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Aaron Rodgers leaving Jets to be VP of United States?

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It is always something off the field with Rodgers. Questions concerning whether he was going to retire or ask for a trade, UFOs on draft night, running for VP, being a Sandy Hook truther ..... one of you said he is a 9/11 truther too? How the hell is he playing for a NY team if that's true?

Look, I can separate the personal from the player, but this is just a non stop barrage of BS with this guy. He is going to have to throw 60 TDs this year to be worth all the headache we have dealt with since he was first rumored to be coming to the Jets. 

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17 minutes ago, greenwichjetfan said:

Maybe I'm deranged, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that every day I drop my two kids off at their daycare, I think about the kids and parents at Sandy Hook and Uvalde.

You're not alone. I have two girls in grade school and my wife is a teacher. I worry about them every day.

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1 hour ago, greenwichjetfan said:

Maybe I'm deranged, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that every day I drop my two kids off at their daycare, I think about the kids and parents at Sandy Hook and Uvalde.

I grew up and lived most of my life 45 mins away from Sandy Hook. My family and I moved to Texas in 2022, and a month later Uvalde happened. I go to a dark place when I think about what I would do if I were one of those parents.

Whether it’s NRA funded or just screws loose in the head, the people perpetuating this stuff need to be gone.

I really hope this is just fake news or political games by the opposition because man I really ******* love Aaron Rodgers as a football player, but if it’s true, he needs to be gone.

Hard to believe he would open his mouth about this at THIS time. So much bullsh*t going on in politics right now it’s just getting to the point where things are going to pop. Whatever Rodgers views, he should have enough sense to keep them to himself. He’s not an idiot and should know ANYTHING that comes out of his mouth is going to be criticized, analyzed, dissected and twisted.  Have some damn common sense and stay out of politics until your career is over. See Tom Brady. Minding your own business is an art. Hopefully, Rodgers makes an immediate statement to quell this noise down and gets back to football. Can’t see him giving up the game right now especially after that horrendous injury last year. No way he wants to go out that way. But he needs to ‘fix’ this NOW. The NFL, itself, will have step in soon if it’s not. To complicate things, we have an owner on the side of the NRA and holding hands with you know who at the RNC last week who more than likely is looking the other way at all this. This is DISGUSTING 🤢 

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1 hour ago, sourceworx said:

You're not alone. I have two girls in grade school and my wife is a teacher. I worry about them every day.

I have 2 grandsons and moved up to N. Massachusetts last year. Outta here this coming summer. Hate it here. Heard a news bulletin last month a shooting was broadcast in the Quincy area where they go to school. Freaked me out. Fortunately it wasn’t in a school so I feel your fear. 

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1 hour ago, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:

Boy, this thread will be fun to look back on after he wins MVP. Ammirite??



Most Valuable Putz??? Do they have an award for that. If not, he’s got my vote.

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2 hours ago, greenwichjetfan said:

Maybe I'm deranged, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that every day I drop my two kids off at their daycare, I think about the kids and parents at Sandy Hook and Uvalde.

I grew up and lived most of my life 45 mins away from Sandy Hook. My family and I moved to Texas in 2022, and a month later Uvalde happened. I go to a dark place when I think about what I would do if I were one of those parents.

Whether it’s NRA funded or just screws loose in the head, the people perpetuating this stuff need to be gone.

I really hope this is just fake news or political games by the opposition because man I really ******* love Aaron Rodgers as a football player, but if it’s true, he needs to be gone.


2 hours ago, sourceworx said:

You're not alone. I have two girls in grade school and my wife is a teacher. I worry about them every day.

I have two small kids at home and I have these same fears every single time I drop them off in the morning. I’m a bit of a true crime fiend and mass shootings just paralyze me. They are just so unbelievably horrific and evil and terrifying and senseless . . . so believe me when I tell you that this issue resonates deeply with me.

i’ll also say right now that I think the story is very likely true. Rodgers is a known conspiracy theorist and Alex Jones fan. If the boot fits . . . 

Having said all of that, I think this is much ado about nothing. There is no point in worrying about what should happen “if this is true.” 

Rodgers is never going to admit that he is (or was) a Sandy Hook denier. Never going to happen. That means it’s his word against Pamela Brown’s and that of another unnamed source who wishes to remain anonymous. 

