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The Case for Gase


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7 hours ago, Maxman said:

Who thinks @T0mShane should write this? So we can post it on the blog and in the forums.

Tom will make a good case.  :)

And others will reply with their own "Open & Shut Gase" the other way.  Just in Gase, you should set up a pair of threads.  In one, T0m and others can ejaculate all the "benefits" Gase offers us Jets fans; a sort of Best Gase Scenario thread.  And in the other we will have the masses who show us the Worst Gase Scenarios that we've seen so far.  

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2 hours ago, playtowinthegame said:

Bottom line, Adam Gase needs to make the Beaver his fall guy. Do that, and bring in a guy like Mike Martz to help with the offensive play calling. Put Mike Martz up in the booth like Ernie Zampese and watch this offense take off and have that killer instinct.

Just hold the **** on there buddy.   Name one other person in the nfl with more red flag turnovers.   I’m the only one who can fight the corrupt Riveron system.  You think this sh*t is easy.   You take your Herm Edwards quoting ass back to whatever toilet you popped out of.

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21 minutes ago, JiF said:

Agreed 100%.  Was just having this conversation with a coworker who's a Dolphins fan. 

If Adam Gase is honest with himself and is serious about being a Head Coach, this is exactly what he should do.  Hand the reins of the offense off to someone else.  It's time to admit, he's not an offensive genius, actually nowhere close to it so let someone that knows what they're doing take it over.  Gase has zero feel for the game and he needs someone else to call plays while he focuses on his job, of being Head Coach.  

Even Rex let Pettine call the D and Rex was an actual official genius on his side of the ball, unlike Gase.  In the long run, it will help as a Head Coach to not have your fingerprints all over the offense that is ranked dead last in the NFL.  We've now had 4 straight seasons of the 26th or worse offense coached by Gase.  That's enough sample size to know, he's clueless on how to run an offense or he's not capable of successfully doing two jobs at once.  

Hire a real OC, turn the offensive over to said person and take over the position you're supposed to have, Head Coach.



I’ll rain 5’5” of furry on your ass if you don’t watch your mouth.

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27 minutes ago, JiF said:

Agreed 100%.  Was just having this conversation with a coworker who's a Dolphins fan. 

If Adam Gase is honest with himself and is serious about being a Head Coach, this is exactly what he should do.  Hand the reins of the offense off to someone else.  It's time to admit, he's not an offensive genius, actually nowhere close to it so let someone that knows what they're doing take it over.  Gase has zero feel for the game and he needs someone else to call plays while he focuses on his job, of being Head Coach.  

Even Rex let Pettine call the D and Rex was an actual official genius on his side of the ball, unlike Gase.  In the long run, it will help as a Head Coach to not have your fingerprints all over the offense that is ranked dead last in the NFL.  We've now had 4 straight seasons of the 26th or worse offense coached by Gase.  That's enough sample size to know, he's clueless on how to run an offense or he's not capable of successfully doing two jobs at once.  

Hire a real OC, turn the offensive over to said person and take over the position you're supposed to have, Head Coach.



I do like this idea.

He might actually have a reasonable offensive mind - which is why we seems to do well on the first drive - but his feel for game after that seems to be atrocious.

Work with the OC on the game plan but hand over the reigns on play calls and offensive game management...

I agree, I think we see a different team.

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15 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

I do like this idea.

He might actually have a reasonable offensive mind - which is why we seems to do well on the first drive - but his feel for game after that seems to be atrocious.

Work with the OC on the game plan but hand over the reigns on play calls and offensive game management...

I agree, I think we see a different team.

To your point, with the scripted 1st drive scoring, Gase has proven he is a good game planner.

- He has also proven he is a bad in-game manager. Unfortunately, he just said this morning he doesn’t anticipate staff changes. I seriously doubt he gets a real OC. Shame, because it would help.

- He isn’t completely confident in Sam’s expertise of the offense (not a knock on Sam, 1st year and missed almost 1/4 of it).

