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We are not getting Alt, we will be getting a trash player like jc latham because we are forced to take an ot and the top guys will be gone by 11 or whatever we are picking.
That was my point ... At 6 Alt was definitely in play....

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Or we might get the next Justin Jefferson type player who everyone wonders why they were still on the board at that point.
I know we won't likely take a QB but Mahomes was #10 pick and Watson was #12.
McCarthy might drop to 12

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3 minutes ago, TheNuuFaaolaExperience said:

You can move on from a bust. You don't move on from a decent QB who doesn't move the needle. We are better off with busting on Zach than having Lawrence. We would get two more wins and no playoffs. HARD PASS. 

Can you imagine the narrative here if we had drafted T Law and missed out on the playoffs like Jax did? "We ruined the best QB ever to get drafted". :D  

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3 minutes ago, TheNuuFaaolaExperience said:

You can move on from a bust. You don't move on from a decent QB who doesn't move the needle. We are better off with busting on Zach than having Lawrence. We would get two more wins and no playoffs. HARD PASS. 

The Jets would have been a playoff team the last 2 years with Trevor Lawrence at QB instead of Zach Wilson and the rest of the scrubs. 

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1 minute ago, Barry McCockinner said:

The Jets would have been a playoff team the last 2 years with Trevor Lawrence at QB instead of Zach Wilson and the rest of the scrubs. 

The Jets with Lawrence changes everything else that happens. We don't get Sauce, Wilson, Johnson, Hall. We would still suck. We missed out on nothing with Lawrence. 

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Because we won today we are now winners! We can walk around everywhere wearing all our different Jets clothing and see the respect in other people eyes as we walk past them . . . wait what they are actually laughing at all of us Jets fan . . . don’t they know that we beat the Pats today!

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Just now, TheNuuFaaolaExperience said:

Yup. The "jETz cANT DuhVELop a qB."

Jax have done a lot to surround T Law with weaponz too ... and still will be watching from home, just like us.

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4 minutes ago, Neilos said:

People suggesting we're better off without Trevor Lawrence aren't serious surely? 

Just pointing out that the Jags play in the worst division in the AFC and still couldn't make the playoffs. T Law threw 2 INTs on back to back drives today with the playoffs on the line.

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Just now, jamesr said:

Just pointing out that the Jags play in the worst division in the AFC and still couldn't make the playoffs. T Law threw 2 INTs on back to back drives today with the playoffs on the line.

Zach Wilson is a healthy scratch hanging out at home with his Mommy.

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1 hour ago, kevinc855 said:

Not letting physos on the internet know

Ready to celebrate this dub bro?!

Wait a second. The night you said Joe Dogass threatened to turn you into a pretzel, your wife or kids didn't text you and wonder where you were??? LOL. You are single, no kids and you live with your mother. Admit it.

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1 hour ago, Dunnie said:

Can't wait for this post season presser .. does anyone have the official news on what this brilliant win cost us in terms of picks ?

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I think we still need to see outcomes. But my guess is we end up at pick 11. Fuaga is hopefully the pick 

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44 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

The Jets would have been a playoff team the last 2 years with Trevor Lawrence at QB instead of Zach Wilson and the rest of the scrubs. 

We would have been a playoff team this year with David Carr.

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Just now, neckdemon said:

I think we still need to see outcomes. But my guess is we end up at pick 11. Fuaga is hopefully the pick 

The early chalk pick.  They’re not trading up.  It’s possible they trade back, which will depend on how they value the tackles available and what they do in the offseason - do they turn huff into a day 2 pick, how do they address needs in FA.  I can see scenarios where they take a wr but they’d have to get tackles in Fa. 

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30 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Zach Wilson is a healthy scratch hanging out at home with his Mommy.

T Law will be the starter in Jax next year again. ZW will not be. 

How long does it take for a generational draft pick to become good? ;-)  

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2 minutes ago, TheNuuFaaolaExperience said:

9-7 and no playoffs is technically better, but not much better of a situation. 

Or worse, if you look at draft picks that you get as a result. ;-) 

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1 minute ago, jamesr said:

T Law will be the starter in Jax next year again. ZW will not be. 

How long does it take for a generational draft pick to become good? ;-)  

Why does TLaw have to be really good to put the Jaguars in a much better place than the Jets?

Lawrence is a mid-level QB1 in this league.  Zach Wilson is a QB3 who will be out of the league by the time he’s Lamar Jackson’s age.

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Just now, Augustiniak said:

TL was supposed to be a true difference maker.  He’s not.  He’s pretty good, not great.  

The word "generational" was thrown around with Lawrence. Slightly better than average to almost really good is not generational. Andrew Luck was the last "generational" QB prospect and he was on his way until he hurt his neck. 

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