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Keller Wants A New Deal


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The New York Post and various other outlets are reporting that Jets TE Dustin Keller is looking for a new long term deal. Keller has been looking to get an extension for a while, but the team has rebuffed any talks on the deal for now.

“We’ve tried to approach them, but it really hasn’t moved too much,” Keller said at his charity bowling event at Chelsea Piers.

Keller has stated that he would not holdout if a deal isn’t reached but as ‘core player’ Keller feels a bit slighted for now.

“Obviously, I’d like to be one of those core guys . . . that’s going to help them win,” said Keller. “I feel I am, but still you want to get that contract done. That pretty much makes it official.”

D’Brickashaw Ferguson, Nick Mangold, David Harris and Mark Sanchez have gotten extensions before their contracts were up.

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Not a particular surprise here. He's in the last year of his rookie deal and has been the team's leading receiver each of the past 2 seasons and was 2nd and 3rd the two prior years, so it's not like there isn't some merit to it. Plus, talks of an extension for him came up back in February. Of course the question comes down to how much he wants. If he's looking for anything anywhere close to Gronkowski than forget it, otherwise it's at least worth looking into. Of course the Jets cap situation for next year might have more to do with wanting to wait on it than anything, particularly since a certain someone who's already taking up amongst the most space is almost certain to be demanding more within the next year.

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Not a particular surprise here. He's in the last year of his rookie deal and has been the team's leading receiver each of the past 2 seasons and was 2nd and 3rd the two prior years, so it's not like there isn't some merit to it. Plus, talks of an extension for him came up back in February. Of course the question comes down to how much he wants. If he's looking for anything anywhere close to Gronkowski than forget it, otherwise it's at least worth looking into. Of course the Jets cap situation for next year might have more to do with wanting to wait on it than anything, particularly since a certain someone who's already taking up amongst the most space is almost certain to be demanding more within the next year.

I doubt Keller wants anything close to the Gronk Deal, if he does we wave goodbye. Hes a good receiving TE but cant block he puts up good numbers, if we give the guy a 4 or 5 year deal what numbers we lookin at that make sense ? The Jets may very well be looking to draft a TE next year and let Keller go to save money. Hes usually around the 10 th or 11th in receiving stats for TE's with about 5 TD's a year no idea what he would get in a long term deal or if thats the right move for the Jets.

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Not a particular surprise here. He's in the last year of his rookie deal and has been the team's leading receiver each of the past 2 seasons and was 2nd and 3rd the two prior years, so it's not like there isn't some merit to it. Plus, talks of an extension for him came up back in February. Of course the question comes down to how much he wants. If he's looking for anything anywhere close to Gronkowski than forget it, otherwise it's at least worth looking into. Of course the Jets cap situation for next year might have more to do with wanting to wait on it than anything, particularly since a certain someone who's already taking up amongst the most space is almost certain to be demanding more within the next year.

Keller isnt going to ask of a deal anywhere near Gronk's deal, however, he will want a long term deal, 5 or 6 years. We need to get this done though. He's still not the best blocking TE in the game, but he's better than when he first got into the league, and I believe that he could be one of the best receiving TE's in the game. Our style of offense (schitty) simply didnt utilize him well. Keller being the leading receiver on the team may show different to non jet fans, but as people who watch the games we've seen plenty of times where Keller is ripping through defenses and then all of a sudden he disappears for the rest of the game because Schotty went away from what worked.

I always liked Keller. He's the best TE that I can remember the Jets having since my time following the team.

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He's too one-dimensional to be giving big money up. If he isn't planning on holding out then there's no sense in rushing to pay him money we don't have.

That being said, he's a perfect fit for our attempts to go vertical with the passing game, and while it wouldn't bother me too much if we tried to get an all-around TE to replace him, it'd be nice to have him back as well.

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I'm disappointed that Keller isn't holding out. :)

The guy earned a bump in pay, so he's now making over $3M for the year. I'm surprised it's not the Jets coming to him. They don't have anything else at the TE position, and it's not like great TEs are coming out in the draft every year. His current number puts him in the top half of the league's TEs, and I think that's fair for him. If the Jets can lock him up with something like a 4 year/$15M deal, they should jump on it. I think that would be a good deal for both sides.

Also Gronk's deal isn't all that it seems. It's really a two year extension averaging $4.5M/per before the Pats renegotiate or let him go at the end of the 2015 season.

