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Braylon Edwards Situation


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No, of course your right again. Nobody agrees with me that fans should chill the **** out, be patient and trust in the front office. I mean that is after all the one persistent message I've tried to send in all these threads where people like you have been bitching about Braylon Edwards not being resigned, and all the holes not being filled immediately after Aso chose the Eagles, and there not being a plan B...

Unreal. Keep responding, you sound less intelligent with each post...


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Visa, this weekend you were pitching a fit over no other team losing what the Jets have lost, when at that very moment we'd only lost Brad Smith and Drew Coleman... yet you +1 this statement? LOL


Over the weekend the NYJETS lost as in not signed BE AC JI DW JT and others. Since then in case you havent heard look who they signed. Makes a big difference. Good Morning Sunshine :D

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Great response. I know I'm right too.

Over the weekend the NYJETS lost as in not signed BE AC JI DW JT and others. Since then in case you havent heard look who they signed. Makes a big difference. Good Morning Sunshine :D

I can't put into words how ridiculous you are, you talk out of both sides of your mouth and still can't come of as having half a brain.

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I wonder what's going on with Braylon right now... really strange that he's still out there. I've gotta say he's probably the best available FA at any position right now, yet not much buzz around him.

Almost none it seems. I know people keep saying hes asking too much but hes had to have dropped that by now no? On NFL Network they just said theyre not hearing a thing when it comes to him. Really strange.

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Great response. I know I'm right too.

I can't put into words how ridiculous you are, you talk out of both sides of your mouth and still can't come of as having half a brain.

Look im not going to get into the confrontation you want with me out of respect for Max and the other JetNation members. You make comments post your opinions, but when others dont agree with you or you dont agree with them it becomes a personal attack. I said what I said and meant it. You spun it around to try and make yourself look good, There will never be a day I worry about you or what you think of what I post or what you think of me. Keep telling yourself you are right and things will all be ok and work out for you.

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I wonder what's going on with Braylon right now... really strange that he's still out there. I've gotta say he's probably the best available FA at any position right now, yet not much buzz around him.

Saw a lil thing on him that he was visiting with the Rams today. Somebody will sign him. He's just to good.

It won't happen, but it would be cool if someone gives him a one year contract. That way when Holmes gets caught sparing up some weed, and is tossed for a year, the world can be set right and the Jets can sign Edwards.

After his year is up the Jets can resign him cheap. Say 3 million, and 10 thousand

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Look im not going to get into the confrontation you want with me out of respect for Max and the other JetNation members like HessStation, that guy ******* rules btw. You make comments post your opinions, but when others dont agree with you or you dont agree with them it becomes a personal attack. I said what I said and meant it. You spun it around to try and make yourself look good, There will never be a day I worry about you or what you think of what I post or what you think of me. Keep telling yourself you are right and things will all be ok and work out for you.


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I wonder what's going on with Braylon right now... really strange that he's still out there. I've gotta say he's probably the best available FA at any position right now, yet not much buzz around him.

Rex said it right at the end of his presser - it's $$. BE is holding out for X hoping somebody will give it to him. I'm thinking X is 2x what we were offering. I'm sorry as hell to see him go but wish him well. I'm also going to come off the Plax is a gutless thug turd routine. He's a Jet now and deserves a shot. It will be 2 years ago in October that I was lamenting BE becoming a Jet and I was real wrong about that. Hope I'm just as wrong about Plax.
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Rex said it right at the end of his presser - it's $$. BE is holding out for X hoping somebody will give it to him. I'm thinking X is 2x what we were offering. I'm sorry as hell to see him go but wish him well. I'm also going to come off the Plax is a gutless thug turd routine. He's a Jet now and deserves a shot. It will be 2 years ago in October that I was lamenting BE becoming a Jet and I was real wrong about that. Hope I'm just as wrong about Plax.

Hasnt Braylon Edwards realizd he's hit a brick wall and he needs to fire his agent. He should be in camp with the NYJETS not looking for a team.

Deos anyone think theres still a chance now that Cotchery is not ready?

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Yep, you might be right.

Things get clearer with each day that passes.

Teams are obviously afraid to commit to him because even if he wasn't involved with any assault, the incident is a terrible indication that he just can't avoid trouble because he continues to put himself in bad situations surrounded by bad people.

I mean, how stupid can one human being be?

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Damn. Its no wonder teams seem to be avoiding him. Guy cant stay away from trouble.

The article says.

We're told Edwards had nothing directly to do with the fight. In fact, the Birmingham police chief said his officers never had any interaction with the wide receiver.

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Hasnt Braylon Edwards realizd he's hit a brick wall and he needs to fire his agent. He should be in camp with the NYJETS not looking for a team.

Deos anyone think theres still a chance now that Cotchery is not ready?

Outside of Drew Rosenhaus I don't think any other agent is willing to be associated with him. Don't blame the agent for this mess, Braylon is the one going out there getting into trouble all the time.

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The article says.

We're told Edwards had nothing directly to do with the fight. In fact, the Birmingham police chief said his officers never had any interaction with the wide receiver.

I like Braylon, like you I've been a big supporter, but let's face it Visa, he's certainly can't be the sharpest tool in the shed.

He may not have been directly involved with the fight, but for a guy who has been in trouble before, with one more altercation potentially costing him millions of dollars, why would he be anywhere near a fight in a bar or be hanging out with anyone with such blatant disregard for what he has to lose?

