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David Nelson #86


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I'm telling you guys, this kid is going to be a Jet for a long time, and a good one too. I didn't know that he was 6'5" 215, big WR who has hands and brings some energy and attitude to the once thought of weakest position on the team. Now with Kerley, Nelson, and even Stephen Hill starting to "get it" along with Cumberland and Winslow-this could be a really good receiving corps. Too bad Santonio has no interest or belief in this team, enough to WANT to get better and to WANT to play. He seems content to collect his millions sitting (stoned on weed and/or pills) on the bench. It's OK though because we have a kid who WANTS it in David Nelson.


I'm starting to like what I see from this team.

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It's amazing what WR's come out of the woodwork and look good when you have a QB.  I like what Nelson brings to the table, but ALL our receivers are looking way better than they did before this season.  I wonder why that is.

Even one of my (once) least favorite players Stephen Hill showed me something in that game-winning drive against New England-he actually is starting to HOLD ONTO THE BALL now. How about that throw that Geno has in his arsenal #80? The low fastball that only can be caught by the receiver, he does a lot of stuff that Sanchez never could and never will be able to do.

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Even one of my (once) least favorite players Stephen Hill showed me something in that game-winning drive against New England-he actually is starting to HOLD ONTO THE BALL now. How about that throw that Geno has in his arsenal #80? The low fastball that only can be caught by the receiver, he does a lot of stuff that Sanchez never could and never will be able to do.


Exactly.  Finally we might have a living, breathing, real QB.  No longer does my stomach lurch when we drop back to pass.

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Exactly.  Finally we might have a living, breathing, real QB.  No longer does my stomach lurch when we drop back to pass.

The Jets seem to have gotten smarter this year. I think it all started with Rex taking over calling the defenses and getting a real OC in there to run the offense. Let's face it Sparano was never and should never have been given that job last year. Yea, no more Tebow sideshow, no more of the failed Ducasse experiment. No more Dustin Keller on and off play and of course it all only matters if Sanchez is right where he is and Geno doesn't have to be looking over his shoulderpads.

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I like Nelson, but I think he's probably no better than a garbage man.  He'll pick up the scraps and settle in a zone.  Any team that decides the cover him probably won't have much trouble. Everybody likes to bust on Hill, but I'm convinced that Hill is drawing more coverage because of his TD potential on any given play. Keeping that safety out of the box does wonders for everyone, opens up the running game and the other side of the field.

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Well I'll tell you what Dom, the year that Stephen Hill even comes CLOSE to doing what Nelson did a couple of years ago start another thread and then we can talk. Until then Hill is just another supposed-to-be JAG with loads of the 'P' word

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The Jets seem to have gotten smarter this year. I think it all started with Rex taking over calling the defenses and getting a real OC in there to run the offense. Let's face it Sparano was never and should never have been given that job last year. Yea, no more Tebow sideshow, no more of the failed Ducasse experiment. No more Dustin Keller on and off play and of course it all only matters if Sanchez is right where he is and Geno doesn't have to be looking over his shoulderpads.

That I think is the real key.  Marty is drawing up gameplans that actually fit the QB and the talent around him.  He is not stubborn about forcing the backup QB to run a wildcat up the middle for no gain on 2nd and long.   


A lot of Geno's progress this year is because he has developed nicely thus far... And a lot of it is because his OC has put him in situations that are possible for him to succeed. 

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I like Nelson, but I think he's probably no better than a garbage man.  He'll pick up the scraps and settle in a zone.  Any team that decides the cover him probably won't have much trouble. Everybody likes to bust on Hill, but I'm convinced that Hill is drawing more coverage because of his TD potential on any given play. Keeping that safety out of the box does wonders for everyone, opens up the running game and the other side of the field.



Say what you want about garbage men but without them first the rats then the plague.

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I like Nelson, but I think he's probably no better than a garbage man.  He'll pick up the scraps and settle in a zone.  Any team that decides the cover him probably won't have much trouble. Everybody likes to bust on Hill, but I'm convinced that Hill is drawing more coverage because of his TD potential on any given play. Keeping that safety out of the box does wonders for everyone, opens up the running game and the other side of the field.


