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Is it to much to ask...


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We root for a team in the biggest media market in the richest and most powerful sports league in the country and possibly on the planet. Knowing these things, and due to the outrageous and seemingly never-ending suffering we have endured from our decades of futility and embarrassment, we have come to believe that we are not entitled to anything as Jets fans other than ever-rising ticket prices and pathetic performances on the field. To that I respond that we do deserve better than this. We do deserve certain considerations given our loyal standing and the NFL's position of power and the Jets' position of prominence within it. I believe we should expect and demand certain minimum consideration and that anyone who fails to deliver on these items should be billboarded and run out of town without hesitation. Those things are:

  • The Jets should always have at least one marquee playmaker on offense. The abysmal and lengthy ignoration of half of the team is odious and will no longer be tolerated. The days of fans of other teams only being able to name one Jets offensive player--the QB they are currently mocking--must be over. Brandon Marshall is a good enough start but where is our in-their-prime playmaker? When was the last time we had this? Keyshawn Johnson? Pathetic and unacceptable.
  • Punting a successful possession doth not make. Again, another symptom of offensive neglect. Our expectations are so low--from both an organization and a fandom perspective--that we are conditioned to believe that any possession that does not end in a turnover is a good thing. That is preposterous and insulting to everyone's intelligence. This is like saying any year you don't lose money investing is successful. No, any year you don't gain inflation + more is a loss. Standing still is not winning. You have to take risks to get reward. Simply refusing to take risks, which limits or eliminates your upside, and depending on the defense to make stop after stop after stop--which always culminates in a final drive at the end of the game where our prevent defense fails us--is absurd and makes for a horrifically un-entertaining spectacle. We can handle turnovers, if they are offset by more points. You have to put chips onto the table if you want to win the pot. I would take an aggressive coach and gunslinger who are not afraid to make mistakes over a pussified game manager 7 days a week and twice on Sundays. A QB who throws 26 TDs and 16 INTs is ten times better than one who throws 13 TDs and 8 INTs. TDs are definite points... INTs are maybe points. Not every turnover is converted.
  • Draft a QB every year, and I don't mean 6-7th round dogs. Pick them early and often until you find the guy. Going all-in on the Sanchezs and Geno Smiths of the World with no legitimate backup plan leads to one thing: your good players get old before the decision is made to move on and start again by going all-in on the next dog, only to repeat again in 3 more years. Keep drafting at least one QB in first 2 or 3 rounds EVERY YEAR until you find the one. If you happen to get 2 around the same time (Ha!), do what Philly and NE have done and ship them out for a ransom. Enough is enough. We deserve better.

These are not extravagant demands. There is no reason why any mediocre or better GM and HC cannot deliver on these baseline commitments. We are not asking for guaranteed wins. We are asking for guaranteed trying. For years we have been beaten down to the point where many of us think we are cursed and deserve the raw sewage of Jets football that has been gurgling into our living rooms from our TV sets every Sunday for 40 years. It is time for this to end. We deserve these very reasonable and minimum things and should be loud and vocal and cast anyone aside who does not deliver until we get it.

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Jets fans deserve every single awful thing that's happened to them, and then some.


Break free of your chains brother. If horrible Pats fans get to enjoy SBs, than every other team's fans deserve to as well.

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I'd like to root for a good Football team.


I would like to root for a team that I felt like had a chance any given week. Only time I felt that way in my lifetime was when Vinny was here. We didn't always win but he always gave us a chance.

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As a long suffering Jets and Mets fan (40+ years), I feel that I am entitled to nothing but ridicule and scorn from Giants and Yankees fans both young an old.  I blame my father for brainwashing me as a young boy into rooting for, quite frankly, two of the most infuriating sports teams in the United States to root for.  I deserve this. Damn you, Dad!!!!

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Draft a QB every year, and I don't mean 6-7th round dogs. Pick them early and often until you find the guy. Going all-in on the Sanchezs and Geno Smiths of the World with no legitimate backup plan leads to one thing: your good players get old before the decision is made to move on and start again by going all-in on the next dog, only to repeat again in 3 more years. Keep drafting at least one QB in first 2 or 3 rounds EVERY YEAR until you find the one. If you happen to get 2 around the same time (Ha!), do what Philly and NE have done and ship them out for a ransom. Enough is enough. We deserve better.

This guy is on to something here. I agree. What does it hurt? If he's no good you cut him or trade him. Of course you don't neglect a NEED to simply pick ANY QB. It has to be the right guy in the right round, but I would try and pick one every single season until I found one. Just makes sense because the NFL is NOT suddenly going to be a DE driven league. 

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As a long suffering Jets and Mets fan (40+ years), I feel that I am entitled to nothing but ridicule and scorn from Giants and Yankees fans both young an old.  I blame my father for brainwashing me as a young boy into rooting for, quite frankly, two of the most infuriating sports teams in the United States to root for.  I deserve this. Damn you, Dad!!!!

So who do your kids root for?

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As a long suffering Jets and Mets fan (40+ years), I feel that I am entitled to nothing but ridicule and scorn from Giants and Yankees fans both young an old.  I blame my father for brainwashing me as a young boy into rooting for, quite frankly, two of the most infuriating sports teams in the United States to root for.  I deserve this. Damn you, Dad!!!!


I got double whammy from my Dad also. Mets and Jets. Triple whammy if you count that he introduced me to JN also.

