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Likelihood Sanchez will be the Jets starting QB in 2012?


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98% week 1.. The only chance he doesn't start is Peyton Manning coming here..

Even if we brought in a guy like Campbell and he clearly outplays Sanchez, my guess is that Sanchez would start cause he'll be the unquestioned starter... Which is my biggest problem, I think we need a legit backup and legit competition. Sanchez has done nothing, aside from come out in a weak QB draft, to deserve a 4th year to suck in without competition..

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2 scenarios

Jets start season with same QBs 100% Sanchez starts..............for about 4-5 games.

Henne or anyone else with an arm signs with NYJ? 100% Sanchez sits..................................and pouts.

I doubt it.. I don't see Rex giving up on him and even making it a competition.. the it's all schotty's fault counter stories are all ready starting to circulate, something that will be the common theme by spring

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If you had to guess, what likelihood would you say Sanchez has to be the starting QB in 2012?

For purposes of this question, starting QB = starts 1st regular season game (not necessarily all season.)

Right now, I would put the chances at 90%.

99% There is very little chance they are going to abandon this course after two AFC championship games and an 8-8 season

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99% There is very little chance they are going to abandon this course after two AFC championship games and an 8-8 season

That's actually the worst thing, if they think like that. Sanchez basically had little to do with this teams recent success, as any avg QB you put in there would've fared better

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I think it depends on who they bring in. If it's REAL competition (Orton or similar) 60% because he will clearly be outplayed but will still get the benefit of the doubt unless he has a pre-season meltdown. If it's a former bust like Leinart or Quinn it's competition like Brunell was competition, which is to say there is none and 100% Sanchez starts (only a meltdown loses his job). If it's just another rookie "competing" there is no actual competition either and it's 100% as well.

But with any of these scenarios, with a different OC, the leash will not be of infinite length like it's been for 3 years.

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I'd say 99%, the 1% being injury, or Manning. That being said if the philosophy stays as is 1st down power run 2nd down run, he will face to many 3rd and longs, and will fail, part of it being he was put in a situation to fail. If this happens there will be a lot of people calling for his benching and the Jets might give in. In that case nothing will Change the new QB will face a lot of 3rd and longs and look just as bad if not worse.

You can't succeed consistently facing 3rd and longs on every single drive. The few times during the season when the Jets called and executed plays that attacked defenses on early downs, instead of the normal philosophy of getting to 3rd and manageable (how this philosophy is even considered in the NFL baffles me) the offense was pretty successful there were a number of drives (4-7) this year where we attacked and drove 60+ yards in under 3 minutes, we need more of this next year it's the way today's NFL works.

Also the fact that we were so successful in the redzone, is attributed to being aggressive and attacking once we got there (I would assume Tom Moore's influence), and were so bad everywhere else (trying to get to 3rd and manageable AKA Schotty ball, AKA Penningtontology, AKA ground and pound) just shows how inept our offensive system, and coaching were last season.

I guess a long story short I hope the Jets attack more offensively next season to give Sanchez a chance to succeed.

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Sanchez will start.

He'll have solid performances the 1st few weeks and the team will get a few wins.

The chorus will sing "See, it was Schotty all along".

By week 6 we'll be back to where we are now.

By week 11 if there's another QB on the roster, he'll be benched.

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I think it depends on who they bring in. If it's REAL competition (Orton or similar) 60% because he will clearly be outplayed but will still get the benefit of the doubt unless he has a pre-season meltdown. If it's a former bust like Leinart or Quinn it's competition like Brunell was competition, which is to say there is none and 100% Sanchez starts (only a meltdown loses his job). If it's just another rookie "competing" there is no actual competition either and it's 100% as well.

But with any of these scenarios, with a different OC, the leash will not be of infinite length like it's been for 3 years.

This is my line of thinking as well. Barring them somehow getting themselves a real starter type (be it Manning or anyone else), he's going to likely get the benefit of the doubt and given the start outside of some extreme circumstances occurring. With how much the team (Tanny and Rex in particular) has invested him, they'd need a very convincing reason to not give him at least one more shot. That said, I would seriously doubt that they don't bring at least another legit QB option to have biting at his heels throughout the season and possibly eventually taking his job.

