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Joe McKnight MERGED


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3% body fat does not equate with doesn't work hard. Stick with sucks. You can harp on that all season. If you've never seen a guy in great shape bent over and groaning, you've never really played sports (15% body fat FTMFW!)

I'll take your word for it as someone who has witnessed a lot of fit dudes bent over and groaning.

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It's 100% accurate and anyone who's had a muscle cramp whether swimming or running knows that it's pretty debilitating to the point where you have to sit off and have someone stretch you immediately.  The guys who are most apt to get cramps are those with low body-fat percentages and high proprtion of fast twitch fibers; so he fits the bill.  However, the training staff should be made aware of this and make sure he gets enough sodium and potassium in his drinks from now on. 


Don't bring your nonsense into T0m's world. 

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I remember reading an interview with Muhammad Ali shortly after he won the title from Sonny Liston.  Ali was in tremendous shape then, super athletic.  He said that a couple of weeks before the historic fight-which he was widely regarded as almost certain to lose-his stomach muscles  started cramping up.  He went to the doctor and the doctor said nothing to worry about, it happens when you are in fantastic shape.


Sounds like the same phenomenon.

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I'm going to guess that 80% of the league's WR and RB populations have <5% body fat and have oodles of fast-twitch fibers, and I've rarely (if ever) heard of any that used that as an excuse for failing a conditioning test. While I don't doubt that such body types are more prone to cramping, it seems strange that McKnight, going into his fourth year, would have difficulty managing such a thing. When you consider that he's been considered lazy and soft since high school and through college, then when he showed up puking as a rookie, it's impossible to give him the benefit of the doubt at this point.



I'm not arguing about his ability on the field, my only point was that his assertion of being "too in shape" does have a lot of merit.  As for people failing a conditioning test, I doubt he's the first and I can say first hand in my HS and collegiate track days that I've seen olympians Jeremy Werner, Usain Bolt, Tyson Gay, Justin Gatling etc. all cut a workout short or leave a race because of cramps. They hit you out of nowhere, especially for sprinters (when running distance you can feel it coming on a bit more) and it feels like you were shot.  He ended up finishing it the very next day, which I surmised he'd do, and hasn't drawn the ire of anyone in Jets' camp besides a couple beat writers and yourself lol.   You can harp on him being a waste of talent or roster spot, which you can certainly make an argument out of, but out of shape is just categorically false.

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I'm not arguing about his ability on the field, my only point was that his assertion of being "too in shape" does have a lot of merit. As for people failing a conditioning test, I doubt he's the first and I can say first hand in my HS and collegiate track days that I've seen olympians Jeremy Werner, Usain Bolt, Tyson Gay, Justin Gatling etc. all cut a workout short or leave a race because of cramps. They hit you out of nowhere, especially for sprinters (when running distance you can feel it coming on a bit more) and it feels like you were shot. He ended up finishing it the very next day, which I surmised he'd do, and hasn't drawn the ire of anyone in Jets' camp besides a couple beat writers and yourself lol. You can harp on him being a waste of talent or roster spot, which you can certainly make an argument out of, but out of shape is just categorically false.

But you can be three percent body fat and still not be ready for camp, as it seems McKnight isn't. At all. He's wearing ice vests and having trouble regulating his body temperature. I believe the only one who brought up cramping was McKnight himself. I'll defer to you on the medical analysis, but the idea that McKnight can't sprint or make it through a practice has less to do with some weirdness regarding his BMI and more to do with his having a beach body, no?

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I'm going to guess that 80% of the league's WR and RB populations have <5% body fat and have oodles of fast-twitch fibers, and I've rarely (if ever) heard of any that used that as an excuse for failing a conditioning test. While I don't doubt that such body types are more prone to cramping, it seems strange that McKnight, going into his fourth year, would have difficulty managing such a thing. When you consider that he's been considered lazy and soft since high school and through college, then when he showed up puking as a rookie, it's impossible to give him the benefit of the doubt at this point.

Thank you for saving me the time to have to write this. Unreal that anyone could back this as an excuse when the NFL is full of supreme, low bodyfat having athletes.

