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Aaron Rodgers to the Jets rumor: Merged

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What I think is going on:

Joe D set a deadline for this trade if it was going to be pre-draft.  That was prob at least 2 weeks ago.  These guys need to scout players, figure out who they are going to draft etc etc etc.  They are not going to waste their time doing this only to trade the pick on draft night and then they wasted all that time.

Aaron Rodgers being traded this week or during the draft is not happening.

I do think Rodgers is also in on this and has told them, “Do not trade any picks this year for me.  GB has no leverage and I am coming.  Screw them.  Use those picks to get JSN in rnd 1 and a C and T in round 2.

What will happen:  Around June, Rodgers will be traded to the Jets for next years 3rd round pick.

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12 minutes ago, doitny said:

accomplished what? we dont have a QB. TIM BOYLE

unless you think he can trade for Tannehill or Stafford which i didnt even here they are available then yes he backed himself in a corner. cause its Rodgers or Zach Wilson. OR Teddy B. / Wentz

and i laugh at the thought that if any of those guys are available that JD can complete a trade for them when he cant even complete a trade for Rodgers. if he ever had to walk away from Rodgers those teams would have him by the balls.  Sounds Pleasurable!

you want to know what you do not do in negotiations? tell people that the players is coming here. Then you'd have nothing to complain about.... and that would make us all SAD!

i just found a quote from the GB president or GM from march that said that Rodgers will not be here (GB) UNLESS we dont get what we want. now thats what you say. you leave the door open to other options. That's how certain JD is!



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1 hour ago, Stanley Blinka said:

Maybe it’s as simple as this:

JD and GB have agreed upon a set of two or more options/packages. GB will select one of them. GB has to inform JD which option it is selecting by a date certain—a date which has not  yet passed. Both sides will stick to this deal and timeframe because reneging at this point is the mutually assured destruction option.

So, there is no standoff. JD is just waiting for GB to order from the agreed-upon menu.

Could even be that the Jets have talked trade with teams, and could trade those picks to the Packers, but the trades have contingencies in place.

For example, say the Jets and the always aggressive Saints have agreed to exchange 13 for 29 and 40 - if Paris Johnson isn't on the board and one of the Saints' targets is - and then the Packers have agreed to take 29 in exchange for Rodgers and call it a day. Packers get their first round pick, Jets don't give up 13 or 2024 capital, and everybody just moves on. But, depends who's on the board.

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8 minutes ago, derp said:

Could even be that the Jets have talked trade with teams, and could trade those picks to the Packers, but the trades have contingencies in place.

For example, say the Jets and the always aggressive Saints have agreed to exchange 13 for 29 and 40 - if Paris Johnson isn't on the board and one of the Saints' targets is - and then the Packers have agreed to take 29 in exchange for Rodgers and call it a day. Packers get their first round pick, Jets don't give up 13 or 2024 capital, and everybody just moves on. But, depends who's on the board.

Some of u have lost ur minds.  A 40 year old qb who is coming off a subpar year who may only play 1 season whos team HAS to get rid of him is NOT going for a 1st round pick.

This is lunacy!!!

It will be a 3rd next year and nothing more!!!

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2 minutes ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Some of u have lost ur minds.  A 40 year old qb who is coming off a subpar year who may only play 1 season whos team HAS to get rid of him is NOT going for a 1st round pick.

This is lunacy!!!

It will be a 3rd next year and nothing more!!!

First of all, was just a scenario to demonstrate how the trade may be held up to see how draft day trades play out.

Second of all, I don't think he should cost a first. But this draft class stinks and that first is roughly the same value as the 2 & 2 that gets tossed around. So I felt it worked for the example.

Third of all, I think he's almost certainly going to cost more than a third next year.

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51 minutes ago, Joe W. Namath said:

What I think is going on:
Aaron Rodgers being traded this week or during the draft is not happening.
What will happen:  Around June, Rodgers will be traded to the Jets for next years 3rd round pick.


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1 minute ago, derp said:

First of all, was just a scenario to demonstrate how the trade may be held up to see how draft day trades play out.

Second of all, I don't think he should cost a first. But this draft class stinks and that first is roughly the same value as the 2 & 2 that gets tossed around. So I felt it worked for the example.

Third of all, I think he's almost certainly going to cost more than a third next year.

Favre went for a 3rd.  Same age and was coming off a better season then Rodgers is.

Why would Rodgers go for anymore then favre did?

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2 minutes ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Favre went for a 3rd.  Same age and was coming off a better season then Rodgers is.

Why would Rodgers go for anymore then favre did?

That pick was going to be a second rounder if the Jets made the playoffs and a first rounder if the Jets made the Super Bowl.

Why would Rodgers go for just a third round pick?

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24 minutes ago, TommyT said:

You do understand the importance of you taking your medication. Don’t let me call your emergency numbers.

