady's knee once?

Then Florio should write it that way. This piece was written specifically to target Rex Ryan and the Jets. Florio is desperate to get a "scoop" or be the guy that writes something that leads to a bigger story. He's been taking credit for all sorts of nonsense this offseason. KSK's been having a field day with his and his butt buddy Peter King's stupidity

The worst thing NBC Sports ever did was legitimizing this hack.

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Then Florio should write it that way. This piece was written specifically to target Rex Ryan and the Jets. Florio is desperate to get a "scoop" or be the guy that writes something that leads to a bigger story. He's been taking credit for all sorts of nonsense this offseason. KSK's been having a field day with his and his butt buddy Peter King's stupidity

The worst thing NBC Sports ever did was legitimizing this hack.

the guy slings mud at everyone from what i can tell..

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You would really be surprised to learn this kind of thing happens on the Jets? Or any other team?

Didn't Cro say something about Brady's knee once?

It's human nature. It happens at every level. It's a matter of New Orleans making it too hard to ignore.

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The minute Rex came out and told everyone that he never had bounties, he was guilty.

I can see how you would feel that way, since that's the way it usually goes with cheating, right? First comes the denial, then...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Updated: February 18, 11:48 PM ET

Belichick denies Patriots taped Rams' 2002 Super Bowl walk-through

ESPN.com news services


Patriots coach Bill Belichick and vice president of player personnel Scott Pioli issued a broad denial Sunday in a report on The Boston Globe's Web site regarding suggestions by a former employee that their team taped a St. Louis Rams walk-through before the 2002 Super Bowl. "In my entire coaching career, I've never seen another team's practice film prior to playing that team," Belichick told the newspaper. "I have never authorized, or heard of, or even seen in any way, shape, or form any other team's walk-through. We don't even film our own. We don't even want to see ourselves do anything, that's the pace that it's at. Regardless, I've never been a part of that." Belichick also told The Globe that in his "entire coaching career, I have never filmed a walk-through, our own. I've never been on a staff that has filmed a walk-through. I'm talking about when I was a head coach.

dropQuote.gifI respect the integrity of the game and always have and always will. dropQuoteEnd.gif

-- Bill Belichick

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Florio AGAIN?

Which former Jet slept with his wife that he feels this constant vendetta against the franchise?

You have numerous Patriots fans in the comments saying stuff like, "That's going way too far," so what can you make of a guy like this?

Trying to hit people hard is part of football, and it's nothing like giving extra unrelated monies as "bonuses" for injuries. His comparison is ridiculous.

Given that he's talking about Rex I have a feeling that Rex may have touched his wife's feet.

Anyway, its simple...Dot the entire team. Do discriminate lol.

Seriously though. I know Rex dotted WR's. All it meant was for Revis to shut him down. I havent seen Revis cart off Wideouts.

I guess before people write articles like this they should write an article more relevant, like why is it that if you get too close to Tom Brady its a 15 yard penalty?

The NFL hands out disciplinary actions but at the same time have their "favorites" in the league.

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I can see how you would feel that way, since that's the way it usually goes with cheating, right? First comes the denial, then...

Nobody asked Rex if had bounties or not, but he couldnt tell everyone fast enough that he was innocent.

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Nobody asked Rex if had bounties or not, but he couldnt tell everyone fast enough that he was innocent.

LMAO, I am sure the NY media never prompted Rex to discuss the Saints bounty issues before he made that statement. :rolleyes:

Are you serious with this sh!t? We can prove your coach is a liar and a cheat! Rex might be too honest, if anything.

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I can see how you would feel that way, since that's the way it usually goes with cheating, right? First comes the denial, then...

I don't get it.

BB did not film a walk thru (may want to get your facts straight). Rex did not put a monetary bounty on oppossing players, just dots.

The media likes to create little forrest fires hoping it becomes a huge firestorm and they get web hits and pats on the back by fellow scumbag media members. When will you all learn that the media is the devil. THE DEVIL.

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I don't get it.

BB did not film a walk thru (may want to get your facts straight). Rex did not put a monetary bounty on oppossing players, just dots.

The media likes to create little forrest fires hoping it becomes a huge firestorm and they get web hits and pats on the back by fellow scumbag media members. When will you all learn that the media is the devil. THE DEVIL.

I never said Bellyache was operating the camera, but these statements are hilarious:

"In my entire coaching career, I've never seen another team's practice film prior to playing that team," Belichick told the newspaper.

"I have never authorized, or heard of, or even seen in any way, shape, or form any other team's walk-through... I've never been on a staff that has filmed a walk-through."

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I never said Bellyache was operating the camera, but these statements are hilarious:

"In my entire coaching career, I've never seen another team's practice film prior to playing that team," Belichick told the newspaper.

