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Woody Johnson Opens up on Frustrations With Jets Struggles

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51 minutes ago, bitonti said:

he took 100 mil from Woody, got 6 of  his player friends and Hackett jobs they didn't deserve and he's got so much cap hit inbound he basically controls the roster

Aaron Rodgers is like that dude who built the  monorails in the Simpsons 

happy season 4 GIF


He was getting 125 mil from Green Bay.  The money was his. You miss this point

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17 minutes ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

This is the part nobody bothered to question.

"Redshirt year" means the bro never sees the field.

In no universe other than Jet land does "Redshirt year" = "yeah, but he's also our backup"

I wonder if the plan was that Boyle was the backup and Zach the redshirt QB3, and that was the QB budget, but then they realized that Boyle was actually worse than Zach, even if Zach will still not up to the job.  

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46 minutes ago, bitonti said:

it's duplicitous to say on one hand the franchise of Green Bay isn't doing enough for me I want to go to another team, and then import all your flunkies from Green Bay 

You might be right tho he could be just dumb enough to think Cobb has more football left in him. And that Hackett is a really good coach. Just like he's dumb enough to believe he can still play. 

either way the Jets got conned big time and when it's all said and done will probably be the worst trade in team history 

It’s clear the jets overpaid.   I wonder why

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1 hour ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

Woody is a disgrace.  Even if he truly thinks that, there was absolutely no reason to say what he said. 

And it also hurt his team's negotiating position as far as trying to trade ZW.

Zach Defender to the end lol.

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i also wonder if there any NFLPA rules about management unnecessarily disparaging players.

These guys is as bad as we suspected.  As I like to tell the people that work with me, "better to keep you mouth shut and have people think you are an idiot, than open your mouth and confirm it."

Woody has been exposed here.  He should have been much, much better prepared here."  Something like:

"It was unfortunate that we lost Aaron Rodgers for the season last year, and the fates were not in support of our season.  We look forward to Aaron's healthy return, and we have confidence in our front office and coaching stuff to make the proper adjustments, and provide the right support, to create the winning results that our fans are expecting."

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1 minute ago, varjet said:

i also wonder if there any NFLPA rules about management unnecessarily disparaging players.

These guys is as bad as we suspected.  As I like to tell the people that work with me, "better to keep you mouth shut and have people think you are an idiot, than open your mouth and confirm it."

Woody has been exposed here.  He should have been much, much better prepared here."  Something like:

"It was unfortunate that we lost Aaron Rodgers for the season last year, and the fates were not in support of our season.  We look forward to Aaron's healthy return, and we have confidence in our front office and coaching stuff to make the proper adjustments, and provide the right support, to create the winning results that our fans are expecting."

Then you’d be bitching about PR speak and a lack of passion. There was no answer he could give the fan base wouldn’t bitch about lol.

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2 hours ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

Please do!

This is it. 

And these are numbers from a clean pocket.  Bottom left quadrant is not where you want to be.

It’s “since ‘21” so it doesn’t show difference between ‘22 and ‘23, sorry I misremembered.

I’m pretty sure ZW’s stats under pressure are much much worse.


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3 minutes ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

This is it. 

And these are numbers from a clean pocket.  Bottom left quadrant is not where you want to be.

It’s “since ‘21” so it doesn’t show difference between ‘21 and ‘22, sorry I misremembered.

I’m pretty sure ZW’s stats under pressure are much much worse.


Thanks for sending.  I wish they had this for 2023 only though.  I thought Zach stunk his first 2 years though so I'm really only interested in this past year.  

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17 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

What's funny is that Tuscany had Zach correctly pegged as hot garbage his first two years here. 

That KC game was a "Shallow Hal" scenario for Tuscany 

I still think people are judging 2023 ZW based on his first 2 years as QB of the NYJ.  Maybe I'll be proven wrong but I still think he improved a lot this past year.  I want to see how he'll do on a competent team before making a final judgment on him.  My hunch is that he would've taken a leap this year if his supporting cast was at least competent.  Everywhere I looked though, our offense was a mess.  Terrible OL, only 1 WR (which means they can just gameplan to take GW away) and a terrible CS (both OC and HC).

