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Bowles Presser


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On how the team’s mood was…

Pissed off, but overall not bad.


On what today’s message is to the team…

On to the next one. We’re close. We’ve made some plays. We made some strides from the Kansas City game to the last game. We’ve got to clean up some mistakes. We can’t beat ourselves.



On how Darrelle Revis is feeling…

He’s a little sore, but he’s starting to feel a bit better. He hasn’t run, so we’ll see on Wednesday.


On if Revis had an MRI…

Yeah, (he has a) mild strain.


On if Revis’ injury is in his knee or hamstring…



On Revis’ knee appearing to be taped up in the locker room…



On any other injury updates besides Revis and Brian Winters…



On if Winters sustained the concussion on the head-butt or the play before…

I do not know which play it was. I just saw him come out. I didn’t look. On the film you couldn’t really tell.


On if Matt Forté had an x-ray…

Not to my knowledge, no.


On why there are still miscommunication issues…

I don’t think they’re issues from a communication stand point that they don’t know. I think it’s issues (where) some guys aren’t as vocal when they need to be. Those are things that can easily be cleaned up and they see it on film. We see it on the sidelines and we have some things in place to try and take care of that.


On if things need to be simplified for the secondary…

There about as simple as they can be.


On if it is alarming that the secondary continues to have issues…

That’s alarming.


On if he’s ever coached a secondary with many miscommunication breakdowns…

It’s really not miscommunication, so that’s probably the wrong choice of word. You can call it busts. Sometimes it’s not miscommunication when there’s only one guy involved. I’ve seen certain plays like that that I’ve coached the secondary. I don’t know if there’s been as many at the same time, but overall during the course of the year you’ve seen certain plays like that. We’ve had way too many.


On what he attributes the “busts” to…

It’s funny because they’re different coverages. It’s not communication, it’s one guy here or there that’s not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. 



On if he needs to make personnel changes in the secondary…

We’ll look at it and evaluate day by day. It’s a different guy every time. Things will be shaken up as we go forward.


On if Calvin Pryor was taken out for performance reasons…

No, we didn’t take him out.


On Pryor coming in and out of the game…

He was coming in and out.


On if Pryor was banged up…



On having Buster Skrine play in the slot instead of on the outside…

He plays in the slot.


On Skrine being outside…

In base he was outside and nickel he’s always (inside), that’s how he’s been the whole year.


On if he believes he has the personnel in the secondary to be what he wants it to be…

Yes, I do.


On if he will bring up someone from the practice squad to give the cornerback position more depth due to Revis’ injury…

Well we’ve got two guys. (Darryl) Roberts hasn’t played yet. We’ve got Keeton (Bryson) on the practice squad. If we need to we’ll do something there.


On Revis’ availability for Sunday

It’s too early to tell right now.


On if he has any hope that Eric Decker will play on Sunday

I don’t know, it’s too early to tell.


On if he is considering putting Decker on IR…

It’s too early to tell.


On what went wrong with the run game…

Nothing. I think (Seattle) stacked the box pretty good and they stuffed us pretty good.


On if he foresees change if Ryan Fitzpatrick continues playing like he has the past two games…

We’ll go game by game. I don’t foresee any change right now.


On if there is a short leash on Fitzpatrick going into the Pittsburgh Steelers game on Sunday

Ryan’s fine.


On how surprising/frustrating the breakdowns in the secondary are considering the returning players from last season…

It’s frustrating, but again, we lost the first quarter of the season. We have to get better the second, third and fourth quarter (of the season), but it’s frustrating. There’s things we’re working on, things we’re doing, things they’re working on, they’re frustrated, but we have to work through it.


On if Bryce Petty will be able to practice this week…

He’s pretty close, but I have to see him do a little bit more this week.


On if he is worried about losing affecting the locker room…

No. Like I said, we only played a quarter of the season. We’re 1-3, we have a lot of football to play. We just know we have to play smarter.