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Sanchez will start.

He'll have solid performances the 1st few weeks and the team will get a few wins.

The chorus will sing "See, it was Schotty all along".

By week 6 we'll be back to where we are now.

By week 11 if there's another QB on the roster, he'll be benched.

This is 100% coming, it's going to be pennington all over again. Are you prepared to be told to eat a BBVC?

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This is 100% coming, it's going to be pennington all over again. Are you prepared to be told to eat a BBVC?

"hahaha EY where's your big mouth now? sanchize 9 TDs in 6 games on pace for 27 TDs. Ya he has 5 picks but 2 of those were tipped at the LOS and another one was bc Holmes ran the wrong route so that's really just 2 picks that were his fault prolly. If Marshon Lynch ever gets it in gear this offense will be dominate."

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Just out of curiosity what would Sanchez have to do in the first 6 games of the season for you to admit that he has turned it around? Or will you only admit that after the season is over? Not trying to be a smart a$$ or anything, I really want to know.

10 TD's? 60% completion rate? <3 turnovers?

Just wondering.

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Sanchez will start.

He'll have solid performances the 1st few weeks and the team will get a few wins.

The chorus will sing "See, it was Schotty all along".

By week 6 we'll be back to where we are now.

By week 11 if there's another QB on the roster, he'll be benched.

I think you actually root for this scenario. Sad.

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Just out of curiosity what would Sanchez have to do in the first 6 games of the season for you to admit that he has turned it around? Or will you only admit that after the season is over? Not trying to be a smart a$$ or anything, I really want to know.

10 TD's? 60% completion rate? <3 turnovers?

Just wondering.

On the upside,I'm hoping he's got:

6 or more touchdowns (including rushing)

3 or less turnovers (inclduing fumbles)

At least 7.0 YPA.

60% completion percentage

by that time.

In other words, high quality "game manager" stats.

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On the upside,I'm hoping he's got:

6 or more touchdowns (including rushing)

3 or less turnovers (inclduing fumbles)

At least 7.0 YPA.

60% completion percentage

by that time.

In other words, high quality "game manager" stats.

Ok thats a fair expectation. I honestly think he will have more TD's. I think he needed this OC change bad, more than he even realizes.

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Just out of curiosity what would Sanchez have to do in the first 6 games of the season for you to admit that he has turned it around? Or will you only admit that after the season is over? Not trying to be a smart a$$ or anything, I really want to know.

10 TD's? 60% completion rate? <3 turnovers?

Just wondering.

Stats come second to the eye test. Is the offense moving the football? Is he stepping up in the pocket? Is he making smart decisions? Is he staring down WRs? Are his passes accurate beyond completion %, as in, does he put the ball in the right spot? Does he make a defense pay for sitting underneath as they all did against him all season? Does he maintain a decent level of play for 4 quarters? Does he prevent bad plays from becoming terrible ones?

I've said this about wins, but stats are the same way... They generally follow good play. Individual wins and losses, just like individual stats are secondary. If your team is playing well and if a player is playing well, the wins and the stats will come.

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Stats come second to the eye test. Is the offense moving the football? Is he stepping up in the pocket? Is he making smart decisions? Is he staring down WRs? Are his passes accurate beyond completion %, as in, does he put the ball in the right spot? Does he make a defense pay for sitting underneath as they all did against him all season? Does he maintain a decent level of play for 4 quarters? Does he prevent bad plays from becoming terrible ones?

I've said this about wins, but stats are the same way... They generally follow good play. Individual wins and losses, just like individual stats are secondary. If your team is playing well and if a player is playing well, the wins and the stats will come.

I have to say, I know you have a hatred towards him (although maybe not as much as JiF does) but those are all fair eye tests. If he does even 5 of the 8 things you listed there it will be a major improvement.

