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Most of the Media are Absolute Idiots

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12 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

They’re pandering to the people who consume their reporting, and it’s usually the lowest common denominator who do. Take this message board for example.

Which topics here had more people starting and replying to threads the past few weeks…

1. Rodgers  not showing up for a non mandatory two day camp

2. wondering where he was instead.

3. threads wondering how his Achilles was healing?

But you’re right, SportCenter was great back in the day. The Sunday Night 11pm “Big Show” with Patrick and Olbermann was the pinnacle 

ESPN sucked back then too. But it was the only thing on and the internet was basically nothing 


I’m amazed that no talent clowns like Dan Patrick and Rich Eisen continue to have their own shows that get 0 ratings or views.  Patrick thinks hilarious-  like a PG version of Craig Carton.  Eisen too.  Eisen was a huge “jets gotta stick with Zach” guy last season after Rodgers got hurt and then reality happened 

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5 hours ago, LIJetsFan said:

Serious question:

If you know they are idiots then why do you tune in to them?  I get most of my info from this board plus the 1-2 You Tube guys I respect, i.e. Buffalo Jets Fan. I've learned my lesson and pretty much ignore all the rest of the noise.        

I dont tune into anyone i was listening to an Aaron Rodgers Press conference. You make it sound like i was tuning into a singular reporter and thats not the case.

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15 minutes ago, SAM SAM HE'S OUR MAN said:

They still SUCK . The ESPYS was a horror show .

How the hell did that even materialize?  I know it was the 90’s and there were a billion awards shows but they needed another awards show to give Steve Kerr an award for best wide open 3-pointer after Jordan drew the triple team?

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5 hours ago, Biggs said:

Media click bait from another Rodgers off the field apologist.  Since he arrived the Jets have been the same dysfunctional organization and team they were before he arrived.  The Packers on the other hand actually made the playoffs and won playoff games without him.  

The Jets were a losing organization before he arrived and after he arrived to date.  Stop apologizing for him until we see tangible results, I will continue to believe he is part of the problem until he either changes the narrative around the Jets or retires as another failed experiment.  Bret Favre got better results with the Jets than Rodgers has to date.  There is no tangible evidence that he has done anything good for the organization.  There is Hackett, the worst OC in the NFL running the O to make him feel comfortable when he actually hangs around.

This whole thing is about looking forward yet here you are constantly looking back ....yeah yeah I know we have been dysfunctional at many levels but I do not see that at all with this current regime. Unless of course you believe everything the half asseed media spits out on a daily basis. At some point fans need to have some optimism or whats the point of being a fan at all. If you get dealt a bad hand like we did last year not only losing Rodgers but dealing with a ridiulous amount of injuries not much you can do about that its just the nature of things and in that regard we have not had much luck either but even then i try to look forward with a positive outlook .

Did Douglas make a few mistakes yes obviously but every GM does at some point and I personally think his hands were tied with getting another QB in here last year so maybe a dysfunctional owner ? Maybe Not . Either way this team is obviously heading in the right direction now from the real dysfunction that was the 20 years Prior minus 2009 and 10 and even that was bad when Tanny refused to get some real WR talent in here and kept bringing in Malcontents to work with a young QB who at first did show some promise. he was certainlty a better QB than what we brought in here after

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2 hours ago, Warfish said:

This is such an odd comment, because the media-questions are about a mandatory pre-season activity he didn't attend.

So no Smash, he didn't attend "every single offseason activity", which is why the media is asking about it on the first day they have access to do such asking.  

If they're still asking about it on day 3, day 5 or day 7, some of this site's faux-outrage might be much more justified.  But it was literally their first opportunity to ask these questions, and there is no universe where ANY local sports media is not going to ask the team about a franchise QB who skipped mandatory camp for a discretionary vacation.  

This isn't Jets or even Rodgers specific.  If the new DC rookie QB skipped camp to go to Egypt, be assured, our local beatwriters and media would ask some questions about it on the first day of camp too.  