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I'm disappointed that Keller isn't holding out. :)

The guy earned a bump in pay, so he's now making over $3M for the year. I'm surprised it's not the Jets coming to him. They don't have anything else at the TE position, and it's not like great TEs are coming out in the draft every year. His current number puts him in the top half of the league's TEs, and I think that's fair for him. If the Jets can lock him up with something like a 4 year/$15M deal, they should jump on it. I think that would be a good deal for both sides.

Also Gronk's deal isn't all that it seems. It's really a two year extension averaging $4.5M/per before the Pats renegotiate or let him go at the end of the 2015 season.

I think that would be a good deal slats its fair for both sides.

Villian also makes a god point Shotty did not utilize him nearly enough or put him on routes that took too long to develop. If Shotty was the problem for all our offensive woes It would suck if Keller breakes out to the point we cant afford him LOL. if the Jets feel this is the case they should sign him now to the Slats deal :)

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I'm disappointed that Keller isn't holding out. :)

The guy earned a bump in pay, so he's now making over $3M for the year. I'm surprised it's not the Jets coming to him. They don't have anything else at the TE position, and it's not like great TEs are coming out in the draft every year. His current number puts him in the top half of the league's TEs, and I think that's fair for him. If the Jets can lock him up with something like a 4 year/$15M deal, they should jump on it. I think that would be a good deal for both sides.

Also Gronk's deal isn't all that it seems. It's really a two year extension averaging $4.5M/per before the Pats renegotiate or let him go at the end of the 2015 season.

The Jets will most certainly work a new deal for him. He's Sanchez's favorite target and Tony S. loves a good TE. hehe. I dont see them letting him walk because he really shouldnt be that expensive, at all.

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I want a new deal also. Im in my final year of my contract with JN and its about time Max reworks my deal. Sure my performance has declined over the length of my deal, and at times im completely invisible, but I have earned it! Look at my stats! 18,000+ posts. Im a winner! PAY ME MAX! You Cheap S.O.B!

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I want a new deal also. Im in my final year of my contract with JN and its about time Max reworks my deal. Sure my performance has declined over the length of my deal, and at times im completely invisible, but I have earned it! Look at my stats! 18,000+ posts. Im a winner! PAY ME MAX! You Cheap S.O.B!

I enjoyed this post PAY THE MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Jets will most certainly work a new deal for him. He's Sanchez's favorite target and Tony S. loves a good TE. hehe. I dont see them letting him walk because he really shouldnt be that expensive, at all.

Sure he's his favorite -- makes sense when the QB $hits the bed, cannot go down the field, and the check-down is his go-to play. So it is a somewhat misleading stat. I am ready for "it's Shotty's and the OL's fault"...

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Cumberland could be the #1 TE before the year ends.

Keller? He never figured out how to stop tripping and falling after making a catch.

Like someone else pointed out, it is a symptom of anemic QB play that he winds up leading the team in receptions.

Let him walk after his contract is up.

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The Jets will most certainly work a new deal for him. He's Sanchez's favorite target

this is an interesting point because if the Jets bottom out this year and Sanchez gets beat out by Tebow, there's no value in signing Keller to a huge deal. In many ways the uncertainty with mark is translating to uncertainty with keller. They can franchise Keller in 2013 and by then it will be clear if Sanchez is on his way out.

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I'm guessing Keller wants something around the neighborhood of what Clark got. Which he won't get here, and it's why we should have explored the trade market for him before the draft. Keller's a great fit for a great passing team, but there's a reason why he disappears for such long stretches on this squad. I think he's going to have a great season this year because the numbers say this is the year that happens, which means his price probably goes up slightly considering Gronk's deal. Regardless, he won't be a Jet in 2013, and the comp pick we get for him won't be as high as what we could have acquired in a trade.

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Sure he's his favorite -- makes sense when the QB $hits the bed, cannot go down the field, and the check-down is his go-to play. So it is a somewhat misleading stat. I am ready for "it's Shotty's and the OL's fault"...

Yeah, kind of but Keller had 40 1st downs on the year out of 65 catches so he's moving the chains.

this is an interesting point because if the Jets bottom out this year and Sanchez gets beat out by Tebow, there's no value in signing Keller to a huge deal. In many ways the uncertainty with mark is translating to uncertainty with keller. They can franchise Keller in 2013 and by then it will be clear if Sanchez is on his way out.

Well then both will be here because Sanchez is going to the probowl.

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I'm guessing Keller wants something around the neighborhood of what Clark got. Which he won't get here, and it's why we should have explored the trade market for him before the draft. Keller's a great fit for a great passing team, but there's a reason why he disappears for such long stretches on this squad. I think he's going to have a great season this year because the numbers say this is the year that happens, which means his price probably goes up slightly considering Gronk's deal. Regardless, he won't be a Jet in 2013, and the comp pick we get for him won't be as high as what we could have acquired in a trade.

