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Another Golden Opportunity About to he Wasted

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3 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

No you haven't. Your arguments for why Harbaugh would take the job are "the Jets would pay him a lot of money" (which any team would) and "it's a great opportunity" (which: ???)

I have. You just haven't read it because you're only focused on positive reinforcement of your feelings.

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2 minutes ago, rangerous said:

I agree with the spend but I think the issue is the coach money comes out of woodys pocket whereas players are governed by the salary cap restrictions.  

It all comes out of Woody's pocket.

Someone needs to sit Woody down and show him in very simple terms how much money he has spent in player and coach salaries in the aggregate over the past 13 years with ZERO RESULTS. Every cent of it has been flushed down the toilet. Total loss.

Giving Harbaugh whatever he wants will look like pennies in comparison. 

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47 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

Mike McCarthy come to mind as a recent example.

It was the opposite.  McCarthy wanted the job but Woody had to have Gase for some unknown reason.  Either way, as it always is with Woody, the wrong decision.  

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8 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

I have. You just haven't read it because you're only focused on positive reinforcement of your feelings.

Wouldn't it be negative reinforcement, since my feelings are negative? Or would it be positive reinforcement of my negative feelings? Or does that cancel out?

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2 minutes ago, JetPotato said:


This is a weak, defeatist attitude. 

What's your solution to the current problem? Do nothing? Just don't even try. 

Stop with this loser nonsense. 

The Jets are a great opportunity for him to cement his legacy as a Hall of Fame coach. And money talks, every time, no matter who is giving it out.

Are you gunning for the 2024 Captain seat? 

There are not that many ways to try for 2024.  They can clean house.  That obviously is not going to happen.  If they went all in for Harbaugh, it is likely he tells them to **** off.  At that point was it good to fire everyone?  Good to get that on front page of the Post?  They can do some half-assed fire the offensive quality control coach bullsh*t.  Even Keith Carter is not going to make much difference IMO.   Act like Mike LaFleur was the issue and I know from this board that anyone was better than Mike LaFleur and Zach Wilson would have succeeded with anyone else. 

The most likely chance they win in 2024 is that they run it back and things break completely right.  Is it particularly likely?  No.  They have an aging lunatic at QB.  Many of these guys are lunatics, so that is not that big a deal to me, but the aging part is certainly an issue.  That **** can flap his gums all day on every talk show, so whatever hypocritical crap he can think of, but he'd better be ready to play come September.  That is the only chance we have. 

I'm not excited to ride with him, but I don't think we have much choice.  They had a 2 year window to win with him.  One is gone.  If they are not getting ready to play more games this time next year we will be discussing which interim coaches deserve to stick around. 

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7 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

It all comes out of Woody's pocket.

Someone needs to sit Woody down and show him in very simple terms how much money he has spent in player and coach salaries in the aggregate over the past 13 years with ZERO RESULTS. Every cent of it has been flushed down the toilet. Total loss.

Giving Harbaugh whatever he wants will look like pennies in comparison. 

Not disagreeing but the salary cap demands a certain minimum team spend on players and a maximum.  Woody can only mess with this so much.  He can spend what he wants on coaches and so far it doesn’t seem much.

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29 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

Yeah, Woody isnt it giving anyone full control. It’s just never going to happen. He left the country for four years and handed it off to his brother. 

And Woody and his brother have no results to speak of with it. At some point, you'd think they'd say "hey maybe it would be cool if we WON".

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1 minute ago, Warfish said:

I see the 2024 offseason "Setting Ourselves Up for Unrealistic Disappointment" Train is already barreling down several tracks at once.  

Never change JN, never change!

So you didn't read the final paragraph of the original post either I presume. Disappointing. 

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1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

And Woody and his brother have no results to speak of with it. At some point, you'd think they'd say "hey maybe it would be cool if we WON".

They prefer making the decisions and controlling the narrative. If the Jets were to ever win, Woody is going to want the credit.

