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The Jets organization is winning the PR war and nothing will hit the fan


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1 minute ago, oatmeal said:

At this point we really need to fly the planes and stuff but like you said half of the fanbase is still hypnotized so not much we can do. 

Now if we lose out watch out I think anything is possible then

Were you aware of this midseason press conference. Douglas is more protected than the big guy.

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The NY Jets haven’t won a damn thing in 53 years 2009-2010 only good times in awhile …. This organization doesn’t care about the fans… if they did they certainly wouldn’t continue the sh*t show and raise ticket prices… it’s take it or leave it. Us diehards most resilient fans in the NFL aren’t giving up. 

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8 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

Not sure I agree they're winning the PR war. The offense is an embarrassment and has gotten publicly clowned by national commentators in back to back weeks. I think the stands at Metlife are going to be empty after Thanksgiving. 

That said, it doesn't matter. Woody seems to go through cycles where he has insane rabbit ears (see Marronegate) and cycles where he's obstinately, almost defiantly unwilling to make any changes (see the lengthy tenures of Mikes Tannenbaum and Maccagnan). Feels like we're in the latter right now. Everyone in the building has convinced themselves, and Woody, that this season doesn't count because of injuries, so nobody really needs to make any efforts to improve and they all get to come back.

We’ve gotten through the prime time slate. Collinsworth didn’t go full Aikman, and I’m sure Aikman got a talking to about that. Every other Jets blog seems to still defend Wilson, which appears to matter 1JD.

And edit- totally forgot about Doug Marrone

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Yes, the jets are molding the narrative to make their many blunders look not so bad, in the end they have a fall back of 'Aaron Rodgers got hurt!.'

There is one of their escapes being swallowed hook line and sinker even amongst pretty rational jets fans and it is this:

"Alan Lazard was brought in to be a #3 receiver and once Corey Davis retired we had no choice to move him up to where he should not be."

I think the above is totally incorrect, we may never know the whole story unless some enterprising media guy actually talks to Davis in depth.

Lazard was 100% brought in here to be the #2 WR.  He was the #1/#2 guy last year in Green Bay, you do not hand a guy a 4 year 44 million dollar contract to be a #3 wr.

Once that happened and it became apparent that they Jets were going to bring in Cobb as well, Davis knew he was suddenly at best a #3 guy and probably worse.   Joe Douglas had a nice chat with him and told him that for his new role he was going to have to take a big pay cut or get dumped.

Davis being the guy he is said, fu*k it, I'll make it easy on you and just retire.   Douglas and the Jets were totally fine and happy with this, no more over priced Corey Davis.

And we now have what we have, the worst set of Wrs in the league, and that is with a star play in Garrett Wilson.

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33 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

The Jets midseason presser was facilitated by Eric Allen, who works for the Jets. No other reporters were allowed.

wait a minute...  doesn't the word "presser" imply that the "press" or other public media are present or at least participatory?  How can there be a presser without random questions from the 'press'?

This is too funny.  Only the J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets.  Is there anything the Jets do that isn't bizarre, dysfunctional or contrary to logic and common sense?

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33 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

Not sure I agree they're winning the PR war. The offense is an embarrassment and has gotten publicly clowned by national commentators in back to back weeks. I think the stands at Metlife are going to be empty after Thanksgiving. 

That said, it doesn't matter. Woody seems to go through cycles where he has insane rabbit ears (see Marronegate) and cycles where he's obstinately, almost defiantly unwilling to make any changes (see the lengthy tenures of Mikes Tannenbaum and Maccagnan). Feels like we're in the latter right now. Everyone in the building has convinced themselves, and Woody, that this season doesn't count because of injuries, so nobody really needs to make any efforts to improve and they all get to come back.

Agree with all of this.

They certainly aren't "winning" the PR battle but it doesn't seem like it matters at all.

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2 minutes ago, Larz said:

Classic Reaction GIF

you figured this out on your own?   Rodgers won’t come back if JD, Saleh or Hack are fired. This isn’t complicated 

Rodgers is 40. The fanbase shouldn’t care about his future. Him being allowed on the sidelines while not spending the week with the team is also bush league typical Jets stuff.

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8 minutes ago, nj meadowlands said:

What war are they winning? What is the end game? They are a joke and everyone is laughing at them.

The fans are still showing up. The players haven’t called anything out. The Jets are not a national story. Rodgers nonsense is but the Jets are not.

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19 minutes ago, oatmeal said:

The thing is these scrubs all the way up to the owner really believe rodgers will save them. 😂

Trusting their entire careers in the hands of some narcissist af hippie high off monkey piss. 


True, they’ve bought into the great pumpkin theory.  But still, why not try something else if you can’t score?

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7 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

The fans are still showing up.

That's about to change.

7 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

The players haven’t called anything out.

Kinda feels like that's about to change too.

7 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

The Jets are not a national story. Rodgers nonsense is but the Jets are not.

I mean, how frequently are teams that suck "a national story?" We've been mocked by the announce teams in our last two primetime games where the broadcast was basically apologizing for the quality of the game. 

It's not "butt fumble" level, but we're definitely a punchline right now.

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6 minutes ago, Augustiniak said:

True, they’ve bought into the great pumpkin theory.  But still, why not try something else if you can’t score?

No one on the Jets has addressed this directly outside of Saleh putting his foot in his mouth last week. Douglas as usual is in witness protection, like he’s been throughout his time here. 

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3 minutes ago, nj meadowlands said:

Ok, BFD to all of that, what is the end game?

It appears the end game is ride out this Zach Wilson thing in perpetuity. Whatever the actual reasons for this are, we can only speculate. But a QB with this type of production has never been given this long of an opportunity. 

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6 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

It appears the end game is ride out this Zach Wilson thing in perpetuity. Whatever the actual reasons for this are, we can only speculate. But a QB with this type of production has never been given this long of an opportunity. 

Could have been the plan from the start - that they spent a ton on rodgers and had already invested a lot in Wilson so the plan was to go for it with rodgers and then just hope for the best with Wilson.  And if Wilson sucks then that’s the end of that experiment and woody can be satisfied that there’s no more milk from that cow.  It’s clear they had zero expectation if rodgers wasn’t playing, but at this point I’m just hoping they draft a guy to replace rodgers when he gets hurt again

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This is what the Jets do best.  When you're one of the worst organizations in all of Football, you better know how to control as much of the narrative as possible.  It's the only way to keep the people coming back for more and ofcourse dangling Rodgers is part of the process. 


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