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Pete Prisco: Jets have gone mad


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The New York Jets have gone mad.

What other explanation can there be for the team giving guard Alan Faneca a deal that makes him the highest-paid offensive lineman in the NFL. Faneca, who is 31, gets a five-year, $40 million deal with the Jets, including $21 million in guaranteed money.


For starters, he's just a guard. I don't care how good a guard can play he's not worth that money. And he's on the slope side of his career. Faneca is a good player, but he isn't great

The Jets probably think signing Faneca will help make left tackle D'Brickashaw Ferguson and center Nick Mangold, two players entering their third years, better players.

Maybe so, but the money is outrageous. The Pittsburgh Steelers are usually pretty good at letting a player go at the right time. They allowed Faneca to leave, which is smart business, which is why they're a good team.

The Jets got caught up in the hoopla of the free-agent period and paid way too much money for a guard whose best years are behind him.

You develop guards. You don't pay them.

When will the lunacy stop?

So it's crazy for us to sign a 7 time pro-bowler at our biggest position of need?

Well pardon me Mr. Prisco, but you can suck my big fat hairy balls.

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The New York Jets have gone mad.

What other explanation can there be for the team giving guard Alan Faneca a deal that makes him the highest-paid offensive lineman in the NFL. Faneca, who is 31, gets a five-year, $40 million deal with the Jets, including $21 million in guaranteed money.


For starters, he's just a guard. I don't care how good a guard can play he's not worth that money. And he's on the slope side of his career. Faneca is a good player, but he isn't great

The Jets probably think signing Faneca will help make left tackle D'Brickashaw Ferguson and center Nick Mangold, two players entering their third years, better players.

Maybe so, but the money is outrageous. The Pittsburgh Steelers are usually pretty good at letting a player go at the right time. They allowed Faneca to leave, which is smart business, which is why they're a good team.

The Jets got caught up in the hoopla of the free-agent period and paid way too much money for a guard whose best years are behind him.

You develop guards. You don't pay them.

When will the lunacy stop?

So it's crazy for us to sign a 7 time pro-bowler at our biggest position of need?

Well pardon me Mr. Prisco, but you can suck my big fat hairy balls.

Prisco go suck Salsberry's left nut and Terry Brawshaws dick hows that?

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In the same breath another article I saw points out how "good" Tackles (the most important offensive line position) are usually locked up long term nowadays so Guards hit the market more often. Teams with salary cap room and few tackles on the market to chase, must now out bid one another to sign these Guard's if they want to improve their OL play thus the inflated salaries. No different than when the CB salaries started escalating a few years back.

When you're not aggressive in Free Agency you will get written about. Same holds true for when you are as these guys all need a story line.

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The New York Jets have gone mad.

What other explanation can there be for the team giving guard Alan Faneca a deal that makes him the highest-paid offensive lineman in the NFL. Faneca, who is 31, gets a five-year, $40 million deal with the Jets, including $21 million in guaranteed money.


For starters, he's just a guard. I don't care how good a guard can play he's not worth that money. And he's on the slope side of his career. Faneca is a good player, but he isn't great

The Jets probably think signing Faneca will help make left tackle D'Brickashaw Ferguson and center Nick Mangold, two players entering their third years, better players.

Maybe so, but the money is outrageous. The Pittsburgh Steelers are usually pretty good at letting a player go at the right time. They allowed Faneca to leave, which is smart business, which is why they're a good team.

The Jets got caught up in the hoopla of the free-agent period and paid way too much money for a guard whose best years are behind him.

You develop guards. You don't pay them.

When will the lunacy stop?

So it's crazy for us to sign a 7 time pro-bowler at our biggest position of need?

Well pardon me Mr. Prisco, but you can suck my big fat hairy balls.

Someone tell Mr Prisco that the Steelers are only good at letting guys go when their deals end.. regardless of when it is. Did they let Plexiglass go at the right time? Right time for Plexiglass maybe, but that's about it.

The Steelers are cheap. That's a fact.

