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Mark sanchez = Kyle Boller


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I got attacted by you zipheads last year for saying this---and your right I was wrong---he looks more like Joey Harrington---Simms is the best passer on this team. Tebow and a very young raw Roger Staubach have a lot in common--will to win---sanchez is garbage.

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Lets blame the OL though. When the blitz is coming, get it off hot - but no, Sanchez would rather hang onto it.

To be fair, how do you expect him to lead the league in fumbles next year if he starts getting the ball out too quickly?

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I got attacted by you zipheads last year for saying this---and your right I was wrong---he looks more like Joey Harrington---Simms is the best passer on this team. Tebow and a very young raw Roger Staubach have a lot in common--will to win---sanchez is garbage.

No need to debate the rest, but the bolded part is epically stupid. Staubach had nothing in common with Tebow on the football field. Did you even see Staubach play?

In an era when the average QB completed 52 % of his passes, Staubach averaged 57% for his career. In an era when the average QB completes 60% of his passes, Tebow completes less than 50%. Also, Staubach was never "very young." He entered the NFL at 27 because of his military commitment.

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If only we could surround him with an OL of All Pros, an All Pro TE and WRs, and a great back. And a real OC. Then he would be great.

Sanchez is fool's gold. Hw may on the margin improve. He may get 16 lbs. of muscle. He may date girls over 18. He may be BLAH BLAH BLAH. You CANNOT change the decision-mkaing.

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Ya I did see Roger Staubach play -Mr SMC-I wasn't born in 1972 and get all my football history from ESPN---I said 'young""raw" when Roger 1st came up in 69-70 even 71--he looked at one reciever and if he wasnt open he ran--Tebow might not ever be a great pocket passer like Roger Staubach--but they have the same will to win and their teammates follow that---Mr SMC---go to you-tube and watch "Joe Kapp"---Tim can at least pass as good as him and Kapp went to Superbowl 4---I seen that game too -live on tv-by the way

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No need to debate the rest, but the bolded part is epically stupid. Staubach had nothing in common with Tebow on the football field. Did you even see Staubach play?

In an era when the average QB completed 52 % of his passes, Staubach averaged 57% for his career. In an era when the average QB completes 60% of his passes, Tebow completes less than 50%. Also, Staubach was never "very young." He entered the NFL at 27 because of his military commitment.


Which is why I stopped paying attention to quite a few people on this forum, especially when it comes to Tebow.

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No need to debate the rest, but the bolded part is epically stupid. Staubach had nothing in common with Tebow on the football field. Did you even see Staubach play?

In an era when the average QB completed 52 % of his passes, Staubach averaged 57% for his career. In an era when the average QB completes 60% of his passes, Tebow completes less than 50%. Also, Staubach was never "very young." He entered the NFL at 27 because of his military commitment.

Your a tweeb --I seen Roger play and battle Morton for the starting QB job---go back to ur highlite films and stat-book. Brave internet A-H-chumps like you ruin this forum.
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Your a tweeb --I seen Roder play and battle Morton for the starting QB job---go back to ur highlite films and stat-book. Brave internet A-H-chumps like you ruin this forum.

You might get more traction with your ideas if you didn't pepper them with ironic statements like this from behind your Paulie Walnuts avatar.

I see you're only five posts into your JN career, stick to football and try to tone down the personal insults.

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You might get more traction with your ideas if you didn't pepper them with ironic statements like this from behind your Paulie Walnuts avatar.

I see you're only five posts into your JN career, stick to football and try to tone down the personal insults.

To be fair, SMC's middle names are Ziphead Tweeb.

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You might get more traction with your ideas if you didn't pepper them with ironic statements like this from behind your Paulie Walnuts avatar.

I see you're only five posts into your JN career, stick to football and try to tone down the personal insults.

I dont like to be refered to as "epically stupid" even if the dope spelled it wrong. avatars? behind? I was around when John Lennon was alive too and I know he didn't follow group thought much----and as far as how many posts I have --quality -not quantity-

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I'm loving this thread. I love when old timers compare today's NFL with guys from the 60's and 70's when O lineman were 240 lbs. Hey, I do it with my Kenny O/ Freeman Mcneil years too lol It's always funny to me.

My take is that Tebow has enough of that "something" that Sanchez had better be taking this sh*t seriously. Tebow did not come here to be the punt protector although he's enough of a team player that he'll do it en route to slowly creeping up on Sanchez' job.

I'm one of the guys hoping this fuels mark to take the next step. Last night, while not enough to really scare me, was not a good start for the Sanchize.

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I dont like to be refered to as "epically stupid" even if the dope spelled it wrong. avatars? behind? I was around when John Lennon was alive too and I know he didn't follow group thought much----and as far as how many posts I have --quality -not quantity-

Post # 6...... BRILLIANT!!! :D

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Sanchez has an average line playing poorly. No running game and average inexperienced WRs. That said, I wonder if the coaching staff has ruined him from looking down the field to throw. It was just the first preseason game, but it doesn't look like anything has changed

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I got attacted by you zipheads last year for saying this---and your right I was wrong---he looks more like Joey Harrington---Simms is the best passer on this team. Tebow and a very young raw Roger Staubach have a lot in common--will to win---sanchez is garbage.

Tebow = Raw Roger Staubach Bwhahahahahah

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I don't generally throw stones, cast aspersions or post in Tebowmanic threads nonetheless I will here. Sanchez did what he could with no pass protection, no games plan, no O line. Tebow is what he is an option halfback. The only aback who could have done anything last night was Fran Tarkenton (in his prime) who would have tired out the defenders trying to catch him.

It was a first preseason game proving nothing other than find out whether some borderline player might make the first cut.

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He needs to get with a genius OC like all the other great QBs. Is it so inconceivable that Sporano's routes don't allow for WR separation? I missed the game actually so how would most of you describe the new routes?

Route trees need more route less tree.

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Route trees need more route less tree.

Damn. Doesn't seem fair to Sanchez. Rodgers, Manning, Brady, Rivers, and other quality QBs never have to deal with undertalented offensive units. Certainly if they have an issue their OCs ADJUST their DESIGNS so that their GAMEPLANS are sequenced such that their PLAYCALLS result in the desired amount of points.

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And from someone who lived in Baltimore during those years, he had a better bizarre, blind, cultish following proclaiming he'd always eventually turn it around too. Nobody ever wanted to admit the guy was garbage. At least we have a small rebel alliance.


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This thread should be renamed "The best of JN"

You've got a newbie riling up the natives. You've got Gato standing up for Schotty in his roundabout way. You've got CTM piling on Sanchez. You've got Optimus Primate setting it strait on a troll... You've got JiF professing a man crush on Tebow, and a bunch more...

All we need now is for T0MShane to blast Tanney, Max to gay it up a little bit more, and somebody to sexually harass the female posters, and we're set.

Great Thread. I love this place!

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