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Jets Sign Aaron Maybin: MERGED


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Schefter just reported that it's down to Jets and Bears for Maybin, which begs the question: How bad is Gholston that the two teams that have seen him up close want to replace him with a guy who's actually done less than him? That's like Kate Hudson getting dropped from a movie so they can replace her with Lindsay Lohan.

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After watching that video he definetely has speed on the edge and can rush the passer (which vernon never showed us). On run plays it seems hes just like Gholston and is afraid to get agressive with alot of bodies around, and has no clue how to get off a block. I guess its going to be up to Rex as to weather he wants to keep a one dimentional pass rushing project around which will tip offenses off on what defense hes running. Honestly I dont think situational pass rushers will ever do well in this defensive scheme for that exact reason. Best way to put this is, the guy is 2/3rds Vernon Gholston.

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He's gotten more offers than Braylon Edwards.

This guy is a pure 4-3 situational passrusher who cant play the run. Some guys just do not like playing in traffic and throwing their bodies in with the big boys Vernon was one of those guys and this guy is the same player.

The only way a team keeps a situational pass rusher on the roster is if that player is an absolute demon that can disrupt a QB on big plays (3rd and long) or when a team is behind and has to pass to get back in the game

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This better not be for more than the minimum.

Cant imagine it would be more.

I guess I dont see the harm in this move, I dont expect any results or this guy actually making the final roster...but hey, maybe he fits what we do better than what Buffalo does...but I highly doubt it.

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Pouha's problem was that he couldn't stay on the field.

Huh? Other than getting IRed his second year with a torn ACL when has Pouha ever missed a game for injury? The only other reason he wasn't on the field more early in his career is that he just wasn't good enough. I mean hell, the guy was once beat out by a 150 lb James Reed for the NT job.

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That should take care of our worries on the Oline.


I guess it can't hurt. Really don't see what role a 228# LB'er will serve, but then again if the kid can bring any kind of a pass rush. Why not?

At least we can make fun of him if he sucks.

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I would be willing to bet the minimum . The jets know defensive players love to play for Rex but I dont know about this guy...Shouldnt we be saving cash for back up O-Lineman that come available ?

We should be typing on a JETS message board... the JETS do not need the extra hundreds of thousands to sign an Oline player.

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because he shows the exact same tendencies as Gholston.... I dont understand this move at all.

I think I figured it out Smash-it's a move to give Vlad Ducasse confidence since Gholston is gone. "Here you block this former 1st round draft choice and not let him get to the QB and that will show you how good you can be"

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