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Rex has a little Bellichick in him after all


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J.J. Watt: Rex Ryan had a plan to draft me that involved a fake disease


"I sat down there and he kind of real casually -- the whole thing was real casual -- and he just said, 'Hey, man, you're gonna be gone by the time we get to pick, so here's what we're gonna do: We're gonna put out a fake medical report that you have some sort of disease. I don't know what it is, whatever, we'll make it up. And you're gonna drop, but we'll pay you like you're up there [in the first round]," Watt said of Ryan's plan, via ESPN.com.

Obviously, Ryan was joking, but there was no way for Watt to be 100 percent sure because after all, this is Ryan we're talking about and if anyone would pull something like that, it'd be him.

Four years later, that's still one of Watt's favorite memories from the draft process.


We got a really nice consolation prize in Wilk, but Oh Rex, you dog!

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If he hasnt has belichick inside him already im sure he would like it in the future

Well, as a head coach, Rex is 4-11 against Belichick, with a point total of 297 for Rex and 409 against, in those games.


So, this isn't news that Bill has been ******* him for years.

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I'll begin by saying that I am not looking for excuses for the Bills' season.  Instead,  I am looking at the overall picture.

There's no doubt that mistakes have been made by Rex and other Bills' coaches.  Our game this past week against the Chiefs was a total disgrace (as I previously stated). I have to ask why we can be so disciplined and prepared for the Jets and Patriots (even though we lost against the Patriots) and not so much for a number of other games we played like the Chiefs.   Again,  although we lost to the Patriots,  I thought after that game,  "we finally got our d line together."  And, then against the Chiefs, the same ole d line again.   Rex needs to shove his d scheme where the sun don't shine. And, give Thurman his walking papers.  Terry Pegula should pull rank and offer Schwartz the world to come back.  

The overall picture has to look at the misfortunes as well.    The Bills, like other NFL Teams had injuries.  However,  not many (like the Bills) had 14 injured players  with 8 starters that didn't play in the game.  This occurred in our game against the Jags.

The Officiating Refs (this year)  are probably the worst I've seen in NFL history.  Yes,  there were bad calls to all teams  but there were a couple of games when I wondered if the refs had it out for Rex and/or the Bills (one being the   NY Giants Game).  They probably did have it out for us.

We can possibly pull at 10-6 season but I doubt it.  More like 9-7 and I think we will be tie with the NY jets at the end of the season.




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I'll begin by saying that I am not looking for excuses for the Bills' season.  Instead,  I am looking at the overall picture.

There's no doubt that mistakes have been made by Rex and other Bills' coaches.  Our game this past week against the Chiefs was a total disgrace (as I previously stated). I have to ask why we can be so disciplined and prepared for the Jets and Patriots (even though we lost against the Patriots) and not so much for a number of other games we played like the Chiefs.   Again,  although we lost to the Patriots,  I thought after that game,  "we finally got our d line together."  And, then against the Chiefs, the same ole d line again.   Rex needs to shove his d scheme where the sun don't shine. And, give Thurman his walking papers.  Terry Pegula should pull rank and offer Schwartz the world to come back. 

You sound like us over the past three years. This was specifically the pain of 2011 and 2012. We'd lose and then come back swinging and hit a win. Then the next game play like trash. Repeat.

This is probably the single worse problem with Rex. He's great at motivating guys but he also gets crazy after a win. It's like he can convince the team they are about to be sent to the CFL after a loss but just won three super bowls with every win. It makes the team inconsistent and lazy after a win. It's a compounding problem because the lack of consistency makes it difficult to capitalize on the wins and get in a rhythm and when you lose it's hard to fix problems.

If you wanted to point out his second biggest flaw it's his bizarre sense of loyalty. He's loyal to coaches and players who are loyal to him no matter how bad they are. He won't ditch his guys. Even when the team fired Sporano--and I doubt that was Rex's choice--Rex kept his son as a TE coach as a concession prize. Just look at your WR coach. Sanjay Lal is terrible. But there he is in Buffalo. 

I really thought when Rex went to Buffalo he would have that fire to prove the world wrong and take the opportunity to start anew. The second he brought in the bulk of his coaching staff I knew I was dead wrong.

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You sound like us over the past three years. This was specifically the pain of 2011 and 2012. We'd lose and then come back swinging and hit a win. Then the next game play like trash. Repeat.

This is probably the single worse problem with Rex. He's great at motivating guys but he also gets crazy after a win. It's like he can convince the team they are about to be sent to the CFL after a loss but just won three super bowls with every win. It makes the team inconsistent and lazy after a win. It's a compounding problem because the lack of consistency makes it difficult to capitalize on the wins and get in a rhythm and when you lose it's hard to fix problems.

If you wanted to point out his second biggest flaw it's his bizarre sense of loyalty. He's loyal to coaches and players who are loyal to him no matter how bad they are. He won't ditch his guys. Even when the team fired Sporano--and I doubt that was Rex's choice--Rex kept his son as a TE coach as a concession prize. Just look at your WR coach. Sanjay Lal is terrible. But there he is in Buffalo. 

I really thought when Rex went to Buffalo he would have that fire to prove the world wrong and take the opportunity to start anew. The second he brought in the bulk of his coaching staff I knew I was dead wrong.

