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Saints' Fan Tips Hat to Jets and Fans


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I know there are a lot of season ticket holders here and I figured this would be nice to hear if it involved any of you or just game-goers in general as it's not too often our fans are the subject of positive words.  Good to hear.  


I'm also not too surprised that it comes from a Saints' fan, although being from Houston did surprise me. I caught a Saints' game a number of years ago after Katrina and they were easily some of the nicest and most appreciate fans that I've ever met. They were not only very humble in winning, but were extremely grateful for fans coming and spending money and supporting their city. I haven't been there often, but I would recommend the experience to anyone. 





Saints Fan Tips His Hat to Our Team, Our Fans

Posted 2 hours ago

2012-randy-lange-headshot-thumb-60x60.pnRandy LangeEditor-in-Chief, newyorkjets.com@rlangejets Blog: Randy's Radar


Thanks to the bye week, the bon temps of our 26-20 victory over the Saints can rouler just a little longer, through Sunday's games and into next week before the preparation for the Bills begins in earnest.

But Jets fans at MetLife Stadium on Sunday can pat themselves on the back not just for providing a great homefield advantage (four Saints timeouts burned early, four presnap penalties on the New Orleans offense) but also for providing a great environment to watch the game for all fans.

Antoine Fleming, who hails from Houston and roots for the Saints, was at the game and was so impressed with his section of MetLife that he reached out to the team this week. We received Mr. Fleming's permission to reprint his letter, below, in full:

Good Morning. My name is Antoine Fleming and I want to share my positive experience visiting Met Life Stadium on Sunday November 3, 2013. My wife, my brother and I are New Orleans Saints fans. We made the trip to New York from Houston, TX, to watch the Jets take on the Saints. We sat in Section 104, Row 20, Seats 15, 16, and 17.

First, your stadium is absolutely stunning! Our seats were excellent! MetLife Stadium was clearly designed with the NFL fan in mind.

Second, we were three Saints fans surrounded by a sea of Jet Green. Not at any point during the game did the Jets faithful make any of us feel uncomfortable. The Jets fans in this section were very informed about MetLife Stadium and the Jets team. They joked with us throughout the game and really made us feel welcome at Met Life Stadium.

Lastly, when the Jets pulled out the upset victory over the Saints the positive good natured sportsmanship of the fans in Section 104 remained! There was nothing but high fives and hugs as the fans in Section 104 embraced us and invited us to please return in the near future.

New York fans often get a bad rep for being obnoxious and overly enthusiastic regarding their sports franchises, and this may be true. However, the fans in Section 104 were nothing but top shelf and offered nothing but good hospitality! I am usually a harsh critic of anything ”New York” but not the Jets fans in Section 104. They truly represented themselves and the Jets organization very well.

I want to bring those fans in Section 104 to your attention and thank them for making our trip to New York a memorable one.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

—Antoine Fleming

Thank you, Antoine. And thanks also to the fans of the Green & White for showing Mr. Fleming and fans like him the best we have to offer, both on the field and in the stands.


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So nice to hear. I was at the game, in the nosebleeds albeit. This is cool thou considering New York fans do get bed reps. Anyways though is this lady crazy?! Metlife- beautiful? I think they really screwed up this stadium, on the outside and even on the inside. Everythings GREY. or gray? one of those

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So nice to hear. I was at the game, in the nosebleeds albeit. This is cool thou considering New York fans do get bed reps. Anyways though is this lady crazy?! Metlife- beautiful? I think they really screwed up this stadium, on the outside and even on the inside. Everythings GREY. or gray? one of those



OK this guy was clearly drunk.



Oh, I agree it's hideous and it was at that part I half felt it was a Jets' fan typing it to give us better publicity, but I don't think we'd be clever enough to have a Saints' fan in Houston.  Either way, it's pretty nice to show that all New York fans don't don themselves in green parachute pants and punch women in the face.

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This article is obviously Bull$hit. The words " Met Life"  were mentioned 6 times in that very short blurb. And that it was " Stunning"  LOL


Sea of Jets Green?  Jets faithful?   Informed fans?    Who talks like that outside of reporters and writers? What a crock of $hit! 


I've been to about 50 Jets games over the years and never once could anyone call us ( as a collective)  anything other than obnoxious, loud and vulger. Sure there are nice people there. I used to be one of them. But come on man. It sounds like he's talking about a South Carolina vacation here. LMAO!!!!!

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So nice to hear. I was at the game, in the nosebleeds albeit. This is cool thou considering New York fans do get bed reps. Anyways though is this lady crazy?! Metlife- beautiful? I think they really screwed up this stadium, on the outside and even on the inside. Everythings GREY. or gray? one of those


Grey is considered a pastel in the Superdome.

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I don't care what you say - Saints fans are complete assholes! I live 3 hours from New Orleans and ever since they got Drew Brees and started winning, they're the most obnoxious fans in the NFL. They act like they've never had a losing season and they don't own paper bags with eye holes cut out. I was at the last Jets game at the Superdome when Marky sh*t the bed as a rookie and they were merciless. Jets fans are waaaayyyy nicer ... cause I said so.

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I don't care what you say - Saints fans are complete assholes! I live 3 hours from New Orleans and ever since they got Drew Brees and started winning, they're the most obnoxious fans in the NFL. They act like they've never had a losing season and they don't own paper bags with eye holes cut out. I was at the last Jets game at the Superdome when Marky sh*t the bed as a rookie and they were merciless. Jets fans are waaaayyyy nicer ... cause I said so.


Say what?  Are you living in the swamp?  What's for dinner tonight?   Possum or nutria?

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I've been to about 50 Jets games over the years and never once could anyone call us ( as a collective)  anything other than obnoxious, loud and vulger. Sure there are nice people there. I used to be one of them. But come on man. It sounds like he's talking about a South Carolina vacation here. LMAO!!!!!


I don't care what you say - Saints fans are complete assholes! 


By the way **** that guy.



This is more like it.  lol.

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How did a Saints fan get into PSL seats on such a hot ticket? I thought those seats were in high demand!

True story about the author--he said he bought the tickets from some guy living in a van parked at the Vince Lombardi rest area. Got them cheap, too. He actually asked the van guy how he could live in a van and still afford season tickets. Van guy replied, "Because they're great investments." True story. About ECURB.

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This article is obviously Bull$hit. The words " Met Life"  were mentioned 6 times in that very short blurb. And that it was " Stunning"  LOL


Sea of Jets Green?  Jets faithful?   Informed fans?    Who talks like that outside of reporters and writers? What a crock of $hit! 


I've been to about 50 Jets games over the years and never once could anyone call us ( as a collective)  anything other than obnoxious, loud and vulger. Sure there are nice people there. I used to be one of them. But come on man. It sounds like he's talking about a South Carolina vacation here. LMAO!!!!!

You just killed the whole "feel good" vibe I was getting from this story...  how cynical of you. 

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I've been guilty of being obnoxious my fair share of times at my home teams sporting events (never physically), but 10 out of 10 times when a fan of an opposing team has this point of view it usually reflects on that individuals capability of having good natured fun with opposing teams fans, you all know what I mean, there is team X's fan that shows up to the game that even the nicest guy in the building wants to knock out, and then there is the fan from team X that the drunkest, and douchiest fan can actually have a laugh with.

It's really all in how you handle yourself inside someone else's home.

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