On if he needs more pressure from the defensive line to possibly cut down on the deep passes…

Well one hand washes the other, but the biggest thing is we can’t have guys running free in the secondary. I can see if they’re getting beat one-on-one or those types of things. We have guys running free in the secondary and we can’t have that.


On if Brandon Marshall was on any type of snap count…

No he wasn’t.


On the thought process of incorporating more tight ends early in the game…

(It) was just part of the game plan, it wasn’t anything situational wise.


On if Brandon Bostick playing early was just package related…

That’s all.


On if Sheldon Richardson is doing more at linebacker…

He dropped two more plays (as opposed to last game, when he dropped) no plays, but he played defensive end for the most part.


On why Lorenzo Mauldin isn’t playing as much…

Our defensive line has four good football players and we’re playing four good football players – not that Lorenzo isn’t – right now, our most dynamic four football players up front in the seven is our defensive line.


On playing Jordan Jenkins more over Mauldin…

Lorenzo is a Will (linebacker), Jordan is Sam (linebacker). They do different things and a Sam linebacker is more Jordan’s forte.


On what about Fitzpatrick gives him faith that the can turn this around…

He’s been in the league a long time. I think if you’re in this league long enough, you’re going to go through some slumps as a team. It’s not just Ryan, it’s as a team. Some of it’s some chemistry things that we have to straighten out, but he’s a confident guy. We’re confident in our offense and we know we’ll get it turned around.


On what Fitzpatrick gives him that some of the other guys on the roster do not…

Right now, it’s chemistry. Obviously, everybody has an arm that can throw a football, but based on what he did last year and the things that they accomplished last year going into the season from a confidence standpoint, he’s our best chance to win.


On what he learned as a head coach overcoming the 1-4 stretch last year that he can apply to this season…

It’s always not as bad as you think it is, and it’s not always as great as you want it to be. You just persevere and you work through it and as long as the team stays together, you know you’re going to come out on the other end and be OK.


On if the stretch is magnified if the losing stretch comes at the beginning of the season…

I don’t know if there is a good time when it gets magnified. (If) you lose three out of four, you lose three out of four. There’s no certain time that makes it worse than the other. You just have to bounce back.


On if he went into yesterday’s game thinking the defensive front could make play more difficult for Russell Wilson…

We just try to play good football. We knew they we’re going to get the ball out quick, we knew they we’re going to try to establish the run game to keep us off balance. We just tried to make sure that we had our lanes taken care of.


On if he was OK with that part of the game when he watched it on film…



On if he thinks the team has dug a large hole starting 1-3 that will be tough to climb out of…

I don’t know if it’s a large hole, but it’s a hole. It’s the first quarter of the season, we have to play three more quarters and see where we are.


On if he watched their next opponent, the Pittsburgh Steelers, on television last night…

No I did not.


On if he is starting to get worried with where the team is at right now…

Actually, no I’m not. I think we have a chance to still do some things. We lost the first quarter, we still have three more to do.


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5 minutes ago, AFJF said:


On what Fitzpatrick gives him that some of the other guys on the roster do not…

Right now, it’s chemistry. Obviously, everybody has an arm that can throw a football, but based on what he did last year and the things that they accomplished last year going into the season from a confidence standpoint, he’s our best chance to win.



Here you go. Read it and weep. 

BTW for an amount that large, billboard companies prolly won't take a personal check. Just telling you in advance.

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Just now, fusionCA said:

is Bowles blind? the entire world saw that Winters got injured while taking that stupid personal foul , what is Bowles looking at during the game?

Probably doesn't want to say publicly that one of his players concussed himself on a dirty hit and who can blame him?  Bad look.

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Just now, AFJF said:

Probably doesn't want to say publicly that one of his players concussed himself on a dirty hit and who can blame him?  Bad look.

why? sometimes you need to hold your players accountable even in the media.


the guy acted like an idiot and should be treated as such.


