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Zach’s “Injury” is a Farce

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7 minutes ago, Dcat said:

"Choir boy" = personal attack?  In what life?  

Your post was PATHETIC.  That is not a "personal" attack.  It's an attack on your STUPID post.

There was no personal attack. Grow up.  @Maxman can look and see.  
You need to understand the difference between 'personal' attack and the dissembling of an illogical, dumb post.

You seem like a very angry person, I hope you're okay.    It's just a chat board about a football team.


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5 hours ago, Dcat said:

"Choir boy" = personal attack?  In what life?  

Your post was PATHETIC.  That is not a "personal" attack.  It's an attack on your STUPID post.

There was no personal attack. Grow up.  @Maxman can look and see.  
You need to understand the difference between 'personal' attack and the dissembling of an illogical, dumb post.


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On 12/19/2023 at 10:15 PM, Dunnie said:

Hey guys .. how's that OLine looking ?

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

Not great, but we really won’t know for sure until the team has a decent QB taking snaps behind them.
No OL would look good playing with the stooges they brought in so Zach wouldn’t feel threatened or came here to get Aaron his coffee.

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22 hours ago, Larz said:

Wilson's mother, Lisa Wilson, shared details about the concussion on social media. She said her son left the game "when he started having problems with blurred vision and his depth perception." She said he had been experiencing symptoms throughout the game because of some "really, really big hits" but didn't inform anyone on the sideline because he wanted to keep playing. He was evaluated and cleared early in the game by a neurologist, according to the CBS telecast.

Saleh said Wilson ultimately was removed by the independent neurologist at the game.

"Sometimes we don't always catch it right, and that's why we have the NFL spotters to spot things up top and all that stuff," Saleh said. "But players do not want to come off the field, too, and you always encourage them to communicate.

"Credit to Zach; he will fight," Saleh added. "That's one thing I'll say about that young man is he's always gotten up. No matter how many hits he's taken, how many times he's running for his life, he's always come back to the huddle. And so I have a great appreciation for him, but at the same time, thank goodness that it was spotted up top and we were able to get him the care he needs."



case closed. 

You have to be the first wanna be Viking to ever fall off a turnip truck.

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38 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Toxic fanbase? Really?? After the last 40 or so years, the Jets are actually remarkably lucky they even HAVE a fan base at all. 


People still talk about the 1996 season, how bad it was... but the reality is that as bad as the Kotite years were, the Jets were at least competitive for a good part of the years from 1981-1993. Competitive, as in, looked like they actually belonged in the league. 1995 and 96 were terrible, but by 1997, the Jets were a competitive Pro Football team and would remain so until 2011. 


The last decade of Jets Football outside of the aberrant 2015 year has been a total, unmitigated,  embarrassing disaster. Why is the fanbase like this? Because we are ******* TIRED OF IT. 


Want a positive, patient fanbase? Sure. They just need to UnF*ck themselves and start acting and performing like a team that belongs in the league instead of the NFLs Washington Generals, a laughing stock to fill out blooper reels and for other teams to tee off on. 


Failure has created this atmosphere in the fan community. People are tired of rooting for a clown show. People spend thousands of dollars on Season Tix, travel, etc to be rewarded with years of garbage. 


Rodgers, Saleh, the people telling us to relax, be patient, they're RENTERS. They come in, work here for a couple of years, and then they move on. Some of us have 50+ years invested in this team. 


And we're tired of the nonsense, the incompetence, and the BS. 


Want to change the attitude? Do your jobs well. 


why so toxic tho

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The dehydration report the team announced was 100% false. 

I’ll go a step further and double down - even if he was concussed, he no longer is at this point. Between the repeated benchings, team having been eliminated, offensive line being atrocious, he and the Jets are done with each other and he won’t play again this season. Douglas wants to preserve any trade value Zach might have so he is ok with this. 

Bring on the thumbs down but I’d bet that this will be proven to be true over the next few weeks. 

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50 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I’m no doctor, but I’ve been tested for concussions many times in my life. The extent to which it’s scientific is that they shine a light in your eyes to see if your pupils widen. Other than that, it’s checking for balance and asking you questions like “What year is it?” “What day of the week is it?” The fact that Zach came out of the medical tent and was allowed to go back in suggests that he passed the stupid eye exam, and, later, showed enough related symptoms to get diagnosed with a concussion. As far as I know, there’s no machine they can hook you up to that can accurately diagnose a concussion. This is all to say that Zach Wilson will be flying JetBlue Plus to Majorca before the season ends. 

So you admit that he didn’t fake dehydration to avoid going back in the game. 


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5 hours ago, Beerfish said:

Ruled out for the washington game, apparently he is a good faker.

So glad he granted us the honor of being along for the ride during his fake 2023 comeback.

Made sure he got in those cameo phone appearances in time for season-ticket renewals, at least, eh?

The Jets have a better chance of having their facility invaded by aliens than of winning anything with these Mensa captains calling the shots.


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50 minutes ago, Supersonic said:

Zach got the sh!t beat out of him.  Even if he didn't have a concussion, he may be hurting enough - with nothing left to play for - to call it a night/season.  The real pu$$y is the guy sitting on his couch talking sh!t about him.

Whereas the guy sitting in on his couch "talking sh!t" about the guys "talking sh!t" about ZW are mighty nomadic warriors capable of ripping out tree trunks with their bare hands.

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5 hours ago, Supersonic said:

Zach got the sh!t beat out of him.  Even if he didn't have a concussion, he may be hurting enough - with nothing left to play for - to call it a night/season.  The real pu$$y is the guy sitting on his couch talking sh!t about him.

And jumping through mental gymnastics that the Wilsons must be bribing everyone to go along with it 

helluva hill to be mocked on

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