Do you have any faith at all that he an do it under Sparano who will focus on protecting him and possibly a guy who they bring in to help him grow?

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I have to say, I know you have a hatred towards him (although maybe not as much as JiF does) but those are all fair eye tests. If he does even 5 of the 8 things you listed there it will be a major improvement.

Do you have any faith at all that he an do it under Sparano who will focus on protecting him and possibly a guy who they bring in to help him grow?

I do not think he will. At least not on a time frame that would be acceptable.

I'm not sure accuracy is something you can work on at a certain point and I think he processes information to slowly for the speed of an NFL game. I believe he has solid skills but benefited greatly from playing on a college team (for only one year, mind you) where the talent of his offense was week in and week out significantly better than the defense he faced.

I don't see much to build on either. He's got adequate skills and solid athleticism, but there's nothing on the field that he does especially well. There are things he does well compared to himself, but not to the average NFL starter.

I also don't think he has the mental toughness to be a high level athlete. Explained in golf terms, from what I've seen from him, I don't think Sanchez could make a 9 foot putt worth 5 million. He really doesn't handle adversity well and he gets down on himself quickly. Again, at USC, he rarely faced adversity.

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Stats come second to the eye test. Is the offense moving the football? Is he stepping up in the pocket? Is he making smart decisions? Is he staring down WRs? Are his passes accurate beyond completion %, as in, does he put the ball in the right spot? Does he make a defense pay for sitting underneath as they all did against him all season? Does he maintain a decent level of play for 4 quarters? Does he prevent bad plays from becoming terrible ones?

I've said this about wins, but stats are the same way... They generally follow good play. Individual wins and losses, just like individual stats are secondary. If your team is playing well and if a player is playing well, the wins and the stats will come.

I have to say, I know you have a hatred towards him (although maybe not as much as JiF does) but those are all fair eye tests. If he does even 5 of the 8 things you listed there it will be a major improvement.

Do you have any faith at all that he an do it under Sparano who will focus on protecting him and possibly a guy who they bring in to help him grow?

I know I have a lot of content on the board but I've said all those things. Its not about his stats its about his awful habits. And there was a time when I defended him. Even had his picture in my avatar.

Anyway, he's going to be our QB so I'll say this. I'd be happy if he broke these habits:

Stop aiming the ball. He tries to place every pass. Just sling it already. I think if he stopped trying to place every pass and just threw it, he'd improve his accuracy (hitting recievers in stride, throwing through a window and throw a WR open). His arm isnt terrible. That I think is correctable.

Stop staring down pressure. See it, slide and get your eyes down field. He has a problem with this in the pocket. Freaking guy had his eyes closed vs. the Giants during one rush. Ugh

Stop staring down receivers. Not only are corners and LB'ers reading eyes, OL does too, especially vs. shorter QB's hence all the batted balls at the LOS.

Most importantly, man the **** up. Stop being such a pussy. Be a leader.

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I do not think he will. At least not on a time frame that would be acceptable.

I'm not sure accuracy is something you can work on at a certain point and I think he processes information to slowly for the speed of an NFL game. I believe he has solid skills but benefited greatly from playing on a college team (for only one year, mind you) where the talent of his offense was week in and week out significantly better than the defense he faced.

I don't see much to build on either. He's got adequate skills and solid athleticism, but there's nothing on the field that he does especially well. There are things he does well compared to himself, but not to the average NFL starter.

I also don't think he has the mental toughness to be a high level athlete. Explained in golf terms, from what I've seen from him, I don't think Sanchez could make a 9 foot putt worth 5 million. He really doesn't handle adversity well and he gets down on himself quickly. Again, at USC, he rarely faced adversity.

Agree with everything except I think if he stopped aiming the ball and just threw it, he'd improve his accuracy. I dont think he'll ever be an super accurate passer but I think he could improve if he stopped aiming for WR's. Sling it and throw it to a spot. Its almost like he's one of those Qb's that aim for the numbers on ever pass hence all the back shoulder passes that break a receivers stride.

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