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40 minutes ago, AFJF said:


On what Fitzpatrick gives him that some of the other guys on the roster do not…

Right now, it’s chemistry. Obviously, everybody has an arm that can throw a football, but based on what he did last year and the things that they accomplished last year going into the season from a confidence standpoint, he’s our best chance to win.



Sixpatrick is reverting to his mean.  His mean = he's never seen the post season and never will.  Sixp is not taking us the the post season.  Maybe Brice and Geno won't either, who can say but Sixp def won't.  I hate these HC's that can't get themselves out of denial mode.  

IMHO what is best for the fans is best for the team.  The fans are done with Sixp.  Wake up and smell the coffee Bowles.  Sixp is holeless, benching him begets hope.           

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1 minute ago, joewilly12 said:

No he has not. 

Lol so swinging a 5th rounder for Marshall, a 6th rounder for Fitz 2015 production, drafting Williams, Constructing contracts that give us plenty of ways out after the 1st/2nd year is bad? Lol oh okay. How about you people wait for his draft classes to develop first.

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6 minutes ago, Patriot Killa said:

Lol so swinging a 5th rounder for Marshall, a 6th rounder for Fitz 2015 production, drafting Williams, Constructing contracts that give us plenty of ways out after the 1st/2nd year is bad? Lol oh okay. How about you people wait for his draft classes to develop first.

We are in cap hell $12 million dollar Fitz sucks Marshall had a good season last year our defense is terrible Devin Smith may never play another down in the NFL Jalin Marshall the player no one else wanted is out our RB depth sucks 

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31 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

We are in cap hell $12 million dollar Fitz sucks Marshall had a good season last year our defense is terrible Devin Smith may never play another down in the NFL Jalin Marshall the player no one else wanted is out our RB depth sucks 

what is that even means? do you believe that that once Smith comes back from his injury he will not even play one more snap? are you mentally challenged ?


its like me saying the sun might not come up in 2 weeks, it could happen  , prove me wrong

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1 hour ago, joewilly12 said:

Dumb                                                                         Dumbo                                               Dumber 

Image result for todd bowles joke pics

THE THREE STOOGES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6 minutes ago, Charlie Brown said:

He already made it clear that Fitz is being evaluated game by game and that is a big difference in what he has said up until now. 

I'm speculating but I think he's waiting for Petty to be healed.  It would not surprise me at all to see Petty get the nod over Geno if Fitz is sitting at 1-5 in 2 weeks.  Between Bowles words and Geno acting detached, I'd be really surprised if Geno sees the field in 2016 unless Fitz gets injured before Petty's able to play...

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3 hours ago, AFJF said:

On how the team’s mood was…

Pissed off, but overall not bad.


On what today’s message is to the team…

On to the next one. We’re close. We’ve made some plays. We made some strides from the Kansas City game to the last game. We’ve got to clean up some mistakes. We can’t beat ourselves.



On how Darrelle Revis is feeling…

He’s a little sore, but he’s starting to feel a bit better. He hasn’t run, so we’ll see on Wednesday.


On if Revis had an MRI…

Yeah, (he has a) mild strain.


On if Revis’ injury is in his knee or hamstring…



On Revis’ knee appearing to be taped up in the locker room…



On any other injury updates besides Revis and Brian Winters…



On if Winters sustained the concussion on the head-butt or the play before…

I do not know which play it was. I just saw him come out. I didn’t look. On the film you couldn’t really tell.


On if Matt Forté had an x-ray…

Not to my knowledge, no.


On why there are still miscommunication issues…



On if things need to be simplified for the secondary…



On if it is alarming that the secondary continues to have issues…



On if he’s ever coached a secondary with many miscommunication breakdowns…



On what he attributes the “busts” to…




On if he needs to make personnel changes in the secondary…



On if Calvin Pryor was taken out for performance reasons…

No, we didn’t take him out.


On Pryor coming in and out of the game…

He was coming in and out.


On if Pryor was banged up…



On having Buster Skrine play in the slot instead of on the outside…

He plays in the slot.