When adjustments were needed mid-game we got NE/MIA/JAX disasters. Game plan didn’t need much tweaking for WASH/NYG/OAK. But what I did notice was that he went conservative when the offense stalled against PITT/BUFF/MIA at home. Gase just didn’t feel Sam had mastered the offense yet. Another example of this is the pace of play. Opening scripted drives had an uptempo pace, which was largely abandoned after. Hopefully after a full season + offseason, next year will be a different story.

As much as I like Sam and believe he is definitely capable of being a top 10, even a top 5 QB in the league, there were plenty of dumb INTs and missed throws this year. It’s not all on Gase, or Sam. They both need to get better and start the season on the same page...no more midseason meetings about how the offense should be. Hit the ground running in 2020.

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2 minutes ago, Adoni Beast said:

To your point, with the scripted 1st drive scoring, Gase has proven he is a good game planner.

- He has also proven he is a bad in-game manager. Unfortunately, he just said this morning he doesn’t anticipate staff changes. I seriously doubt he gets a real OC. Shame, because it would help.

- He isn’t completely confident in Sam’s expertise of the offense (not a knock on Sam, 1st year and missed almost 1/4 of it).

When adjustments were needed mid-game we got NE/MIA/JAX disasters. Game plan didn’t need much tweaking for WASH/NYG/OAK. But what I did notice was that he went conservative when the offense stalled against PITT/BUFF/MIA at home. Gase just didn’t feel Sam had mastered the offense yet. Another example of this is the pace of play. Opening scripted drives had an uptempo pace, which was largely abandoned after. Hopefully after a full season + offseason, next year will be a different story.

As much as I like Sam and believe he is definitely capable of being a top 10, even a top 5 QB in the league, there were plenty of dumb INTs and missed throws this year. It’s not all on Gase, or Sam. They both need to get better and start the season on the same page...no more midseason meetings about how the offense should be. Hit the ground running in 2020.

Great post and agreed.

To Gase’s credit Pitt and Buff - I think it was more that the defense was dominant - He was just killing clock and yes, not letting Sam make a game killing mistake.  

He was trusting the D to hold.  At least that’s how I saw it.

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The strong suspicion among conspiracy theorists like me is that the Jets definitely have a coaching staff budget, which historically appears to be lower than average.   One would also suspect that the Front Office/GM role also had a below average budget.

Under Chris, there is no question that the Jets have stepped up their budget.  Both Williams and Douglas are paid more than Rodgers and Mac, respectively.  My guess is that Gase is paid not that dissimilar to Bowles, but Gase does has a relatlively long contract (3 or 4 years?  Does anyone know?).  The Jets are also paying substantial amounts to fired coaches-not just Bowles, who is offset by what he makes from TB.  I think some former Jets ACs do not have jobs currently.   Mac will be paid a lot for a long time-he is not hireable, although I wonder if he lands in DC in some way.....

In any event, despite all of that the Jets still need to upgrade their offensive staff.   I would consider Shurmur or Garrett (if he is fired).  My guess is that Jerry is figuring out if he can upgrade Garrett if he fires him.

The Giants will pounce on Rhule before the Jets have a chance next year.  

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36 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

Great post and agreed.

To Gase’s credit Pitt and Buff - I think it was more that the defense was dominant - He was just killing clock and yes, not letting Sam make a game killing mistake.  

He was trusting the D to hold.  At least that’s how I saw it.

Agreed. It’s not that I don’t think he trusts Darnold on some Sanchezian level. I just think he understands Sam isn’t there yet...to carry the team, especially this roster.

I think against Dallas, Gase went for the throat offensively. He kept the pressure on. It worked. Then NE, MIA, JAX happened. I think it was a wake up call for Gase, that he needed to be conservative if the game plan wasn’t firing on all cylinders.

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9 hours ago, Maxman said:

Who thinks @T0mShane should write this? So we can post it on the blog and in the forums.

Tom will make a good case.  :)

If someone is going to write the case for Gase it should not include anything about why he has not been successful. It should only answer the question "Why is Gase Our Guy"? That would be interesting.

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