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If McKnight reached his current body fat pct. from legit conditioning (i.e., running, lifting, working, eating right), I have a hard time believing he would fail a test that 89 other players on the squad passed.  There are ways to achieve low body fat without being in peak physical condition (Lypozene, Zantraz, that sprinkle-sh*t, Exotrene, etc.), perhaps he arrived at his new fat-free body through a couple supplemental short cuts. 


I want to know the parameters of the conditioning test.  I think I read that it's a 300-yard shuffle.  As in, a running based test.  I would think that a professional athlete with the title, RUNNINGback, should be able to "smash" all tests running.  Any way you cut it, he is not taking advantage of the current RB situation which is a shame. 

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If McKnight reached his current body fat pct. from legit conditioning (i.e., running, lifting, working, eating right), I have a hard time believing he would fail a test that 89 other players on the squad passed. There are ways to achieve low body fat without being in peak physical condition (Lypozene, Zantraz, that sprinkle-sh*t, Exotrene, etc.), perhaps he arrived at his new fat-free body through a couple supplemental short cuts.

I want to know the parameters of the conditioning test. I think I read that it's a 300-yard shuffle. As in, a running based test. I would think that a professional athlete with the title, RUNNINGback, should be able to "smash" all tests running. Any way you cut it, he is not taking advantage of the current RB situation which is a shame.

Dude Lypozene? Cmon man. Don't fall for that made for tv bullsh*t. You want to cut weight? Best over the counter cocktail there is: ephedrine-hcl and caffeine. Take for two weeks. Save you 90% of the cost.

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Dude Lypozene? Cmon man. Don't fall for that made for tv bullsh*t. You want to cut weight? Best over the counter cocktail there is: ephedrine-hcl and caffeine. Take for two weeks. Save you 90% of the cost.


I don't want to cut weight, I've already embraced the fact that I won't have my "beach body" this year.

By the time I could get any semblance of a six-pack it will be mid-November, and by then it's hard finding reasons to take my shirt off in public.  

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But you can be three percent body fat and still not be ready for camp, as it seems McKnight isn't. At all. He's wearing ice vests and having trouble regulating his body temperature. I believe the only one who brought up cramping was McKnight himself. I'll defer to you on the medical analysis, but the idea that McKnight can't sprint or make it through a practice has less to do with some weirdness regarding his BMI and more to do with his having a beach body, no?


I honestly can't speak on behalf of his preparation for camp other than you don't just roll out of bed at 4% body fat, it takes some work (granted I have some jackass friends who can eat 3 loafs of bread for a snack every day and be 4%, but they are just assholes).  He's obviously put in some sort of work and is in good "shape," my best guess is that he was out in the sun warming up too much and just caught a cramp.  I don't think this conditioning test should have any bearing on how he performs this year, especially since he turned around and finished it the next day.  Wait a few days of padded practices and see what he shows; if he runs like he did in that new england game on the bum ankle, I think he'll be a contributor. 

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The mystery deepens. Would the coaches be snapping at a dude with a legitimate medical problem?

Seth Walder:

Joe McKnight looked gassed all practice today. Crouched down most of the time he wasn't playing. Heard it from coaches. #nyj

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I honestly can't speak on behalf of his preparation for camp other than you don't just roll out of bed at 4% body fat, it takes some work (granted I have some jackass friends who can eat 3 loafs of bread for a snack every day and be 4%, but they are just assholes). He's obviously put in some sort of work and is in good "shape," my best guess is that he was out in the sun warming up too much and just caught a cramp. I don't think this conditioning test should have any bearing on how he performs this year, especially since he turned around and finished it the next day. Wait a few days of padded practices and see what he shows; if he runs like he did in that new england game on the bum ankle, I think he'll be a contributor.

We will see, I suppose. LOL at your friends with the 4% body fat, btw. I work with a few of those guys--we call them both "Beach Muscles" because they're all ripped up but can't lift anything. Pretty boys.

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We will see, I suppose. LOL at your friends with the 4% body fat, btw. I work with a few of those guys--we call them both "Beach Muscles" because they're all ripped up but can't lift anything. Pretty boys.