On Skrine being outside…

In base he was outside and nickel he’s always (inside), that’s how he’s been the whole year.


On if he believes he has the personnel in the secondary to be what he wants it to be…



On if he will bring up someone from the practice squad to give the cornerback position more depth due to Revis’ injury…

Well we’ve got two guys. (Darryl) Roberts hasn’t played yet. We’ve got Keeton (Bryson) on the practice squad. If we need to we’ll do something there.


On Revis’ availability for Sunday

It’s too early to tell right now.


On if he has any hope that Eric Decker will play on Sunday

I don’t know, it’s too early to tell.


On if he is considering putting Decker on IR…

It’s too early to tell.


On what went wrong with the run game…

Nothing. I think (Seattle) stacked the box pretty good and they stuffed us pretty good.


On if he foresees change if Ryan Fitzpatrick continues playing like he has the past two games…

We’ll go game by game. I don’t foresee any change right now.


On if there is a short leash on Fitzpatrick going into the Pittsburgh Steelers game on Sunday

Ryan’s fine.


On how surprising/frustrating the breakdowns in the secondary are considering the returning players from last season…



On if Bryce Petty will be able to practice this week…

He’s pretty close, but I have to see him do a little bit more this week.


On if he is worried about losing affecting the locker room…

No. Like I said, we only played a quarter of the season. We’re 1-3, we have a lot of football to play. We just know we have to play smarter.


On if he needs more pressure from the defensive line to possibly cut down on the deep passes…

Well one hand washes the other, but the biggest thing is we can’t have guys running free in the secondary. I can see if they’re getting beat one-on-one or those types of things. We have guys running free in the secondary and we can’t have that.


On if Brandon Marshall was on any type of snap count…

No he wasn’t.


On the thought process of incorporating more tight ends early in the game…

(It) was just part of the game plan, it wasn’t anything situational wise.


On if Brandon Bostick playing early was just package related…

That’s all.


On if Sheldon Richardson is doing more at linebacker…

He dropped two more plays (as opposed to last game, when he dropped) no plays, but he played defensive end for the most part.


On why Lorenzo Mauldin isn’t playing as much…

Our defensive line has four good football players and we’re playing four good football players – not that Lorenzo isn’t – right now, our most dynamic four football players up front in the seven is our defensive line.


On playing Jordan Jenkins more over Mauldin…

Lorenzo is a Will (linebacker), Jordan is Sam (linebacker). They do different things and a Sam linebacker is more Jordan’s forte.


On what about Fitzpatrick gives him faith that the can turn this around…

He’s been in the league a long time. I think if you’re in this league long enough, you’re going to go through some slumps as a team. It’s not just Ryan, it’s as a team. Some of it’s some chemistry things that we have to straighten out, but he’s a confident guy. We’re confident in our offense and we know we’ll get it turned around.


On what Fitzpatrick gives him that some of the other guys on the roster do not…

Right now, it’s chemistry. Obviously, everybody has an arm that can throw a football, but based on what he did last year and the things that they accomplished last year going into the season from a confidence standpoint, he’s our best chance to win.


On what he learned as a head coach overcoming the 1-4 stretch last year that he can apply to this season…

It’s always not as bad as you think it is, and it’s not always as great as you want it to be. You just persevere and you work through it and as long as the team stays together, you know you’re going to come out on the other end and be OK.


On if the stretch is magnified if the losing stretch comes at the beginning of the season…

I don’t know if there is a good time when it gets magnified. (If) you lose three out of four, you lose three out of four. There’s no certain time that makes it worse than the other. You just have to bounce back.


On if he went into yesterday’s game thinking the defensive front could make play more difficult for Russell Wilson…

We just try to play good football. We knew they we’re going to get the ball out quick, we knew they we’re going to try to establish the run game to keep us off balance. We just tried to make sure that we had our lanes taken care of.


