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Fatcessa tomorrow


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See I feel bad for you, you actually think this Jets team is good, and you will be upset when they let you down, this is the first time I have ever seen through a Jets team, every other Jets team that was fighting for playoff spot this late in the season I was all in, fully committed to the cause, and every year I was let down.  When they get a team that can show me 60 minutes of football with out looking lost, and a Special Teams that isn't disfunct, and a QB who isn't just heart (yes Fitz played his ass off, put his blood, and guts all out on that field, luckily the Giants have the worst pass defense in the NFL so it wasn't that hard to throw all over their ass, don't be fooled by the last 8 minutes, and OT), and a defense that isn't prone to fall asleep at some point of the game.

Yep- this is one of those seasons/play-off runs where I'll pay close attention but with zero expectations success wise due to past lessons learned as well as the talent related things you mention.

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See I feel bad for you, you actually think this Jets team is good, and you will be upset when they let you down, this is the first time I have ever seen through a Jets team, every other Jets team that was fighting for playoff spot this late in the season I was all in, fully committed to the cause, and every year I was let down.  When they get a team that can show me 60 minutes of football with out looking lost, and a Special Teams that isn't disfunct, and a QB who isn't just heart (yes Fitz played his ass off, put his blood, and guts all out on that field, luckily the Giants have the worst pass defense in the NFL so it wasn't that hard to throw all over their ass, don't be fooled by the last 8 minutes, and OT), and a defense that isn't prone to fall asleep at some point of the game.

LOL, you feel bad for me? You got all that from saying the Jets did not get Lucky, against a 5-7 team? Wow, that is some serious stretching their bro. I was responding to your false premise that the Jets got lucky, they did not, they won the game, the Giants had every bit as much luck as the Jets did in that game, probably more.

As for this Jets team, I don't think its that good, I have maintained all year I think its between a 7-9 and 9-7 team, that is not a good team, its an average team, and saying the Jets did not get lucky against a 7-9 team does not change that. 

Either way, I enjoyed the heck out of yesterdays win, but thanks for the sympathy, LOL.

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Was Francesa making any TankMush predictions in the Giants favor on Friday?  / bashing the Jets?  


If so, let it rain Jet nation!

He thought the Jets were the better team, but thought that Eli and Manning were better than Fitz and Bowles. He thought the Giants needed turnovers to win the game. I thought he was pretty fair. He has been pretty fair about both teams this year for the most part.

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Lets face the facts Coughlin made that call because he simply did not trust his defense he wanted the 17 point lead to put the game away ... In the end he was right because we came back and beat their asses and if they would have kicked the field goal we probably would have scored on 4th down in the first drive after the kick

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Lets face the facts Coughlin made that call because he simply did not trust his defense he wanted the 17 point lead to put the game away ... In the end he was right because we came back and beat their asses and if they would have kicked the field goal we probably would have scored on 4th down in the first drive after the kick

I think it was that, and he also trusts his offense to make the play there. Eli made a bad play there, he was lucky that was not taken back for a TD. He should have thrown it where only his guy could have caught it, or an incompletion. That 10 or so yards the Jets got on the INT vs the incompletion was pretty big.

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Used to hate him with a passion with his constant bashing of the Mets. Then I realised a lot of the time he was right.



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I thought his take on the Mets this season was basically fair and insightful. I think he's been a little more antagonistic with the Jets and their fans in years of late - but he really nailed the Jets/Woody Johnson/Rex a few years ago that was friggin' classic. Every point he makes in it was totally valid, but then in the middle just to get in a few shots below the belt, he starts bashing Rex's Play Like A Jet mantra. It's, as they say, gold.  

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I'm sure he's a nice guy but I don't want to hear Ira from Staten Islabd repeat media talking points.  I want to hear a full on assault on Fatboy by jets fans.

I call the show.  You call the show.  Dupe, delude and demoralize him.

Francesa has been very objective about the Jets, he was spot-on about Rex Ryan too.

Oh, and he picked the Jets to win yesterday.


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Francesa has been very objective about the Jets, he was spot-on about Rex Ryan too.

Oh, and he picked the Jets to win yesterday.


If he picked the Jets to win then he will bash the Giants for losing the game they should have won but say "that's why i picked the Jets to win".

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If he picked the Jets to win then he will bash the Giants for losing the game they should have won but say "that's why i picked the Jets to win".

....and how is that wrong?

Jets were the better team and favored by Vegas, Mike picked them too.

Giants had a 10 point lead late and blew it.

Francesa is a great listen.  Only bleeding-heart Rex Ryan fans duped by his tattoo and his bravado dislike Francesa for his accuracy on the 2011-2014 Jets.


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....and how is that wrong?

Jets were the better team and favored by Vegas, Mike picked them too.

Giants had a 10 point lead late and blew it.

Francesa is a great listen.  Only bleeding-heart Rex Ryan fans duped by his tattoo and his bravado dislike Francesa for his accuracy on the 2011-2014 Jets.


I didn't say he was wrong.  He is is a good position today for his analysis of the game to not be trashed by the haters..  I don't' like him at all  however he is that good of a radio personality that I listen to him regularly.   I don't know who else I dislike that I would spend time listening to.  

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I didn't say he was wrong.  He is is a good position today for his analysis of the game to not be trashed by the haters..  I don't' like him at all  however he is that good of a radio personality that I listen to him regularly.   I don't know who else I dislike that I would spend time listening to.  


