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Thank you for your service

The Crusher

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We would like to pause and thank our Veterans for the sacrifices they have made and for their service to this country.  From generation to generation so many brave men and women have given so much and asked so little of us in return.

We pray that God may bless them and keep them safe.  May God also continue to bless the United States of America.

On a personal note, I would like to say thank you to my Father on this Veterans Day.  Vietnam may have taken the joy out of Super Bowl III but hopefully there is another Super Bowl victory coming soon.  Thank You!




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Thank A Veteran Today

by Phil Sullivan on November 11, 2011[edit]

in Featured Editorials


We would like to pause and thank our Veterans for the sacrifices they have made and for their service to this country. From generation to generation so many brave men and women have given so much and asked so little of us in return.

We pray that God may bless them and keep them safe. May God also continue to bless the United States of America.

On a personal note, I would like to say thank you to my Father on this Veterans Day. Vietnam may have taken the joy out of Super Bowl III but hopefully there is another Super Bowl victory coming soon. Thank You!


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Thank A Veteran Today

by Phil Sullivan on November 11, 2011[edit]

in Featured Editorials


We would like to pause and thank our Veterans for the sacrifices they have made and for their service to this country. From generation to generation so many brave men and women have given so much and asked so little of us in return.

We pray that God may bless them and keep them safe. May God also continue to bless the United States of America.

On a personal note, I would like to say thank you to my Father on this Veterans Day. Vietnam may have taken the joy out of Super Bowl III but hopefully there is another Super Bowl victory coming soon. Thank You!


That's awesome Phil. Sporting the CIB on his chest with pride. Our dads deserved a Jets Super Bowl for their service. :D

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Thank you Dad!...I remember my dad he was a very strong man. Loved my mom and us (his three kids) with everything he had.

Was never afraid of anything, and always told us to be strong no matter what.

He fought in Europe. Went through alot, but never really talked about it, never complained about anything.

He was 85, when he passed from cancer. He was my best friend...I miss my dad.

Thank you dad and God Bless You..on this day and the rest of the days. And to all the other dads..God Bless You All!

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The soldier, be he friend or foe, is charged with the protection of the weak and unarmed. It is the very essence and reason for his being. When he violates this sacred trust, he not only profanes his entire cult, but threatens the very fabric of international society. The traditions of fighting men are long and honorable. They are based upon the noblest of human traits—sacrifice. .......MacArthur

Thank you!

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Heartfelt thanks to all veterans today and every day. I'm grateful that I'll be sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner in a couple weeks with my to favorite vets - my dad and my daughter.

That is an incredible Thanksgiving!

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My father joined the service at 17 during WWII because he thought it was the right thing to do. Wound up in the Pacific. He used to tell stories about it all the time. When he died, I was presented with the flag as his oldest son. Somehow that made it more real. And I was proud of him, as he was always proud of his service.

I appreciate every vet's service past, present, and future. Very hard times now to be in the armed forces. Hope everyone comes home safe and soon.

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My father joined the service at 17 during WWII because he thought it was the right thing to do. Wound up in the Pacific. He used to tell stories about it all the time. When he died, I was presented with the flag as his oldest son. Somehow that made it more real. And I was proud of him, as he was always proud of his service.

I appreciate every vet's service past, present, and future. Very hard times now to be in the armed forces. Hope everyone comes home safe and soon.

God bless him!

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That's awesome Phil. Sporting the CIB on his chest with pride. Our dads deserved a Jets Super Bowl for their service. :biggrin:

Thanks Pat and I agree.

Walk a mile in somebody's shoes before judging them, that is a statement I try to live by. What was asked of Vietnam Vets and what was done to them in return is beyond my comprehension level. I am just thankful that he came home safe and was able to rise above so much and always show us the right way.

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Every day you wake up free is a day to celebrate and not to be taken for granted. God bless those who made the ultimate sacrifice and those who have served and are currently serving in all branches of our armed forces all over the world. Now, more than ever, we must protect this house!

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