On if he was OK with that part of the game when he watched it on film…



On if he thinks the team has dug a large hole starting 1-3 that will be tough to climb out of…

I don’t know if it’s a large hole, but it’s a hole. It’s the first quarter of the season, we have to play three more quarters and see where we are.


On if he watched their next opponent, the Pittsburgh Steelers, on television last night…

No I did not.


On if he is starting to get worried with where the team is at right now…




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1 hour ago, BroadwayJets said:

No balls. Though, I'm sure if Petty had not gotten hurt, things would be slightly different right now.

I'm sympathetic to what you say, but I think you're very wrong because I think you're thinking like a fan concerned about the team's future not a HC concerned about his own future.

Petty got injured because the CS had more confidence in Geno than Petty. They'd already determined Geno would be 2nd string and Petty 3rd string. That's the reason he got injured, because that's the reason he was in that last PS game in the first place.

Difficult as it is for you to accept, and despite how reluctant the CS is to let him see the field even in mop up duty, if they did finally pull Fitz before the season is basically over, they're putting Geno in.

The HC's decision is based upon who gives the team the best chance to win on Sunday because in the end he will be judged by his own record as a HC. Once superbowl goal is removed from the realm of reality, his goal is not the same as that of the fans. His goal is self preservation by racking up as many wins as possible, development of a future QB and better future draft picks be damned. In his eyes, while Geno is a bad QB, he is a real backup QB where Petty is just a kid trying out at the expense of the HC and all the players.

Based on his stubborn reluctance to pull Fitz, even to protect him in garbage time, I'd be shocked if we saw Petty on the field before week 10, preseason injury or not. He simply views Petty as 3rd string to only be used in case of injury/benching of the two guys ahead of him.

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3 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

I'm sympathetic to what you say, but I think you're very wrong. Petty got injured because the CS had more confidence in Geno than Petty. They'd already determined Geno would be 2nd string and Petty 3rd string. That's the reason he got injured, because that's the reason he was in that last PS game in the first place.

Difficult as it is for you to accept, and despite how reluctant the CS is to let him see the field even in mop up duty, if they did finally pull Fitz before the season is basically over, they're putting Geno in.

The HC's decision is based upon who gives the team the best chance to win on Sunday because in the end he will be judged by his own record as a HC. Once superbowl goal is removed from the realm of reality, his goal is not the same as that of the fans. His goal is self preservation by racking up as many wins as possible, development of a future QB and better future draft picks be damned. In his eyes, while Geno is a bad QB, he is a real backup QB where Petty is just a kid trying out at the expense of the HC and all the players.

Based on his stubborn reluctance to pull Fitz, even to protect him in garbage time, I'd be shocked if we saw Petty on the field before week 10, preseason injury or not. He simply views Petty as 3rd string to only be used in case of injury/benching of the two guys ahead of him.

They probably also viewed Petty's reps as more valuable than Geno's, while accepting Geno is probably still slightly better than Petty.

You're probably right, even though I would disagree with the move. Bowles will always lean towards senority, which is not a bad thing. Geno is also a real backup that is gone come March, and you'd think it'd be logical if you're coaching for your job (if things continue down this road) to put in the QB that could possibly save your job - yet I could easily see the scenario you're talking about happen. It is frustrating because it's all too predictable. Yet, this entire offseason he was putting all of his eggs in the fitzbasket, so who can really blame him at this point?

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21 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

I'm sympathetic to what you say, but I think you're very wrong because I think you're thinking like a fan concerned about the team's future not a HC concerned about his own future.

Petty got injured because the CS had more confidence in Geno than Petty. They'd already determined Geno would be 2nd string and Petty 3rd string. That's the reason he got injured, because that's the reason he was in that last PS game in the first place.

Difficult as it is for you to accept, and despite how reluctant the CS is to let him see the field even in mop up duty, if they did finally pull Fitz before the season is basically over, they're putting Geno in.

