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JetNation Partners With Yes Network.com


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We are pleased to announce a new partnership with YES Network.com. Our content will now be featured on http://web.yesnetwork.com/index.jsp Give their site a look and you will see us on the home page. Also if you go to the NFL page, you will see a lot of our front page content.

We are looking forward to working with YES. Just wanted to let everyone know about this new partnership. :)


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We are pleased to announce a new partnership with YES Network.com. Our content will now be featured on http://web.yesnetwork.com/index.jsp Give their site a look and you will see us on the home page. Also if you go to the NFL page, you will see a lot of our front page content.

We are looking forward to working with YES. Just wanted to let everyone know about this new partnership. :)


As JN Captain, allow me to say I offer my congratulations on behalf of the entire JetNation community. Job well done.

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Very nice.

I hope this doesn't mean we need to tone down our posts due to your selling out to the corporate interests.

Because if the ghey jokes go away, that's like 65% of the posts...

A JN where you can't make fun of JiF, seems like such a desolate place.

Please tell me that you retained all creative rights. ha ha

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Very nice.

I hope this doesn't mean we need to tone down our posts due to your selling out to the corporate interests.

Because if the ghey jokes go away, that's like 65% of the posts...

A JN where you can't make fun of JiF, seems like such a desolate place.

Please tell me that you retained all creative rights. ha ha

NO. This is not a money partnership. It is a content partnership. We have full editorial control, if they don't like a front page post for whatever reason, they just won't use it.

The forums? Yeah nobody wants to partner with these forums, lol.


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We are pleased to announce a new partnership with YES Network.com. Our content will now be featured on http://web.yesnetwork.com/index.jsp Give their site a look and you will see us on the home page. Also if you go to the NFL page, you will see a lot of our front page content.

We are looking forward to working with YES. Just wanted to let everyone know about this new partnership. :)


I feel so famous now!

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