And what's worse, why would he create a written record, in this case an incriminating "tweet", that could be used against him in either a court of law or by the NFL Commissioner?

"Damn. Get ya knuckles ready" and "Don't fight if. You don't know how."?

I mean really, the guy must have a brain the size of a pea.

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I like Braylon, like you I've been a big supporter, but let's face it Visa, he's certainly can't be the sharpest tool in the shed.

He may not have been directly involved with the fight, but for a guy who has been in trouble before, with one more altercation potentially costing him millions of dollars, why would he be anywhere near a fight in a bar or be hanging out with anyone with such blatant disregard for what he has to lose?

And what's worse, why would he create a written record, in this case an incriminating "tweet", that could be used against him in either a court of law or by the NFL Commissioner?

"Damn. Get ya knuckles ready" and "Don't fight if. You don't know how."?

I mean really, the guy must have a brain the size of a pea.

He tweeted this tonight:

I hadn't seen this article at the time I read that, but I still figured he had done something stupid and was lying about losing his phone - and I like the guy! :lol:

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If I had to guess BE has a bad drinking problem, I have, and do know people who are very normal and great people, but once they get that booze in them turn into very destructive people to others, but mostly themselves,

I would say there is a very good chance BE falls in this category, and needs to look at other piers in his league (like Vick, and Plaxico to name a few) and decide does he want to get help now or wait till he has to learn his lesson the hard way.

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He comes to play on Sundays all I care about.

When we draft guys facing charges or deportation most of us say "tanny is smart and does his homework so he must know that the charges probably won't stick." looks like he did his homework on Braylon, too.

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If I had to guess BE has a bad drinking problem, I have, and do know people who are very normal and great people, but once they get that booze in them turn into very destructive people to others, but mostly themselves,

I would say there is a very good chance BE falls in this category, and needs to look at other piers in his league (like Vick, and Plaxico to name a few) and decide does he want to get help now or wait till he has to learn his lesson the hard way.

I don't know if he has a problem- but I can tell you the guy does enjoy to party. He was out a ton when he was a Jet.

He enjoys the party scene more than most.

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Past time to grow up. Edwards is pissing away a lot of money with this nonsense. He already will probably face a 4 game suspension for the DWI.Kind of hard for any team in those circumstances to give Edwards a big long-term heavily-guranteed deal.

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Watching your friends brawl it out in a bar is less acceptable than Shooting yourself in the leg @ a bar?

Not defending nor disparaging either. But it's apples and pomegranites. Burress has paid a price and so far seems to get that he has to be a good boy for this season to get a big deal next year. Burress might still be a questionable guy(same for Holmes also), but for now they face no open NFL discipline. Edwards is again facing a 4 game suspension and does not have a contract yet.And both Holmes and Burress have better hands.

shhsould probably not be out in bars in thw late hours. Don't expect any young rich 20 something to be a monk, but you have to be smart. And this is dumb.

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Not defending nor disparaging either. But it's apples and pomegranites. Burress has paid a price and so far seems to get that he has to be a good boy for this season to get a big deal next year. Burress might still be a questionable guy(same for Holmes also), but for now they face no open NFL discipline. Edwards is again facing a 4 game suspension and does not have a contract yet.And both Holmes and Burress have better hands.

shhsould probably not be out in bars in thw late hours. Don't expect any young rich 20 something to be a monk, but you have to be smart. And this is dumb.

Where are you getting this from that Braylon is facing a 4-game suspension? I know other people on the site have been saying this, but I'm just wondering if you've actually seen this from any other source, as I have not seen any report suggesting that and there's certainly no precedent for it. Right or wrong, a DWI has nothing to do with the NFL's substance abuse policy and there have been numerous NFL players who have received no suspension or punishment whatsoever when convicted of a DWI (including Ronnie Brown just last year). The fact is that Braylon's one-quarter benching last year was the most severe punishment given out for a DWI up until that point. Don't get me wrong, I don't care all that much either way considering he's clearly gone for good at this point, but I'm just not sure I buy that there's any risk of suspension for Braylon. Of course, even if he's not in risk of a suspension, that doesn't means these incidents aren't a big part of the reason why he's still available in free agency.

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Where are you getting this from that Braylon is facing a 4-game suspension? I know other people on the site have been saying this, but I'm just wondering if you've actually seen this from any other source, as I have not seen any report suggesting that and there's certainly no precedent for it. Right or wrong, a DWI has nothing to do with the NFL's substance abuse policy and there have been numerous NFL players who have received no suspension or punishment whatsoever when convicted of a DWI (including Ronnie Brown just last year). The fact is that Braylon's one-quarter benching last year was the most severe punishment given out for a DWI up until that point. Don't get me wrong, I don't care all that much either way considering he's clearly gone for good at this point, but I'm just not sure I buy that there's any risk of suspension for Braylon. Of course, even if he's not in risk of a suspension, that doesn't means these incidents aren't a big part of the reason why he's still available in free agency.

I have no idea what Brown's record was prior to this. But Edwards is on probation from his Celeveland case, so this is not his first offense. Personally woulnd't bother me a bit if he gets no suspension, but Goodell has extended the disciplinary system. And I'm not saying Edwards is a bad guy, but he is doing some very stupid things for a guy looking for a contract.
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