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Dethrowns the patsies before they reach that NFL record that we all know and Love 16-0 ??

Not trying to get to far ahead of ourselfs but someone has to do it ,So why not us?

We were the only team that went into the "m*******" and came out with a win last year.

I believe we can pull it off again, call me crazy but I have this feeling that we will pull an


P.s. Garb do not hijack my thread with your Beauty Tips and your love for Troy Brown

Thanks ;)

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Dethrowns the patsies before they reach that NFL record that we all know and Love 16-0 ??

Not trying to get to far ahead of ourselfs but someone has to do it ,So why not us?

We were the only team that went into the "m*******" and came out with a win last year.

I believe we can pull it off again, call me crazy but I have this feeling that we will pull an


P.s. Garb do not hijack my thread with your Beauty Tips and your love for Troy Brown

Thanks ;)


We do not match up at all.

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If J Cotch the Patsie Killer is available theres no problem in having hope. When a team is at best 4-9 (if we beat Clev) and there coming into someones house who is 13-0 they will be up for the game and our for blood. You never know...... I'm taking the roadtrip just for the hope that we get it done.

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Considering the fact the Belly will try to rack up the points against the Jets, and will try to embarass them, I think the Jets will know this.

If the Pats are undefeated up to the game against the Jets, I think the Jets will shock them.

The only way you will beat the Pats is to control the line of scrimmage and run the ball. A game plan of both Jones and Washington can do the trick. Hopefully the special teams play with Washington can balance out the field position issue.

Hopefully this game will be a repeat of last year's and Brady will be on his ass a lot.

Something tells me the Jet's will win this game.....Jet's 20...Pats...17.

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unless Ray Lewis breaks brady in half tonight, then no. The Pats and Belliprick will be pumped for the Jets game. Maybe the Jets can keep it closer than people were predicting earlier in the season, but I don't see the Jets winning that game.

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Considering the fact the Belly will try to rack up the points against the Jets, and will try to embarass them, I think the Jets will know this.

If the Pats are undefeated up to the game against the Jets, I think the Jets will shock them.

The only way you will beat the Pats is to control the line of scrimmage and run the ball. A game plan of both Jones and Washington can do the trick. Hopefully the special teams play with Washington can balance out the field position issue.

Hopefully this game will be a repeat of last year's and Brady will be on his ass a lot.

Something tells me the Jet's will win this game.....Jet's 20...Pats...17.

belly will always try to rack up points on any team no matter what the score.I see our D puttin a hurtin on tommy brady. jets win this one

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Dethrowns the patsies before they reach that NFL record that we all know and Love 16-0 ??

Not trying to get to far ahead of ourselfs but someone has to do it ,So why not us?

We were the only team that went into the "m*******" and came out with a win last year.

I believe we can pull it off again, call me crazy but I have this feeling that we will pull an


P.s. Garb do not hijack my thread with your Beauty Tips and your love for Troy Brown

Thanks ;)

I think that the Pats will score more points than they have at any time this year. It is possible that the Jets lose this game by a larger point margin than any team in Jets history. The Pats are looking for revenge and spygate may have provided them with an additional incentive.

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So what you are guys are telling me is that a 3-9 maybe 3-10 after Sunday has a shot of going into a place where the team that they are playing is unbeaten, the coach is going to be out looking for blood after his "protege" embarssed him, the QB is the best in the game and has weapons out the Yazoo ?

Pats 56

Jets 3

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So what you are guys are telling me is that a 3-9 maybe 3-10 after Sunday has a shot of going into a place where the team that they are playing is unbeaten, the coach is going to be out looking for blood after his "protege" embarssed him, the QB is the best in the game and has weapons out the Yazoo ?

Pats 56

Jets 3

Sometimes what you think should happen in a football game, doesn't. It's not always logical.

The revenge stuff makes me laugh. Hey, maybe the Jets want to pay back Belicheat for being such an arrogant dumbass. :lol:

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Dethrowns the patsies before they reach that NFL record that we all know and Love 16-0 ??

Not trying to get to far ahead of ourselfs but someone has to do it ,So why not us?

We were the only team that went into the "m*******" and came out with a win last year.

I believe we can pull it off again, call me crazy but I have this feeling that we will pull an


P.s. Garb do not hijack my thread with your Beauty Tips and your love for Troy Brown

Thanks ;)

ok i am calling you crazy

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:) Why not? Let's do it!

Go Jets, beat the Patsies. :flex:

Hell Yeah!!!!

I say the Jets say screw the Browns game and act as if it was a bye week. They always do better when they game plan 2 weeks for a particular opponent!!!

This season has sucked...and while that wouldn't make it all better it would be something to sit down at end of season and be able to smile about..

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I know I'll be rooting for the Jets against the Pats. Did I just say that?:shutit::bag: Actually I'll be rooting for every team the Gaytriots play against. Last thing i need is for the Finz to go 0-16 (which they will), and the Gaytriots to go undefeated.