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41 minutes ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

This is the part nobody bothered to question.

"Redshirt year" means the bro never sees the field.

In no universe other than Jet land does "Redshirt year" = "yeah, but he's also our backup"

Exactly. It’s 1 thing if he was being buried at qb3 . But you bring in a qb like Boyle, he is definitely nothing better than a 3. And in the same sentence you say Zach is both qb2 and “ redshirt yr” is just 1 of many examples how big of an idiot Joe Douglas is. 

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2 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

Woody should just sell the team already he knows nothing about the players or football. Worst owner in the NFL. 

Worst owner, worst gm, hc, Oc, offense in general,  qb ( until rodgers actually plays ) It’s too bad defense can’t play both ways lol

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15 hours ago, Lupz27 said:

It may not be 10 wins that is a lock to make the playoffs.

Bills, Dolphins, Chiefs, Ravens, Bengals, Browns, Texans, Jaguars all could easily get to 10 wins next season never mind the surprise teams.

If it’s me I’m demanding 12 wins and a home playoff game no less!

Not so sure on the Jags. Last year it looked like the Jags were poised to rule that division but then it turns out that Lawrence is extremely average and definitely not the best QB in their own division and as a team not all that strong. They certainly can win 10 games but their future does not seem ultra bright to me. Indy was as good of a team really and they did not have a QB

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It is hard to reconcile Woody's comments and him not having completely reset. And Rodgers is not a valid excuse. That experiment has already failed and with JD and Saleh in charge the odds of Rodgers being the "flex seal" for this team is like close to zero. This ship has WAY too many holes already starting with inept and I mean that inept competence at the GM and HC positions.

The only right move is to start completely over. Go to Rodgers and explain that you are completely blowing things up. You are getting a new GM and HC and drafting a QB in RD1. If he would like to be part of that process and mentor a QB for 2-3 years that would be ideal. If not we will work out a trade with any team that he wants to go to.

Retaining clearly incompetent staff is not the way to go. 

Also the concept that this team wins 10 games with Rodgers is incredibly flawed. We may have won less with him at the helm. 

There were a lot of miracle sort of wins for the Jets this year. If Rodgers is QB, Buffalo might not relax on that first game and we lose, Philly game might go different. With Rodgers, not team takes us for granted AND people seem to forget that Rodgers clearly regressed last year.

The entire team is a shambles. The only proper move was to completely reset. Making the playoffs next year is a complete pipe dream. We win 5-8 games next year and the rebuild starts a year later than it should have,


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12 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I still think people are judging 2023 ZW based on his first 2 years as QB of the NYJ.  Maybe I'll be proven wrong but I still think he improved a lot this past year.  I want to see how he'll do on a competent team before making a final judgment on him.  My hunch is that he would've taken a leap this year if his supporting cast was at least competent.  Everywhere I looked though, our offense was a mess.  Terrible OL, only 1 WR (which means they can just gameplan to take GW away) and a terrible CS (both OC and HC).

There are moments where I agree with you. I have always thought Zach has electric arm talent and good mobility/escapability, which is an intriguing combo. The issue is that I suspect Zach doesn't have IT mentally, and unfortunately, that is fatal. The QB position is largely mental, not physical. Traits like elite arm strength help separate the elite QBs from the good QBs, but to be at least good, you need a basic level of mental proficiency that Zach seems to lack. Zach is akin to a basketball player who can occasionally perform a reverse windmill dunk but can barely dribble. 

Zach improved his physical accuracy this year, but he still doesn't see the field very well or process information quickly enough, resulting in him holding the ball too long, taking way too many sacks, and missing open receivers. He also became somewhat of a checkdown Charlie this year, which makes me think that he has mostly lost the confidence he entered the league with. 