You make a lot of valid points.  I think some of his coaching staff has to go.  I really like Roman,  think he's doing a good job with our Oline.   Just a side note:  I have a lot of faith in Tyrod Taylor.  If he can get the ball out faster and not just zero in on one player (but look for an opening  wr, etc ),  we will have a perfect QB.  I am pretty much satisfied with what he has already done this year.   Our dline coach needs to be revised.  Ryan may not want to send Thurman on his way but I think Whaley can put the bug in Pegula's ear to look for a new DC.  Rex should rely on his dc and oc coaches to call plays in the game.  I think part of the players' discipline problems lies in the calls Ryan (mainly defense) makes during the game.  He's much too hyper on the side lines and I really believe this behavior has a negative impact on the players.    I have the impression that Roman makes all the o line calls.

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Sorry, Jeanie. :D

I find this amusing, but I know how you feel. Don't worry, one day you'll be able to look back on all this Rex business and just laugh. Like me! :)

Hey, maybe he'll go to Miami next? Wouldn't that be fun? And then you can laugh with us! Yayyy! :lol:

I mean you, personally, no ill will. You are by far the most genial, rational, and worthwhile poster of all the other team fan posters. More so than some of our own resident Jet fan posters, too. ;)

So, buck up! Enjoy what you can, and stop asking yourself why, when it comes to Rex. Trust me. Take it from a fan who's been watching him the past 6 seasons. There's no good answer to that question, and you'll just drive yourself crazy.

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Sorry, Jeanie. :D

I find this amusing, but I know how you feel. Don't worry, one day you'll be able to look back on all this Rex business and just laugh. Like me! :)

Hey, maybe he'll go to Miami next? Wouldn't that be fun? And then you can laugh with us! Yayyy! :lol:

I mean you, personally, no ill will. You are by far the most genial, rational, and worthwhile poster of all the other team fan posters. More so than some of our own resident Jet fan posters, too. ;)

So, buck up! Enjoy what you can, and stop asking yourself why, when it comes to Rex. Trust me. Take it from a fan who's been watching him the past 6 seasons. There's no good answer to that question, and you'll just drive yourself crazy.

Thank you for the clarification Spoot-Face.  For me and probably many other Buffalo Bills' Fans,  this goes far beyond just wanting our team to win.  We have a great deal of respect for the Pegulas.  They have done so much for Buffalo.  It's disheartening to see the results of this team after the owners pumped in so much money.  We do have a lot of talent on our team.  As I mentioned earlier in another thread,  I have a real concern about losing some good players after this season.  This would mean starting all over again.  Well almost starting over.    Finally,  don't be surprised if you hear that the Bills' Fans put out a petition to get Jim Schwartz (DC) back.  We miss him dearly.  

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Thank you for the clarification Spoot-Face.  For me and probably many other Buffalo Bills' Fans,  this goes far beyond just wanting our team to win.  We have a great deal of respect for the Pegulas.  They have done so much for Buffalo.  It's disheartening to see the results of this team after the owners pumped in so much money.  We do have a lot of talent on our team.  As I mentioned earlier in another thread,  I have a real concern about losing some good players after this season.  This would mean starting all over again.  Well almost starting over.    Finally,  don't be surprised if you hear that the Bills' Fans put out a petition to get Jim Schwartz (DC) back.  We miss him dearly.  

Honestly, I don't think Schwartz is getting anywhere near the building while Rex is there, and I think the sentiment goes both ways. You say you want Thurman gone, but he's not much more than another face for Rex. Rex wants someone to run his defense, and there's no way that Schwartz is going to run any defense but his own. Those two stubborn, emotional hot-heads will not mix well.

Good news for you is that I don't think Rex will last as long in Buffalo as he did in New York. I don't know what his contract is like, nor do I know the reputation of the owners, but it seems like fans are turning on him quite quickly, and for good cause. If the Pegulas are as smart as the fans are, they'll see through Rex soon, and hopefully for you--not for me, because rivalry and stuff--they give him the axe. I don't know. We'll see.

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Honestly, I don't think Schwartz is getting anywhere near the building while Rex is there, and I think the sentiment goes both ways. You say you want Thurman gone, but he's not much more than another face for Rex. Rex wants someone to run his defense, and there's no way that Schwartz is going to run any defense but his own. Those two stubborn, emotional hot-heads will not mix well.

Good news for you is that I don't think Rex will last as long in Buffalo as he did in New York. I don't know what his contract is like, nor do I know the reputation of the owners, but it seems like fans are turning on him quite quickly, and for good cause. If the Pegulas are as smart as the fans are, they'll see through Rex soon, and hopefully for you--not for me, because rivalry and stuff--they give him the axe. I don't know. We'll see.

The Pegulas are very slow to fire anyone.  I think it's pretty safe to say that Rex will still be here next year.  Fans on another blog claim that the Bills are on the hook for a 5 year contract with Rex.   I  can't believe that we would have to pay for 4 more years if he was fired after this season but I don't know his contract.  I know that Schwartz and Ryan would probably lock horns but the fans really like Schwartz.  His name comes up all the time. Rex has to realize that our defense plays a better 3-4.  Like I mentioned earlier,  we will probably finish with a 9-7 or 10-6 if we are lucky and I mean real lucky.  I do know that the fans will not be happy with a 9-7 finish.  We feel the talent on our team can do better.

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