Rodgers supposedly said this stuff in two private conversations - the one with Pamela Brown was supposedly way back in 2013 at a party immediately after the Kentucky Derby and the one with the anonymous source was allegedly “several years ago.” Good luck getting to the bottom of this one. 

Rodgers can say “the evil media is lying and it is precisely this sort of corruption, which  permeates our most sacred institutions, that has me thinking about running for office (after I bring a SB to the Jets, of course)” and go about his day. 

OR he can say nothing at all. OR, he can say that he was a Sandy Hook truther but eventually realized the error of his ways and feels deep regret for being duped by bad actors. OR he can say “I was wasted that night and don’t even remember meeting Pamela Brown. It was 11 years ago!” You get the point. Plenty of ways to spin this one. 

Nothing is going to come of this, other than more national embarrassment for us Jets fans. As always, we lose. 

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10 minutes ago, slimjasi said:


I have two small kids at home and I have these same fears every single time I drop them off in the morning. I’m a bit of a true crime fiend and mass shootings just paralyze me. They are just so unbelievably horrific and evil and terrifying and senseless . . . so believe me when I tell you that this issue resonates deeply with me.

i’ll also say right now that I think the story is very likely true. Rodgers is a known conspiracy theorist and Alex Jones fan. If the boot fits . . . 

Having said all of that, I think this is much ado about nothing. There is no point in worrying about what should happen “if this is true.” 

Rodgers is never going to admit that he is (or was) a Sandy Hook denier. Never going to happen. That means it’s his word against Pamela Brown’s and that of another unnamed source who wishes to remain anonymous. 

Rodgers supposedly said this stuff in two private conversations - the one with Pamela Brown was supposedly way back in 2013 at a party immediately after the Kentucky Derby and the one with the anonymous source was allegedly “several years ago.” Good luck getting to the bottom of this one. 

Rodgers can say “the evil media is lying and it is precisely this sort of corruption, which  permeates our most sacred institutions, that has me thinking about running for office (after I bring a SB to the Jets, of course)” and go about his day. 

OR he can say nothing at all. OR, he can say that he was a Sandy Hook truther but eventually realized the error of his ways and feels deep regret for being duped by bad actors. OR he can say “I was wasted that night and don’t even remember meeting Pamela Brown. It was 11 years ago!” You get the point. Plenty of ways to spin this one. 

Nothing is going to come of this, other than more national embarrassment for us Jets fans. As always, we lose. 

Why do you think legacy media broke the story right now? Seems odd if this was ten years ago 

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I live about 20 miles from Newtown. I know a family that went through the entire tragedy. It’s heartbreaking and the people who think it’s made up are sickening and disgusting. 

That being said, it does seem a bit strange that this stuff is coming out now and there really is no way for Aaron to defend himself. There is no audio or video. Only some CNN reporter’s claim, 11 years later.

 I searched YouTube and came across this video, a short interview with Aaron after the Sandy Hook shooting and he seems sincerely distraught. Not someone who doubts that it happened. Maybe changed his tune later. I definitely hope the story isn’t true. 


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This is why he will not be a vice presidential candidate if I had to put money down on the issue. Too much stuff out there for any opposition to use as ammunition whether he said something or not.

I have heard him talk about 9/11 with sadness and empathy. Sometimes I think the sensational bs is clickbait.

Who knows ?

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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4 hours ago, maury77 said:

It is always something off the field with Rodgers. Questions concerning whether he was going to retire or ask for a trade, UFOs on draft night, running for VP, being a Sandy Hook truther ..... one of you said he is a 9/11 truther too? How the hell is he playing for a NY team if that's true?

Look, I can separate the personal from the player, but this is just a non stop barrage of BS with this guy. He is going to have to throw 60 TDs this year to be worth all the headache we have dealt with since he was first rumored to be coming to the Jets. 

Not for nothing, but how is this on him? I mean he literally has not said a word publicly for weeks other than talking about his status on his recovery and how long he wants to play football and yet you want to blame him for a VP report, that the candidate is claiming and a report about something he is accused of saying years later that has zero proof? 

The guy has been a public figure for a long time. A long time. Suddenly now a report comes out about him being a Sandy Hook truther launched by a CNN anchor right after reports about the VP stuff...convenient. Would be nice if there was proof but I'd be willing to bet there is absolutely no proof just the claim.