In the vastness of the multiverse, I DO believe there are universes in which Zach becomes a baller NFL QB. However, I suspect that we are not living in one of them. And, even if he does eventually figure it all out in our plane of existence, it almost certainly would not happen with the Jets. A fresh start is best for all parties. 

Sadly, another one bites the dust. 


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21 minutes ago, JohnnyLV said:

It is hard to reconcile Woody's comments and him not having completely reset. And Rodgers is not a valid excuse. That experiment has already failed and with JD and Saleh in charge the odds of Rodgers being the "flex seal" for this team is like close to zero. This ship has WAY too many holes already starting with inept and I mean that inept competence at the GM and HC positions.

The only right move is to start completely over. Go to Rodgers and explain that you are completely blowing things up. You are getting a new GM and HC and drafting a QB in RD1. If he would like to be part of that process and mentor a QB for 2-3 years that would be ideal. If not we will work out a trade with any team that he wants to go to.

Retaining clearly incompetent staff is not the way to go. 

Also the concept that this team wins 10 games with Rodgers is incredibly flawed. We may have won less with him at the helm. 

There were a lot of miracle sort of wins for the Jets this year. If Rodgers is QB, Buffalo might not relax on that first game and we lose, Philly game might go different. With Rodgers, not team takes us for granted AND people seem to forget that Rodgers clearly regressed last year.

The entire team is a shambles. The only proper move was to completely reset. Making the playoffs next year is a complete pipe dream. We win 5-8 games next year and the rebuild starts a year later than it should have,


Well, to be fair, if rodgers played 12-13 games this year, they probably make the playoffs.  And now they keep the first round pick and can throw that at a tackle.  That said, they definitively need a real plan B at qb even if they don’t draft one, and they need 2 new tackles assuming they’re not using AVT there.  

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18 hours ago, Beerfish said:

90% of the fans knew this was the case.   The people in charge are dumb as rocks becasue they are a step behind casual jet fans 

18 hours ago, oatmeal said:

Rabbit ears woody just basically admitted that he’s been doing nothing but reading Jet fans responses on social media for the past 2 months.




Could maxman run a search and see if any new accounts ip addresses are at the teams hq?

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26 minutes ago, JohnnyLV said:

It is hard to reconcile Woody's comments and him not having completely reset. And Rodgers is not a valid excuse. That experiment has already failed and with JD and Saleh in charge the odds of Rodgers being the "flex seal" for this team is like close to zero. This ship has WAY too many holes already starting with inept and I mean that inept competence at the GM and HC positions.

The only right move is to start completely over. Go to Rodgers and explain that you are completely blowing things up. You are getting a new GM and HC and drafting a QB in RD1. If he would like to be part of that process and mentor a QB for 2-3 years that would be ideal. If not we will work out a trade with any team that he wants to go to.

Retaining clearly incompetent staff is not the way to go. 

Also the concept that this team wins 10 games with Rodgers is incredibly flawed. We may have won less with him at the helm. 

There were a lot of miracle sort of wins for the Jets this year. If Rodgers is QB, Buffalo might not relax on that first game and we lose, Philly game might go different. With Rodgers, not team takes us for granted AND people seem to forget that Rodgers clearly regressed last year.

The entire team is a shambles. The only proper move was to completely reset. Making the playoffs next year is a complete pipe dream. We win 5-8 games next year and the rebuild starts a year later than it should have,


You can’t be serious man lol. We won 7 games with the worst qb in the NFL. We lost a lot of close ones too thanks to the D trying to keep it close for just a hint of competence at qb and O. Easily win 10 with rodgers this yr.. 

I agree with this pathetic OL JD has failed at, even a healthy rodgers can’t  save them. Worst gm in NFL, his bread and butter  was supposed to be the OL . After 6 years, his OL has ranked last or right next to dead last in NFL last 2 years.

  Last time Rodgers was fully healthy, he won back to back MVPs. People forget he played most of 2022 with a broken thumb on his throwing hand. We probably can’t expect him to be MVP caliber with this supporting cast, but it’s foolish to believe he isn’t going to do better than his 2022 yr with a broken thumb on his throwing hand. People were trashing farve in 09, guy played with torn bicep. The next yr at 40 with Vikings, he did almost win MVP.

