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Sanchez Believes Turnovers Are All in His Head


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Jets' Sanchez believes turnover troubles are all in his head




Posted: 3:38 PM, August 2, 2013








CORTLAND – Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez is in a fight for his job largely because of one number: 52. That’s how many turnovers he’s committed over the last two years – 26 in each season.



Sanchez knows it can’t happen again. He vowed Friday that if he wins the starting job, there won’t be 26 turnovers from him again this year.



“Absolutely,” Sanchez told The Post when asked if he is positive there won’t be a repeat of the past two years. “There can’t be. We won’t win.”



When it was then pointed out that he won’t hold onto his job this year if he turns the ball over because of rookie Geno Smith sitting behind him he said, “Right.”



Cutting down on turnovers has to be priority No. 1 for Sanchez for him to restore anyone’s belief that he can be a winning quarterback. He said offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg sat him down when he was hired and told him he had to just decide not to commit turnovers anymore.



“When I first talked to him he said it’s a mindset,” Sanchez said. “He just kind of looks right through you and says, ‘It’s not going to happen anymore. It’s done. It’s over. You’re not turning the ball over. You just don’t it anymore.’ ”



Sanchez said there’s no drills to cut out the turnovers. It’s all about his head.



“I totally believe in the power of your mind,” Sanchez said. “As long as I’m studying and as long as I understand the plays and the reads like I know I do, then that’s just mental makeup. It just shouldn’t happen. It’s crazy. It’s really hard to convey to somebody. I just have to go do it. That’s the most important thing. I just have to show it. I just have to prove I can take care of the ball like I know I can and get the ball to the right guy.”



So far, Sanchez believes it’s working.



“I know I’ve turned the ball over much less in this camp than any other camp. There’s no doubt,” Sanchez said. “Part of it is making the decision not to do it. Make the right decision. When in doubt, make the right decision with the football.”



Sanchez’s problems have not just been relegated to interceptions. He has fumbled eight times in each of the last two years. Sanchez said he is working on keeping two hands on the ball to combat the problem.



His most famous fumble, and turnover, came against the Patriots last year when he ran into guard Brandon Moore’s backside and committed the “buttfumble.” It feels like the play is shown on an endless loop on ESPN.



Sanchez said the ridicule he’s absorbed because of the play does not bother him.



“I don’t really care,” Sanchez said. “People say ‘buttfumble’ to me and I’m like ‘all right. Yeah, it was a blooper play. It sucks. OK, so what?’ ”



So why does he think ESPN can’t stop showing the play?



“They don’t have enough content. Tell them to get more content,” Sanchez said. “There’s plenty of other funny plays, but that one probably tops the charts. I don’t know. Who cares? It’s one of those things that it happened during the season, so what? If we win a bunch of games this year, it will just be something we laugh at. If we don’t, so what? I’m still going to laugh at it. It’s funny. Who cares?




Read more: Jets' Sanchez believes turnover troubles are all in his head http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/jetsblog/jets_sanchez_believes_turnover_troubles_2lz39zez8zmfpEvinjCeKJ#ixzz2aqMySMcH

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“I know I’ve turned the ball over much less in this camp than any other camp. There’s no doubt,” Sanchez said. “Part of it is making the decision not to do it. Make the right decision. When in doubt, make the right decision with the football.”


Says the guy who's averaging at least one turnover at THIS camp. He must have looked downright awful in practice these last 4 seasons. No wonder Rex lost the locker room the last two years.

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"Turning the ball over is totally like running head first into Brandon Moore's ass, you just... stop." 


As much as I despise the way he plays football, I feel for him. He doesn't seem like a bad kid, maybe a little spoiled or something like it, but I don't revel in his embarrassment. I just want him to go away.

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