Every player that you talk to on this team absolutely loves having the guy around. Every player gushes about his character and the friendships he holds. Let's all ignore all of that and worry about bullsh*t reports that he seems to have no part in creating. Makes total sense

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48 minutes ago, Death2NE said:


I’m not trying to light the political fire here and this isn’t some snarky answer just a general comment to anyone who sees it .

sh*t like this is going to go on all season because Rodgers , whether his opinions are ultimately right or wrong , doesn’t just go with the flow and listen to Dr Fauci and doesn’t fear the wrath of jimmy kimmel .

Mark my words , every other week for the foreseeable future there will be a hit piece on Rodgers about topics ranging from sandy hook to what he said to an ex girlfriend once in high school .

To anyone that doesn’t understand yet that you can’t have a voice AND go against the grain of the narrative on a given subject without being character assassinated just isn’t paying attention .

It’s a guarantee that those few sentences will trigger 90% of people that read it to assume they know my politics but their assumptions would definitely be wrong .

That’s as deep as I’m going on that path lol but yea , everyone should just ready themselves because Rodgers is going to be under fire until he retires or is no longer relevant

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app



New York market makes it that much more exaggerated. 

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8 hours ago, UntouchableCrew said:

He needs to come out and clarify the Sandy Hook stuff is BS because if that’s who he is then he’s an absolute garbage human being and he should be off this team.

Not kidding, outside of being an actual violent criminal I can’t think of something that makes your more despicable than that stuff.

Go 4-13 and draft a QB. **** anyone who does this sort of stuff and **** anyone who defends that behavior. 

Does he need to come out to say it's bullsh*t or is the onus on the person making the claim to show proof? 

If someone claims another harassed them, is it on the person being claimed of the harassment to say it's not true or is it on the person making the claim to provide proof to the claim? 

The article has two sources, one who is a reporter and the other who is anonymous. The article comes out days after reports about him as a potential VP candidate, which also has not been proven as truth, and refers to him, in the article, as "potential VP candidate". So essentially, CNN is launching a hit piece YEARS later on a guy that is rumored to be a potential VP candidate. As a journalist, isn't it the responsibility of said journalist to "prove it"? If you have access to such a large platform for the national audience to read, shouldn't it be their responsibility to prove their claims? Or is it becoming the norm that a news outlet can just make anonymous claims about people and force all of those people, even without proof, come out and say it's not true...

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This Rodgers signing is leaning towards being a flop and the team needs to consider getting another QB in the event something happens. Implying that Sandy Hook was a hoax is down right wrong and distasteful. 

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1 hour ago, Falco21 said:

Does he need to come out to say it's bullsh*t or is it the onus on the person making the claim to show proof? 

If someone claims another haras

I don’t think your point is necessarily wrong—famous people shouldn’t have to dignify every evidence-free accusation made against them in the media space—but the next time Rodgers pops his head out in public, a reporter is going to ask him questions about his views on Sandy Hook and he needs to have some very direct, palatable answers to those questions, or Woody is going to have to cut him on the spot. 

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12 minutes ago, August said:

This Rodgers signing is leaning towards being a flop and the team needs to consider getting another QB in the event something happens. Implying that Sandy Hook was a hoax is down right wrong and distasteful. 

I don’t know about the whole getting another QB thing. As much as I hate this entire regime, you can’t expect a miracle from these imbeciles. Yes, I know they are to blame for this situation but the whole VP thing is so absurd that I don’t think you can blame them and need to just put things on hold for 2024 and search for their replacements immediately. 2024 would no longer be a competitive year and they’d have to sell off assets after already making some acquisitions this off-season because of this mess. 

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1 minute ago, T0mShane said:

I don’t think your point is necessarily wrong—famous people shouldn’t have to dignify every evidence-free accusation made against them in the media space—but the next time Rodgers pops his head out in public, a reporter is going to ask him questions about his views on Sandy Hook and he needs to have some very direct, palatable answers to those questions, or Woody is going to have to cut him on the spot. 

I do not disagree if he is asked, which he will be. For him to have to come out publicly on his own to specifically deny these reports, is a ridiculous stance, in my opinion. 

Is someone going to ask this reporter why they held on to this information as long as they did? Is someone going to ask why it was conveniently written by a left leaning news agency immediately following reports of the VP stories? Is everyone going to just ignore these questions simply because, well, Rodgers is a little strange so it has to be true.....right? 

