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Jets QB was injured, won't need surgery


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3:06 PM, January 6, 2012ι By BRIAN COSTELLO

Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez played hurt for the final month-and-a-half of the season, but he will not require offseason surgery, a source said.

Sanchez was dealing with a soreness in his neck/right shoulder area after suffering a stinger against the Broncos on Nov. 17. Doctors believe rest and rehabilitation is all Sanchez needs to recover.

The injury showed up several times during the end of the season. Sanchez struggled with deep passes. He looked seriously hurt against the Eagles on Dec. 18 when Jason Babin hit his facemask. Sanchez dropped to the ground then walked to the sideline with his arm hanging limply. Trainers worked on Sanchez’s right arm then his neck. He did not miss a snap.

Sanchez also looked shaken against the Giants on Dec. 24 after Dave Tollefson hit him. He did neck stretches on the sideline.

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Wow. Who knows how much soreness he had? Whatever it was, it equated to no deep ATTEMPTS in the last quarter of the season. Now I do not like Sanchez, but to have so little sympathy for what might have been serious pain is pretty lame. It does not excuse his decision making but could have had something to do with accuracy.

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Since when does having a "sore neck" equate to "being injured"?

The Jets franchise is clowns.

During the course of an NFL season EVERYONE is playing hurt. This is crap. If you're injurted, have a seat. Ootherwise don't use it as an excuse. If he will be the QB in 2012, the Jets need to stop babying this overgrown child. he's paid like a real NFL QB, it's past time he started acting like one. And was the real injury sand in his vagina?
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During the course of an NFL season EVERYONE is playing hurt. This is crap. If you're injurted, have a seat. Ootherwise don't use it as an excuse. If he will be the QB in 2012, the Jets need to stop babying this overgrown child. he's paid like a real NFL QB, it's past time he started acting like one. And was the real injury sand in his vagina?

It's embarrassing by any measure and this really gives you insight as to why he has seemingly so little respect in the locker room and around the league. Remember before the season when Aaron Rodgers trashed Sanchez for his twink photo shoot?

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Since when does having a "sore neck" equate to "being injured"?

The Jets franchise is clowns.

By Rich Cimini

Right now, no surgery is planned for QB Mark Sanchez, I'm told. He played with a pinched nerve in his neck/right shoulder area for the final six games. Statistically, his efficiency on deep passes declined over the final six games, possibly due to the "burner." Sanchez did have an MRI at some point, and the course of treatment for now is rest.


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May be you didn't understand-everyone playing in the NFL from Thanksgiving on has some pain. Not a few guys. Not nicks and bumps-they're all hurt to some degree. It's a given. If it's that bad they sit. This is a little like saying Sanchez played in those games. If it's one thing that has to change going forward it is the excuses and whiny little kid crap have to stop right now. If Mark Sanchez doens't want to play hurt, he can negate his contract and do something else with his life. Otherwise play hurt or sit.

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You guys are too much. He sucked this year but are we seriously implying that Sanchez is not tough?

He also never said squat anytime he got his clock cleaned and walked off the field looking like he was done.

Nobody said he wasn't tough, but this "Oh by the way, he was playing with a SORE NECK!" business reeks of revisionist excuse-making.

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May be you didn't understand-everyone playing in the NFL from Thanksgiving on has some pain. Not a few guys. Not nicks and bumps-they're all hurt to some degree. It's a given. If it's that bad they sit. This is a little like saying Sanchez played in those games. If it's one thing that has to change going forward it is the excuses and whiny little kid crap have to stop right now. If Mark Sanchez doens't want to play hurt, he can negate his contract and do something else with his life. Otherwise play hurt or sit.

Umm really cause by my account he didn't miss a single snap despite getting brutally assaulted for most f the season. And as I recall mark didnt say sh*t all year besides little soreness, and has even said that everyone is playing hurt. So take your hidden agendas and anterior motives of bashing him someplace else

You guys are too much. He sucked this year but are we seriously implying that Sanchez is not tough?

He also never said squat anytime he got his clock cleaned and walked off the field looking like he was done.

Agree 100% you could say alot of things about mark but not being tough isn't one of them

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Nobody said he wasn't tough, but this "Oh by the way, he was playing with a SORE NECK!" business reeks of revisionist excuse-making.

Of course it does. It also is something that they would not make known during the season. The biggest sin in this is having noone to replace him while he played a large part in us missing the psot season..

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He is tough. But it wasn't on the injury report. Which means either a. he was in no way in danger of missing a game and this a a BS excuse or b. the Jets didn't include him on the weekly injury report, which is, has been and is a fine-able NFL offense.