Really makes no sense for the Jets to have this trade happen until after the draft. Packers need to present a trade that is more appealing than using our own picks on players.

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1 minute ago, derp said:

That pick was going to be a second rounder if the Jets made the playoffs and a first rounder if the Jets made the Super Bowl.

Why would Rodgers go for just a third round pick?

Ok, if that was the conditions then make them the same.  Im fine w that.

I just outlined why:

- hes old

- hes coming off a subpar year

- he may only play 1 season

- his salary is astronomic

- GB HAS to get rid of him and has 0 leverage

The question actually is:  Why would Rodgers go for any more then a 3rd?

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4 minutes ago, bla bla bla said:

Really makes no sense for the Jets to have this trade happen until after the draft. Packers need to present a trade that is more appealing than using our own picks on players.

The trade is off the books till after the draft on the jets end.  That ship sailed weeks ago.  We know who we are targeting at 13 and w the 2 second round picks.  GB played hardball and lost.

The pre draft trade has been off the books since the elijah moore deal.  GB could of had that 3rd but they gambled against the wrong guy.

Joe D is playing this beautifully and knows how to negotiate with someone who has 0 leverage.

They will come crawling for next years  3rd in june and it will be glorious.

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2 minutes ago, JetsFanatic said:

The trade will happen this week. These difficult negotiations, like most, require a deadline. The draft is the deadline.

Thats not how u do business.  The deadline is set b4 that as you need to plan on what u r going to do in the draft.

u think Douglas and team is spending tons of time scouting for those 2nd round picks only to throw that in the garbage on draft night?

Douglas would be a fool to do that.  The deadline was weeks ago, it passed, the jets will be making all of there picks.

The Pack blew this epically.

Thank you Joe Douglas!  Thank you!!

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21 minutes ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Some of u have lost ur minds.  A 40 year old qb who is coming off a subpar year who may only play 1 season whos team HAS to get rid of him is NOT going for a 1st round pick.

This is lunacy!!!

It will be a 3rd next year and nothing more!!!

I'm not saying you're wrong.

In a sane world, everyone knows that's what it should be.

It isn't a sane world. All things aren't equal. Jets have also painted themselves in a corner. Believing it will only be a 3rd next year at this point is as delusional as GB fans believing they getting 2x 1sts

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Just now, Sammybighead said:

I'm not saying you're wrong.

In a sane world, everyone knows that's what it should be.

It isn't a sane world. All things aren't equal. Jets have also painted themselves in a corner. Believing it will only be a 3rd next year at this point is as delusional as GB fans believing they getting 2x 1sts

More lunacy!!!  The Jets are 180 degrees from being in a corner.  They have 100% of the power in this.  They even have the player in the deal on their side. 

Rodgers has probably already told them, “Do not give any picks up this year.  If they dare not pull off this deal for next years 3rd, Ill show up in GB, go on macaffee and make their life a living hell”.

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1 minute ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Ok, if that was the conditions then make them the same.  Im fine w that.

I just outlined why:

- hes old

- hes coming off a subpar year

- he may only play 1 season

- his salary is astronomic

- GB HAS to get rid of him and has 0 leverage

The question actually is:  Why would Rodgers go for any more then a 3rd?

Favre was old, only played one season, Green Bay was committed to getting rid of him, the league protects quarterbacks more than they did then, and Brady just played into his mid 40’s and may unretire again.

I agree that Green Bay doesn’t have leverage, but that’s not really how negotiations seem to be playing out. I’m trying to be realistic instead of purely a Jets fan who thinks Green Bay should take him for a package that has no chance of including a first round pick because I think they lack leverage. The Jets have more leverage but they’ve boxed themselves into a corner a bit, too.

Everything now looks like two years that include conditional picks and multiple second round selections. Conditions, like the Favre trade you just said you’re okay with, would lead to trading a first round pick if the Jets make the Super Bowl.

I also think given the importance of Rodgers playing in 2024, if a trade is made post draft both teams will believe it’s best to have 2025 draft capital with conditions as part of a trade. Protects both sides. So that’d add more potentially valuable stuff heading Green Bay’s way.

That being the case, and given this year’s draft isn’t great, if they’d be willing to take the 29th pick and go away I’d be fine with that instead of potentially giving up multiple 2024 and 2025 picks.

I wouldn’t have wanted to get into this position as the GM so it’s odd to attempt to negotiate what’s fair. I’d be thrilled to be pleasantly surprised by what the Jets give up after boxing themselves in here.

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1 minute ago, Warfish said:

So what is the deal waiting for then?

Prob a few things.  The pack dont have to make the deal now so maybe they think jets will blink 1st.  Pack hate rodgers so trying to stick it to him a bit.

Where this will blow up is end of July when camp starts.  Aaron Rodgers will show up and put on an all out assualt on the front office and it will be an absolute circus.

GB know this so they may wait up till that point.

Whoever picks up the phone 1st losses.  And the good news is, when training camp rolls around, the pack have to pick up the phone.

