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Bart Scott is a goner...


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It's time for a change -- extensive change -- we need new blood on both sides of the ball. Assuming they make the right acquisitions, cutting Scott loose will be a huge step in the right direct. The D just looks slow compared to other teams that seem to just fly around the field.

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It's time for a change -- extensive change -- we need new blood on both sides of the ball. Assuming they make the right acquisitions, cutting Scott loose will be a huge step in the right direct. The D just looks slow compared to other teams that seem to just fly around the field.

So does the O. We lack playmakers on both sides of the ball.

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It's time for a change -- extensive change -- we need new blood on both sides of the ball. Assuming they make the right acquisitions, cutting Scott loose will be a huge step in the right direct. The D just looks slow compared to other teams that seem to just fly around the field.

I do agree with some big changes in personnel. This transition should be quick and efficient. Lets not drag it out another 44 years...I'd be fine with Scott gone if he's replaced with Vontaze Burfict. He's as old school a linebacker as you're allowed to be (which is basically point and talk sh*t).

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It's not the scariest thought in the world, but we have enough needs without having to worry about MLB.

Yeah we have WR issues for sure now. We obviously have Saftey issues at both positions, If LT does not re sign we have RB issues, the O-Line was a disaster this year , And we have LB issues as well unless we think some of the young guys can step up like Mauga and Bellore who Westhoff thinks the world of and thats not a bad endorsement

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He was good for a season. He's no David Harris.

Something I've said for 3 seasons, yet kept getting ripped for. Get a real ILB to pair with Harris, and we can be scary on defense again. Although I'm gonna mis the swiperboys missed tackles.
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According to beat writers on Twitter

With no postseason, changes are coming for #Jets. Here's one: Source tells me Bart Scott won't be back next season.

I think it is salary negotiating through the media. Bart goes home tonight and his wife says are they really cutting you? His agent gets a call this week to renegotiate.

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Still think we should h ave gotten Ray Lewis. No doubt some of th es gutless punks would be held in check.

I will tell you...it is hard to argue with that right now. Bart talks crap but hasn't always backed it up (Pitt Championship game last season).

Ray Lewis was old a few years ago. But this is the first year it impacted him much and he missed games. But he is back right now and is still a scary dude.

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I will tell you...it is hard to argue with that right now. Bart talks crap but hasn't always backed it up (Pitt Championship game last season).

Ray Lewis was old a few years ago. But this is the first year it impacted him much and he missed games. But he is back right now and is still a scary dude.

He was having a great season until his injury. Seems slower since it. Prob not 100%

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Jets can’t wait to cut Bart Scott

Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on January 1, 2012, 10:15 PM EST



The Jets’ thorough collapse to close this regular season is going to cost plenty of people jobs. Starting with inside linebacker Bart Scott.

Rod Boone of Newsday reports that the Jets will not bring Scott back for another season.

While it’s a little odd for the news to come out now, the decision is no surprise. Scott is due $5.6 million in 2012 and his play has steadily fallen off the last two years. He was a part-time player this year, and was not terribly effective.

We assume Scott will get another job in the league. If not, a fun media career awaits.

You can guess how we feel about that.

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It's also possible that some but not all of his 2012 salary was guaranteed in his restructuring. Or it's possible that it isn't so at all.


It just says pay cut but no mention of guaranteeing anything for 2012. In his post-game interview Scott wasn't talking like someone who expected to be back. Said something like, "I hope I'm back next year", "I love it here", etc. Also when he restructured, it was worded somewhere else like it was a pay cut as some sort of favor to Rex.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

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The jets have enough needs to worry about without having to worry about ILB. Schotty needs to be fired. Right tackle is a definite need Sanchez got sacked 10 more times than he did last season and was hit almost 20 more times. Plaxico probably won't be back next season and Holmes is a cancer. Shonn Greene is a good #2 running back but we need to look at some free agents like ray rice or matt forte. Eric smith has proved once again that he isn't good enough in coverage to be a starting safety. Nick folk is a choke and Conley flat out sucks. Too many needs to adress in one offseason I think.

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The jets have enough needs to worry about without having to worry about ILB. Schotty needs to be fired. Right tackle is a definite need Sanchez got sacked 10 more times than he did last season and was hit almost 20 more times. Plaxico probably won't be back next season and Holmes is a cancer. Shonn Greene is a good #2 running back but we need to look at some free agents like ray rice or matt forte. Eric smith has proved once again that he isn't good enough in coverage to be a starting safety. Nick folk is a choke and Conley flat out sucks. Too many needs to adress in one offseason I think.

This is true...Scott didn't have a great year but he is Rex's guy and they have bigger issues. Safety at the very top of that list!

Thanks for signing up btw.

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The jets have enough needs to worry about without having to worry about ILB. Schotty needs to be fired. Right tackle is a definite need Sanchez got sacked 10 more times than he did last season and was hit almost 20 more times. Plaxico probably won't be back next season and Holmes is a cancer. Shonn Greene is a good #2 running back but we need to look at some free agents like ray rice or matt forte. Eric smith has proved once again that he isn't good enough in coverage to be a starting safety. Nick folk is a choke and Conley flat out sucks. Too many needs to adress in one offseason I think.

We aren't going after forte or rice. This isn't fantasy football.

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We aren't going after forte or rice. This isn't fantasy football.

We went after asomugha in free agency last year when we already had revis on one side. Im just saying that the teams that went to the AFC Championship game both ran the ball well and if we have the money we should spend it one of those guys. Sanchez isn't good enough to carry the jets to the playoffs. He's Alex Smith esque. Good defense and good running game is the only way we make it to the playoffs with Sanchez at qb.

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We went after asomugha in free agency last year when we already had revis on one side. Im just saying that the teams that went to the AFC Championship game both ran the ball well and if we have the money we should spend it one of those guys. Sanchez isn't good enough to carry the jets to the playoffs. He's Alex Smith esque. Good defense and good running game is the only way we make it to the playoffs with Sanchez at qb.

And it set us back on keeping key components of our team.

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You assume this site is right, and while I'm sure the author(s) try as hard as they can I'm also sure they don't know all the details of everyone's deal.

As the author I can tell you that Scotts numbers are 100% correct. Other guys are not. His is 100% correct. I have an article right now on the costs and how they likely will cut him http://nyjetscap.com/2011_Post/bartscottcut.php

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This is true...Scott didn't have a great year but he is Rex's guy and they have bigger issues. Safety at the very top of that list!

Thanks for signing up btw.

When, if at all, will they draft a Safety? Doubt it's the first or second round though. They don't seem to draft them that high cause Rex likes to work with scrubs.

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It's also possible that some but not all of his 2012 salary was guaranteed in his restructuring. Or it's possible that it isn't so at all.


It just says pay cut but no mention of guaranteeing anything for 2012. In his post-game interview Scott wasn't talking like someone who expected to be back. Said something like, "I hope I'm back next year", "I love it here", etc. Also when he restructured, it was worded somewhere else like it was a pay cut as some sort of favor to Rex.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Fully guaranteed for 2012, but offset clauses meaning Jets get a credit if another team signs him.

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