You listen to him because he happens to be correct.  Did he get anything wrong about the Jets since Bill Parcells left town?  Was he not right in what he said about Rex Ryan after 2010 about being a one-dimensional clown and the Jets being a circus?  That until we got competent GM and HC we were a lost franchise?  Was he not complimentary at how Woody Johnson got advice from NFL elders that led to good hirings in Maccagnan and Bowles?  I just don't get the Francesa haters, at least on the grounds of his accuracy.


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You listen to him because he happens to be correct.  Did he get anything wrong about the Jets since Bill Parcells left town?  Was he not right in what he said about Rex Ryan after 2010 about being a one-dimensional clown and the Jets being a circus?  That until we got competent GM and HC we were a lost franchise?  Was he not complimentary at how Woody Johnson got advice from NFL elders that led to good hirings in Maccagnan and Bowles?  I just don't get the Francesa haters, at least on the grounds of his accuracy.


Accuracy wise he is just like anyone else.  Hes going to be right and he's going to be wrong.  I personally think he is arrogant and pompous but to me it's great radio and why I like to listen.  I want to disagree with him but when he says something  I agree with then I love it.  He is the #1 personality in NY radio and the "haters" actually help him with that title. Like I said, he is that good that I will listen either way to him and when he does leave then there will be a tremendous void in the afternoon.  I'm a Yankee fan but screw Michael Kay! 

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....and how is that wrong?

Jets were the better team and favored by Vegas, Mike picked them too.

Giants had a 10 point lead late and blew it.

Francesa is a great listen.  Only bleeding-heart Rex Ryan fans duped by his tattoo and his bravado dislike Francesa for his accuracy on the 2011-2014 Jets.


lmfao... I totally agree, especially with the last sentence... 

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Accuracy wise he is just like anyone else.  Hes going to be right and he's going to be wrong.  I personally think he is arrogant and pompous but to me it's great radio and why I like to listen.  I want to disagree with him but when he says something  I agree with then I love it.  He is the #1 personality in NY radio and the "haters" actually help him with that title. Like I said, he is that good that I will listen either way to him and when he does leave then there will be a tremendous void in the afternoon.  I'm a Yankee fan but screw Michael Kay! 

Agree completely.

I can't listen to Michael Kay.  Has nothing to do with the content (which is often quite good), but I just can't stand his voice, it's very grating to me.


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lmfao... I totally agree, especially with the last sentence... 

Wow, that's two topics in a row where we agree (yikes).

Mike was very hard on Rex and most of the moves in his tenure (AFCCG preparedness, Super Bowl guarantees, meeting the President, Tebow, Sporano, Sanchez preseason injury, personal punt protector, 'play like a Jet', etc.) and what Woody was thinking (hiring GM and forcing Rex on him) but history shows it was all warranted.

These days, Mike gives decent props to the Jets organization for trying to patiently build a front office and coaching staff from the ground-up, haven't even heard a word criticizing Bowles for his blunders except the occasional "he's a rookie HC and rookie HC's make mistakes" statements even after the Buffalo train-wreck.


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Francesa: "This isn't a tough Coughlin team. Not a touch of toughness on defense."


Francesa is on the air talking Giants/Jets. "I agree with what Tom did on 4th down....you go and end the game on one play!''

He also agreed with Parcells when he called for the halfback option in Detroit years ago.  He's just as wrong today as he was back then

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Basically, from what I gathered, he blamed everybody BUT Tom Coughlin.

Sort of.

What he said was that Coughlin went for it on 4th down because he knew how bad his own defense was in the 4th quarter and didn't trust them with only a 2 score lead (I don't agree with that....he should have went up by 13 instead of 10 IMHO).

He blamed Coughlin (sort of) for not building the type of team that he's known for with an imaginative offense and a tough defense.  Said the playcalling was awful (agree) and his defense didn't have any bite in the second half (agree).


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It took him 22 minutes to start saying Fitz, Decker and Marshall played well and then it's right back to the Giants 4th down play and now the phone calls.

Let's be honest with ourselves here:

The Jets showed heart and toughness late but played crappy for 50 minutes.  Let up big passing plays, let up big punt return, dumb penalties, couldn't move the ball for half the game, let FItz take a ton of hits, didn't run effectively, punted lousy field position, etc.

The Jets did what it took to hold on and beat the Giants, a bad NFL team.  It's not like we crushed these guys to move into the upper echelon of NFL elites or something.  I'm very proud of our secondary and Fitzpatrick and Decker and Marshall.  But let's not go crazy just yet.  Go 3-1 from here and then I'll be impressed.  I don't see why Francesa would drown us in platitudes based on what happened for 50 minutes yesterday.


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You play the percentages.  Up 13 with 1/2 quarter is hard to overcome. And even if you do, you have a chance to win the game on a FG.  There is no rationalization here.  It was a dumb move. Thanks Tommy Boy, you've had a great career.     

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The jets had not been able to put the ball in the end zone pretty much the entire day and now he thinks they were absolutely gonna score twice 2 td's in five minutes ? 

Granted the Giants defense sucks but the way the jets had been shooting themselves in the foot the ENTIRE game I find that hard to believe.

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The jets had not been able to put the ball in the end zone pretty much the entire day and now he thinks they were absolutely gonna score twice 2 td's in five minutes ? 

Granted the Giants defense sucks but the way the jets had been shooting themselves in the foot the ENTIRE game I find that hard to believe.

I guess the thinking was our offense sucks less than their late passing defense.

He said "If they needed 7 there, they would have gotten 7." Because we didn't need a TD there, we played conservative and kicked a FG.

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