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21 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

There are moments where I agree with you. I have always thought Zach has electric arm talent and good mobility/escapability, which is an intriguing combo. The issue is that I suspect Zach doesn't have IT mentally, and unfortunately, that is fatal. The QB position is largely mental, not physical. Traits like elite arm strength help separate the elite QBs from the good QBs, but to be at least good, you need a basic level of mental proficiency that Zach seems to lack. Zach is akin to a basketball player who can occasionally perform a reverse windmill dunk but can barely dribble. 

Zach improved his physical accuracy this year, but he still doesn't see the field very well or process information quickly enough, resulting in him holding the ball too long, taking way too many sacks, and missing open receivers. He also became somewhat of a checkdown Charlie this year, which makes me think that he has mostly lost the confidence he entered the league with. 

In the vastness of the multiverse, I DO believe there are universes in which Zach becomes a baller NFL QB. However, I suspect that we are not living in one of them. And, even if he does eventually figure it all out in our plane of existence, it almost certainly would not happen with the Jets. A fresh start is best for all parties. 

Sadly, another one bites the dust. 


I agree that if ZW fails, it'll be due to for the mental side of things.  But I still think we should all consider the following:

-Our OL stinks.  ZW is probably so used to having to run for his life that his first instinct on any given play is to mentally prepare for a jailbreak pass rush.

-Our CS stinks and I don't think they believe in him.

-We have only 1 WR.  If we look at GW's stats, he still had 95 receptions and over 1000 yards receiving.  So it's not like ZW can't get the ball to a good WR.  Our WR2, however, was a punt returner.

-In the NFL, ZW has only ever been part of this awful franchise.  All he knows of is complete chaos.


The above doesn't mean ZW wasn't terrible his 1st 2 years here, btw.  He absolutely was.  I do think he showed real signs of improvement this past year though. 


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8 minutes ago, JetsfaninNorthHollywood said:

Could maxman run a search and see if any new accounts ip addresses are at the teams hq?

Woody lives about 15 miles from me in Bernardsville Basking Ridge area I know people who see him and dumb brother Chris all over town. As long as they are making money owning an NFL team are status symbol he’s not selling. 

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4 hours ago, Biggs said:

Leon Hess actually earned his money and was hands off.  When he got involved he put together one of the greatest football management teams in NFL history.  

Hess neglected the Jets but he was a brilliant man.  Woody has his fingerprints all over the Jets failure.

Unfortunately, Woody is taking a similar approach to Hess.  The Jets under Hess were run by Steve Guttman, an accountant.  Hess did what it took for the Jets to make him money.  No more, no less.  They had some good years, but where generally mediocre, and after the magic of his OL and Sack Exchange wore off, they were terrible.  

When he wanted to sell the team, he brought in real management and got the team better and sold for a good price, at the time.

Woody rode those coat tails and did what it took to create a winner when he needed to sell PSLs.  Since he sold the PSLs, he has been running the team like a business.  Yes, he spends to cap, but skimps on staff of all types and levels.  

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7 hours ago, kevinc855 said:

So we can finally kill the idiotic jet blue conspiracy right? 

it was never about the power of JetBlue - but rather the wrath of Lisa Wilson - none getting in the way of that billion dollar beaach....except me man luv it when she gets angry....rarh..

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4 hours ago, Biggs said:

And fired him after he failed and outmanuverd Kraft for Parcells and BB along with a great staff. 

And? You said Hess was a hands off owner and I gave a good example of where that's not the case. He was for sure not as  bad as Woody the clown, but I wouldn't say he was a hands off owner. 

