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Didn't blitz Peyton, Do we blitz Brady?


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You need a mix but, a guy like Brady absolutely can't handle getting hit. Peyton doesn't take hits very well either but he's near impossible to touch usually.

So bring the blitz. Hit him late and hard a few times if you need to. That is the only way the NFL managed to slow down Vick, so I don't see why the same plan can't be used on Tom Bieber.

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I don't know. And neither do the Patriots like they did last time. This time ... the Pats lose.

That is a good thing that came out of last nights win. Another is the Pats have to wonder if we are back to being the ground and pound Jets again like last post season. Not implying that we would ever outsmart or suprise BB but it does give him a couple of extra things to ponder and spend time preparing for this week.

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I said this awhile ago. You cannot all out blitz on every defensive play. Teams are practicing for this. Last night the NYJETS changed it up and it worked. I have faith and hope next weeks defensive scheme will shut down Brady and the offense.

When have we ever blitzed on every play?

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Will rex go with the same game plan of just banking on the coverage?

I say to maintain to same type of gameplan that we had with the Colts. We have CB's that were bought here for this very purpose. Watch the screens, leave Revis on the island, double welker and let our 3-man front plug up 4 holes as they tend to do. Let the LB's win this game on the defensive side of the ball. We dont need to sack brady to win, we need to keep the ball out of the hands of the receivers.

I think 24 pts can win this game.

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Outside of Garcon and Reggie Wayne, Manning didn't have an NFL-quality WR to throw to. Blair White? Homey, please. Jacob Tamme is just ok. If you blitz Brady, he can throw it to five different players that can shred you.

yes, Manning has no weapons, if we let Brady sit in pocket it will be a blowout. Teams that beat him, hit him.

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Outside of Garcon and Reggie Wayne, Manning didn't have an NFL-quality WR to throw to. Blair White? Homey, please. Jacob Tamme is just ok. If you blitz Brady, he can throw it to five different players that can shred you.

Exactly TS

Brady has the weapons at his disposal that Manning had last season.

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yes, Manning has no weapons, if we let Brady sit in pocket it will be a blowout. Teams that beat him, hit him.

The problem is we dont have the personnel that can get to the QB. Thats the unfortunate fact. Blitzing will only leave opportunity for Brady. Our blitz rush is slightly better than our standard rush. Let the 4 guys up front earn their paycheck and establish schemes in the secondary to confuse and frustrate brady.

Brady isnt a Mobile QB push up the middle and have him get out of the pocket. Getting brady out of the pocket will give us the opportunity to win the game. Having him sit there...well, that'll be a different story.

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big difference is NE has a much, much better OL and running game. The Jets need to mix it up and I am sure that Rex will have an outstanding gameplan - that is one thing I absolutely love about our HC. No matter what, the Jets will be prepared and the better team will win.

I'm glad you were able to wipe the blow-out at Foxboro from your memory.

It still stings for me. Unfortunately the Jets players and coaches need to look at that game for planning purposes...

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I say to maintain to same type of gameplan that we had with the Colts. We have CB's that were bought here for this very purpose. Watch the screens, leave Revis on the island, double welker and let our 3-man front plug up 4 holes as they tend to do. Let the LB's win this game on the defensive side of the ball. We dont need to sack brady to win, we need to keep the ball out of the hands of the receivers.

I think 24 pts can win this game.

It puzzles me that we got good pressure on Brady in both Pat games at home the last two years, but could not touch him at Foxboro. I still say making Brady move is key, but I do not know why we cannot do that up there.

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It puzzles me that we got good pressure on Brady in both Pat games at home the last two years, but could not touch him at Foxboro. I still say making Brady move is key, but I do not know why we cannot do that up there.

I guess that there is such a thing as homefield advantage. The Pats are beatable...when playing on the road. They're just extraordinary when playing at home I must admit. I cant explain it either. I know one thing, if we want to win a superbowl THIS is the type of game we must win. I actually wouldnt have it any other way.

This is the team I want to beat on the way to the dance.

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big difference is NE has a much, much better OL and running game. The Jets need to mix it up and I am sure that Rex will have an outstanding gameplan - that is one thing I absolutely love about our HC. No matter what, the Jets will be prepared and the better team will win.

Really? Like in the Monday night game? Love Rex but he shat the bed that game. He needs to be MUCH better this time.

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play brady exactly like we played manning. I think rex is getting over his "live by the blitz, die by the blitz" motto. I dont care if brady gets 5-10 yard completions all day long, just dont give up big plays. we gave up only one big play last night and that was the colts only touchdown.

that will work as long as the offense can score to keep up. Rex was able to stay patient because the offense was chewing up the clock and scoring touchdowns in the 2nd half.

the best D vs the Pats is a good Offense. The only way to make Brady press is to keep him off the field.

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I'm glad you were able to wipe the blow-out at Foxboro from your memory.

It still stings for me. Unfortunately the Jets players and coaches need to look at that game for planning purposes...

Suspect the defense was so awful in that game because they lost Leonhard on the very last day of practice. Now that doesn't mean the defense is better without him, but they've played a month and a playoff game since without him.

Ryan is going to do his best to disguise what he is doing, not give Brady the same looks play to play, and go over last night and the massacre and see what worked and what didn't. But suspect no matter what we are gonna see a lot of 6 DBs and 2 LBs as a working base.

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I guess that there is such a thing as homefield advantage. The Pats are beatable...when playing on the road. They're just extraordinary when playing at home I must admit. I cant explain it either. I know one thing, if we want to win a superbowl THIS is the type of game we must win. I actually wouldnt have it any other way.

This is the team I want to beat on the way to the dance.

One piece of home field that came into play only once last night; the home game clock guy will start that playclock as soon as he can. We only ahd one delay penaly last night, but know going in that you have to get the play in ASAP and not run the full playclock, or we will be facing 2 or 3 of those sly BS penalties.

In addition would help to have Sanchez playing way better.

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Really? Like in the Monday night game? Love Rex but he shat the bed that game. He needs to be MUCH better this time.

I would like to see an approach like we had in New Orleans last season, minus the Sanchez blowups, of course. That was a multi-faceted offense on its way to the Super Bowl. Their QB was having an MVP season, too; and he was more mobile than Brady. They also ran the ball pretty well last year. But straight up---- the Jet D stopped their O.

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Rex said for the colts game it wasnt about outsmarting them. He let our team just go out and play football. I expect him to do that this week too. Enough with the cute sh*t, it doesn't work. I think Rex knows this now.

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