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Can we get Brandon Marshall or Braylon Edwards in here already?

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Ok, Aundrae Ellison off of waivers.... great. Can we make a move to get either Brandon Marshall or Braylon Edwards?? For the life of me, I cannot understand why Tannenbaum doesn't at least make an attempt to get one of these guys.

It is my sneaking suspicion that Braylon Edwards came back to camp yesterday SOLELY to show other teams that he's not injured and out of shape while Kokinos and Mangini sit back and take offers under the table. There is no WAY. based on what I'm reading, that Mangini lets Edwards contaminate his program much longer.

That said, I wouldn't mind if Edwards came here and "contaminated" our receiving corps to the tune of 1200 yards and 10 TD's.

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They're not trading Edwards. Mangini and Edwards were all buddy buddy according to camp reports yesterday. And why would he? Braylon is a force. It looks like Mangini's giving him the Favre treatment, the same loving he gave Shaun Rogers who now is apparently happy with his situation.

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I'd offer Mangini Brad Smith and a 3rd...conditional 2nd if he produces for Edwards

You may have something there, Edwards has been a no show @ camp, and rumor are saying he's faking an injury. We all know Mangini won't tolerate this, so he might be moved after all. However, I don't want him.....but for Brad and a 3rd, I'll do it

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You may have something there, Edwards has been a no show @ camp, and rumor are saying he's faking an injury. We all know Mangini won't tolerate this, so he might be moved after all. However, I don't want him.....but for Brad and a 3rd, I'll do it

Mangini loves Smith-I don't. He'd be getting a guy that can play 2-3 positions (WR, QB, AND run the Wildcat) AND be a productive gunner on ST's and we all know that he comes from the Parcells school of getting players that can multi-task. Mangini is also a big enough dickhead to throw his best receiver in the proverbial doghouse-you know biting off one's own nose to spite the face.

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I think people who advocate trading this or that for him forget this kid probably wants a minimum $10M per year contract. The cost of acquiring Braylon Edwards (or Brandon Marshall) does not end when the trade goes through.

is he under contract Spermy? If so we make him honor the current deal and tell him that if he produces THEN we talk.

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is he under contract Spermy? If so we make him honor the current deal and tell him that if he produces THEN we talk.

He's in the last year of his rookie deal. No one trades upwards of a 2nd rounder for a 26 year-old WR and then lets the contract run out after 1 season.

And it's all speculation that he could be had for a 2nd anyway. That was rumored to be Cleveland's asking price before the draft. Well since the draft has come and gone, they can't use that 2nd rounder this year anymore. The asking price could very well be higher than it was in March.

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I think people who advocate trading this or that for him forget this kid probably wants a minimum $10M per year contract. The cost of acquiring Braylon Edwards (or Brandon Marshall) does not end when the trade goes through.

C'mon Sperm, you know armchair GMs don't think about that kind of stuff. They just know they can do a better job than Tannenbaum.

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is he under contract Spermy? If so we make him honor the current deal and tell him that if he produces THEN we talk.

We can try to make him honor that deal, but the fact that he doesn't want to honor that deal is the only reason people are talking trade for him. He wants to get paid and he doesn't want peanuts. If we are going to trade for and pay a prima donna, I'd lean towards Roddy White.

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All that for a 26 year old who can be a legit #1? And the Browns haven't taken it yet?

I'd love to bring in Edwards, but it's probably not happening.

I agree, it isn't happening. The guy isn't all that good in my eyes though.

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Ok, Aundrae Ellison off of waivers.... great. Can we make a move to get either Brandon Marshall or Braylon Edwards?? For the life of me, I cannot understand why Tannenbaum doesn't at least make an attempt to get one of these guys.

I really do agree with you, but there's honestly no telling if Tannenbaum hasn't made offer after offer for either or both of these guys.

I am in agreement, basically we'd all feel a little more comfortable and the team would be much more balanced with an established #1 WR or one with immense talent like Marshall or Edwards. But, I just don't see anyone coming in here anymore especially 1 week away from the first scrimmage, unless its Plaxico (because the amount to be paid to him would be in our price range). I think that door has been shut.

I think Clowney will be the #2, only because Stuckey is really really good in the slot, otherwise Stuck will be our #2 and Clowney in the slot.

Are there any rumblings about Marcus Henry at all?? (last season's draft pick from the 5th round)???

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Ok, Aundrae Ellison off of waivers.... great. Can we make a move to get either Brandon Marshall or Braylon Edwards?? For the life of me, I cannot understand why Tannenbaum doesn't at least make an attempt to get one of these guys.

How do you know this to be the case?

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It is my sneaking suspicion that Braylon Edwards came back to camp yesterday SOLELY to show other teams that he's not injured and out of shape while Kokinos and Mangini sit back and take offers under the table. There is no WAY. based on what I'm reading, that Mangini lets Edwards contaminate his program much longer.

That said, I wouldn't mind if Edwards came here and "contaminated" our receiving corps to the tune of 1200 yards and 10 TD's.

Well if he ran John Abraham out the door than precedent has been set that he'll ship out an incredible talent because he doesn't fit the program

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