The HC's decision is based upon who gives the team the best chance to win on Sunday because in the end he will be judged by his own record as a HC. Once superbowl goal is removed from the realm of reality, his goal is not the same as that of the fans. His goal is self preservation by racking up as many wins as possible, development of a future QB and better future draft picks be damned. In his eyes, while Geno is a bad QB, he is a real backup QB where Petty is just a kid trying out at the expense of the HC and all the players.

Based on his stubborn reluctance to pull Fitz, even to protect him in garbage time, I'd be shocked if we saw Petty on the field before week 10, preseason injury or not. He simply views Petty as 3rd string to only be used in case of injury/benching of the two guys ahead of him.

Unfortunately, I completely agree with this.  If the Jets start to turn things around (unlikely), then of course it's an entirely different situation.  However, if this crap continues, I would consider it a near guarantee that if/when Fitz gets benched, Geno will be the first man up.  Barring Geno suddenly flashing any sort of resemblance to what the team drafted him to be, that will likely hold up for a few weeks as well until they only give Petty mop-up duty once the season is completely over.  The only plus side to that is they wouldn't be throwing Petty into the fire with any unrealistic expectations of turning the season around, if there was a still a chance, but of course a short audition with little pressure probably won't help to answer any questions for next year either.

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12 hours ago, AFJF said:

On what he attributes the “busts” to…

It’s funny because they’re different coverages. It’s not communication, it’s one guy here or there that’s not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. 


That is something BB would NEVER allow. His mantra is "do your job" and if you don't you are gone. The Jets however, let things like this go on and on and on and the fans see the culprits. Calvin Pryor and Marcus Gilchrist should both be benched and not allow their collective inabilities to hurt the team. Both of those two neither cover nor tackle so WHY THE F.... are they still trotted out there? The Jets will continue to be second class until they get tough with underachieving players.

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I'd say Bowles is 95% certain he'll be back in 2017 no matter what.  That being the case, he has a vested interest in grooming Brice for the 2017 start.  He has a vested interest is padding his 2016 wins too but if it was me I'd be looking at 2017's wins as well and I'd want Brice as ready as possible for 2017.  

So, it depends on exactly when they pull Sixpatrick.  Bowles is a stubborn man so I'm thinking Sixp gets pulled later rather than sooner, and that, to any rationale mind, would make it Brice time.        

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9 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

Based on his stubborn reluctance to pull Fitz, even to protect him in garbage time, I'd be shocked if we saw Petty on the field before week 10, preseason injury or not. He simply views Petty as 3rd string to only be used in case of injury/benching of the two guys ahead of him.

Agree totally. Petty will not see the field before the bye week no matter what the Jets record is. Bowles would be accused of "giving up" on the season if he bypassed Geno Smith for Petty, because like you said, he is judged on W's and L's and right now he is going to see a lot of L's because this team was overrated from jump street. Jets fans know Geno won't gets the team many more wins, but he has to get in there if Fitzy continues to suck a$$.

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Just now, BroadwayJets said:

They probably also viewed Petty's reps as more valuable than Geno's, while accepting Geno is probably still slightly better than Petty.

You're probably right, even though I would disagree with the move. Bowles will always lean towards senority, which is not a bad thing. Geno is also a real backup that is gone come March, and you'd think it'd be logical if you're coaching for your job (if things continue down this road) to put in the QB that could possibly save your job - yet I could easily see the scenario you're talking about happen. It is frustrating because it's all too predictable. Yet, this entire offseason he was putting all of his eggs in the fitzbasket, so who can really blame him at this point?

Reps against players another team is about to cut, with no serious gameplanning or desire to win in mind, is not more valuable than reps against one's own backups who aren't going to get cut. 

If they were so hellbent on bringing back Fitz at this amount, it means he is the starter all year long because he gives them a chance no one else on the roster does. I think this massively overrates him, but this is (or was) their belief. Once this fantasy is over, though, an experienced HC who isn't in full self-preservation mode says the season is over without him so it's then time to focus on the future.