Haha he's actually one of my old track buddies, 6'3 and only 170 lbs..soaking wet.  He just is naturally 4% body fat and can literally eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound, but he doesn't take advantage of it.  If that were me, I'd be having pasta 5 times a week and cheese baked onto everything. But no, I have to run 30 miles a week just to look like he does rolling out of bed.  Bastards, all of them.

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Haha he's actually one of my old track buddies, 6'3 and only 170 lbs..soaking wet. He just is naturally 4% body fat and can literally eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound, but he doesn't take advantage of it. If that were me, I'd be having pasta 5 times a week and cheese baked onto everything. But no, I have to run 30 miles a week just to look like he does rolling out of bed. Bastards, all of them.

If it's any consolation, the thin ones will die from starvation early on after the zombie apocalypse strikes.

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I have suffered from muscle cramps due to medications I've been on.  I've read up on cramps.  I have never seen body fat mentioned as a factor.  hydration/stretching are a factors, and I've read the cause isn't really well known or understood.  


also, his coach mentioned an injury was the cause


hey joe, just stfu and stop fumbling KO's




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I don't want to cut weight, I've already embraced the fact that I won't have my "beach body" this year.

By the time I could get any semblance of a six-pack it will be mid-November, and by then it's hard finding reasons to take my shirt off in public.

Keeping a tight diet, cardio 6 mornings a week for 40 min, and ephed/caf for the last two, i dropped 40 lbs in two months. I looked like someone else. It was ridiculous.
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If it's any consolation, the thin ones will die from starvation early on after the zombie apocalypse strikes.


Ya know, it really is.  I often wish for a zombie apocalypse; every single time following a new zombie flick and every other day around 3 oclock when I've decided I no longer want to work for a living.  What say you, fast zombies or slow zombies?? I tend to be traditional, but the zombies from 28 days/weeks later and the new World War Z are not something I'd feel like tangling with.

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What else would one eat?


Haha I wish I could still do it, but I no longer run or swim collegiately soo I'm sort of left to my own half-assed cardio workouts.  I still get my fair share of good meals, but if I had my druthers I'd be eating homemade man n cheese, baked ziti, lasagna and anything with alfredo or vodka sauce on it 3 times a day and 7 days a week. I remember wishing for super powers when I was younger; to be able to fly, teleport, breath underwater..but now, I just wish I could eat anything I wanted and not gain weight.  That's about when I realized I was growing up.   

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Haha I wish I could still do it, but I no longer run or swim collegiately soo I'm sort of left to my own half-assed cardio workouts.  I still get my fair share of good meals, but if I had my druthers I'd be eating homemade man n cheese, baked ziti, lasagna and anything with alfredo or vodka sauce on it 3 times a day and 7 days a week. I remember wishing for super powers when I was younger; to be able to fly, teleport, breath underwater..but now, I just wish I could eat anything I wanted and not gain weight.  That's about when I realized I was growing up.   

Ssssssssh...Crusher might be listening

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Keeping a tight diet, cardio 6 mornings a week for 40 min, and ephed/caf for the last two, i dropped 40 lbs in two months. I looked like someone else. It was ridiculous.


Whoa, have you had your heart checked to make sure there is no damage


It's already begun. The plague has hit squirrels this week in California.



LOL.  Makes sense.  They're just rats with bushy tails.


?  Sounds like you are lucky.  You could have had a heart attack.

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By Michael J. Fensom/The Star-Ledger 
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on August 02, 2013 at 2:14 PM
CORTLAND, N.Y. -- For two hours today at SUNY Cortland, the Jets engaged in their hardest-hitting practice of training camp. For two players, the contact proved harmful.
Dalton Freeman appeared to have sustained the more serious injury. On the final play of practice, the center stayed sprawled on the field. Trainers attended to his right knee or lower leg. He could not put weight on the leg and a cart was called to shuttle him to the locker room.
Rex Ryan, the Jets coach, Thursday identified Freeman as having an excellent training camp, perhaps indicating the undrafted free agent from Clemson is the frontrunner to back up Nick Mangold.
Ryan did not have a report from the trainers on Freeman or Joe McKnight, the running back injured during short-yardage drills.
McKnight left the field midway through practice with trainers holding his left arm or shoulder. The trainers took his helmet and he did not return to the field.
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