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Bill Polian And Herman Edwards On The Sanchez/Tebow Situation, “Has The Makings Of A Full Blown Quarterback Controversy”


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Former Indianapolis Colts Vice Chairman and Buffalo Bills General Manager Bill Polian along with Jets Ex-Head Coach (2001-2005) Herman Edwards gave their opinion on the potential Sanchez/Tebow “quarterback controversy” during ESPN’s NFL Live:

“What has been your reaction about the way this whole Tim Tebow thing been playing out with the Jets? Everyone suddenly saying he’s the greatest, he’s got this leadership skills,” NFL Live host Trey Wingo asked Polian and Edwards to give their opinion on the current state of the Jets quarterback situation.

“I think that’s one that is going to have to play out,” Polian responded.  “We’re going have to see exactly what it is that Tebow does in that offense, how many snaps he gets, what does he do when he gets those snaps?  How does it affect Mark Sanchez in terms of how many times he’s in the ballgame having to throw the ball in critical situations, when everybody knows it’s coming … This has a makings of a full blown quarterback controversy, because of the nature of where it is.”

“They can say he’s (Tebow) a specialist and he’s going to run the wildcat but you know and I know Tim Tebow wants to be a starting quarterback in the National Football League, that’s what they brought in,” Coach Edwards said.  “Mark Sanchez understands that too, now Mark Sanchez is the starting quarterback, it’s his job to lose, and he has to understand that because if there is slippage all of a sudden it won’t be five plays anymore for Tim Tebow, it becomes a series of plays, and now the controversy really gets going.”

In a recent Jet-Nation recap article several Jets players make complimentary comments about Tebow, which Wingo alluded to, and an anonymous player indicates that receiver Santonio Holmes would be calling for Tebow “If Sanchez trips (up),” or has “slippage” as Coach Edwards calls it.

Seems like the Jets quarterback discussion will continue to be a hot topic for quite awhile.

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blah blah blah.. How many other people can we get to say that this is going to be a Qb controversy in NY? When will we meet that quota? How manyw will it be before we say.... " WE' VE HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE!!!!!!! "

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This sounds about right to me. Same problem the Chiefs have (and I inwardly scoffed when Pioli said they had multiple good quarterbacks). If you think you have more than one good quarterback, chances are you have none.

Tebow is both the best and worst thing that could happen to Sanchez. A young guy who is a legitimate threat to take his job could push Sanchez to improve. On the other hand, Mark could crumble and the Jets go from a bad pocket passer to a bad running passer.

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There will be a QB controversy amongst the fans, and the media will do everything they can to stir the flames of course. NY media loves to attack the Jets.

In reality I don't think there will be much of a controversy on the team. (Who cares what Holmes thinks) They are very different QB's with very different skill sets, and will be used in very different roles.

As far as the players saying good things about Tebow, it's just after all the ridiculously negative things that have been written about Tebows throwing ability they are amazed to see he can throw the ball. On top of that he's not coming in here to stir a lot of trouble. it turns out he's a real nice guy, and a team player.

Neither of the QB's are the type that will attempt to stab the other in the back in the clubhouse

All Sanchez has to do is play reasonably well in his role with out having a total melt down. To resemble an NFL QB. To play with in a very simplified system that will play to his skill set.

if he can do that he will remain the starting QB. If he can't then he is a bust, and it is thankful that there is at least another QB on the team who has been a winning starter

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Wow - it took their collective minds to figure out that a QB controversy could be on the horizon with these two? Really.

What's next? A wild prediction that the Jets will have to get past the Patriots to win the division??/

Sensible people would not trust Herman Edwards to order a pizza. The man is an imbecile. I will always look on his time in NY as a collasal lost opportunity. That we got a pick for him that became Leon Washington is a miracle. Suspect he was only hired by Carl Peterson because Edwards possessed photos of Peterson and members of the Hunt family in sexual congress with farm and forest animals, possibly dead ones. There is no other explanation.

Bill Polian would probably threaten the pizza guy over the phone when it didn't arrive in under a half hour. And when that proved ineffective, he would then go to the pizzeria and break all the windows.

ESPN employs these men. Skip Ball-less and Screaming A Smith too. Good luck with that business plan. it's amazing ABC/Disney hasn't run Disneyworld into the ground.

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There will be a QB controversy amongst the fans, and the media will do everything they can to stir the flames of course. NY media loves to attack the Jets.

In reality I don't think there will be much of a controversy on the team. (Who cares what Holmes thinks) They are very different QB's with very different skill sets, and will be used in very different roles.

As far as the players saying good things about Tebow, it's just after all the ridiculously negative things that have been written about Tebows throwing ability they are amazed to see he can throw the ball. On top of that he's not coming in here to stir a lot of trouble. it turns out he's a real nice guy, and a team player.