It terrifies me that they truly believed that this team with Fitz had a realistic shot of going to the superbowl this year. Ultimately, this is the reason they kept Geno, on the off-chance Fitz got injured very early in the season. It doesn't make literally zero sense, but it's pretty close. If they had that much confidence in Geno's ability then why chase Fitz and Hackenberrg (not to mention Goff and Wentz)? If they had this little confidence in Geno, then why carry two QBs behind him?

Again, it can be narrowly rationalized if such reasoning is really drawn out, but it's still stupid unless just a narrow "what if" injury scenario occurred. The way Fitz is playing it's an insignificant improvement over him being injured outright, if it's any improvement at all, where Geno isn't even getting garbage time snaps under the guise of protecting the starter. So it makes little to no sense keeping him as the #2 in the first place.

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12 hours ago, AFJF said:

On what he attributes the “busts” to…

It’s funny because they’re different coverages. It’s not communication, it’s one guy here or there that’s not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. 


On if he believes he has the personnel in the secondary to be what he wants it to be…

Yes, I do.


On why Lorenzo Mauldin isn’t playing as much…

Our defensive line has four good football players and we’re playing four good football players – not that Lorenzo isn’t – right now, our most dynamic four football players up front in the seven is our defensive line.


On what about Fitzpatrick gives him faith that the can turn this around…

He’s been in the league a long time. I think if you’re in this league long enough, you’re going to go through some slumps as a team. It’s not just Ryan, it’s as a team. Some of it’s some chemistry things that we have to straighten out, but he’s a confident guy. We’re confident in our offense and we know we’ll get it turned around.


On what Fitzpatrick gives him that some of the other guys on the roster do not…

Right now, it’s chemistry. Obviously, everybody has an arm that can throw a football, but based on what he did last year and the things that they accomplished last year going into the season from a confidence standpoint, he’s our best chance to win.


On if he watched their next opponent, the Pittsburgh Steelers, on television last night…

No I did not.




I dont put a lot of stock into press conferences but since you're posting the transcripts and I'm angry with Todd Bowles stubbornness, I'm going to take my swings. 

- Nobody is laughing, Todd.

- No, you dont, Todd.  Watch the game again, focus on the best secondary in the game in Seattle and see how much zone they played.  Now, get on the practice field and give it a try once because your secondary cant cover a cardboard box for more than 1 second.  You may find that it will eliminate the long ball that's plagued this D, eliminate TE's running wild, you may actually force a turnover and maybe you'll get some coverage sacks because QB's need a little more time to figure out a zone rather than seeing Jimmy Graham being covered by Sheldon Richardson or Harris trying to cover a WR.

- This is stupid and you're stupid for saying it.  The kid gets after the QB.  He's one of the best snap per sack/snap per QB hurries in the entire NFL.  But he's not dynamic and you give him 2-3 snaps a game.  So instead, you have a 300lb interior lineman playing OLB?

- He's been terrible in the league for a long time, Todd.  I've never seen a veteran QB in a slump like this and make the mistakes he makes and leave the plays on the field he does.  10 INT's, 3 fumbles in the 3 losses.  Just because you've been around a while, doesnt mean you get a leash the length or your career.

- Chemistry?  Is he watching the ******* tape at all?  There is zero chemistry.  Probably because you announced him the start in Jan. and proceeded to let him miss all of camp and get fat while playing golf.  Meanwhile, the kids you have here were busting their ass and leading the team during his vacation. 

- Well that's just fantastic, Todd. 

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23 minutes ago, Ex-Rex said:

That is something BB would NEVER allow. His mantra is "do your job" and if you don't you are gone. The Jets however, let things like this go on and on and on

Crazy what winning a few SBs allows a coach to do.

Bowles is 11-9, and is (rightfully) being questioned about lot of terrible decisions or non-decisions both on and off the field.

Belichick was also in hot water pre-Ernie Adams and cheating. But as a head coach, winning takes a lot of heat off you and allows you to take more risks and more closely align your personal goals to the long term success of your team. 

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