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Cimini Gets Creative


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Cimini gets creative trying to figure out the "3 down":


The Wildcat: After so much build-up, it was going to be hard to live up to expectations. And it fell way short. In eight plays with Tim Tebow at quarterback, the offense produced 22 yards. Tebow gained only 11 yards on five rushes. The only thing the Bills did well was stop the 'Cat.

Tackling: The Jets missed a bunch, especially when C.J. Spiller had the rock. He split LB Bart Scott and S LaRon Landry deep in the secondary on his 56-yard TD run.

Bart Scott: He blew off reporters in the locker room because he was upset with the circus comparison, which stemmed from one newspaper cartoon. Really, Bart?

So 2 of them are not players but "concepts", one is a player.. not necessarily for his play.. but because he doesn't like Cimini. LOL.

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"The only thing the Bills did well was stop the 'cat."

Exactly why it's a relevant part of our offense. It means they spent enough time preparing to stop it, to the point where the rest of our offense trampled them.

CJ Spiller is going to make a lot of people miss this year, especially in garbage time. All the training camp reports I read about Buffalo had him running circles around EVERYONE. As good as Fred Jackson is, Spiller was primed to replace him this year anyway.

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I don't know that I am fully comfortable saying the Jets ran the wildcat today. Yes, Tebow was back there, but primarily ran the read option. And there was one QB power play. Tebow didn't throw, and they kept it pretty simple.

They have bigger things planned for it so I wouldn't grade the wildcat just yet.

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We didn't run a single wildcat play.

We ran what is called the spread option. It's a totally different thing.

I heard it was a read option.

Its only a wildcat if someone other than the QB is taking the direct snap. If its the QB who's in fact taking the snap then it would be considered a read option right?

Im not sure, heard it from a fan on ESPN radio this morning.

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I heard it was a read option.

Its only a wildcat if someone other than the QB is taking the direct snap. If its the QB who's in fact taking the snap then it would be considered a read option right?

Im not sure, heard it from a fan on ESPN radio this morning.

Read option spread optiOn are the same

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He's dead on about the Scott thing by the way. Grow the **** up Bart.

Kinda disagree. The media was ridiculously bad this offseason, and it wasn't just the stupid picture in the Post. Not surprising that Scott would tell them off for being ass clowns. The media likes to talk about "calling it as they see it." Scott just did the same thing.

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Bart Scott: He blew off reporters in the locker room because he was upset with the circus comparison, which stemmed from one newspaper cartoon. Really, Bart?

This is absolute nonsense, it is a lot more than one cartoon. Francesca and Gary Myers started this whole clown/circus nonsense and ESPN ran with it. The media in this town is an absolute joke. I don't blame the players for being pissed, but they should just be quiet and not feed these toolbags. Of course, winning cures everything.

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I'd heart it a lot more if they ran good blocking schemes on it. 1st quarter each time the blocking was in the direction of the ball carrier... which led to no holes being opened. If they want to use the wildcat, they need to throw in some misdirection and get better blocking.

I think, like much of Sparano's plans, they are willing to have several minimal gains for the opportunity to set up a big hitter.

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Read option spread optiOn are the same

Technically, no..

for the purpose of discussing what they did , ok.. they are the same.

Not trying to be disagreeable, just that they have said all along, TT is QB2, and will be a good

*wildcat* type player.. ( which is supposed to involve a non QB direct snap) So I guess it stands to reason

a backup isn't *technically* a QB when he is running *it*, whatever *it* is.

The spread *option* is supposed to be a combination of the read option, and the spread offense, hence

*spread-option*. ..

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He's dead on about the Scott thing by the way. Grow the **** up Bart.

I don't know man. If it was me getting ridiculed like he and the Jets have been all offseason, I seriously doubt I would have any interest in helping them make money by quoting me and taking my words out of context. F*CK the Media!

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I think, like much of Sparano's plans, they are willing to have several minimal gains for the opportunity to set up a big hitter.

Agreed. Also just to make people think about it. You know as much as anyone that this game is almost as much mental as it is physical. If a Defense is thinking instead of just playing the offense has an advantage. We will do it just enough to keep people thinking. Then when people think it's just a gimmick and no longer game plan for it, we will use it to slice their throats.

I like this. :D

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Not at all. It's a funny framework you're pushing. There's no such thing as a rebel amongst millionaires, and being a prick to writers who've had some fun at your expense only serves to magnify insecurity.

Why can't there be a rebel amongst millionares? And if you call what the media has been doing as fun, I simply have a different idea of what fun is. All in all it's small potatoes, I agree, but I do understand why he wouldn't want to talk with them. Why should he? Maybe his idea of fun is to have them write stuff about how he doesn't want to talk to them? Which is also fun for the writers. hmmm. Maybe Bart is the engineer of the most fun ever to be had between a player and the press. how's THAT framework? :D

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