Neither of the QB's are the type that will attempt to stab the other in the back in the clubhouse

All Sanchez has to do is play reasonably well in his role with out having a total melt down. To resemble an NFL QB. To play with in a very simplified system that will play to his skill set.

if he can do that he will remain the starting QB. If he can't then he is a bust, and it is thankful that there is at least another QB on the team who has been a winning starter


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Sensible people would not trust Herman Edwards to order a pizza. The man is an imbecile. I will always look on his time in NY as a collasal lost opportunity. That we got a pick for him that became Leon Washington is a miracle. Suspect he was only hired by Carl Peterson because Edwards possessed photos of Peterson and members of the Hunt family in sexual congress with farm and forest animals, possibly dead ones. There is no other explanation.

Bill Polian would probably threaten the pizza guy over the phone when it didn't arrive in under a half hour. And when that proved ineffective, he would then go to the pizzeria and break all the windows.

ESPN employs these men. Skip Ball-less and Screaming A Smith too. Good luck with that business plan. it's amazing ABC/Disney hasn't run Disneyworld into the ground.

Everybody on ESPN sucks

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Neither of the QB's are the type that will attempt to stab the other in the back in the clubhouse

All Sanchez has to do is play reasonably well in his role with out having a total melt down. To resemble an NFL QB. To play with in a very simplified system that will play to his skill set.

Tebow may be a Christian sweetheart, but he's a very serious competitor who wants to be the starting QB on the NY Jets. He may not stab Sanchez in the back, but he's not going to pull any punches, either.

If Tebow takes the job away, I wouldn't put it past Sanchez to do a little back stabbing. He can be pouty and immature as the starter, I imagine that gets worse when he's on the bench. And while I hold out hope that Sanchez can and will improve now that Marty Schottenheimer's evil spawn has been removed from the equation, he still has a lot to prove - and he has to prove it in a new offense with a rookie WR minus LT. It's not going to be easy. If the Jets see Tebow as their potential starter, it'll be impossible.

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They are very different QB's with very different skill sets, and will be used in very different roles.

They are different all right, just not the way that most people think they are.

And everyone on the Jet's staff says that there is only ONE OFFENSE, not two different offenses.

Play selection will probably vary somewhat, but that would be true with any two QB's.


PM - 26 TD's to 28 Ints .9 to 1 Ratio - Peyton's first 16 Starts (Peyton's HoF Career TD/Int Ratio is 2 to 1)

MS - 12 TD's to 20 Ints for a .6 to 1 Ratio - Mark's first 16 Starts

TT >>> 17 TD's to 9 Ints for a 1.9 to 1 Ratio - Tim's first 16 Starts + 12 backup plays. (plus 12 rushing TD's to 6 LPF's)

Tebow's Total Offense = 29 TD'/s to 15 Turnovers for a 1.93 to 1 Ratio

Who is really the most 'accurate' QB.

Who can read the defensive secondary? (TD/Int Ratio)

The media-morons and the idiot-commentators have led most of the public astray with their ignorant parroting of each others baseless nonsense.

Do fans really believe that Tim won't improve with time, given the right coaches and teammates?

If you want to believe that, then don't listen to what his current coaches and teammates are saying....


Want to compare Tebow's to Manning's 1'st Playoff games?

1999 (Peyton's 2nd year in the league and his 33rd 'every advantage' start)

Passing - 19 of 42, 45.2% for 227 yds, 5.4 yds/att, 0 TD's, 0 Ints, PER 62.3

Rushing - 2 for 22 yds, 11 ypc, 1 TD.

Total Offense - 44 plays for 249 yds, 5.6 yds/play, 1 TD with a loss.

2011 (Tebow's 2nd year in the league but only his 15th start against the Steelers #1 Defense)

Passing - 10 of 21, 47.6% for 316 yds, 15.0 yds/att, 2 TD's, 0 Ints, PER 125.6

Rushing - 10 for 50 yds, 5.0 ypc 1 TD.

Total Offense - 31 plays for 366 yds, 11.3 yds/play, 3 TD's for a Win.

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They are different all right, just not the way that most people think they are.

And everyone on the Jet's staff says that there is only ONE OFFENSE, not two different offenses.

Play selection will probably vary somewhat, but that would be true with any two QB's.


PM - 26 TD's to 28 Ints .9 to 1 Ratio - Peyton's first 16 Starts (Peyton's HoF Career TD/Int Ratio is 2 to 1)

MS - 12 TD's to 20 Ints for a .6 to 1 Ratio - Mark's first 16 Starts

TT >>> 17 TD's to 9 Ints for a 1.9 to 1 Ratio - Tim's first 16 Starts + 12 backup plays. (plus 12 rushing TD's to 6 LPF's)

Tebow's Total Offense = 29 TD'/s to 15 Turnovers for a 1.93 to 1 Ratio

Who is really the most 'accurate' QB.

Who can read the defensive secondary? (TD/Int Ratio)

The media-morons and the idiot-commentators have led most of the public astray with their ignorant parroting of each others baseless nonsense.