You could very well be right, but as long as the Jets can clear up enough space in time, I wouldn't exactly be surprised to see them tag Keller. The only other guy I could even see them considering tagging would be Maybin if he were to have a big year, and that number would be a hell of a lot bigger than Keller's.

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Yeah, kind of but Keller had 40 1st downs on the year out of 65 catches so he's moving the chains.

I know there's a decent crowd around here (who have already clearly identified themselves) who are not so fond of Keller, and already felt that way prior to last year, but I'm surprised the lack of credit he gets for the season he had, especially considering how greatly so many others on the offense struggled. I thought he pretty clearly showed some major improvement, and that goes just beyond simple numbers (which all matched or beat his career highs), but in watching his play. Not to mention, for all the crap he's getting for his disappearances, outside of the Baltimore game where the entire offense was a complete disaster, that really wasn't an issue this season.

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I know there's a decent crowd around here (who have already clearly identified themselves) who are not so fond of Keller, and already felt that way prior to last year, but I'm surprised the lack of credit he gets for the season he had, especially considering how greatly so many others on the offense struggled. I thought he pretty clearly showed some major improvement, and that goes just beyond simple numbers (which all matched or beat his career highs), but in watching his play. Not to mention, for all the crap he's getting for his disappearances, outside of the Baltimore game where the entire offense was a complete disaster, that really wasn't an issue this season.

Stop. Think about where you are posting. And no longer be surprised.

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I love how some Jets' fans are so quick to trade away players when they're not the best at their position. Is Keller the best TE in the league? No, but he's pretty damn good. Then again, people want to trade Revis too and he IS the best at his position. I'll never understand the couch-GM's that frequent this board.

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Keller isnt going to ask of a deal anywhere near Gronk's deal, however, he will want a long term deal, 5 or 6 years. We need to get this done though. He's still not the best blocking TE in the game, but he's better than when he first got into the league, and I believe that he could be one of the best receiving TE's in the game. Our style of offense (schitty) simply didnt utilize him well. Keller being the leading receiver on the team may show different to non jet fans, but as people who watch the games we've seen plenty of times where Keller is ripping through defenses and then all of a sudden he disappears for the rest of the game because Schotty went away from what worked.

I always liked Keller. He's the best TE that I can remember the Jets having since my time following the team.

Since Terrance Mathis......thats real sad.

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I had to look dude up. I started following the jets right after he left it seems. Seems like Mathis was the best Jet the atlanta falcons ever had lol.

Mathis was a little WR, not a TE. Jets have had a couple good TEs; Richard Caster, Micky Shuler.

I'd like to see the team extend Keller. He may not be a complete TE, but he's always going to be a useful player. A good H-back is good to have. As long as Sanchez is at QB, Keller will be his security blanket.

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I missed part of the story, which should say something like "Keller dropped ANOTHER pass".

He doesn't block at all. he's basically an old time flanker who lines up at TE.

He can be effective in spurts but he has the habit of dropping easy ones. He's a cut above a JAG on his best days. The idea of giving him a 5 or 6 year deal is lunacy. In the open market some dumb GM might be so tempted. Don't be that GM, Mr. Tannenbaum.

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how is that possible? revis is the best player at his position in the league, and possibly the best defender in the league. They can replace Keller, they can't replace Revis.

This. In Keller's case his talent is being overvauled. And Revis's case it's being discounted. Revis is superior to anyone else at his position, Keller is eminently replaceable. Because Sanchez throws to him more than he does anyone else doesn't mean he's much better than a JAG TE. A replacement level TE would give you roughly the same production. Given that he doesn't block makes him even more replaceable.
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Sparano is going to make or break Keller this year. If Sparano comes in and tries to use him like Fasano or Witten, he's going to lose his mind. My hope is that Keller gets used as God intended--flexed out, in motion, lining up in the backfield--while one of the scrub TEs lines up and blocks. Every time Keller puts his hand in the dirt, he's wasted.

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I don't think anyone will even slightly argue that Revis is a better CB than Keller a TE, but I think the point is that Keller's desire for a new contract has some merit to it, while Revis' really doesn't. Keller is in the final year of his rookie deal while Revis, despite being drafted only one year earlier and having his rookie deal set to expire the same time as Keller's, has already been given his second contract (after his second holdout), of which he has only played half of so far.

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