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If we did it once we can do it again, any given Sunday Boys

The Eagles gave us the Blueprints on how to beat the pats

Run the ball down thier old Lber's Throats and Slam brady around

so he gets pissed and makes mistakes when he is out of his little gay comfort zone.

and if that doesn't work then ........Well, I will pray to god and ask for mercy on the Jets


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If we did it once we can do it again, any given Sunday Boys

The Eagles gave us the Blueprints on how to beat the pats

Run the ball down thier old Lber's Throats and Slam brady around

so he gets pissed and makes mistakes when he is out of his little gay comfort zone.

and if that doesn't work then ........Well, I will pray to god and ask for mercy on the Jets


First of all, this whole "blue print" crap makes me laugh. Uh, duh - pressure Brady......thing is, does the opponent have enough talent to get it done consistently? Oh and yes, piss Brady off and watch him make mistakes and cry like a gay baby. :rolleyes: Have no fear of those precision offensive snaps, or moreover, those late game heroics. Nah....

Run the ball down their throats? Um - not sure I know what game you were watching, but the Patsies weakness is the deep ball. Oh, and here's a hint - throw to Hobb's side. ;)

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Dethrowns the patsies before they reach that NFL record that we all know and Love 16-0 ??

Not trying to get to far ahead of ourselfs but someone has to do it ,So why not us?

We were the only team that went into the "m*******" and came out with a win last year.

I believe we can pull it off again, call me crazy but I have this feeling that we will pull an


P.s. Garb do not hijack my thread with your Beauty Tips and your love for Troy Brown

Thanks ;)

I think the Jets will beat the Browns and Titans but beating that stacked NE team is just asking too much.

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First of all, this whole "blue print" crap makes me laugh. Uh, duh - pressure Brady......thing is, does the opponent have enough talent to get it done consistently? Oh and yes, piss Brady off and watch him make mistakes and cry like a gay baby. :rolleyes: Have no fear of those precision offensive snaps, or moreover, those late game heroics. Nah....

Run the ball down their throats? Um - not sure I know what game you were watching, but the Patsies weakness is the deep ball. Oh, and here's a hint - throw to Hobb's side. ;)

Just have to hit him hard a few times, ravens can do that

but.....their O sucks ma$$hole pondwater

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The Eagles hit Brady hard last week and he still threw for 380 yards.

the iggles were 3 minutes away from tieing or winning game

His stats were very misleading, how many smokecreens to welker and faulk

about 100 yds worth.

Hit brady early and hard, he starts throwing the ball way too early,

ravens have no O , so unless ravens D scores 3 tds, they have no chance

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the iggles were 3 minutes away from tieing or winning game

His stats were very misleading, how many smokecreens to welker and faulk

about 100 yds worth.

Hit brady early and hard, he starts throwing the ball way too early,

ravens have no O , so unless ravens D scores 3 tds, they have no chance

The Pats didn't play very well on D last week and Feeley played very well (apart from the 3 picks!).

The Ravens crowd will be in the game at the start but once Boller throws a pick or fumbles the crowd will be out of it.

Are you trying to tell me that getting to the QB leads to said QB hurrying throws sometimes? That never happens!! :)

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The Pats didn't play very well on D last week and Feeley played very well (apart from the 3 picks!).

The Ravens crowd will be in the game at the start but once Boller throws a pick or fumbles the crowd will be out of it.

Are you trying to tell me that getting to the QB leads to said QB hurrying throws sometimes? That never happens!! :)

For most of the year, he has been sitting in a rocking chair back there, he

gets very antsy after a good piledrive.

If the steelers get to him early, they have a shot.. ravens only shot

is if they put him in a bodybag.

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First of all, this whole "blue print" crap makes me laugh. Uh, duh - pressure Brady......thing is, does the opponent have enough talent to get it done consistently? Oh and yes, piss Brady off and watch him make mistakes and cry like a gay baby. :rolleyes: Have no fear of those precision offensive snaps, or moreover, those late game heroics. Nah....

Run the ball down their throats? Um - not sure I know what game you were watching, but the Patsies weakness is the deep ball. Oh, and here's a hint - throw to Hobb's side. ;)

Bump for garbbie and the other trolls.

Ummm.. The ravens sure looked like they were running the ball down your throats No??

and the blueprint seems to be making it's way around the league... have fun with the last couple of games you have left because your team WILL NOT go 19-0 trust me,unless they pay the refs like they did last nite.

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Dethrowns the patsies before they reach that NFL record that we all know and Love 16-0 ??

Not trying to get to far ahead of ourselfs but someone has to do it ,So why not us?

We were the only team that went into the "m*******" and came out with a win last year.

I believe we can pull it off again, call me crazy but I have this feeling that we will pull an


P.s. Garb do not hijack my thread with your Beauty Tips and your love for Troy Brown

Thanks ;)

I love how beating an 0-12 team builds one's confidence.

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