Do fans really believe that Tim won't improve with time, given the right coaches and teammates?

If you want to believe that, then don't listen to what his current coaches and teammates are saying....


Want to compare Tebow's to Manning's 1'st Playoff games?

1999 (Peyton's 2nd year in the league and his 33rd 'every advantage' start)

Passing - 19 of 42, 45.2% for 227 yds, 5.4 yds/att, 0 TD's, 0 Ints, PER 62.3

Rushing - 2 for 22 yds, 11 ypc, 1 TD.

Total Offense - 44 plays for 249 yds, 5.6 yds/play, 1 TD with a loss.

2011 (Tebow's 2nd year in the league but only his 15th start against the Steelers #1 Defense)

Passing - 10 of 21, 47.6% for 316 yds, 15.0 yds/att, 2 TD's, 0 Ints, PER 125.6

Rushing - 10 for 50 yds, 5.0 ypc 1 TD.

Total Offense - 31 plays for 366 yds, 11.3 yds/play, 3 TD's for a Win.


Tebow is headed to the HOF baby!!! He's the next Peyton Manning, Troy Aikman, John Elway, and Steve Young.


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They are different all right, just not the way that most people think they are.

And everyone on the Jet's staff says that there is only ONE OFFENSE, not two different offenses.

Play selection will probably vary somewhat, but that would be true with any two QB's.


PM - 26 TD's to 28 Ints .9 to 1 Ratio - Peyton's first 16 Starts (Peyton's HoF Career TD/Int Ratio is 2 to 1)

MS - 12 TD's to 20 Ints for a .6 to 1 Ratio - Mark's first 16 Starts

TT >>> 17 TD's to 9 Ints for a 1.9 to 1 Ratio - Tim's first 16 Starts + 12 backup plays. (plus 12 rushing TD's to 6 LPF's)

Tebow's Total Offense = 29 TD'/s to 15 Turnovers for a 1.93 to 1 Ratio

Who is really the most 'accurate' QB.

Who can read the defensive secondary? (TD/Int Ratio)

The media-morons and the idiot-commentators have led most of the public astray with their ignorant parroting of each others baseless nonsense.

Do fans really believe that Tim won't improve with time, given the right coaches and teammates?

If you want to believe that, then don't listen to what his current coaches and teammates are saying....


Want to compare Tebow's to Manning's 1'st Playoff games?

1999 (Peyton's 2nd year in the league and his 33rd 'every advantage' start)

Passing - 19 of 42, 45.2% for 227 yds, 5.4 yds/att, 0 TD's, 0 Ints, PER 62.3

Rushing - 2 for 22 yds, 11 ypc, 1 TD.

Total Offense - 44 plays for 249 yds, 5.6 yds/play, 1 TD with a loss.

2011 (Tebow's 2nd year in the league but only his 15th start against the Steelers #1 Defense)

Passing - 10 of 21, 47.6% for 316 yds, 15.0 yds/att, 2 TD's, 0 Ints, PER 125.6

Rushing - 10 for 50 yds, 5.0 ypc 1 TD.

Total Offense - 31 plays for 366 yds, 11.3 yds/play, 3 TD's for a Win.

So, if A duck floats on water...its made of wood, which burns...and so if Tim Tebow weighs less than a duck, then he's made of wood, and therefore....

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For the most part, the making of a good analyst is entirely dependent on formulating the right questions. These are very stupid and generic questions.

exactly ! Herm was obvious as a coach and now hes obvious as an analyst

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Without reading the whole thread, can I just say I'm really glad that Polian and Edwards are here to point this out? Because I could have missed it, the first 500 or 1000 times it was said.

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Schefter is insightful.

Herm is his polar opposite. In other words, ESPN has 'slippage' when Edwards is on.

Actually, I do not mind Shefter. I was thinking of all the ex jocks and coaches that they put on. As well as Chris Berman, th man who sweats gravy.

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So, if A duck floats on water...its made of wood, which burns...and so if Tim Tebow weighs less than a duck, then he's made of wood, and therefore....

What else floats in water?? "um... very small rocks!"

I hear ya. Those fact are nice and all, but it takes more than one season of taking people by surprise to convince me. I like that he's on the team and I honestly look forward to this season, but comparing Tebow to Manning at this point is silly.....while I do understand the argument.

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What else floats in water?? "um... very small rocks!"

I hear ya. Those fact are nice and all, but it takes more than one season of taking people by surprise to convince me. I like that he's on the team and I honestly look forward to this season, but comparing Tebow to Manning at this point is silly.....while I do understand the argument.

I was looking for the term, "A witch!" But nice reference with "very small rocks". "Churches" would also have been acceptable.

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I was looking for the term, "A witch!" But nice reference with "very small rocks". "Churches" would also have been acceptable.

A WITCH!! Yes.... why I didn't just right that I don't know. I think I've been waiting for an opportunity to write "very small rocks " for a loooooooooooong time man.

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