This story is EXACTLY what is wrong with so much of society today. An anonymous report comes out timed to perfection as a hit piece and now suddenly everyone is sh*tting on him and this team without any question to the validity of the reports. The immediate response is "he's always been crazy" "cut his ass" "he's a piece of sh*t" etc. etc.

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8 hours ago, UntouchableCrew said:

He needs to come out and clarify the Sandy Hook stuff is BS because if that’s who he is then he’s an absolute garbage human being and he should be off this team.

Not kidding, outside of being an actual violent criminal I can’t think of something that makes your more despicable than that stuff.

Go 4-13 and draft a QB. **** anyone who does this sort of stuff and **** anyone who defends that behavior. 

He’s tripping in Costa Rica. 

He’ll be asked about it on macafee or somewhere else soon enough. 

there is audio going around of him saying “we need to learn from this “ regarding sandy hook. Seemed like a normal response to me. Seemed to be clearly acknowledging that it happened. 

I live in a town that borders Newtown. My kids schools were put on lockdown that day. I’m in sandy hook twice a month on business. I was on church hill rd a few days after the incident and 2 funeral processions drove by me. One had a fire engine leading the way because the boy loved fire engines. This issue hits very close to home for me. 

we need to stop taking rumors and reports as accurate and reliable right out of the gate and be patient and wait for everything to come out.  

This place ( not saying you) is losing its mind right now.  

let’s just see where it goes 


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5 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I don’t think your point is necessarily wrong—famous people shouldn’t have to dignify every evidence-free accusation made against them in the media space—but the next time Rodgers pops his head out in public, a reporter is going to ask him questions about his views on Sandy Hook and he needs to have some very direct, palatable answers to those questions, or Woody is going to have to cut him on the spot. 

I personally can’t stand all the outrage and don’t care what NFL players think. People are allowed to have opinions and you can disagree but everyone should calm the **** down, get a grip and stop being so dramatic.

We all knew things would go south the the NY media at some point if he underperformed etc. Being a complete dud and getting injured/saying controversial things and now the VP thing is going to make things unbearable for him. He’s going to absolutely despise the NY media market and possibly the Jets pretty soon.

I like AR but this is his fault no matter how you cut it. Injuries happen but it was his body that got injured. The VP thing, if true, didn’t have to happen at all though and the timing with undermining FA is just terrible business. The silence from both he and the Jets is unacceptable. I don’t understand what is happening because it’s too absurd. 

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16 minutes ago, Creepy Lurker said:

I personally can’t stand all the outrage and don’t care what NFL players think. People are allowed to have opinions and you can disagree but everyone should calm the **** down, get a grip and stop being so dramatic.

We all knew things would go south the the NY media at some point if he underperformed etc. Being a complete dud and getting injured/saying controversial things and now the VP thing is going to make things unbearable for him. He’s going to absolutely despise the NY media market and possibly the Jets pretty soon.

I like AR but this is his fault no matter how you cut it. Injuries happen but it was his body that got injured. The VP thing, if true, didn’t have to happen at all though and the timing with undermining FA is just terrible business. The silence from both he and the Jets is unacceptable. I don’t understand what is happening because it’s too absurd. 

People legit get angrier at alleged thought crimes than what happened in Georgia recently. It’s very strange. Politics are wacky.

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Just now, Matt39 said:

People legit get angrier at alleged thought crimes than what happened in Georgia recently. It’s very strange. Politics are wacky.

No matter how wacky politics are, they are nothing compared to the Jets. 

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15 minutes ago, Larz said:

He’s tripping in Costa Rica. 

He’ll be asked about it on macafee or somewhere else soon enough. 

there is audio going around of him saying “we need to learn from this “ regarding sandy hook. Seemed like a normal response to me. Seemed to be clearly acknowledging that it happened. 

I live in a town that borders Newtown. My kids schools were put on lockdown that day. I’m in sandy hook twice a month on business. I was on church hill rd a few days after the incident and 2 funeral processions drove by me. One had a fire engine leading the way because the boy loved fire engines. This issue hits very close to home for me. 

we need to stop taking rumors and reports as accurate and reliable right out of the gate and be patient and wait for everything to come out.  