Come on Warfish I don't need any explanations on how all this works. The bottom line is he did show up for every activity up to that point proably more than most on the entire team so Im not going to fault him for missing worthless Mini Camp . If he was the guy not showing up for anything and was the guy saying I dont need all these activities Ill just show up when training camp starts I would have had a much different reaction to this. 

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33 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:

Come on Warfish I don't need any explanations on how all this works. The bottom line is he did show up for every activity up to that point proably more than most on the entire team so Im not going to fault him for missing worthless Mini Camp . If he was the guy not showing up for anything and was the guy saying I dont need all these activities Ill just show up when training camp starts I would have had a much different reaction to this. 

He didn’t do anything any other #1 franchise QB didn’t do.

Where he varied was skipping mandatory. The only non holdout QB to do so.

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4 hours ago, Warfish said:

This is such an odd comment, because the media-questions are about a mandatory pre-season activity he didn't attend.

So no Smash, he didn't attend "every single offseason activity", which is why the media is asking about it on the first day they have access to do such asking.  

If they're still asking about it on day 3, day 5 or day 7, some of this site's faux-outrage might be much more justified.  But it was literally their first opportunity to ask these questions, and there is no universe where ANY local sports media is not going to ask the team about a franchise QB who skipped mandatory camp for a discretionary vacation.  

This isn't Jets or even Rodgers specific.  If the new DC rookie QB skipped camp to go to Egypt, be assured, our local beatwriters and media would ask some questions about it on the first day of camp too.  

You seem like a normal guy, probably like to go out to a local for a couple of beers. I bet you have a couple of buddies you occasionally hang out with to drink a beer with. I bet at least one of them is a bit of a knucklehead... lets say his name is... "Jimmy". You've known Jimmy for a while, and he's a great guy, but can be a bit of a headache from time to time, the kind of guy that "forgets his wallet" at the bar once in a while. Let's say one night you and the boyo's meet up at the bar to watch a Nats game and have a couple, maybe throw in a Wing platter. When the game ends and everyone is cashing out, Jimmy does his usual, "Aw, gosh, man... I forgot my damn wallet again...". You chuckle and sigh and say, "alright, you friggen deadbeat, I got ya... again". Whatever. You don't care, because it's like $25 bucks and Jimmy is a good guy. He helped you move and that time you ran outta' gas, he picked you up for work. Right? 


But one table over is some total A-Hole that likes to get into other people's business. We'll call him... Kyle. Kyle is tightly wound and gets into other people's sh*t, even strangers, for no reason. And Kyle is OFFENDED that some deadbeat is stiffing his friends. He starts to give you sh*t about Jimmy, "Why are you covering that loser?" "People should pay for their own sh*t... what a charity case". He is strangely involved and offended by something trivial that he has nothing really to do with, and that the people directly involved in don't really even care about. As you walk out, laughing at the weirdo stranger from the next table and planning your next meetup - and giving Jimmy some usual light ball breaking, Kyle is still frothing at the mouth and mumbling about "losers and deadbeats".



You are being Kyle. Don't be Kyle. 

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He hadn't publicly commented on the Egypt trip previously, so of course they're going to ask him about it. You do realize sports is an entertainment business, right? What's more entertaining than Rodgers telling us about how he was dodging camel spitballs in the desert?

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1 hour ago, Smashmouth said:

This whole thing is about looking forward yet here you are constantly looking back ....yeah yeah I know we have been dysfunctional at many levels but I do not see that at all with this current regime. Unless of course you believe everything the half asseed media spits out on a daily basis. At some point fans need to have some optimism or whats the point of being a fan at all. If you get dealt a bad hand like we did last year not only losing Rodgers but dealing with a ridiulous amount of injuries not much you can do about that its just the nature of things and in that regard we have not had much luck either but even then i try to look forward with a positive outlook .

