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How can Holmes be a considered a starting WR ?


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I was watching a show where they focused on the Jets WRs. Basically, these guys just don't get open! Outside of Keller, the other guys just aren't cutting it. And...Holmes takes plays off too. I agree with the poster above...should have never let Cotchery go.

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He drew like 5 holding or pass interference penalties though. Those are kinda catches no?

5 ? I must be watching some other game.

I counted 3. 2 were legit penalties and 1 penalty was a rare gift. And if you watch the replays even on that play the ball was wobbling around ans Holmes did not have possession of the football.

And hey he was targeted 11 times. Just saying!

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Because he's a good NFL WR.

He's not when he's the sole option though, he also pretty much carried what little offense we had today. So there's that.

He makes some plays but he is a bit of a slob out there. Drops too many, too many gestures. Doesn't really make a hardnosed catch, but he does make acrobatic ones.

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Ray Lucas summed it up perfectly in the post game wrap up saying "frankly I'm tired of hearing him talk".

I listened to his interview on SNY and he once again showed no accountability and zero self awareness. They asked him how he thought he played and he said something along the lines of, "I can't answer that, players play and coaches evaluate". wtf does that even mean??

Then they asked if he'd talk to Stephen Hill after the rough game the rookie had to show him some support. In his typical petulant child style he said, "probably not".

I'm so sick of this a-hole and his aura of condescension. Please jettison this cancer at the end of the season. He acts like he belongs in the conversation with Megatron or Fitz but is nothing more than a jag with a stupid goatee.

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Okay i switched the game off with 4:20 left to play out of sheer frustration!

Forget #1 WR. How can he even start on any NFL team ?

The amount of drops, wobbles, putting the ball down is just adding up!

You turned it off at 4:20, you live in Denver Colorado? Wobbles?....oh, I get it. Good one.

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I am sick of him telling us how good he is. This guy has made a reputation off of 1play in a Super a Bowl. Cut this ass wipe now. Bring back Plax ( never thought I would say that). Use TeBlow, he'll, see if Chrebet is available. I watched the post game on SNY and this guy thinks he had an all right game. WTF? Sick of him. 11 targets, 3 catches and at least 3 drops. And every drop followed by a hand raising looking for a flag. ENOUGH ALREADY.

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He makes some plays but he is a bit of a slob out there. Drops too many, too many gestures. Doesn't really make a hardnosed catch, but he does make acrobatic ones.

the only time Holmes ever makes an acrobatic catch is when hes got the sideline for protection. I have yet to see this guy go up high for a ball over the middle and not get alligator arms. Hes a pussy and I cant wait for the day this bitch is off this team. Schilens should be getting more reps opposite Hill when both are healthy and Kerley should do well in the slot. Gates looked really fast in the opening Quarter then we never went back to him, would have loved to see some screens with him.

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I'm more concerned with why the Jets kept trying to feed it to him. On the good drive it seemed he spread it around a bit, but after that it was all Holmes all the time. I thought that Ike was their only good corner? Why keep attacking him? Mix it up. I'm worried this means that Hill was having trouble getting off the line. .

The steelers were holding our WR's on damn near every play. Sure we got a few calls but Im willing to bet it was more severe than what we saw. Also it seems Jets WR's and TE's still cant read a blitz and adjust their routes.

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Lmfao. Literally the one player on the team that got a shred of separation yesterday. If Sanchez didnt miss him wide open in the endzone, the results of the game may have been much different too.

And 75% of the throws his way he was blanketed and would have had to make quite a catch. Obviously thats on him too but the overreaction on these boards are ridiculous. There was clearly some communication and timing issues yesterday.

Why was Holmes target 11 times? Because he's the best option on the team right now with Keller hurt and Hill being a rookie.

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The steelers were holding our WR's on damn near every play. Sure we got a few calls but Im willing to bet it was more severe than what we saw. Also it seems Jets WR's and TE's still cant read a blitz and adjust their routes.

I think Keller is usually the Sanchez option on those, so hopefully we'll be better off when he is back. Interesting that Gates played and Schillens didn't. If it were from blitzes it still doesn't explain why backs were only targeted two times. Is that a Luigi thing? The back and TEs always stay in to block. Reuland seems like a capable player. They may have some decent two TE sets in the future. They didn't have the sound in the bar, what happened to Greene? I thought it was a concussion or shoulder, but he came back. Came back but not effective.

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I think Keller is usually the Sanchez option on those, so hopefully we'll be better off when he is back. Interesting that Gates played and Schillens didn't. If it were from blitzes it still doesn't explain why backs were only targeted two times. Is that a Luigi thing? The back and TEs always stay in to block. Reuland seems like a capable player. They may have some decent two TE sets in the future. They didn't have the sound in the bar, what happened to Greene? I thought it was a concussion or shoulder, but he came back. Came back but not effective.

They didnt get official news on Greene from what I remember Simms was speculating it was a blow to the head since he damn near drove his head through the tackler . Could very well have been a stinger if they let him back in the game.

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Lmfao. Literally the one player on the team that got a shred of separation yesterday. If Sanchez didnt miss him wide open in the endzone, the results of the game may have been much different too.

And 75% of the throws his way he was blanketed and would have had to make quite a catch. Obviously thats on him too but the overreaction on these boards are ridiculous. There was clearly some communication and timing issues yesterday.

Why was Holmes target 11 times? Because he's the best option on the team right now with Keller hurt and Hill being a rookie.

And we have a JIFtonio sighting.

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Lmfao. Literally the one player on the team that got a shred of separation yesterday. If Sanchez didnt miss him wide open in the endzone, the results of the game may have been much different too.

And 75% of the throws his way he was blanketed and would have had to make quite a catch. Obviously thats on him too but the overreaction on these boards are ridiculous. There was clearly some communication and timing issues yesterday.

Why was Holmes target 11 times? Because he's the best option on the team right now with Keller hurt and Hill being a rookie.

Give me a break...the ****er has got to make the plays period.

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Lmfao. Literally the one player on the team that got a shred of separation yesterday. If Sanchez didnt miss him wide open in the endzone, the results of the game may have been much different too.

And 75% of the throws his way he was blanketed and would have had to make quite a catch. Obviously thats on him too but the overreaction on these boards are ridiculous. There was clearly some communication and timing issues yesterday.

Why was Holmes target 11 times? Because he's the best option on the team right now with Keller hurt and Hill being a rookie.

They don't give points for separation. He dropped passes, sulked like a whiny bitch all over Heinz field, and acted like a punk post game.

You and him are similar.. you'll come in here bragging about how you hit 4, three-pointers in your glorified pickup games but won't tell us you shot 4-20 overall.

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And we have a JIFtonio sighting.

... but he is right. It's Holmes job to catch the ball, but Sanchez is the one throwing it to him. He certainly seemed to target Holmes too often yesterday. Either your boy is making the wrong read or the rookie was being abused by the PItt secondary. EIther option is not attractive for the Jets.

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