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8 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

Are you gunning for the 2024 Captain seat? 

There are not that many ways to try for 2024.  They can clean house.  That obviously is not going to happen.  If they went all in for Harbaugh, it is likely he tells them to **** off.  At that point was it good to fire everyone?  Good to get that on front page of the Post?  They can do some half-assed fire the offensive quality control coach bullsh*t.  Even Keith Carter is not going to make much difference IMO.   Act like Mike LaFleur was the issue and I know from this board that anyone was better than Mike LaFleur and Zach Wilson would have succeeded with anyone else. 

The most likely chance they win in 2024 is that they run it back and things break completely right.  Is it particularly likely?  No.  They have an aging lunatic at QB.  Many of these guys are lunatics, so that is not that big a deal to me, but the aging part is certainly an issue.  That **** can flap his gums all day on every talk show, so whatever hypocritical crap he can think of, but he'd better be ready to play come September.  That is the only chance we have. 

I'm not excited to ride with him, but I don't think we have much choice.  They had a 2 year window to win with him.  One is gone.  If they are not getting ready to play more games this time next year we will be discussing which interim coaches deserve to stick around. 

No one said this is about 2024. This is about building a football organization. 

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1 minute ago, Matt39 said:

They prefer making the decisions and controlling the narrative. If the Jets were to ever win, Woody is going to want the credit.

Wouldn't "he did the smart thing and hired Harbaugh and got out of the way" be credit?

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1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

So you didn't read the final paragraph of the original post either I presume. Disappointing. 

I didn't read a single word beyond the first reference to "Harbaugh".

It is 100% certain the Jets are not going to hire Harbaugh.  

It is 100% certain we're running it back with JD/Saleh/Rodgers.

I'm sorry if that disappoints you old friend, truly, but I don't see the point in all these silly "we should..." threads when we all know, with 100% certainty, that those things aren't going to happen.

Woody is Woody, and it is what it is.  We're stuck in reality as it is, not reality as we wish it to be.

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27 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

More stupid.

No coach is making a decision on his future based on the weakness and stupidity of his predecessor. 

Sean Payton (who also could have been had for just money) inherited a ton of garbage in Denver and took his team from 5 wins to 8 even with the albatross contract of an aging QB. Sound familiar? Saleh hired the guy that made that mess in the first place and got an historically bad offense as a result.

see your hatred is getting in the way. we werent talking about Saleh. were talking about Harbough not wanting to come here because Woody is making QB decisions.

nobody has a good # 3 QB so i wont kill JD for Boyle being that. but once he got elevated to #2 there had to be a better QB brought in. you hate JD so you think he is dumb enough not to do that. i dont beleive a guy with 20 years of F.O experience with 2 of the best run teams doesnt know that you cant have Tim Boyle as #2.

everybody on this board knew that too. but not JD? common man. thats all Woody. he didnt want to give money to a Wentz to come here.

he can find talented guys like QW off Jax P.S, and UDFAs like Adams and Huff but he cant see Boyle has no talent and needs to be replaced?

did you blame Tebow on Tanny? strange how we always get GMs who make the dumbmist moves that even us fans can see is horrible. 

its Woody who is behind these beyond stupid moves. and Harbough isnt coaching for a owner who tells him who he can get.

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It's a nice thought.  One of the reasons Woody is a dolt is by allowing these clowns to run it back he has ignored the possability that this offseason presents a tremndous opportunity to upgrade the front office and coaching staff.  

The Jets might have been able to make the playoffs this year with a couple of smart trades before the deadline, plus the signing of another QB.  Nope, they got a mulligan after 4 plays.   

Some of the young talent knows they didn't get the best out of either the GM or the coaching staff this year.  Garrett Wilson alluded to it in his press confrence.   This culture of no accountability has leaked down to the players.  

