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Cimini's latest shot at Jets


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Rich Cimini has a wonderful article in today's espn/newyork edition where he (of course) blasts the team (once again) for the Sanchez injury. Look, everyone knows it was a mistake to put him in there at that time, but at a time when everyone BUT Cimini is looking ahead at the positive improvement of Geno Smith there's the hater Cimini on his ledge shouting to anyone who will listen that the Jets are a backstabbing organization that will throw poor Marky away as soon as they are able. DUH. That was almost a given coming into the season. No one wanted Sanchez to get hurt. In his career he has been tougher than a two dollar steak so no one could have forseen his injury. Rich Cimini is of the worst haterilk, hell even Steve Serby had a positive column on the Jets today. Get over it Cimini, the Jets are on the way up and YOU are on the way down along with your faves BIG BLUE.

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Rex is a moron for putting Sanchez in that game and deserves to be ripped for it, but the woe-is-Sanchez stories were preposterous two years ago. Enough with this sh*t already.


Perhaps, but the question is if anyone should even care about what ultimately happened.


Frankly, while I certainly wasn't rooting for the guy to get hurt, I don't think it could have worked out any better for the team.  We all know if not for Tanny's stupid ass extension, Mark was going to be a goner this past offseason.  In this case, they got to toss him aside without all of the contract problems that otherwise came with doing that.  The Geno stuff would have been even worse if the Jets had someone other than Quinn and Simms behind him (given that nobody outside of some wishful Jets fans think anything of Simms or probably even know who he is).  Of course it doesn't make Rex's decision at all intelligent, it just means it could be argued that it ended up being for the best regardless.

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Dude look. Everyone on here has been told countless times by certain posters that it doesn't matter if you have a Macy's lingerie manequin blocking for you on that play, it was unequivocally Sanchez's fault that he got crushed, even if 50% of that line is no longer in the NFL. Save the sob stories. Sanchez needs big boy pants

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The Sanchez eulogy story had to come out today regardless, and it's fair to criticize how he ended up in surgery. Cimini was very complimentary of Geno and the Jets yesterday.


This.  Cimini has been very fair all week.  And putting Sanchez in there was dumb, despite how fruitful it's outcome may have been.

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Only Sanchez thought he was the guy at that point in time. You do not put your top guy in at that time if you are impressed enough to make him the starter.  Sanchez is a legend in his own mind.  To imply that someone wanted him to get hurt is slanderous.  But that is Cimini.  That was Matt Simms spot.  They only put Sanchez in there to score some points and convince them they should put him ahead of Geno.  No other reason.

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