Did Douglas make a few mistakes yes obviously but every GM does at some point and I personally think his hands were tied with getting another QB in here last year so maybe a dysfunctional owner ? Maybe Not . Either way this team is obviously heading in the right direction now from the real dysfunction that was the 20 years Prior minus 2009 and 10 and even that was bad when Tanny refused to get some real WR talent in here and kept bringing in Malcontents to work with a young QB who at first did show some promise. he was certainlty a better QB than what we brought in here after

You can either go two ways with Douglas- either he was behind bringing Zach back last year as the 2, because he was dug in on a failed pick- that’s very bad and speaks volumes about his talent to scout. Not to mention Becton. Eventually with how bad the Jets have been he was going to fall into some decent players by draft position alone (Sauce, Wilson.) But if he was steering the organization towards Wilson then it’s one of the biggest self sabotage moves we’ve ever seen here, and he deserves to be flamed for it.

or if it was Woody pulling the strings from behind the scenes then I can see keeping him around for the he’ll of it and just hoping he brings on decent players via the draft and we find a QB by luck.

Douglas has 5 drafts under his belt including this class. He’s had a bunch of high picks and many first rounders. The Jets have yet to pass 7 wins in a season, which is basically impossible considering how the league is built with rewarding bad teams. He’s also 4-14 against the AFC East.

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15 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

You can either go two ways with Douglas- either he was behind bringing Zach back last year as the 2, because he was dug in on a failed pick- that’s very bad and speaks volumes about his talent to scout. Not to mention Becton. Eventually with how bad the Jets have been he was going to fall into some decent players by draft position alone (Sauce, Wilson.) But if he was steering the organization towards Wilson then it’s one of the biggest self sabotage moves we’ve ever seen here, and he deserves to be flamed for it.

or if it was Woody pulling the strings from behind the scenes then I can see keeping him around for the he’ll of it and just hoping he brings on decent players via the draft and we find a QB by luck.

Douglas has 5 drafts under his belt including this class. He’s had a bunch of high picks and many first rounders. The Jets have yet to pass 7 wins in a season, which is basically impossible considering how the league is built with rewarding bad teams. He’s also 4-14 against the AFC East.

it is all about the QB and yes that is on JD - front and center.

to say he fell into some players - come on that is simply hating the guy and not being objective.

His record as gm is what it is and 99% of us know it is about the QB.

Kill him for that but don't say he fell into good players that he either drafted or signed as a FA or UDFA.

We gotta be fair. 

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5 minutes ago, Trotter said:

it is all about the QB and yes that is on JD - front and center.

to say he fell into some players - come on that is simply hating the guy and not being objective.

His record as gm is what it is and 99% of us know it is about the QB.

Kill him for that but don't say he fell into good players that he either drafted or signed as a FA or UDFA.

We gotta be fair. 

If you get that many drafts and that many high picks you are eventually going to have some talent on the roster. Sauce and Wilson were chalk picks. He had Wirfs and Lamb there and he selected Becton. If you really want to split hairs Karlaftis is probably a better player than JJ. He doubled down on Zach Wilson, who is quite literally one of the worst quarterbacks in NFL history, and then failed to move off of him as the two last season. Not having a season over 7 wins is astonishing.

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23 hours ago, nycdan said:

The Mets just completely broke Adam Schein last night.  He abandoned any shred of impartiality and it was beautiful.

I rarely do this, but I replied in this case.  Suggested he wipe the Grimace off his face.

Fat Mike podcast breakdown was a thing of beauty also.

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5 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

If you get that many drafts and that many high picks you are eventually going to have some talent on the roster. Sauce and Wilson were chalk picks. He had Wirfs and Lamb there and he selected Becton. If you really want to split hairs Karlaftis is probably a better player than JJ. He doubled down on Zach Wilson, who is quite literally one of the worst quarterbacks in NFL history, and then failed to move off of him as the two last season. Not having a season over 7 wins is astonishing.

Again - Wilson was a colassal fail - no doubt.

You view JD as a horrible GM and I would assume want him fired - your opinion and you are 100% entitled to it.

Let's say I give you the statement that he fell or was bound to get lucky and we include Sauce and GW.

Ok - so now lets consider that he traded up for Breece, AVT and JJ. 

Are we going to say that those were lucky or fell into those picks even though he traded up to get them specifically?

He has made mistakes - lots of them but he has had successes as well.

I give him the benefit of the doubt at this point simply because the QB play is the reason for the record. 

