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Bills give up 37 points, fire OC


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7 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

Roman is the only non-crony on that coaching staff. Rex effectively talked the Pegula's into firing the one guy that they could have promoted as interim HC if they wanted to fire Rex mid-season. 

Roman has done nothing short of building exactly the offense that Rex asked for, and giving him the most productive offense he's ever had. Zero premise for firing. 

This is soooo true and one oft he reasons I believe he got rid of Donnie Henderson the Bills secondary coach.

Henderson was too well liked and all one need do is take a honest look out that Bills secondary and you can clearly see how they have regressed.

Yet to Rex defenders this all "happening" to Rex.... 

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10 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

Greg Roman was the most talented coach on that staff, and probably the only one that isn't a Rex crony or relative. 

Like I said, it was Roman and the work he did with that offense last year, that salvaged Rex Year 1 in Buffalo. Because the defense took a huge step backward. 

If I were Roman, I'd sue for wrongful termination. LOL

Taylor can't hit the broad side of the barn or anticipate/throw a guy open.  Roman got about as much out of a crappy QB as he could.  

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15 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

Dude, my post was about going forward, which was implicit from the grammar I chose to use in writing it. I don't know why you're talking about the past, but it's irrelevant to the point I was making. I said our division will come down to us or the Pats, which suggest that as long as leadership with the Dolphins and Bills doesn't change, they will be bottom feeders.

I don't really know what the point of arguing this is. 

If you want to get into the history, then go back to last season when the Bills hired Rex. The narrative was that Rex has historically played the Pats tough, and then when he whipped us twice, the implication was that he would make the Bills the #1 challenger for the division. Now, I never believed personally, but this is what the NFL fan/media base at large seemed to assume. Now that it's clearly debunked, going forward (I'll say it specifically so you don't mistake my meaning here) we are the only challenger to the Pats in the division.

So, keep Rex in Buffalo and Tanny in Miami as long as possible. Which is the prevailing point I was making.

I didn't dispute any of what you said. Simply pointed out that we were "the only challenger" to Pats for the division when Rex n Tanny were here. 

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7 hours ago, detectivekimble said:

To be fair, he was the best of a bad bunch.  EJ Manuel is worse than Geno.

Sammy Watkins is wasting away up there.  Dude is an awesome talent.

No, Taylor wasnt rostered with the Bills. Rex had Whaley go get his guy. Same guy we had to hear all about him wanting here, when Idzik blaming was all the rage.

Reality is, Rex was a dumpster fire on his own (re: roster, etc.) and Idzik was like dumping gas on it.


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9 hours ago, Embrace the Suck said:

Classic case of nepotism. Without his old man charming the Ryan name he never would have made the NFL or college neither would his brother. Same for Idzik who is nothing more than a glorified CPA. 

Are you saying that Buddy Ryan is Idzik's father too?

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10 hours ago, Pac said:

Let me make it simpler.  Your theory is completely absurd, devoid of logic, and most certainly did NOT happen.

That is, unless you think Rex wanted to get fired immediately followed by being blackballed in the league.  His press conference is a transparent attempt to "take every bullet" as he said he'd do.

There are plenty of real examples to criticize Rex for and the fact he's doing poorly is GREAT considering I hate the Bills.  No need to float asinine theories in a veiled attempt to justify your odd hatred.  Just lol @ his D getting destroyed last night and hope they go 4-12 with the wins coming against the Pats and Dolphins.

I don't follow.

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13 hours ago, T0mShane said:

I don't know why I should be shocked that Rex is still using the same gameplan on and off the field, but I am. 

As dumb as Rex is, it is kind of amazing that literally the only lesson he took from his failure here is "they didn't empower me to do enough stupid s**t."

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11 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

As dumb as Rex is, it is kind of amazing that literally the only lesson he took from his failure here is "they didn't empower me to do enough stupid s**t."

Not sure what the DSM-5 would have for him, but I'm sure it'd be explicit and cover many pages.

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10 hours ago, Embrace the Suck said:

Classic case of nepotism. Without his old man charming the Ryan name he never would have made the NFL or college neither would his brother.

It isn't really nepotism. If anything having gone through all of this with Buddy makes it all the more baffling that Rex has been peter principled into two gigs. The difference is that Rex is young enough that he's going to get another chance to do what he's actually good at once the current debacle is over. The other difference is that unlike Buddy he makes an effort to conceal the fact that he's a contemptible jackass so he's probably going to get another chance to do what he's horrible at after that too.

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3 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

i said this within an hour of the story breaking. Apparently 'sports writer' is the new 'janitor' when it comes to guidance counselors routing dummies toward their future.

Wow how weird that the Pegulas would fire someone in a manner that would so immediately benefit Rex's personal interest. It's almost as if Marvez flew all the way to Buffalo and got snowed by any one of the army of sycophants that Rex hired and didn't realize it until he got home and the rest of the free world spent 24 hours mocking him.

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2 hours ago, T0mShane said:

The mistress gets to fire the trainer in three weeks.

It's actually kind of brilliant. Either Rex really is in charge and nobody knows it or everybody thinks he's in charge but he really isn't, and it's impossible to tell which of the two it is. Think about that. People act all surprised that Buffalo could have failed to see this coming but you have to remember we're talking about the guy who beat Mike Tannenbaum at his own game here. Viva la gorda cucaracha.

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3 hours ago, T0mShane said:

Wow how weird that the Pegulas would fire someone in a manner that would so immediately benefit Rex's personal interest. It's almost as if Marvez flew all the way to Buffalo and got snowed by any one of the army of sycophants that Rex hired and didn't realize it until he got home and the rest of the free world spent 24 hours mocking him.


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9 hours ago, Miss Lonelyhearts said:

It's actually kind of brilliant. Either Rex really is in charge and nobody knows it or everybody thinks he's in charge but he really isn't, and it's impossible to tell which of the two it is. Think about that. People act all surprised that Buffalo could have failed to see this coming but you have to remember we're talking about the guy who beat Mike Tannenbaum at his own game here. Viva la gorda cucaracha.

There is an artistry to his longevity, but I refuse to believe he's clever enough to have concocted it himself.

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21 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

There is an artistry to his longevity, but I refuse to believe he's clever enough to have concocted it himself.

Like if Forrest Gump was a sniveling snake in the grass instead of a well meaning simpleton 

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It's actually kind of brilliant. Either Rex really is in charge and nobody knows it or everybody thinks he's in charge but he really isn't, and it's impossible to tell which of the two it is. Think about that. People act all surprised that Buffalo could have failed to see this coming but you have to remember we're talking about the guy who beat Mike Tannenbaum at his own game here. Viva la gorda cucaracha.

I once lost control of my vehicle on ice when I was 19. I was driving like a total moron on the highway. I can't even tell you how many times I spun, into oncoming highway traffic, tractor trailer bearing down, as I spun right across the face of it, somehow all the way cross into the shoulder where I managed to straighten it out and get control. I missed every possible means of death you can imagine in my 1990 Ford Probe that certainly would have disntegrated had I hit the tractor trailer or the myriad of cars I spun my way through. Not even a scratch on my car. You could not have scripted a more perfect near miss scenario. That is Rex. He doesn't script anything, he's just been dumb lucky. When he's fired this year he'll never get a HC job again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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