This place ( not saying you) is losing its mind right now.  

let’s just see where it goes 



The scary part about all of this is the rush to judgment in today's world immediately following a report that has not been vetted and is laced with anonymous sources and zero proof. It is a scary moment in time proving how much power the media has. 

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7 minutes ago, Falco21 said:


The scary part about all of this is the rush to judgment in today's world immediately following a report that has not been vetted and is laced with anonymous sources and zero proof. It is a scary moment in time proving how much power the media has. 

You can pull up your local news this morning and see all of the violent crimes that happened yesterday from people that shouldn’t be on the streets. Things that actually happened. A girl was just kidnapped and  raped by people who shouldn’t have been here this month right hy my office. That’s a bigger concern than our kooky QB and what someone is accusing of him “saying” at the Kentucky Derby. What are we doing here. There’s legit zero proof he said anything other than some second hand nonsense. And I’m hoping he’s running for VP so the Jets look like fools

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28 minutes ago, Falco21 said:

I do not disagree if he is asked, which he will be. For him to have to come out publicly on his own to specifically deny these reports, is a ridiculous stance, in my opinion. 

Is someone going to ask this reporter why they held on to this information as long as they did? Is someone going to ask why it was conveniently written by a left leaning news agency immediately following reports of the VP stories? Is everyone going to just ignore these questions simply because, well, Rodgers is a little strange so it has to be true.....right? 

This story is EXACTLY what is wrong with so much of society today. An anonymous report comes out timed to perfection as a hit piece and now suddenly everyone is sh*tting on him and this team without any question to the validity of the reports. The immediate response is "he's always been crazy" "cut his ass" "he's a piece of sh*t" etc. etc.

Definitely seems tied to Rodgers potentially being the VP pick and facing a higher level of scrutiny as a political candidate instead of just a meathead football player, but Rodgers likes to be provocative and he wants to be, at times, combative with the media and this is what happens. Agreed that it’s not necessarily fair or upright, but Rodgers can simply refute the claim and it’ll go away. We know Rodgers is into the Covid stuff, but we also have the Deshone Kizer 9/11 thing and now this. Rodgers is an easy target because he courts this kind of attention. 

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2 hours ago, Falco21 said:

Does he need to come out to say it's bullsh*t or is the onus on the person making the claim to show proof? 

If someone claims another harassed them, is it on the person being claimed of the harassment to say it's not true or is it on the person making the claim to provide proof to the claim? 

The article has two sources, one who is a reporter and the other who is anonymous. The article comes out days after reports about him as a potential VP candidate, which also has not been proven as truth, and refers to him, in the article, as "potential VP candidate". So essentially, CNN is launching a hit piece YEARS later on a guy that is rumored to be a potential VP candidate. As a journalist, isn't it the responsibility of said journalist to "prove it"? If you have access to such a large platform for the national audience to read, shouldn't it be their responsibility to prove their claims? Or is it becoming the norm that a news outlet can just make anonymous claims about people and force all of those people, even without proof, come out and say it's not true...

Agree with all this but if my reputation was being slandered publicly with horrific accusations I would damn well defend myself. 

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33 minutes ago, Creepy Lurker said:

I personally can’t stand all the outrage and don’t care what NFL players think. People are allowed to have opinions and you can disagree but everyone should calm the **** down, get a grip and stop being so dramatic.

We all knew things would go south the the NY media at some point if he underperformed etc. Being a complete dud and getting injured/saying controversial things and now the VP thing is going to make things unbearable for him. He’s going to absolutely despise the NY media market and possibly the Jets pretty soon.

I like AR but this is his fault no matter how you cut it. Injuries happen but it was his body that got injured. The VP thing, if true, didn’t have to happen at all though and the timing with undermining FA is just terrible business. The silence from both he and the Jets is unacceptable. I don’t understand what is happening because it’s too absurd. 

This (the stuff in bold)


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3 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Definitely seems tied to Rodgers potentially being the VP pick and facing a higher level of scrutiny as a political candidate instead of just a meathead football player, but Rodgers likes to be provocative and he wants to be, at times, combative with the media and this is what happens. Agreed that it’s not necessarily fair or upright, but Rodgers can simply refute the claim and it’ll go away. We know Rodgers is into the Covid stuff, but we also have the Deshone Kizer 9/11 thing and now this. Rodgers is an easy target because he courts this kind of attention. 

Heard Rodgers was pro cannibalism back at Berkeley

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