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4 minutes ago, Trotter said:

Again - Wilson was a colassal fail - no doubt.

You view JD as a horrible GM and I would assume want him fired - your opinion and you are 100% entitled to it.

Let's say I give you the statement that he fell or was bound to get lucky and we include Sauce and GW.

Ok - so now lets consider that he traded up for Breece, AVT and JJ. 

Are we going to say that those were lucky or fell into those picks even though he traded up to get them specifically?

He has made mistakes - lots of them but he has had successes as well.

I give him the benefit of the doubt at this point simply because the QB play is the reason for the record. 

Good luck, bro 😄

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1 hour ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

You seem like a normal guy, probably like to go out to a local for a couple of beers. I bet you have a couple of buddies you occasionally hang out with to drink a beer with. I bet at least one of them is a bit of a knucklehead... lets say his name is... "Jimmy". You've known Jimmy for a while, and he's a great guy, but can be a bit of a headache from time to time, the kind of guy that "forgets his wallet" at the bar once in a while. Let's say one night you and the boyo's meet up at the bar to watch a Nats game and have a couple, maybe throw in a Wing platter. When the game ends and everyone is cashing out, Jimmy does his usual, "Aw, gosh, man... I forgot my damn wallet again...". You chuckle and sigh and say, "alright, you friggen deadbeat, I got ya... again". Whatever. You don't care, because it's like $25 bucks and Jimmy is a good guy. He helped you move and that time you ran outta' gas, he picked you up for work. Right? 


But one table over is some total A-Hole that likes to get into other people's business. We'll call him... Kyle. Kyle is tightly wound and gets into other people's sh*t, even strangers, for no reason. And Kyle is OFFENDED that some deadbeat is stiffing his friends. He starts to give you sh*t about Jimmy, "Why are you covering that loser?" "People should pay for their own sh*t... what a charity case". He is strangely involved and offended by something trivial that he has nothing really to do with, and that the people directly involved in don't really even care about. As you walk out, laughing at the weirdo stranger from the next table and planning your next meetup - and giving Jimmy some usual light ball breaking, Kyle is still frothing at the mouth and mumbling about "losers and deadbeats".



You are being Kyle. Don't be Kyle. 

I know this wasn’t directed at me, but this all depends on whether it’s Kyle or Jimmy who hook up with the hot blonde sitting at the end of the bar in this story.

If it was Kyle, I want to be him.

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1 minute ago, Green Ghost said:

I know this wasn’t directed at me, but this all depends on whether it’s Kyle or Jimmy who hook up with the hot blonde sitting at the end of the bar in this story.

If it was Kyle, I want to be him.

I have been the allegorical Kyle, Jimmy, and WF at various times throughout my life. Believe it or not, it's usually the Jimmy that scores highest in that department... lol

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We older Jet fans didn't appreciate the sports writers who were real journalists back in the day, now, we miss them very much.
These dudes are just miserable people.

Sports reporting has changed and not for the better. As a matter of fact our statements apply to most if not all media/reporting

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app
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2 hours ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

Oh my God he’s the worst.  He literally knows nothing 

Couldn't agree more about Florio. He hates certain people, like Aaron Rodgers and Nick Saban, and twists things around to make it seem like they are wrong . Then he piles it on with his stupid comments like "People demand to know why Rodgers missed mini camp" Who's the "people"? Just Florio mostly. 

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4 minutes ago, Thai Jet said:

Couldn't agree more about Florio. He hates certain people, like Aaron Rodgers and Nick Saban, and twists things around to make it seem like they are wrong . Then he piles it on with his stupid comments like "People demand to know why Rodgers missed mini camp" Who's the "people"? Just Florio mostly. 

How many people on this board would you say posted in the threads about Rodgers this summer and wondered where he was?
I’m pretty certain there were a lot more than just Mike Florio outside this board who wanted to know also.

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6 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

How many people on this board would you say posted in the threads about Rodgers this summer and wondered where he was?
I’m pretty certain there were a lot more than just Mike Florio outside this board who wanted to know also.

I know when I took a couple of days off from work, the whole place went bonkers and absolutely nothing actually got done. It was catastrophic. Even Arsonists just stopped for a few days and wondered where I was. 