You're right, I believe when he was in Buffalo, he was the # 2 WR for a while and after a few productive weeks he disappeared.  Nothing wrong with having a solid 3rd or 4th option in there though.  Way better than trotting Clyde Gates out there every week and hoping he figures it out.

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You're right, I believe when he was in Buffalo, he was the # 2 WR for a while and after a few productive weeks he disappeared.  Nothing wrong with having a solid 3rd or 4th option in there though.  Way better than trotting Clyde Gates out there every week and hoping he figures it out.


The bold is it right there.  For a scrap heap pickup that happened 5 weeks into the year, the Jets are getting a great ROI.  He's nothing spectacular and not exactly what you want to be counting on as a top weapon, but has good hands and will fight for the ball, making him a pretty ideal option as a rotational player, which is not something the Jets have seemed to even comprehend having at the WR position for many years now.  The Jets will likely keep him around after this year and they should, barring him somehow thinking he's worth any significant amount of money, but they shouldn't let their retaining of him in any way influence their decision to address the position on a starting level this coming offseason.

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I was also very impressed with Nelson.   I can't wait to see what the rest of the season shows.   If hill continues to improve and Nelson can come on we will not need to overdraft  (spend too many picks on) recievers.  I wouild like to see us get OL help.  particularly the right side of the line....   

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Hill is starting to get it imo.  He is running better routes and learning the pro game.  One thing that he needs to work on MUCH more is going up and getting the ball.  I have noticed a few times already this year is that he is jumping over the defender BUT his hands are trying to catch the ball at his waist (where the defenders helmet is).  If it clicks and this kid learns to actually go up and get the ball instead of going up but not timing it correctly he could be that stud.  Oh, and he needs to not close his eyes when he attempts to catch a ball.  yeah, that too.

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He's a 4th or 5th guy....the int last week was just as much on him as it was on Geno. Our WR corp is bottom 3 in the league...wouldnt expect him to be around that long.


They certainly won't make any big commitment to him, in terms of money, the length of the contract, or position on the roster, but with Holmes already a certain goner I see little reason he won't at least be brought back for camp and preseason.  He's a veteran guy who will have familiarity with both Geno and the system.  You sign him to a one year deal and let him fight it out along with everyone else.  While it might not be much of a measuring stick, the truth is that since his signing he's outplayed every Jets WR but Kerley.  You can do a lot worse than him as a #4, and the Jets have for many years now.  Don't get me wrong, if the Jets end up grabbing a couple of FA WRs and draft one or two on top of that then yeah, he's a sure goner, but might as well keep him around until that is all sorted out.

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I like Nelson, but I think he's probably no better than a garbage man.  He'll pick up the scraps and settle in a zone.  Any team that decides the cover him probably won't have much trouble. Everybody likes to bust on Hill, but I'm convinced that Hill is drawing more coverage because of his TD potential on any given play. Keeping that safety out of the box does wonders for everyone, opens up the running game and the other side of the field.



Agreed with this all around. No problems with Nelson being what he is since Los Yets have the one called Geno Smith playing for them. 

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I like Nelson, but I think he's probably no better than a garbage man.  He'll pick up the scraps and settle in a zone.  Any team that decides the cover him probably won't have much trouble. Everybody likes to bust on Hill, but I'm convinced that Hill is drawing more coverage because of his TD potential on any given play. Keeping that safety out of the box does wonders for everyone, opens up the running game and the other side of the field.


I am not so sure.  Hill can do it all on paper, size speed etc.  But Nelson is big as well.  he might not be as fast but I think his hands will prove to be more reliable.


I agree with sofla, I was impressed with Nelson.  This Clyde Gates injury really opened the door for Nelson and he got off to a good start taking advantage of it.

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I am not so sure.  Hill can do it all on paper, size speed etc.  But Nelson is big as well.  he might not be as fast but I think his hands will prove to be more reliable.


I agree with sofla, I was impressed with Nelson.  This Clyde Gates injury really opened the door for Nelson and he got off to a good start taking advantage of it.


All this is why the Gordon deal would make sense.  We don't know what it's like to have a potentially SPECIAL receiver.  All we've been used to is "nice" receivers or JAG's.

