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Colts Fans on the Peyton to the Jets rumors


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The "favre fiasco" is what rid this team of the disease that is Chad Pennington, and directly led to Rex replacing Mangina... i not for favre, we wouldn't be able to brag about losing back to back AFC championship games

Couldn't agree more. They should build a shrine to Favre at Florham Park for getting rid of Pennington.

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Couldn't agree more. They should build a shrine to Favre at Florham Park for getting rid of Pennington.

quit the hating already. Pennington was better then Sanchez is now, we may have won a chapionship game or 2 with him still here.

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quit the hating already. Pennington was better then Sanchez is now, we may have won a chapionship game or 2 with him still here.

Keep telling yourself that. We don't go to the Championship Game either year with Sissy-Arm as our QB the last two years.

And it's not that we went because Sanchez is so good, mind you. But Chad was just so bad.

God Bless Brett Favre. One of the greatest Jets, simply for ridding us of Chad.

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Keep telling yourself that. We don't go to the Championship Game either year with Sissy-Arm as our QB the last two years.

And it's not that we went because Sanchez is so good, mind you. But Chad was just so bad.

God Bless Brett Favre. One of the greatest Jets, simply for ridding us of Chad.


gets it

does not get


he's serious.. and don't call him Surely.

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imo, if Manning gets healthy and Colts Management thinks with their head instead of their hearts it makes a lot of sense... And that ignores Luck and/or Manning's ego's being too big to coexist and one of them forcing Manning out..

Manning will want to go to a win now team

Rex thinks Manning is the sh*t

Rex thinks he'd win 4 SB's with Manning and his defense

Jets have a track record of making big splashes

NFL would love Manning in NY, facing off with Pats

If the Colts are smart, you trade Manning, get a bunch of picks to help build whats left of the team around the new face of the franchise. If they sign Mannings bonus for 28M, he'll basically be there for 2 years, plus stuck between win now and build for the future modes

It's def a long shot, but I think it's far from impossible

Ain't gonna happen...nor should it...fwiw...Rex thinks he would have won two Super Bowls with Chad Pennington. Not really saying much.

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Same Old Jet Fans-More worried about players that aren't on their roster, than players that are ;) I thought those says may be over

T minus one more loss until this really starts spinning and then the draft "this guy" mantra will begin.

Lou Holtz, how I miss thee.

Was it the fight song?

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imo, if Manning gets healthy and Colts Management thinks with their head instead of their hearts it makes a lot of sense... And that ignores Luck and/or Manning's ego's being too big to coexist and one of them forcing Manning out..

Manning will want to go to a win now team

Rex thinks Manning is the sh*t

Rex thinks he'd win 4 SB's with Manning and his defense

Jets have a track record of making big splashes

NFL would love Manning in NY, facing off with Pats

If the Colts are smart, you trade Manning, get a bunch of picks to help build whats left of the team around the new face of the franchise. If they sign Mannings bonus for 28M, he'll basically be there for 2 years, plus stuck between win now and build for the future modes

It's def a long shot, but I think it's far from impossible

Rex is the one reason I think that if Peyton is made available via trade, there's a real shot the Jets get him. Rex has made no secrets about the fact that he thinks Peyton is the best in the game bar none. I honestly think he's pretty much the one and only guy in this league he'd dump Sanchez for right now (at least of those people the Jets could actually have a shot to get). There's no doubt he thinks he has the best team in the league with Manning under center and starts collecting those rings. If he's available, all of that combined with the hard-on for big splashes both Tanny and Woody have makes you believe they'd make a run at him. The only issues would be if another team outbid them or the Colts wanted him out of the AFC.

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Any long time Jet fan knows how this would play out.We would sign him to a crazy amount of $$$, give up the next 7-10 years, he would re-injure himself at camp and we would be in worse shape then when it all started. Alot like the Favre fiasco...

The "Farve fiasco" rid us of Chadwick, so regardless of how that season played out, it has to be considered a great success. I have no doubt there's many around here who would feel the same way if getting Peyton rid us of Sanchez.

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The "favre fiasco" is what rid this team of the disease that is Chad Pennington, and directly led to Rex replacing Mangina... i not for favre, we wouldn't be able to brag about losing back to back AFC championship games

Ninjaed... although this one's definitely my fault, I should've known you had already beaten me to this post before I wrote it. :-P

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I hope you're right on this just like I hoped you were right on Favre. Its just the Jets fan in me is scared to death of this actually happening.

Me Too...if this was to happen, and Manning was on this team in 2012, and Sanchez religated to back up, how would Sanchez handle that? I don't think he could take that, which means he would be gone. With that said....it would be a unbelievable situation to see Manning running this offense..Truly unbelievable. Provided he is healthy.

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Me Too...if this was to happen, and Manning was on this team in 2012, and Sanchez religated to back up, how would Sanchez handle that? I don't think he could take that, which means he would be gone. With that said....it would be a unbelievable situation to see Manning running this offense..Truly unbelievable. Provided he is healthy.

If the Jets were to somehow acquire Manning, they would surely take the $14m+ in total savings by cutting Sanchez and would live with some dead money on the cap for the next 2 years.

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If the Jets were to somehow acquire Manning, they would surely take the $14m+ in total savings by cutting Sanchez and would live with some dead money on the cap for the next 2 years.

But where does that leave us in terms of a backup?...I would only pull the trigger on this is if Manning is healthy, Sanchez does not improve in his next 5 games and does not do a heavy dose of training in the off season...the savings could be used to fill a big LB hole and a running back as well.

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I read in multiple sources that the $28MM roster bonus is due before the end of the football year. So either:

1. Colts pay it and they own his rights

2. Colts cut him and he is a FA

3. Colts and Manning restructure so that:

A. they can have more time to see if he can play

B. allow the Colts to receive compensation for trading Manning

C. allows Manning to receive compensation before the end of the year before being traded instead of released and no monies

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I read in multiple sources that the $28MM roster bonus is due before the end of the football year. So either:

1. Colts pay it and they own his rights

2. Colts cut him and he is a FA

3. Colts and Manning restructure so that:

A. they can have more time to see if he can play

B. allow the Colts to receive compensation for trading Manning

C. allows Manning to receive compensation before the end of the year before being traded instead of released and no monies

This makes sense, but what would motivate Manning to redo his deal with Luck standing in the shadows?

Even with Manning the Colts aren't winning the ring next year. They can either pay him, or he can cut his own deal with a team he chooses

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There's zero chance anyone would give 3 # 1's for Manning.. the guy has had 3 neck surgeries in 18 months!!

If it came to it give them a #1 and Eric Smith.. even if they don't want Eric Smith.

Ah, I get it... a bargaining strategy to get them to lower their asking price. Very clever. "You want to give us Eric Smith?? You know what, you guys keep Smith and just give us a 5th rounder and we'll call it even."

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This makes sense, but what would motivate Manning to redo his deal with Luck standing in the shadows?

Even with Manning the Colts aren't winning the ring next year. They can either pay him, or he can cut his own deal with a team he chooses

Paying him a lesser roster bonus. Otherwise he only gets next years negotiated salary by his new team if he gets cut.

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This makes sense, but what would motivate Manning to redo his deal with Luck standing in the shadows?

Even with Manning the Colts aren't winning the ring next year. They can either pay him, or he can cut his own deal with a team he chooses

That's what will allow him to dictate where he goes, he'll want to come here an play for sexy rexy

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That's what will allow him to dictate where he goes, he'll want to come here an play for sexy rexy

Do you think Dungy has any influence with Manning? He'd probably do just about anything to keep Manning from playing for Rex.

Also, do you really think the Colts would trade him within the conference?

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