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Lead Up To Jets/Patriots Season Finale

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5 hours ago, T0mShane said:

Belichick is a deity amongst that base and they’re percolating because the team is playing well. If nothing else, Kraft needs to grease the skids for whoever replaces him.

Of course he is. You can't dismiss the bloke for coaching a team that has been to 9 Super Bowls since he became the HC in 2000.

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2 hours ago, Gainzo said:

Of course he is. You can't dismiss the bloke for coaching a team that has been to 9 Super Bowls since he became the HC in 2000.

Yeah, but....

How much is Bill willing to fall on the sword for the situation he created?  It cannot be a simple, pre-2022 season when asked about Patricia/Judge, if it goes wrong you can blame me.  

I would love him back to coach and that is it.  The Kraft's hire a guy from outside the organization and Bill's previous employment tree.  If Bill is willing to do this, then bring him back.  If not, mutually agree to part ways.  

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2 hours ago, T0mShane said:

No Zach this week

If they play Zach they are tanking. Bringing Zach back does nothing for his trade value because it is Belichick again.

Put together that one game highlight video, try to get a 5th rounder and move on.

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2 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Like Quinnen, Garrett Wilson and Sauce?

😂 look at you defending our 1st rounders…

in 13 years that’s it? You’re forgetting the LT and the QBs we took at #2&3 in the draft, along with a safety we took at #6 not to mention all the other misses.

I’m not even going to bring up our travails in the 2nd round which are abysmal.

Pardon me if I don’t get worked up about dropping from 5 or 6 to 9-10 in the draft this year.

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21 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

😂 look at you defending our 1st rounders…

in 13 years that’s it? You’re forgetting the LT and the QBs we took at #2&3 in the draft, along with a safety we took at #6 not to mention all the other misses.

I’m not even going to bring up our travails in the 2nd round which are abysmal.

Pardon me if I don’t get worked up about dropping from 5 or 6 to 9-10 in the draft this year.

Sci Fi Space GIF by Amazon Prime Video


Well I don't pin the failures of prior GM's on Joe Douglas.  Though of course Woody Johnson is the ultimate reason for our draft failures the last 2 decades, so I agree with your overall premise that we've always sucked and will continue to suck at drafting as long as Woody is in charge.

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16 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:


Well I don't pin the failures of prior GM's on Joe Douglas.  Though of course Woody Johnson is the ultimate reason for our draft failures the last 2 decades, so I agree with your overall premise that we've always sucked and will continue to suck at drafting as long as Woody is in charge.

Joe Douglas has been as bad as any GM we’ve ever had, 80. He had one good draft and the rest were horrible.  
As far as Woody goes, if he’s as dumb as you and many others say, and JD can’t sell him regarding his own vision for building a team, he’s just as bad at GM’ing as Woody is at owning. 
No sense getting worked up about any of this, as fans we’ve made our bed. We picked the wrong team, and since we won’t switch, we might as well just sit back and laugh at the show.

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9 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

Ah… so that’s the problem? Woody became stupid in 2016?

You’re giving Macc and JD a pass? 

Woody increased his meddling.  The Tebow trade in 2012 was the signal Woody had become Shadow GM and that was really when everything started to spiral


Not a coincidence from that point on we have not made the playoffs once and had only 2 seasons where we finished .500 or better.  

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In the long run, the only upside of the Jets beating the Pats is that it would make Bill Belichick tie for the number of career NFL head coaching losses (both regular season and total losses). While that would provide a minimal amount of sweet payback, the Jets winning will likely drop them from 8th (current) to 12th or 13th in the draft order. That's a steep penalty. The Jets need all of the collateral they can get. 

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On 12/28/2023 at 11:25 PM, Beerfish said:

We already botched our draft position by beating the commanders so we may as well beat the pats.

I believe if we had lost out we would have been picking 4th.

If we beat the Pats we may go from 8th to 18th. So many teams will end up 7-10.  I wouldn't be surprised.  There were numerous games from all the  lower other teams that came down to the last play that just didn't go our way. I mean I lost count. Time and time again, a missed FG, a missed 2 pt conversion, making a FG etc etc etc was just brutal.  We could have easily been picking 3rd or 4th.  Just cant catch a break. 

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On 1/1/2024 at 2:20 PM, Maynard13 said:

If we beat the Pats we may go from 8th to 18th. So many teams will end up 7-10.  I wouldn't be surprised.  There were numerous games from all the  lower other teams that came down to the last play that just didn't go our way. I mean I lost count. Time and time again, a missed FG, a missed 2 pt conversion, making a FG etc etc etc was just brutal.  We could have easily been picking 3rd or 4th.  Just cant catch a break. 

12 is the worst we can do. The Saints have 8 wins, and they’re #13. 

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4 hours ago, Gainzo said:

C'mon people. It's Jets/Pats week. Lets get pumped up lol.

Kind of like Southwest Idaho State* playing Northeast Montana State*

*I made those schools up

Likely the end of an era between the Jets and Pats (a glorious one for the Pats and yet another miserable one for the Jets).  Glad we at least had one meaningful win against you guys in the 20+ years.  I wish the Jets had been a better opponent.  Would've made for some fun games.  Oh well.

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