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Well I'll tell you what Dom, the year that Stephen Hill even comes CLOSE to doing what Nelson did a couple of years ago start another thread and then we can talk. Until then Hill is just another supposed-to-be JAG with loads of the 'P' word


Not to tear down Nelson, because I actually like what he brings to the table in a 4th receiver type roll, but I keep seeing people trying to bring down Hill and it's pretty unfounded.  Despite missing the one game because of that concussion and being used as mostly a decoy the next game, he's currently on pace for about 50 more yards and vastly superior Y/C and a couple of TDs.  Hill has come a long way since his rookie year and is showing sold improvement and is priming for a breakout next year.  Nelson was used as a quasi TE in Buffalo and was only averaging something like 10 Y/C, which is great for us as a 3rd down receiver, but if you watch, Hill draws a lot of attention and effects the defense in many ways. Once again, not trying to tear Nelson down as I do like him, I just think Hill gets a bad rap on here. 

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They certainly won't make any big commitment to him, in terms of money, the length of the contract, or position on the roster, but with Holmes already a certain goner I see little reason he won't at least be brought back for camp and preseason.  He's a veteran guy who will have familiarity with both Geno and the system.  You sign him to a one year deal and let him fight it out along with everyone else.  While it might not be much of a measuring stick, the truth is that since his signing he's outplayed every Jets WR but Kerley.  You can do a lot worse than him as a #4, and the Jets have for many years now.  Don't get me wrong, if the Jets end up grabbing a couple of FA WRs and draft one or two on top of that then yeah, he's a sure goner, but might as well keep him around until that is all sorted out.


He's a WR in a tight ends body. I know people liked what they saw in the Pats game...but he wasnt coming back to the football at all. Geno expected him to win the battle against a corner half of his size on the interception and he got beat. He has to at least break that ball up. The Jets need a fresh new set of WR's next year excluding Kerley.

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He's a WR in a tight ends body. I know people liked what they saw in the Pats game...but he wasnt coming back to the football at all. Geno expected him to win the battle against a corner half of his size on the interception and he got beat. He has to at least break that ball up. The Jets need a fresh new set of WR's next year excluding Kerley.


I doubt Hill gets cut, but yeah, Holmes and Nelson are likely gone.  We'll probably be getting at least 2 new WR's in here.  Nelson won't really have a place on the roster when that happens.  We'll hopefully have a true WR1, and also bring in a guy who can reduce Hill to being a backup for the WR2/burner role, with Kerley in the slot.

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I am not so sure.  Hill can do it all on paper, size speed etc.  But Nelson is big as well.  he might not be as fast but I think his hands will prove to be more reliable.


I agree with sofla, I was impressed with Nelson.  This Clyde Gates injury really opened the door for Nelson and he got off to a good start taking advantage of it.

I also like the other stuff he brings to the table Phil, his bravado, and being not afraid to speak his mind without being a jerk about it like the guys we've recently had. He talks about the Jets being tough not about lousy coaching and playcalling that excludes him, and he seems like a team player who wants to win and is grateful for another chance to do what he loves to do: play football and get paid doing it. I like those kinds of guys-Braylon was like that too. All of the stuff that was said about him, he came to the team and yes, made a few mistakes but on the field, busted his ass and proved the common wisdom about him WRONG. Go #86, you're fast becoming one of my favorite Jets


Oh yea, and on edit, I was once a garbage man after I graduated HS or sanitation engineer AS WE preferred to be called. We even had our own jokes: "Hey guys, how's business? It's picking up" yuck yuck yuck

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If he continues to play like he has I can't see why he would be cut even with F.A signings and Drafting. He'd make a nice 4th - 5th reciever.

He's 6"5 and you can't have enough tall Recievers. I hope we get Gordon, Hill and Gordon on the flanks, Kearly in the slot Mmmm the O will Rock!

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He's a WR in a tight ends body. I know people liked what they saw in the Pats game......The Jets need a fresh new set of WR's next year excluding Kerley.


OK, but would you still say that if he caught that long ball that Geno just slightly overthrew a couple of weeks ago?


Hill's speed is scary and his knowledge of the position is improving.  You really think there should be no place for him on this team?

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