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Well, it's over


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My long term relationship with a girl i absolutley loved just ended. Said she couldn't see a futre for us and needed some time to think. I take it that the some time to think basically means its over. I'll eventually get over it im sure, it's just that ive been with this girl soo long and have had such good memories it will be hard to forget. Ive been dumped before, but it didnt feel as bad as this. Any help?

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My long term relationship with a girl i absolutley loved just ended. Said she couldn't see a futre for us and needed some time to think. I take it that the some time to think basically means its over. I'll eventually get over it im sure, it's just that ive been with this girl soo long and have had such good memories it will be hard to forget. Ive been dumped before, but it didnt feel as bad as this. Any help?

go get a rub and tug and then call the bitch and tell her to go **** herself.....you'll be feeling better in no time i swear.

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Sux bro.

I am still not completely over my ex, we were together for 6 years.

But, its nice being single. Many different women and I do whatever the F I want when ever I want.

Let it hurt for awhile, there is nothing wrong with that. Just dont crawl up into a ball and not get out there, that is the worst thing you can do.

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Honestly bro it sucks, and it hurts but that's life. I broke up with a girl I dated for 7 years and it hurt, a lot. But I started to go back to things I didn't do while I dated her, playing sports, working out and just started hanging out with my boys more. I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, that's been my experience in life.

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My long term relationship with a girl i absolutley loved just ended. Said she couldn't see a futre for us and needed some time to think. I take it that the some time to think basically means its over. I'll eventually get over it im sure, it's just that ive been with this girl soo long and have had such good memories it will be hard to forget. Ive been dumped before, but it didnt feel as bad as this. Any help?

Tell her you are sorry for what you did. I find that when I mess up with my girl, I apologize and tell her I am sorry. She usually takes me back.

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My long term relationship with a girl i absolutley loved just ended. Said she couldn't see a futre for us and needed some time to think. I take it that the some time to think basically means its over. I'll eventually get over it im sure, it's just that ive been with this girl soo long and have had such good memories it will be hard to forget. Ive been dumped before, but it didnt feel as bad as this. Any help?

Sorry to hear that. BTW, when you get a chance, can you PM me her phone number?

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My long term relationship with a girl i absolutley loved just ended. Said she couldn't see a futre for us and needed some time to think. I take it that the some time to think basically means its over. I'll eventually get over it im sure, it's just that ive been with this girl soo long and have had such good memories it will be hard to forget. Ive been dumped before, but it didnt feel as bad as this. Any help?

Was she upset because she was dating a guy named "Goldemdomer" when she really wanted to date the guy named "GoldenDomer"?

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Go out and socialize and have fun, there are more girls out there. and like EY said, time heals all wounds. the more fun you have during this time the more it will bother her. DO NOT ACT LIKE YOU'RE HURT OR SHOW ANY ATTENTION TOWARDS HER. CUT OFF ALL CONTACT.

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Go out and socialize and have fun, there are more girls out there. and like EY said, time heals all wounds. the more fun you have during this time the more it will bother her. DO NOT ACT LIKE YOU'RE HURT OR SHOW ANY ATTENTION TOWARDS HER. CUT OFF ALL CONTACT.

Agreed. And when another chick in a bar asks why the last relationship ended...have a response ready. I suggest:

"She wasn't fun in the sack until after I won the lottery".

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Go out and socialize and have fun, there are more girls out there. and like EY said, time heals all wounds. the more fun you have during this time the more it will bother her. DO NOT ACT LIKE YOU'RE HURT OR SHOW ANY ATTENTION TOWARDS HER. CUT OFF ALL CONTACT.

Speaking from experience, party of one, your table is now available.

Speaking from experience your table is now available.

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Go out and socialize and have fun, there are more girls out there. and like EY said, time heals all wounds. the more fun you have during this time the more it will bother her. DO NOT ACT LIKE YOU'RE HURT OR SHOW ANY ATTENTION TOWARDS HER. CUT OFF ALL CONTACT.

This is great advise BP. Listen up kid, it's dead on right.

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