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Someone tell Mr Prisco that the Steelers are only good at letting guys go when their deals end.. regardless of when it is. Did they let Plexiglass go at the right time? Right time for Plexiglass maybe, but that's about it.

The Steelers are cheap. That's a fact.

Good point.

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If The Jets didn't sign anyone he would be lambasting them for that .screw him. Look there were other teams competing for Faneca..you either in or your out..Jets were in..Hell yes! We paid the going rate(3 &5) for Jenkins..You can't steal everyone..We filled two massive holes for us..Prisco lazy ass needed a story and this was the one he didn't need to do any research on so he sat home and took all of 5 minutes to write..Screw him!

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If The Jets didn't sign anyone he would be lambasting them for that .screw him. Look there were other teams competing for Faneca..you either in or your out..Jets were in..Hell yes! We paid the going rate(3 &5) for Jenkins..You can't steal everyone..We filled two massive holes for us..Prisco lazy ass needed a story and this was the one he didn't need to do any research on so he sat home and took all of 5 minutes to write..Screw him!

The "old school" thinking was always that you paid tackles and didn't pay guards. The same was true for a couple other positions too.... (WR for instance)

With that said, "old school" was just that, "old school". Last yr, tons of guards got paid. This year, with tbe big cap increase, they were going to get paid. It also helped Faneca that he was the cream of the crop by far...

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I like the signing, I think it was a little expensive, but after us doing jack last year and offering crap to good players I'm fine with it. Hell, it's not my money.

Prisco's a tool, but he has a point.

Still, the Jets OL was horrible last year, and the LG spot was a broken turnstile. In two years, this contract could look like a bargain. That's the nature of the business. If he makes D'Brick and Mangold better (and he should), it's an investment that will pay long term benefits.

It's probably too much money, but it's not my money, either. As long as they have the cap under control, God bless 'em.

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Depends how the deal is structured. The money that counts is the guaranteed money,

The Jets had a good bit of cap space before this all started, if they front end load this contract with the guarantied money, and have most of it paid, in say 3 years, they will have paid 7 million a year for a seven time Pro Bowler. If his performance starts to slip at that point, then release him without to much pain.

The guy should have at least 3 years left

This looks like a good deal to me.

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The Jets have done something unconventional here and the media can't get it arms around it. Faneca means more to the Jets than he might to another team. He is an indication to other players that the Jets are serious about winning now (ie, other FAs and our very own Kerry Rhodes). Plus his clubhouse leadership will help more than just Mangold and Brick, it will help the whole team. He will help Clemens in the huddle. He will help be a conduit between the players and Mangini.

Its just one contract; its not like the Jets are signing a platoon of WRs. And whats the difference, really, between money at Guard and money elsewhere on the line? Its a unit. And Faneca is the leader of what the Jets hope will be a core unit for its future success: the offensive line is not so offensive anymore!!!!!

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I understand the points Prisco is making but the Jets are basicaly forced to sign Faneca. Ferguson has been a disappointment and the Jets can't really use the #6 pick on a Guard and Albert will probably be gone by the 2nd round.

Its amazing this moron makes a six figure salary.. hes not really good at what he does and his views are always biased and way off base..

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I'm sorry, but when John Madden, a former coach who is in the Hall of Fame partly because of that, calls a Pittsburgh game every month and says that Faneca has A LOT left as well as when Bill Parcells says the same thing, Pete Prisco's opinion means dick. He can GFH. Go **** Himself.

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I'm sorry, but when John Madden, a former coach who is in the Hall of Fame partly because of that, calls a Pittsburgh game every month and says that Faneca has A LOT left as well as when Bill Parcells says the same thing, Pete Prisco's opinion means dick. He can GFH. Go **** Himself.

we over paid? yeah we did... but we have too..we are the Ny jets... free agents are lining up to sign with us unless the money is right... we cant guarantee then a playoff appearance so we at least have to pay them well..

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Where has prisco been? Guards have been making a lot of cash for the lst 3 offseasons. It didnt start with Faneca.