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Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that Harbaugh would be willing to come to New Jersey and work for Woody Johnson in a building where Aaron Rodgers is the Alpha (quite an assumption!)

The issue is Woody already committed to JD/Saleh for 2024 and Saleh already committed to bringing back his coordinators - all publicly. 

Those are not bells you can unring without a scandal. It’s not happening.


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11 minutes ago, Warfish said:

I didn't read a single word beyond the first reference to "Harbaugh".

It is 100% certain the Jets are not going to hire Harbaugh.  

It is 100% certain we're running it back with JD/Saleh/Rodgers.

I'm sorry if that disappoints you old friend, truly, but I don't see the point in all these silly "we should..." threads when we all know, with 100% certainty, that those things aren't going to happen.

Woody is Woody, and it is what it is.  We're stuck in reality as it is, not reality as we wish it to be.

Which is exactly what I wrote. 

I'm highlighting again as a reminder that the root cause of the Jets problems is Woody Johnson. He annually is presented with opportunities to correct it, and he annually makes the willing choice to not. That's the bottom line. We aren't "cursed". It's pure incompetence on the part on one man.

I'm tired of hearing about Saleh. About JD. About Rodgers. It's not them. It's Woody. 100%. It should never be forgotten.

As fans, this is what we should be thinking about. Be loud about it. On social media, here, in the stands. Focus your anger on the man who is responsible. That's our only chance of him ever actually hearing it. But more than that, think about it when you buy your next ticket, because even time you do, you enabling this moron. Shouting about Saleh is pointless. He's doing what he's capable of. It's not his fault his is miscast in a role he is not suited for.

I really don't understand your resistance to the point I'm making. I'm presenting solutions. Most of the responses are "solutions aren't available", which is total bull sh*t. If you don't have any alternative solutions to propose, then your point is just a waste of time.

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31 minutes ago, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:



wait you mean he is choosing to go to a team with a QB for the next 10 years, a young QB who will listen to him over Aarron ( my sh*t dont stink) Rodgers. now that surprises me..lol

Woody make the call, tell him he only has 2 years of Rodgers and then he can gamble his legacy on a drafted Rookie we pick in the 3rd rd this year. whats better than that!!!!

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27 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

They prefer making the decisions and controlling the narrative. If the Jets were to ever win, Woody is going to want the credit.

woody sees himself as Jerry Jones. Which is unfortunate in so many ways

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12 minutes ago, Biggs said:

It's a nice thought.  One of the reasons Woody is a dolt is by allowing these clowns to run it back he has ignored the possability that this offseason presents a tremndous opportunity to upgrade the front office and coaching staff.  

The Jets might have been able to make the playoffs this year with a couple of smart trades before the deadline, plus the signing of another QB.  Nope, they got a mulligan after 4 plays.   

Some of the young talent knows they didn't get the best out of either the GM or the coaching staff this year.  Garrett Wilson alluded to it in his press confrence.   This culture of no accountability has leaked down to the players.  


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48 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

It all comes out of Woody's pocket.

Someone needs to sit Woody down and show him in very simple terms how much money he has spent in player and coach salaries in the aggregate over the past 13 years with ZERO RESULTS. Every cent of it has been flushed down the toilet. Total loss.

Giving Harbaugh whatever he wants will look like pennies in comparison. 

I’m sure Woody Johnson is really concerned about how @JetPotato and a few other crackpot fans posting on a message board think he should run his team.

I don’t know how he sleeps at night.

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1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

I'm highlighting again as a reminder that the root cause of the Jets problems is Woody Johnson.

Did you also make sure to remind us that the sky generally looks blue?  And that water is wet?  

1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

He annually is presented with opportunities to correct it, and he annually makes the willing choice to not.

I would say that every single person on this forum is well aware of that.

1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

That's the bottom line. We aren't "cursed". It's pure incompetence on the part on one man.

Not really.  It's incompetence of several men, starting with Woody.  

