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Cro pisses off Schilens


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It's only August 1st. You sure you want to nail yourself down on that category?

No way, will have something stupider by the end of day tomorrow

There is way to much time between now and the end of the season to make that declaration with this team. ;)

Even if something else presents itself that we already know is coming; i.e. "MY GAWD! DID YOU SEE THAT PASS THAT TEBOW THREW OFF THE FAKE PUNT?!?" or "Zomg Sanblowmeo and Ducasse made scrumpets before the game instead of resting up;" that's not even going to remotely compare to the inevitable Week 8 piece by Cimini where he speculates that a few drops by Schillens against the Pats may be attributable to Cromartie.

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Why is Schilens mad? It's not like he's the second best receiver on this team either.

He's not anymore.

Antonio Cromartie didn’t address the media after practice, but Chaz Schilens said that he’s fine with the cornerback after he said that he was the second-best wide receiver on the team.

“I was probably a little agitated,” Schilens said on Thursday. “I probably said some stuff I shouldn’t have. Everything’s taken care of. No problem with Cro and do what’s best for the team and go from there.”

“Antonio Cromartie is a hell of an athlete,” Schilens added. He could play wide receiver if he wanted to.”

Schilens said that he spoke to Cromartie and have moved on.


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Chaz is such a bad first name this dudes gonna really need to prove himself to me first.

Yep. Chaz = the douchey, hipster pseudo-intellectual you see in coffee shops.

If he ever uninjures himself, it might be interesting.

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