People laughed at the Vikings for giving hutchison a lot of cabbage, i dont see anybody laughing at them anymore with the way they run the rock.

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The New York Jets have gone mad.

What other explanation can there be for the team giving guard Alan Faneca a deal that makes him the highest-paid offensive lineman in the NFL. Faneca, who is 31, gets a five-year, $40 million deal with the Jets, including $21 million in guaranteed money.


For starters, he's just a guard. I don't care how good a guard can play he's not worth that money. And he's on the slope side of his career. Faneca is a good player, but he isn't great

The Jets probably think signing Faneca will help make left tackle D'Brickashaw Ferguson and center Nick Mangold, two players entering their third years, better players.

Maybe so, but the money is outrageous. The Pittsburgh Steelers are usually pretty good at letting a player go at the right time. They allowed Faneca to leave, which is smart business, which is why they're a good team.

The Jets got caught up in the hoopla of the free-agent period and paid way too much money for a guard whose best years are behind him.

You develop guards. You don't pay them.

When will the lunacy stop?

So it's crazy for us to sign a 7 time pro-bowler at our biggest position of need?

Well pardon me Mr. Prisco, but you can suck my big fat hairy balls.

After a season going from 10-7 to 4-12 due alrgely to dumping a solid guard over dumb salary considerations, I must ask-does Prisco have a clue?Anotehr guy who doesn't get that if your OL sucks, your skill guys cannot do anything. We can expect Prisco's annual "The Dolphins will win the AFC East" prediction around July 15th. With the Tuna there come around 2011 it might come true.
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The New York Jets have gone mad.

What other explanation can there be for the team giving guard Alan Faneca a deal that makes him the highest-paid offensive lineman in the NFL. Faneca, who is 31, gets a five-year, $40 million deal with the Jets, including $21 million in guaranteed money.


For starters, he's just a guard. I don't care how good a guard can play he's not worth that money. And he's on the slope side of his career. Faneca is a good player, but he isn't great

The Jets probably think signing Faneca will help make left tackle D'Brickashaw Ferguson and center Nick Mangold, two players entering their third years, better players.

Maybe so, but the money is outrageous. The Pittsburgh Steelers are usually pretty good at letting a player go at the right time. They allowed Faneca to leave, which is smart business, which is why they're a good team.

The Jets got caught up in the hoopla of the free-agent period and paid way too much money for a guard whose best years are behind him.

You develop guards. You don't pay them.

When will the lunacy stop?

So it's crazy for us to sign a 7 time pro-bowler at our biggest position of need?

Well pardon me Mr. Prisco, but you can suck my big fat hairy balls.

before free agency started i was talking to a fellow season ticket holder who wanted to give up his tickets because the team keeps raising prices without spending money to get better. I was close to agreement with this guy...then free agency started and they are spending money to make this team better!!! I hope this continues into future offseasons

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We're the Jets, so we're getting criticized. We nabbed two pro bowler quality players in less than 48 hours but since we're the Jets they are bad/risky moves to some. Yet the Parcells went on the ultimate spending spree on medocrity the last two days but because he is the grand tuna the Dolphins are the offseason "winners" to many pundits in the media. Why? Because he overpayed Justin Smiley who was on teh verge of getting benched in San Fran last year? But we get Faneca and its a bad deal. Give me a break. Randy Starks, Reggie Torbor and Sean Ryan arent scaring anybody either and good luck trying to get Jason Ferguson to play at a high level in a non-contract year. But the Dolphins are the big winners. Please. It all has to do with perception. If the Cowboys or Pats made the moves we did they'd be praised too. Heck, the Cowboys gave Davis a huge deal last year to play guard, just a lil less than Faneca (the total pact) and it was praised./

Who really cares, come the 2nd Sunday in september we'll be a much better football team.

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Hey guys... just for a second... remember that Superbowl Winning Pro-Bowl Defensive End we got from the Steelers a couple years ago?

Just sayin

Kimo was in the pro-bowl????

Faneca is on a totally totally different level and isn't 50 years old either.

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