I would like nothing better that Sanchez straightens up and becomes a very good QB, which is right now his maximum upsisde.

No matter what, the quickest and easiest fix is to get rid of Schitty.

I write this with an open mind.May be Sanchez is a decent QB who can be Eli Manning If however the Jets' braintrust decide it's time to cut bait on Pick 6, so be it. Let's get it over with. We spent the better part of a decade pretending that with just the right parts and just the right plan Pennington could win big games and get us THERE. It wasn't true then, it may not be true now with Sanchez. Wasting seasons wishing hopefully if they know it won't pan out is foolish. If they think it thoroughly through and are comfortable that this has gone as far as it can, so be it. Do it. Don't wastr time. Two #1s for Brees is practically nothing. And doing anything else is the kind of indecision that gets coaches and GMs fired.

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It's embarrassing by any measure and this really gives you insight as to why he has seemingly so little respect in the locker room and around the league. Remember before the season when Aaron Rodgers trashed Sanchez for his twink photo shoot?

oh jesus just stick a tampon in it already and quit crying

you are the embarrasment

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@Bugg...do you seriously think any team would push forward with someone they think can't get the job done?

I think there is a school of thought that with a decent running game and a good defense you can massage 9-11 wins out of almost any NFL team if you QB can manage the game and minimize the mistakes. Which is how we got to 2 AFCCG is 2 years. And if you get there, things might happen. It almost did happen. But once defenses recognize the weaknesses of a game manager QB, you're done. You have to pass effectively or you will only get so far. As the Niners and Ravens are both about to find out, unless their QBs step it up. And that "step it up" is the question with Sanchez ;so far the evidence is more against it happening,.And I do think the job secuirty winning 9-11 games provides gives coaches and GMs the idea that it's sufficient to keep cashing checks every other week.
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Some of you are ridiculous.....lets see what the Jets options were:

1) Have a press conference and say Sanchez has a pinched nerve and let every team know he cant throw the ball downfield and his accuracy will be affected.

2) Have a press conference and say Sanchez is hurt and bench him for our decent backup.......oh wait we dont have one.

3) Keep it under wraps, do what you can with basically the ONLY QB on our roster and deal with it after the season.

They choose option 3 which is clearly the correct one. Not saying this makes an excuse for everything that happened at all but is it at least believable? Definitely. I feel like some of you have created this image of Sanchez that he doesn't even have the ability to throw down the field and that he has never done it. Go and watch highlights from last year....you tell me what else makes sense other than either our OC not having faith in him or his neck being pretty badly injured. It just doesnt make any sense, last year he threw the ball downfield and was WAY more accurate. Maybe this is an explanation or maybe this is an excuse who knows but we'll find out next season because I highly doubt he's going anywhere.

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I don't know. Ask Brett Favre. That was his excuse.

Yeah well after playing some rediculous ammount of consecutive games and 500 TD passes I doubt Farve needed an excuse.

If Snachez de puta is lucky to play awhile he might get 500 ints and a fungal infection to go with his neck boo boo.

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Some of you are ridiculous.....lets see what the Jets options were:

1) Have a press conference and say Sanchez has a pinched nerve and let every team know he cant throw the ball downfield and his accuracy will be affected.

2) Have a press conference and say Sanchez is hurt and bench him for our decent backup.......oh wait we dont have one.

3) Keep it under wraps, do what you can with basically the ONLY QB on our roster and deal with it after the season.

They choose option 3 which is clearly the correct one. Not saying this makes an excuse for everything that happened at all but is it at least believable? Definitely. I feel like some of you have created this image of Sanchez that he doesn't even have the ability to throw down the field and that he has never done it. Go and watch highlights from last year....you tell me what else makes sense other than either our OC not having faith in him or his neck being pretty badly injured. It just doesnt make any sense, last year he threw the ball downfield and was WAY more accurate. Maybe this is an explanation or maybe this is an excuse who knows but we'll find out next season because I highly doubt he's going anywhere.

You forgot

4) Bullsh!t excuse well after the fact for why the QB sucked so bad this season.

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You forgot

4) Bullsh!t excuse well after the fact for why the QB sucked so bad this season.

Fair enough....like I said it could be an excuse but it also kinda makes sense. There was definitely a drop off at that point. like I said we'll find out next year because he's still our starting QB next year.

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During the course of an NFL season EVERYONE is playing hurt. This is crap. If you're injurted, have a seat. Ootherwise don't use it as an excuse. If he will be the QB in 2012, the Jets need to stop babying this overgrown child. he's paid like a real NFL QB, it's past time he started acting like one. And was the real injury sand in his vagina?

They didn't baby him. He kept playing.

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