1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

I'm tired of hearing about Saleh. About JD. About Rodgers. It's not them.

No, it's them too.  

1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

As fans, this is what we should be thinking about. Be loud about it. On social media, here, in the stands. Focus your anger on the man who is responsible. That's our only chance of him ever actually hearing it. But more than that, think about it when you buy your next ticket, because even time you do, you enabling this moron. Shouting about Saleh is pointless. He's doing what he's capable of. It's not his fault his is miscast in a role he is not suited for.

LOL, ok.  Power the people, eh.  Best of luck with that.

1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

I really don't understand your resistance to the point I'm making. I'm presenting solutions.

No, you're really not.

This is what you're doing:


1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

If you don't have any alternative solutions to propose, then your point is just a waste of time.

You could write this post, and others like it, every moment of every day for the rest of your god-given life, and it will have absolutely no effect on Woody Johnson or his ownership of the team.

But good luck with those windmills.  Viva la revolución!

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Just now, Green Ghost said:

I’m sure Woody Johnson is really concerned about how @JetPotato and a few other crackpot fans posting on a message board think he should run his team.

He's the laughing stock of the entire NFL. He will continue to be until he makes the conscious decision to change.

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1 minute ago, Warfish said:

Did you also make sure to remind us that the sky generally looks blue?  And that water is wet?  

I would say that every single person on this forum is well aware of that.

Not really.  It's incompetence of several men, starting with Woody.  

No, it's them too.  

LOL, ok.  Power the people, eh.  Best of luck with that.

No, you're really not.

This is what you're doing:


You could write this post, and others like it, every moment of every day for the rest of your god-given life, and it will have absolutely no effect on Woody Johnson or his ownership of the team.

But good luck with those windmills.  Viva la revolución!

Cool. Let's shut the site down then, since there's nothing to discuss.

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1 hour ago, doitny said:

oh and Herbert and the Chargers job is open. thats the most attractive job out there. if im Harbough i go there.

Or even Atl with the ability to draft your QB and a decent owner ( Blank) . 

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1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

He's the laughing stock of the entire NFL. He will continue to be until he makes the conscious decision to change.

He’s a billionaire who owns an NFL franchise in the NY/NJ area. You should be such a laughing stock.

Wait A Second Season 3 GIF by The Office

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Harbough would take The Ohio State University’s call before he’d speak with Woody. This has Pats written all over it. He is steeped in the art of cheating; in fact, he’s way better at it than BB. He’ll fit right in with Kraft.

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1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

Cool. Let's shut the site down then, since there's nothing to discuss.

Ah, the old False Choice/False Dilemma/False Binary fallacy.  A golden oldie.

There is plenty to talk about beyond jousting the Woody Windmill. 

It's certainly not "talk about Woody, or talk about nothing".

And again, I will say that everyone here knows it's Woody.  Everyone here has "solutions" they'd like to see that Woody has already made clear he isn't going to do, i.e. fire JD, fire Saleh/Hackett, hire this guy or that guys, sign this name or that name, etc.

I don't think anyone here disagreed that Woody is the top man, and the primary cause of our problems.

You'll get some pushback tho when you say Saleh/JD/Etc. aren't part of the problem tho, because they so clearly are.  Failure has many causes, at many levels of responsibility.  

Don't get me wrong, if it pleases you to joust this windmill all offseason, have at it.  I just don't see the point, Woody isn't going anywhere, despite your cute "be loud, fans rise up" populist revolution thing.

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1 hour ago, JetPotato said:

More stupid.

No coach is making a decision on his future based on the weakness and stupidity of his predecessor. 

Sean Payton (who also could have been had for just money) inherited a ton of garbage in Denver and took his team from 5 wins to 8 even with the albatross contract of an aging QB. Sound familiar? Saleh hired the guy that made that mess in the first place and got an historically bad offense as a result.

The Broncos aren't the Jets.  They are a succesful NFL franchise 

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