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28 minutes ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Favre went for a 3rd.  Same age and was coming off a better season then Rodgers is.

Why would Rodgers go for anymore then favre did?

The value of QBs is different than it was 15 years ago....I wish people would stop comparing things that happened 20 years ago it's like when people act like Derek Carr is Joe Montana because he threw for 4000 yards.

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Also, if its not a top 5 or 10 pick, the pack dont really care when they get it.  Even if the jets flipped them the 42 pick in the draft, thats not making a diff in their season.  How the pack do this year is not hinging on the 42nd player in this draft.

The pack have a full alottment of draft picks this year.  The 42 player in this draft means nothing to them.

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4 minutes ago, undertow said:

The value of QBs is different than it was 15 years ago....I wish people would stop comparing things that happened 20 years ago it's like when people act like Derek Carr is Joe Montana because he threw for 4000 yards.

So if qbing is easier now then it was then, then rodgers should go for a 4th now.

Great point!!!


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2 hours ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Prob a few things.  The pack dont have to make the deal now so maybe they think jets will blink 1st.  Pack hate rodgers so trying to stick it to him a bit.

Where this will blow up is end of July when camp starts.  Aaron Rodgers will show up and put on an all out assualt on the front office and it will be an absolute circus.

GB know this so they may wait up till that point.

Whoever picks up the phone 1st losses.  And the good news is, when training camp rolls around, the pack have to pick up the phone.

As someone who simultaneously loves the Jets and also doesn't care if this blows up epically in our faces because I'll thoroughly enjoy the ensuing chaos(similar outlook to the relationship  I have with myself) I am thoroughly enjoying this game of chicken.

car crash cars GIF

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5 minutes ago, Lurker89 said:

As someone who simultaneously loves the Jets and also doesn't care if this blows up epically in our faces because I'll thoroughly enjoy the ensuing chaos(similar outlook to the relationship to the one I have with myself) I am thoroughly enjoying this game of chicken.

car crash cars GIF

Agree.  And who is going to lose?  The gm in the drivers seat or the gm who is going to have an all time sh*t storm coming his way if aaron rodgers has to report to packer training camp in late july?

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1 minute ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Agree.  And who is going to lose?  The gm in the drivers seat (of a playoff-less team of 12 years) or the gm (of a perennial PO team) who is going to have an all time sh*t storm coming his way if aaron rodgers has to report to packer training camp in late july?

I'd say the GM of the perennial PO team who finds himself with a $110m mil, QB conflict heading into the season and veteran QB is about to retire 


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23 minutes ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Agree.  And who is going to lose?  The gm in the drivers seat or the gm who is going to have an all time sh*t storm coming his way if aaron rodgers has to report to packer training camp in late july?

Just happy you’re taking the time to break things down during so much speculation. You are our educator. You have always been right, why doubt you now. You insider you.

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55 minutes ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Thats not how u do business.  The deadline is set b4 that as you need to plan on what u r going to do in the draft.

u think Douglas and team is spending tons of time scouting for those 2nd round picks only to throw that in the garbage on draft night?

Douglas would be a fool to do that.  The deadline was weeks ago, it passed, the jets will be making all of there picks.

The Pack blew this epically.

Thank you Joe Douglas!  Thank you!!

We will find out this week who is right

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3 hours ago, Stanley Blinka said:

Maybe it’s as simple as this:

JD and GB have agreed upon a set of two or more options/packages. GB will select one of them. GB has to inform JD which option it is selecting by a date certain—a date which has not  yet passed. Both sides will stick to this deal and timeframe because reneging at this point is the mutually assured destruction option.

So, there is no standoff. JD is just waiting for GB to order from the agreed-upon menu.

I think they have agreed upon scenarios for draft night depending on who is there for either team.   

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2 hours ago, Joe W. Namath said:

What I think is going on:

Joe D set a deadline for this trade if it was going to be pre-draft.  That was prob at least 2 weeks ago.  These guys need to scout players, figure out who they are going to draft etc etc etc.  They are not going to waste their time doing this only to trade the pick on draft night and then they wasted all that time.

Aaron Rodgers being traded this week or during the draft is not happening.

I do think Rodgers is also in on this and has told them, “Do not trade any picks this year for me.  GB has no leverage and I am coming.  Screw them.  Use those picks to get JSN in rnd 1 and a C and T in round 2.

What will happen:  Around June, Rodgers will be traded to the Jets for next years 3rd round pick.

If I was Gute and I got wind of this, Rodgers agent would be informed that the trade will take place on Aug 30 for a 3rd rounder next year.   Followed by: Eff off....

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1 hour ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Some of u have lost ur minds.  A 40 year old qb who is coming off a subpar year who may only play 1 season whos team HAS to get rid of him is NOT going for a 1st round pick.

This is lunacy!!!

It will be a 3rd next year and nothing more!!!

Enjoy option B

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