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A Big JetNation Welcome To Our New Moderators


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Have you ever been a moderator of a message board? I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy. This will be the only time these poor bastards ever get any joy out of this.

In fairness, it's probably a little much to assume that every place else is a similar experience to the one you had at the place that shall not be named.

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This is what my post history will soon look like:

Actual post...

Five minutes later...

I prefer that people see who you really are.

It could be worse. If Revis ever holds out again, the over/under is 5 minutes before slats drops the hammer on me.

Not a chance. You're posts provide me with a backdrop to preach the truth.

Unban Aten.

Please standby while we check your IP address...

slats, does this mean you'll spend even LESS time on the Mafia forum? Because that will make me have sad.

I need to talk to Crusher about using mod tools to my advantage in Mafia.

Slats working for the man? Who knew.

I will be a moderator for the people.

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FTR - these are horrible choices

Slats is set to retire which he plans to exile to some island, with no internet access, smoking some ganja with the locals and he's never going to return like all the other mods in JN history. And Joe is in the chat room 99% of the time trying to make e-love to everyone, how is he going to police the board?

Who is running things around here?

JiF you're my right (and sometimes left) hand man.

Congrats on becoming a mod, Joe. I love you.

i love you more.

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not as gay as what max made me do this morning. i was told that i had to sit through an orientation class. i get to max's house ready to be orientated and he made me put on a pink jets thong and weed his garden.

Less Gay.

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