"I have never authorized, or heard of, or even seen in any way, shape, or form any other team's walk-through... I've never been on a staff that has filmed a walk-through."

They did not tape a walk-thru, a practice, etc. They were busted for filming defensive signals during live games from the sidelines.

Jeepers, Jets fans can be....um...misinformed.

Just another example of people assuming sh*t because the media steers you that way.

Like I said, the media is EVIL.

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Dang PR37 - YOU BEEN RYNO'd!!!!!!!!

No, not really since Ryno has his facts wrong.

As crazy as this sounds to 'yall, Bill Belichick did not lie. He got busted, tried to weasle out of it saying he thought it was within the rules, but admitted doing it. This, for you folks that have serious Patriot-hate - is probably why Goodell was so tough on the Saints. They lied about doing it.

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No, not really since Ryno has his facts wrong. As crazy as this sounds to 'yall, Bill Belichick did not lie. He got busted, tried to weasle out of it saying he thought it was within the rules, but admitted doing it. This, for you folks that have serious Patriot-hate - is probably why Goodell was so tough on the Saints. They lied about doing it.

Yeah ... So saying he thought it was within the rules wasn't lying? It's all semantics and you're just trying to see The Cheat through rose-colored glasses, ya big homer!

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Yeah ... So saying he thought it was within the rules wasn't lying? It's all semantics and you're just trying to see The Cheat through rose-colored glasses, ya big homer!

No, Belichick is arrogant enough to think he was so smart he found a way around the rules. Trust me, he's an arrogant SOB. Not a liar, just kind of a jerk sometimes.

Here's another example:

A Devil: "what is the extent of Matt Lights injury"

Belichick: "lower body" "I'm not a doctor."

He's not exactly lying...and he's abiding by the rules....but he sure is pushing it.

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They did not tape a walk-thru, a practice, etc. They were busted for filming defensive signals during live games from the sidelines.

Jeepers, Jets fans can be....um...misinformed.

Just another example of people assuming sh*t because the media steers you that way.

Like I said, the media is EVIL.

Sorry T, I should have clarified, but re-read my statements. I was simply making a point that defensive statements, a la Rex saying he never had a bounty system or Bellychump saying he never video taped practice, do not make them guilty. PattycakeRain73, or whatever the flip his name is, tried to claim that Rex is guilty because he came right out in denial. I simply showed evidence of how that is not always true.

As for my reply to you, I was saying the quotes were hilarious because Bill had to try really hard to make sure he didn't say anything about taping the signals. He later became a liar when he said he thought he was within the rules.

The media controls me not!!

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LMAO, I am sure the NY media never prompted Rex to discuss the Saints bounty issues before he made that statement. :rolleyes:

Nice try :happy0069:

Jets coach Rex Ryan responded to the NFL's findings that members of the New Orleans Saints ran an improper bounty program during the 2009-11 seasons, saying that he has never condoned nor coached such a tactic."This is something that is being handled by the NFL office," Ryan said in a statement through the team. "I’ve never condoned it and I’ve never coached it."

In a statement through the team. Nobody prompted Rex to open his pie hole, but Rex.

Are you serious with this sh!t? We can prove your coach is a liar and a cheat! Rex might be too honest, if anything.

I know. Whenever I think of honesty, Rex always comes to mind.

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From pages 16-17 of the chapter called Blunt-Force Trauma: “Each game we might also designate an opposing player with a dot. Players don’t want to be dotted by the New York Jets, because that means we want that dude knocked out of the game. Of course, it has to be legal and by the book. We don’t play dirty, and no way will we intentionally hurt a player with an illegal, cheap shot. We dot players fair and square. There are players out there who think they are badasses, and you just might see two of our players knock the hell out of him. Pow! Pow! That’s our mentality. Everything we do is aggressive and, hey, we may make a mistake, but we will go one hundred miles per hour and we will knock the hell out of you. Big hits create turnovers. You haven’t been Punked — you’ve been Dotted!”

I think this is over the line tbh with ya

the line for me is when a defender hits a WR to make him think twice about coming over the middle, get alligator arms or look over his shoulder

that's cool, and a defenders wet dream

but knocking guys out of games is injuring them, and that's just punk to me. adding the caveat that it's legal is just something his agent made them put in the book to cover his a$$

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Nice try :happy0069:

Jets coach Rex Ryan responded to the NFL's findings that members of the New Orleans Saints ran an improper bounty program during the 2009-11 seasons, saying that he has never condoned nor coached such a tactic."This is something that is being handled by the NFL office," Ryan said in a statement through the team. "I’ve never condoned it and I’ve never coached it."

In a statement through the team. Nobody prompted Rex to open his pie hole, but Rex.

I know. Whenever I think of honesty, Rex always comes to mind.

what's your point? I don't get it

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