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2 hours ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

How the hell did that even materialize?  I know it was the 90’s and there were a billion awards shows but they needed another awards show to give Steve Kerr an award for best wide open 3-pointer after Jordan drew the triple team?

Pretty sure it was introduced to be broadcast on the one day each year that has no major sports activity.  The Wednesday after the MLB All Star Game.  So they created a contrived sports awards show to have some programming on the one dead day in the US sports calendar.

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4 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

I know when I took a couple of days off from work, the whole place went bonkers and absolutely nothing actually got done. It was catastrophic. 

That’s because you contributed more to your fire department than Rodgers has to the Jets since he’s been here.

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4 hours ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

You seem like a normal guy, probably like to go out to a local for a couple of beers. I bet you have a couple of buddies you occasionally hang out with to drink a beer with. I bet at least one of them is a bit of a knucklehead... lets say his name is... "Jimmy". You've known Jimmy for a while, and he's a great guy, but can be a bit of a headache from time to time, the kind of guy that "forgets his wallet" at the bar once in a while. Let's say one night you and the boyo's meet up at the bar to watch a Nats game and have a couple, maybe throw in a Wing platter. When the game ends and everyone is cashing out, Jimmy does his usual, "Aw, gosh, man... I forgot my damn wallet again...". You chuckle and sigh and say, "alright, you friggen deadbeat, I got ya... again". Whatever. You don't care, because it's like $25 bucks and Jimmy is a good guy. He helped you move and that time you ran outta' gas, he picked you up for work. Right? 


But one table over is some total A-Hole that likes to get into other people's business. We'll call him... Kyle. Kyle is tightly wound and gets into other people's sh*t, even strangers, for no reason. And Kyle is OFFENDED that some deadbeat is stiffing his friends. He starts to give you sh*t about Jimmy, "Why are you covering that loser?" "People should pay for their own sh*t... what a charity case". He is strangely involved and offended by something trivial that he has nothing really to do with, and that the people directly involved in don't really even care about. As you walk out, laughing at the weirdo stranger from the next table and planning your next meetup - and giving Jimmy some usual light ball breaking, Kyle is still frothing at the mouth and mumbling about "losers and deadbeats".



You are being Kyle. Don't be Kyle. 

I was betting on jimmy LOL

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1 hour ago, UntouchableCrew said:

Are they idiots? Their goal is to generate engagement and we're all in here talking about it.

Said another way -- they're trying to create content people will click on and people are stupid.

If they were doing their own show i would agree 100% but this was a press conference and thats a little different if this was the Imbecile Skip Bayless well then that's another story :)

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14 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

I know this wasn’t directed at me, but this all depends on whether it’s Kyle or Jimmy who hook up with the hot blonde sitting at the end of the bar in this story.

If it was Kyle, I want to be him.

Total Kyle move right there ;) 

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14 hours ago, UntouchableCrew said:

Are they idiots? Their goal is to generate engagement and we're all in here talking about it.

Said another way -- they're trying to create content people will click on and people are stupid.

Far and away, the two reporters most mentioned on this website are Daily News Era Cimini and Manish Mehta. Plenty of beat guys who cover the Jets straight up, but nobody ever brings that content in here. 

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16 hours ago, Trotter said:

I give him the benefit of the doubt at this point simply because the QB play is the reason for the record. 

If you’re giving Douglas the benefit of the doubt, you have to acknowledge that it’s 100% based on faith and vibes because he’s produced literally no demonstrated success as the leader of the org. I get the argument that Rodgers would have, and will, tie the room together, but remember that it was Douglas’ bungling that put a 40 year old QB behind an injured Duane Brown who tried to cut block an NFL EDGE at the behest of a notoriously bad OL coach in an offense designed by a famously inept OC and that QB got hurt because he blew off the initial read in an attempt to make a highlight throw, which he’s allowed to do because there’s zero accountability from on high, especially for the 40 year old QB who had zero market on the trade front but was given the keys to castle as a precondition of him deigning to play here. And that’s before you get to the handling of Zach Wilson. 


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