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Hold your breath- McKnightmare may play, been getting better

s dubb

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JennyVrentas Jenny Vrentas

Ryan said McKnight looks a lot better. Said he may be active this week. #nyj

JennyVrentas Jenny Vrentas

Ryan said McKnight looks a lot better. Said he may be active this week. #nyj

rodboone Rod Boone

Rex said Joe McKnight is improving and may be active this week. Said he was one of the guys he singled out for a good practice today.

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Kid showed genuine promise in the preseason, as well as a lot of immaturity and inconsistency. If the Jets can put together the type of performance a lot of fans expect from them this week against a lesser Bills team, it's probably as good a week as any to break him in.

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Pretty much hah. I just figured it would be impossible for him to show promise and improvement in his rookie year, considering his talentless a$$ cost us woodhead and c.washington...so clearly my next logical train of thought went directly to PR coverup.

I never saw lack of talent as being his problem.

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I never saw lack of talent as being his problem.

Haha I'm just bustin balls. It's just the nature of the beast with passionate fans I guess. I've found it funny that someone with so much obvious talent was being crucified for maintaining a roster spot and indirectly costing us a couple kids off the practice squad.

The kid passes the eye test, it's just a matter of him staying focus and dedicated. He does that and he'll be a contributor. If he doesn't, he'll fizzle out...and I'll be the first to admit he was a waste of talent if it happens. But for the best interest of our team, we should all hope he does pan out.

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Haha I'm just bustin balls. It's just the nature of the beast with passionate fans I guess. I've found it funny that someone with so much obvious talent was being crucified for maintaining a roster spot and indirectly costing us a couple kids off the practice squad.

The kid passes the eye test, it's just a matter of him staying focus and dedicated. He does that and he'll be a contributor. If he doesn't, he'll fizzle out...and I'll be the first to admit he was a waste of talent if it happens. But for the best interest of our team, we should all hope he does pan out.

I hear that, I think it's really all up to him at this point, if he wants it bad enough and gets discipline and dedicated, he may go a long way.

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What angry backlash? From us idiots on messageboards?

The Jets F.O. has the worst case of rabbit ears in the league which is why they panic at every potential PR hiccup, from David Clowney's "rogue hacker" on his twitter account to the PSL disaster to the Revis holdout to the Edwards issue. The Giants have similar issues that barely become a blurb in the paper because they employ Pat Hanlon, who is a PR genius. The Jets do not employ such geniuses. So, yes, the Jetscoughtannenbaum would go out of theircoughhis way to get something like this in the public forum in response to the Washington/Jones/Woodhead bashing.

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The Jets F.O. has the worst case of rabbit ears in the league which is why they panic at every potential PR hiccup, from David Clowney's "rogue hacker" on his twitter account to the PSL disaster to the Revis holdout to the Edwards issue. The Giants have similar issues that barely become a blurb in the paper because they employ Pat Hanlon, who is a PR genius. The Jets do not employ such geniuses. So, yes, the Jetscoughtannenbaum would go out of theircoughhis way to get something like this in the public forum.

Hard Knocks often alluded to the idea that many in the organization check message boards often. Even the Sanchez "Schotty you suck" joke was clearly a tongue in cheek reference to the boards. The Jets are one of the most image conscious teams in the league.

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Hard Knocks often alluded to the idea that many in the organization check message boards often. Even the Sanchez "Schotty you suck" joke was clearly a tongue in cheek reference to the boards. The Jets are one of the most image conscious teams in the league.

I don't think it was tongue in cheek. Schotty does suck, Mark was just telling the truth.

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The Jets F.O. has the worst case of rabbit ears in the league which is why they panic at every potential PR hiccup, from David Clowney's "rogue hacker" on his twitter account to the PSL disaster to the Revis holdout to the Edwards issue. The Giants have similar issues that barely become a blurb in the paper because they employ Pat Hanlon, who is a PR genius. The Jets do not employ such geniuses. So, yes, the Jetscoughtannenbaum would go out of theircoughhis way to get something like this in the public forum in response to the Washington/Jones/Woodhead bashing.

This is funny.

And true.

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The Jets F.O. has the worst case of rabbit ears in the league which is why they panic at every potential PR hiccup, from David Clowney's "rogue hacker" on his twitter account to the PSL disaster to the Revis holdout to the Edwards issue. The Giants have similar issues that barely become a blurb in the paper because they employ Pat Hanlon, who is a PR genius. The Jets do not employ such geniuses. So, yes, the Jetscoughtannenbaum would go out of theircoughhis way to get something like this in the public forum in response to the Washington/Jones/Woodhead bashing.

Yep. The Giants have been getting great press the last couple of weeks.

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The more I think about this the more I think that...

1.) The Jets are completely focused on running the football against Buffalo, and...

2.) Shaking up the active roster by bringing McKnight in this week helps maintain the whole team's attention in a trap week.

I hope he sees the field.

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there should be a reward for practicing well, and it shows the kid didn't tank after rex's comments that he'd keep him on the roster but wouldn't play him

not every rookie is a d'brick or mangold right out of the gate

Agreed, although you must not have been around during their rookie season. People were trying to run D'Brick right out of town and said we should have drafted Marcus McNiel.

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