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I agree that if ZW fails, it'll be due to for the mental side of things.  But I still think we should all consider the following:
-Our OL stinks.  ZW is probably so used to having to run for his life that his first instinct on any given play is to mentally prepare for a jailbreak pass rush.
-Our CS stinks and I don't think they believe in him.
-We have only 1 WR.  If we look at GW's stats, he still had 95 receptions and over 1000 yards receiving.  So it's not like ZW can't get the ball to a good WR.  Our WR2, however, was a punt returner.
-In the NFL, ZW has only ever been part of this awful franchise.  All he knows of is complete chaos.
The above doesn't mean ZW wasn't terrible his 1st 2 years here, btw.  He absolutely was.  I do think he showed real signs of improvement this past year though. 
His passer rating went from 72.8 to 77.2. His QBR actually decreased. If you want to say he went from putrid to awful then I could somewhat agree. But he still sucked.

I feel bad for you because you are going to follow his career waiting for the day when you can claim you were right, but that's never going to happen. His ceiling is QB2 and I really don't think he will reach even that. You could surround him with a team of All Pros and it wouldn't help.
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5 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

His passer rating went from 72.8 to 77.2. His QBR actually decreased. If you want to say he went from putrid to awful then I could somewhat agree. But he still sucked.

I feel bad for you because you are going to follow his career waiting for the day when you can claim you were right, but that's never going to happen. His ceiling is QB2 and I really don't think he will reach even that. You could surround him with a team of All Pros and it wouldn't help.

If he doesn't play well elsewhere then I'll be wrong.  Wouldn't be the first time.  But I don't get why people are so convinced that it can't be the Jets' organization at fault in ZW's 3rd year.  We all know that our CS stinks, we have a terrible OL (that also had a ton of injuries), and we had a punt returner as our WR2.  I think people are ignoring all that because ZW actually did stink years 1 and 2.

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3 hours ago, Grandy said:


Actually found this about his accuracy stats recently (post from about a month ago). Looked like his accuracy had much improved and it seems like it wasn't just my eyes. I took a screenshot of the full post if you want, but the first paragraph is the meat.

My bad. Here is the chart I was referring to—EPA vs Completion % Above Expected. Pretty bleak. He was dead last in EPA and Success Rate this year. 29th in YPA, 30th in completion percentage, and 32nd in sack rate. Is the snippet you posted from that XFactor article from October, by chance? 


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5 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

My bad. Here is the chart I was referring to—EPA vs Completion % Above Expected. Pretty bleak. He was dead last in EPA and Success Rate this year. 29th in YPA, 30th in completion percentage, and 32nd in sack rate. Is the snippet you posted from that XFactor article from October, by chance? 

I heard or read something recently that pretty much says it all. I forget the specific data but basically since 2000 out of the 60 or so QBs that have been drafted in the 1st round and started at least 20 games, Zach Wilson is basically ranked 50-something out of those 60.

I mean that's some pretty bad company.

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1 hour ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I still think people are judging 2023 ZW based on his first 2 years as QB of the NYJ.  Maybe I'll be proven wrong but I still think he improved a lot this past year.  I want to see how he'll do on a competent team before making a final judgment on him.  My hunch is that he would've taken a leap this year if his supporting cast was at least competent.  Everywhere I looked though, our offense was a mess.  Terrible OL, only 1 WR (which means they can just gameplan to take GW away) and a terrible CS (both OC and HC).

He didn't dirt as many passes and his mechanics improved (fewer unnecessary "fadeaway jumpers").

But he still struggled to read a defense, fled clean pockets as if they were Chernobyl, and, when all is said and done, produced a whopping 8 TD passes to go with 7 INTs (in 12 games).

Even if he's "improved a lot", the bottom line is he still sucks and isn't the answer in NY or anywhere else.

He's probably closer to radioactive around the league than even we understand based on Woody's recent comments and the public outing that he refused to play late in the season (until he was exposed for it).

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2 minutes ago, Adoni Beast said:

I heard or read something recently that pretty much says it all. I forget the specific data but basically since 2000 out of the 60 or so QBs that have been drafted in the 1st round and started at least 20 games, Zach Wilson is basically ranked 50-something out of those 60.

I mean that's some pretty bad company.

IIRC, he‘s the second worst top ten QB with 20+ starts after Blake Bortles

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