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  • Punting a successful possession doth not make. Again, another symptom of offensive neglect. Our expectations are so low--from both an organization and a fandom perspective--that we are conditioned to believe that any possession that does not end in a turnover is a good thing. That is preposterous and insulting to everyone's intelligence. This is like saying any year you don't lose money investing is successful. No, any year you don't gain inflation + more is a loss. Standing still is not winning. You have to take risks to get reward. Simply refusing to take risks, which limits or eliminates your upside, and depending on the defense to make stop after stop after stop--which always culminates in a final drive at the end of the game where our prevent defense fails us--is absurd and makes for a horrifically un-entertaining spectacle. We can handle turnovers, if they are offset by more points. You have to put chips onto the table if you want to win the pot. I would take an aggressive coach and gunslinger who are not afraid to make mistakes over a pussified game manager 7 days a week and twice on Sundays. A QB who throws 26 TDs and 16 INTs is ten times better than one who throws 13 TDs and 8 INTs. TDs are definite points... INTs are maybe points. Not every turnover is converted.



this gave me horrid flashbacks to herm/pennington... 

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I would like to root for a team that I felt like had a chance any given week. Only time I felt that way in my lifetime was when Vinny was here. We didn't always win but he always gave us a chance.

We didnt have a chance to win any given week when we were 11-5 and went to back 2 back championship games?

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We didnt have a chance to win any given week when we were 11-5 and went to back 2 back championship games?

Read the post again. No i did not feel like we had a chance any given week those years. Hindsight is great but i had no faith in sanchez to step up if another team hung so much as 20 on us.

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Anytime the Jets seem like they have a chance or are building on something, the same image pops into my head over and over.  I need this erased from memory before I die.




for me it is:



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  • The Jets should always have at least one marquee playmaker on offense. The abysmal and lengthy ignoration of half of the team is odious and will no longer be tolerated. The days of fans of other teams only being able to name one Jets offensive player--the QB they are currently mocking--must be over. Brandon Marshall is a good enough start but where is our in-their-prime playmaker? When was the last time we had this? Keyshawn Johnson? Pathetic and unacceptable.


Curtis Martin. But carry on as your point is still valid.

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"Punting a successful possession doth not make"


are you referiing to the "any possession that ends in a kick is a good one"  quote ?


touchdowns end in a kick, btw   ;-)


all it means is a punt is better than a turnover

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As much as the last few years have been horrible, we have been a pretty competitive team for the last 15-17 years. Multiple winning seasons, playoff wins, 3 AFCCG appearances, ... it's tough right now because of the complete reset button being hit.

But honestly, if we trade for Rivers (who essentially put himself on the block by saying he won't consider an extension and wants to test the free agent market next year) we are a legitimate threat as a playoff team considering the trade and free agents we brought in to join out young game changers. And we have the draft ahead of us as well.

If you lived through the Jets from the late 80's and most of the 90's era has been a thrill ride (compared).

I was around for those years and they were horrible. But one constant: we have been looking for the heir to joe willy for 40 years and it is time to go all in until we find him. Even drafting 7 qbs for a year or two would not be over reacting, the "pick one and pray" method has been utter fail.
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Rex was here for 6 years & literally neutered the offense.

The azzclown made Santonio Holmes a CAPTAIN!

Would you follow that piece of sh*t anywhere? Here's a guy that does that stupid 1st down ball drop while we are being embarrassed.

This team was run by a MORON & run right into the ground.

The funny thing about the last 3 years was that when the offense did show some life & got a lead (21-3) in GreenBay, Rex defense FAILED EVERY F*CKING TIME!

Hey, you want to ignore the offense because your defense kills people, I'm fine with that IF IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS!

Rex will have great success with the Bills next year because they are loaded on defense. If he has to deal with some injuries & such they'll go right down the toilet fast as sh*t.

I agree with the OP here.

It's time!

Pray that Mariota drops to us & Cleveland wants to bet the farm on him.

Draft freaking Devonte Adams or Jalen Strong or DGB & Scherff and Stud RB like Gurley.

It's time to have some players that get picked in fantasy in at least the 1st 3 rounds!

Remember the days of Freeman McNeil, Walker, Toon, Shuler!

At least it was f*cking exciting!

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As much as the last few years have been horrible, we have been a pretty competitive team for the last 15-17 years. Multiple winning seasons, playoff wins, 3 AFCCG appearances, ... it's tough right now because of the complete reset button being hit.


But honestly, if we trade for Rivers (who essentially put himself on the block by saying he won't consider an extension and wants to test the free agent market next year) we are a legitimate threat as a playoff team considering the trade and free agents we brought in to join out young game changers. And we have the draft ahead of us as well.


If you lived through the Jets from the late 80's and most of the 90's era has been a thrill ride (compared).  


This is the truth.


I look at the past two years, 3 years like 95-96. They were brutal and this team was unwatchable.


With Revis back and Marshall joining the WR corp they will be at least watchable and hopefully competitive if the draft Cooper even better.


If just don't see with Winston's outside issues and Mariotta probably looking at 2-3 years before becoming a real QB that the Jets should draft either one.


I don't want a gimmick, Tebow, RGIII, Kapernick type of QB where once you figure out to keep him in pocket that they are going to struggle.


Get me a pocket passer and I will be happy.

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my theory - the jets sold their soul to the devil when they pulled off the greatest upset in league history in SB 3. We had the most brash qb in the most brash market and we were never apologetic or cared what others thought. In turn. For pulling off the greatest heist in league history , we have been dealt misfortune year after year in similar fashion.

I call it. The curse of Joe Namath.

He's the only image of a great past we have. When you think of Jets history he's the one and only. Their is never anyone else. For this. We've been cursed.

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The football gods have cursed us because of something that was never supposed to happen.

Look at the league now. After the merger we created. The league is filled with murderers rapists and money hungry owners and players.

If the jets never won that day maybe the leagues never would merge. Maybe there wouldn't be this huge conglomerate cash cow that can't be stopped. And maybe our lives would all just be a little simpler.

The football gods hated joe Namath back than. And they are taking it out on the jets fanbase now.

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